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1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef IRTP_SESSION_H
18 #define IRTP_SESSION_H
20 #include <ImsMediaDefine.h>
21 #include <AudioConfig.h>
22 #include <RtpService.h>
23 #include <list>
24 #include <atomic>
25 #include <stdint.h>
26 #include <mutex>
28 /*!
29  * @class       IRtpEncoderListener
30  */
31 class IRtpEncoderListener
32 {
33 public:
IRtpEncoderListener()34     IRtpEncoderListener() {}
~IRtpEncoderListener()35     virtual ~IRtpEncoderListener() {}
36     virtual void OnRtpPacket(unsigned char* pData, uint32_t wLen) = 0;
37 };
39 /*!
40  * @class        IRtcpEncoderListener
41  */
42 class IRtcpEncoderListener
43 {
44 public:
IRtcpEncoderListener()45     IRtcpEncoderListener() {}
~IRtcpEncoderListener()46     virtual ~IRtcpEncoderListener() {}
47     virtual void OnRtcpPacket(unsigned char* pData, uint32_t wLen) = 0;
48 };
50 /*!
51  * @class        IRtpDecoderListener
52  */
53 class IRtpDecoderListener
54 {
55 public:
IRtpDecoderListener()56     IRtpDecoderListener() {}
~IRtpDecoderListener()57     virtual ~IRtpDecoderListener() {}
58     virtual void OnMediaDataInd(unsigned char* data, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t timestamp,
59             bool mark, uint16_t seqNum, uint32_t payloadType, uint32_t ssrc,
60             const RtpHeaderExtensionInfo& extensionInfo) = 0;
61     virtual void OnNumReceivedPacket(uint32_t nNumRtpPacket) = 0;
62 };
64 /*!
65  * @class        IRtcpDecoderListener
66  */
67 class IRtcpDecoderListener
68 {
69 public:
IRtcpDecoderListener()70     IRtcpDecoderListener() {}
~IRtcpDecoderListener()71     virtual ~IRtcpDecoderListener() {}
72     virtual void OnRtcpInd(tRtpSvc_IndicationFromStack eIndType, void* pMsg) = 0;
73     virtual void OnNumReceivedPacket(uint32_t nNumRtcpSRPacket, uint32_t nNumRtcpRRPacket) = 0;
74     virtual void OnEvent(uint32_t event, uint32_t param) = 0;
75 };
77 /*!
78  * @class        IRtpSession
79  */
80 class IRtpSession : public RtpServiceListener
81 {
82 public:
83     static IRtpSession* GetInstance(
84             ImsMediaType type, const RtpAddress& localAddress, const RtpAddress& peerAddress);
85     static void ReleaseInstance(IRtpSession* pSession);
86     IRtpSession(
87             ImsMediaType subtype, const RtpAddress& localAddress, const RtpAddress& peerAddress);
88     virtual ~IRtpSession();
89     bool operator==(const IRtpSession& obj2);
90     bool isSameInstance(
91             ImsMediaType subtype, const RtpAddress& localAddress, const RtpAddress& peerAddress);
92     void SetRtpEncoderListener(IRtpEncoderListener* pRtpEncoderListener);
93     void SetRtpDecoderListener(IRtpDecoderListener* pRtpDecoderListener);
94     void SetRtcpEncoderListener(IRtcpEncoderListener* pRtcpEncoderListener);
95     void SetRtcpDecoderListener(IRtcpDecoderListener* pRtcpDecoderListener);
96     void SetRtpPayloadParam(int32_t payloadNumTx, int32_t payloadNumRx, int32_t samplingRate,
97             int32_t subTxPayloadTypeNum = 0, int32_t subRxPayloadTypeNum = 0,
98             int32_t subSamplingRate = 0);
99     void SetRtcpInterval(int32_t nInterval);
100     void StartRtp(bool bResetSsrc = false);
101     void StopRtp();
102     void StartRtcp(bool bSendRtcpBye = false);
103     void StopRtcp();
104     bool SendRtpPacket(uint32_t payloadType, uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t timestamp,
105             bool mark, uint32_t nTimeDiff, RtpHeaderExtensionInfo* extensionInfo = nullptr);
106     bool ProcRtpPacket(uint8_t* pData, uint32_t nDataSize);
107     bool ProcRtcpPacket(uint8_t* pData, uint32_t nDataSize);
108     // Sends RTP and RTCP statistics to listeners.
109     void OnRtpStatsTimerExpired();
110     void SendRtcpXr(uint8_t* pPayload, uint32_t nSize);
111     bool SendRtcpFeedback(int32_t type, uint8_t* pFic, uint32_t nFicSize);
112     void SetRtpContext(uint32_t ssrc, uint32_t timestamp, uint16_t sequenceNumber);
113     void GetRtpContext(uint32_t& ssrc, uint32_t& timestamp, uint16_t& sequenceNumber);
114     // receive Rtp packet, send it to rtp tx node
115     virtual int OnRtpPacket(unsigned char* pData, RtpSvc_Length wLen);
116     // receive Rtcp packet, send it to rtcp node
117     virtual int OnRtcpPacket(unsigned char* pData, RtpSvc_Length wLen);
118     // indication from the RtpStack
119     virtual void OnPeerInd(tRtpSvc_IndicationFromStack eIndType, void* pMsg);
120     // indication from the RtpStack
121     virtual void OnPeerRtcpComponents(void* nMsg);
123 private:
124     static std::list<IRtpSession*> mListRtpSession;
125     ImsMediaType mMediaType;
126     RTPSESSIONID mRtpSessionId;
127     std::atomic<int32_t> mRefCount;
128     RtpAddress mLocalAddress;
129     RtpAddress mPeerAddress;
130     // Listener
131     IRtpEncoderListener* mRtpEncoderListener;
132     IRtpDecoderListener* mRtpDecoderListener;
133     IRtcpEncoderListener* mRtcpEncoderListener;
134     IRtcpDecoderListener* mRtcpDecoderListener;
135     // payload parameter
136     tRtpSvc_SetPayloadParam mPayloadParam[RTP_MAX_PAYLOAD_TYPE];
137     uint32_t mNumPayloadParam;
138     // Rtp configure
139     uint32_t mLocalRtpSsrc;
140     uint32_t mPeerRtpSsrc;
141     bool mEnableRtcpTx;
142     bool mEnableDTMF;
143     uint32_t mRtpDtmfPayloadType;
144     // internal use
145     uint32_t mPrevTimestamp;
146     uint32_t mRtpStarted;
147     uint32_t mRtcpStarted;
148     uint32_t mNumRtpProcPacket;   // received packet
149     uint32_t mNumRtcpProcPacket;  // received packet
150     uint32_t mNumRtpPacket;       // received packet
151     uint32_t mNumSRPacket;        // received packet
152     uint32_t mNumRRPacket;        // received packet
153     uint32_t mNumRtpDataToSend;
154     uint32_t mNumRtpPacketSent;
155     uint32_t mNumRtcpPacketSent;
156     int32_t mRttd;
157     std::mutex mutexDecoder;
158     std::mutex mutexEncoder;
160     ImsMediaType getMediaType();
161     void increaseRefCounter();
162     void decreaseRefCounter();
163     uint32_t getRefCounter();
164     void addPayloadType(RtpDt_UInt32 payloadType, RtpDt_UInt32 samplingRate);
165 };
167 #endif