1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.tools.traces.wm
19 import android.tools.Rotation
20 import android.tools.withCache
22 /**
23  * Represents the requested policy of a WM container
24  *
25  * This is a generic object that is reused by both Flicker and Winscope and cannot access internal
26  * Java/Android functionality
27  */
28 class WindowManagerPolicy
29 private constructor(
30     val focusedAppToken: String = "",
31     val forceStatusBar: Boolean = false,
32     val forceStatusBarFromKeyguard: Boolean = false,
33     val keyguardDrawComplete: Boolean = false,
34     val keyguardOccluded: Boolean = false,
35     val keyguardOccludedChanged: Boolean = false,
36     val keyguardOccludedPending: Boolean = false,
37     val lastSystemUiFlags: Int = 0,
38     val orientation: Int = 0,
39     val rotation: Rotation = Rotation.ROTATION_0,
40     val rotationMode: Int = 0,
41     val screenOnFully: Boolean = false,
42     val windowManagerDrawComplete: Boolean = false
43 ) {
44     val isOrientationNoSensor: Boolean
45         get() = orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR
47     val isFixedOrientation: Boolean
48         get() =
49             isFixedOrientationLandscape ||
50                 isFixedOrientationPortrait ||
51                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED
53     private val isFixedOrientationLandscape
54         get() =
55             orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ||
56                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE ||
57                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE ||
58                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE
60     private val isFixedOrientationPortrait
61         get() =
62             orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT ||
63                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT ||
64                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT ||
65                 orientation == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT
equalsnull67     override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
68         if (this === other) return true
69         if (other !is WindowManagerPolicy) return false
71         if (focusedAppToken != other.focusedAppToken) return false
72         if (forceStatusBar != other.forceStatusBar) return false
73         if (forceStatusBarFromKeyguard != other.forceStatusBarFromKeyguard) return false
74         if (keyguardDrawComplete != other.keyguardDrawComplete) return false
75         if (keyguardOccluded != other.keyguardOccluded) return false
76         if (keyguardOccludedChanged != other.keyguardOccludedChanged) return false
77         if (keyguardOccludedPending != other.keyguardOccludedPending) return false
78         if (lastSystemUiFlags != other.lastSystemUiFlags) return false
79         if (orientation != other.orientation) return false
80         if (rotation != other.rotation) return false
81         if (rotationMode != other.rotationMode) return false
82         if (screenOnFully != other.screenOnFully) return false
83         if (windowManagerDrawComplete != other.windowManagerDrawComplete) return false
85         return true
86     }
hashCodenull88     override fun hashCode(): Int {
89         var result = focusedAppToken.hashCode()
90         result = 31 * result + forceStatusBar.hashCode()
91         result = 31 * result + forceStatusBarFromKeyguard.hashCode()
92         result = 31 * result + keyguardDrawComplete.hashCode()
93         result = 31 * result + keyguardOccluded.hashCode()
94         result = 31 * result + keyguardOccludedChanged.hashCode()
95         result = 31 * result + keyguardOccludedPending.hashCode()
96         result = 31 * result + lastSystemUiFlags
97         result = 31 * result + orientation
98         result = 31 * result + rotation.hashCode()
99         result = 31 * result + rotationMode
100         result = 31 * result + screenOnFully.hashCode()
101         result = 31 * result + windowManagerDrawComplete.hashCode()
102         return result
103     }
toStringnull105     override fun toString(): String {
106         return "${this::class.simpleName} (focusedAppToken='$focusedAppToken', " +
107             "forceStatusBar=$forceStatusBar, " +
108             "forceStatusBarFromKeyguard=$forceStatusBarFromKeyguard, " +
109             "keyguardDrawComplete=$keyguardDrawComplete, keyguardOccluded=$keyguardOccluded, " +
110             "keyguardOccludedChanged=$keyguardOccludedChanged, " +
111             "keyguardOccludedPending=$keyguardOccludedPending, " +
112             "lastSystemUiFlags=$lastSystemUiFlags, orientation=$orientation, " +
113             "rotation=$rotation, rotationMode=$rotationMode, " +
114             "screenOnFully=$screenOnFully, " +
115             "windowManagerDrawComplete=$windowManagerDrawComplete)"
116     }
118     companion object {
119         val EMPTY: WindowManagerPolicy
<lambda>null120             get() = withCache { WindowManagerPolicy() }
122         /** From [android.content.pm.ActivityInfo] */
123         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 0
124         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 1
125         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR = 5
126         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE = 6
127         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT = 7
128         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE = 8
129         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT = 9
130         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE = 11
131         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT = 12
132         private const val SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED = 14
fromnull134         fun from(
135             focusedAppToken: String = "",
136             forceStatusBar: Boolean = false,
137             forceStatusBarFromKeyguard: Boolean = false,
138             keyguardDrawComplete: Boolean = false,
139             keyguardOccluded: Boolean = false,
140             keyguardOccludedChanged: Boolean = false,
141             keyguardOccludedPending: Boolean = false,
142             lastSystemUiFlags: Int = 0,
143             orientation: Int = 0,
144             rotation: Rotation = Rotation.ROTATION_0,
145             rotationMode: Int = 0,
146             screenOnFully: Boolean = false,
147             windowManagerDrawComplete: Boolean = false
148         ): WindowManagerPolicy = withCache {
149             WindowManagerPolicy(
150                 focusedAppToken,
151                 forceStatusBar,
152                 forceStatusBarFromKeyguard,
153                 keyguardDrawComplete,
154                 keyguardOccluded,
155                 keyguardOccludedChanged,
156                 keyguardOccludedPending,
157                 lastSystemUiFlags,
158                 orientation,
159                 rotation,
160                 rotationMode,
161                 screenOnFully,
162                 windowManagerDrawComplete
163             )
164         }
165     }
166 }