1 // Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! This module contains the functions to start, stop and communicate with the
16 //! Service VM.
18 use android_system_virtualizationservice::{
19     aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice::{
20         CpuTopology::CpuTopology, DiskImage::DiskImage,
21         IVirtualizationService::IVirtualizationService, Partition::Partition,
22         PartitionType::PartitionType, VirtualMachineConfig::VirtualMachineConfig,
23         VirtualMachineRawConfig::VirtualMachineRawConfig,
24     },
25     binder::ParcelFileDescriptor,
26 };
27 use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure, Context, Result};
28 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
29 use log::{info, warn};
30 use service_vm_comm::{Request, Response, ServiceVmRequest, VmType};
31 use std::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions};
32 use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Read, Write};
33 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
34 use std::sync::{Condvar, Mutex};
35 use std::thread;
36 use std::time::Duration;
37 use vmclient::{DeathReason, VmInstance};
38 use vsock::{VsockListener, VsockStream, VMADDR_CID_HOST};
40 const VIRT_DATA_DIR: &str = "/data/misc/apexdata/com.android.virt";
41 const RIALTO_PATH: &str = "/apex/com.android.virt/etc/rialto.bin";
42 const INSTANCE_IMG_NAME: &str = "service_vm_instance.img";
43 const INSTANCE_ID_FILENAME: &str = "service_vm_instance_id";
44 const INSTANCE_IMG_SIZE_BYTES: i64 = 1 << 20; // 1MB
45 const MEMORY_MB: i32 = 300;
46 const WRITE_BUFFER_CAPACITY: usize = 512;
47 const READ_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
48 const WRITE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
49 lazy_static! {
50     static ref PENDING_REQUESTS: AtomicCounter = AtomicCounter::default();
51     static ref SERVICE_VM: Mutex<Option<ServiceVm>> = Mutex::new(None);
52     static ref SERVICE_VM_SHUTDOWN: Condvar = Condvar::new();
53 }
55 /// Atomic counter with a condition variable that is used to wait for the counter
56 /// to become positive within a timeout.
57 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
58 struct AtomicCounter {
59     num: Mutex<usize>,
60     num_increased: Condvar,
61 }
63 impl AtomicCounter {
64     /// Checks if the counter becomes positive within the given timeout.
is_positive_within_timeout(&self, timeout: Duration) -> bool65     fn is_positive_within_timeout(&self, timeout: Duration) -> bool {
66         let (guard, _wait_result) = self
67             .num_increased
68             .wait_timeout_while(self.num.lock().unwrap(), timeout, |&mut x| x == 0)
69             .unwrap();
70         *guard > 0
71     }
increment(&self)73     fn increment(&self) {
74         let mut num = self.num.lock().unwrap();
75         *num = num.checked_add(1).unwrap();
76         self.num_increased.notify_all();
77     }
decrement(&self)79     fn decrement(&self) {
80         let mut num = self.num.lock().unwrap();
81         *num = num.checked_sub(1).unwrap();
82     }
83 }
85 /// Processes the request in the service VM.
process_request(request: Request) -> Result<Response>86 pub fn process_request(request: Request) -> Result<Response> {
87     PENDING_REQUESTS.increment();
88     let result = process_request_in_service_vm(request);
89     PENDING_REQUESTS.decrement();
90     thread::spawn(stop_service_vm_if_idle);
91     result
92 }
process_request_in_service_vm(request: Request) -> Result<Response>94 fn process_request_in_service_vm(request: Request) -> Result<Response> {
95     let mut service_vm = SERVICE_VM.lock().unwrap();
96     if service_vm.is_none() {
97         *service_vm = Some(ServiceVm::start()?);
98     }
99     service_vm.as_mut().unwrap().process_request(request)
100 }
stop_service_vm_if_idle()102 fn stop_service_vm_if_idle() {
103     if PENDING_REQUESTS.is_positive_within_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)) {
104         info!("Service VM has pending requests, keeping it running.");
105     } else {
106         info!("Service VM is idle, shutting it down.");
107         *SERVICE_VM.lock().unwrap() = None;
108         SERVICE_VM_SHUTDOWN.notify_all();
109     }
110 }
112 /// Waits until the service VM shuts down.
113 /// This function is only used in tests.
wait_until_service_vm_shuts_down() -> Result<()>114 pub fn wait_until_service_vm_shuts_down() -> Result<()> {
115     const WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
117     let (_guard, wait_result) = SERVICE_VM_SHUTDOWN
118         .wait_timeout_while(SERVICE_VM.lock().unwrap(), WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, |x| x.is_some())
119         .unwrap();
120     ensure!(!wait_result.timed_out(), "Service VM didn't shut down within the timeout");
121     Ok(())
122 }
124 /// Service VM.
125 pub struct ServiceVm {
126     vsock_stream: VsockStream,
127     /// VmInstance will be dropped when ServiceVm goes out of scope, which will kill the VM.
128     vm: VmInstance,
129 }
131 impl ServiceVm {
132     /// Starts the service VM and returns its instance.
133     /// The same instance image is used for different VMs.
134     /// TODO(b/27593612): Remove instance image usage for Service VM.
start() -> Result<Self>135     pub fn start() -> Result<Self> {
136         let instance_img_path = Path::new(VIRT_DATA_DIR).join(INSTANCE_IMG_NAME);
137         let vm = protected_vm_instance(instance_img_path)?;
139         let vm = Self::start_vm(vm, VmType::ProtectedVm)?;
140         Ok(vm)
141     }
143     /// Starts the given VM instance and sets up the vsock connection with it.
144     /// Returns a `ServiceVm` instance.
145     /// This function is exposed for testing.
start_vm(vm: VmInstance, vm_type: VmType) -> Result<Self>146     pub fn start_vm(vm: VmInstance, vm_type: VmType) -> Result<Self> {
147         // Sets up the vsock server on the host.
148         let vsock_listener = VsockListener::bind_with_cid_port(VMADDR_CID_HOST, vm_type.port())?;
150         // Starts the service VM.
151         vm.start().context("Failed to start service VM")?;
152         info!("Service VM started");
154         // Accepts the connection from the service VM.
155         // TODO(b/299427101): Introduce a timeout for the accept.
156         let (vsock_stream, peer_addr) = vsock_listener.accept().context("Failed to accept")?;
157         info!("Accepted connection {:?}", vsock_stream);
158         ensure!(
159             peer_addr.cid() == u32::try_from(vm.cid()).unwrap(),
160             "The CID of the peer address {} doesn't match the service VM CID {}",
161             peer_addr,
162             vm.cid()
163         );
164         vsock_stream.set_read_timeout(Some(READ_TIMEOUT))?;
165         vsock_stream.set_write_timeout(Some(WRITE_TIMEOUT))?;
167         Ok(Self { vsock_stream, vm })
168     }
170     /// Processes the request in the service VM.
process_request(&mut self, request: Request) -> Result<Response>171     pub fn process_request(&mut self, request: Request) -> Result<Response> {
172         self.write_request(&ServiceVmRequest::Process(request))?;
173         self.read_response()
174     }
176     /// Sends the request to the service VM.
write_request(&mut self, request: &ServiceVmRequest) -> Result<()>177     fn write_request(&mut self, request: &ServiceVmRequest) -> Result<()> {
178         let mut buffer = BufWriter::with_capacity(WRITE_BUFFER_CAPACITY, &mut self.vsock_stream);
179         ciborium::into_writer(request, &mut buffer)?;
180         buffer.flush().context("Failed to flush the buffer")?;
181         info!("Sent request to the service VM.");
182         Ok(())
183     }
185     /// Reads the response from the service VM.
read_response(&mut self) -> Result<Response>186     fn read_response(&mut self) -> Result<Response> {
187         let response: Response = ciborium::from_reader(&mut self.vsock_stream)
188             .context("Failed to read the response from the service VM")?;
189         info!("Received response from the service VM.");
190         Ok(response)
191     }
193     /// Shuts down the service VM.
shutdown(&mut self) -> Result<DeathReason>194     fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Result<DeathReason> {
195         self.write_request(&ServiceVmRequest::Shutdown)?;
196         self.vm
197             .wait_for_death_with_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10))
198             .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Timed out to exit the service VM"))
199     }
200 }
202 impl Drop for ServiceVm {
drop(&mut self)203     fn drop(&mut self) {
204         // Wait till the service VM finishes releasing all the resources.
205         match self.shutdown() {
206             Ok(reason) => info!("Exit the service VM successfully: {reason:?}"),
207             Err(e) => warn!("Service VM shutdown request failed '{e:?}', killing it."),
208         }
209     }
210 }
212 /// Returns a `VmInstance` of a protected VM with the instance image from the given path.
protected_vm_instance(instance_img_path: PathBuf) -> Result<VmInstance>213 pub fn protected_vm_instance(instance_img_path: PathBuf) -> Result<VmInstance> {
214     let virtmgr = vmclient::VirtualizationService::new().context("Failed to spawn VirtMgr")?;
215     let service = virtmgr.connect().context("Failed to connect to VirtMgr")?;
216     info!("Connected to VirtMgr for service VM");
218     let instance_img = instance_img(service.as_ref(), instance_img_path)?;
219     let writable_partitions = vec![Partition {
220         label: "vm-instance".to_owned(),
221         image: Some(instance_img),
222         writable: true,
223     }];
224     let rialto = File::open(RIALTO_PATH).context("Failed to open Rialto kernel binary")?;
225     let instance_id_file = Path::new(VIRT_DATA_DIR).join(INSTANCE_ID_FILENAME);
226     let instance_id = get_or_allocate_instance_id(service.as_ref(), instance_id_file)?;
227     let config = VirtualMachineConfig::RawConfig(VirtualMachineRawConfig {
228         name: String::from("Service VM"),
229         bootloader: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(rialto)),
230         disks: vec![DiskImage { image: None, partitions: writable_partitions, writable: true }],
231         instanceId: instance_id,
232         protectedVm: true,
233         memoryMib: MEMORY_MB,
234         cpuTopology: CpuTopology::ONE_CPU,
235         platformVersion: "~1.0".to_string(),
236         gdbPort: 0, // No gdb
237         ..Default::default()
238     });
239     let console_out = Some(android_log_fd()?);
240     let console_in = None;
241     let log = Some(android_log_fd()?);
242     let callback = None;
243     VmInstance::create(service.as_ref(), &config, console_out, console_in, log, callback)
244         .context("Failed to create service VM")
245 }
247 /// TODO(b/291213394): Reuse this method in other places such as vm and compos.
get_or_allocate_instance_id( service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, instance_id_file: PathBuf, ) -> Result<[u8; 64]>248 fn get_or_allocate_instance_id(
249     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
250     instance_id_file: PathBuf,
251 ) -> Result<[u8; 64]> {
252     let mut instance_id = [0; 64];
253     if instance_id_file.exists() {
254         let mut file = File::open(&instance_id_file)?;
255         file.read_exact(&mut instance_id)?;
256     } else {
257         info!("Allocating a new instance ID for the Service VM");
258         instance_id = service.allocateInstanceId()?;
259         fs::write(instance_id_file, instance_id)?;
260     }
261     Ok(instance_id)
262 }
264 /// Returns the file descriptor of the instance image at the given path.
instance_img( service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, instance_img_path: PathBuf, ) -> Result<ParcelFileDescriptor>265 fn instance_img(
266     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
267     instance_img_path: PathBuf,
268 ) -> Result<ParcelFileDescriptor> {
269     if instance_img_path.exists() {
270         // TODO(b/298174584): Try to recover if the service VM is triggered by rkpd.
271         return Ok(OpenOptions::new()
272             .read(true)
273             .write(true)
274             .open(instance_img_path)
275             .map(ParcelFileDescriptor::new)?);
276     }
277     let instance_img = OpenOptions::new()
278         .create(true)
279         .truncate(true)
280         .read(true)
281         .write(true)
282         .open(instance_img_path)
283         .map(ParcelFileDescriptor::new)?;
284     service.initializeWritablePartition(
285         &instance_img,
287         PartitionType::ANDROID_VM_INSTANCE,
288     )?;
289     Ok(instance_img)
290 }
292 /// This function is only exposed for testing.
android_log_fd() -> io::Result<File>293 pub fn android_log_fd() -> io::Result<File> {
294     let (reader_fd, writer_fd) = nix::unistd::pipe()?;
296     let reader = File::from(reader_fd);
297     let writer = File::from(writer_fd);
299     thread::spawn(|| {
300         for line in BufReader::new(reader).lines() {
301             match line {
302                 Ok(l) => info!("{}", l),
303                 Err(e) => {
304                     warn!("Failed to read line: {e:?}");
305                     break;
306                 }
307             }
308         }
309     });
310     Ok(writer)
311 }