1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.systemui.surfaceeffects.turbulencenoise
18 import android.graphics.Color
19 import java.util.Random
21 /** Turbulence noise animation configuration. */
22 data class TurbulenceNoiseAnimationConfig(
23     /** The number of grids that is used to generate noise. */
24     val gridCount: Float = DEFAULT_NOISE_GRID_COUNT,
26     /** Multiplier for the noise luma matte. Increase this for brighter effects. */
27     val luminosityMultiplier: Float = DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY_MULTIPLIER,
29     /** Initial noise offsets. */
30     val noiseOffsetX: Float = random.nextFloat(),
31     val noiseOffsetY: Float = random.nextFloat(),
32     val noiseOffsetZ: Float = random.nextFloat(),
34     /**
35      * Noise move speed variables.
36      *
37      * Its sign determines the direction; magnitude determines the speed. <ul>
38      *
39      * ```
40      *     <li> [noiseMoveSpeedX] positive: right to left; negative: left to right.
41      *     <li> [noiseMoveSpeedY] positive: bottom to top; negative: top to bottom.
42      *     <li> [noiseMoveSpeedZ] its sign doesn't matter much, as it moves in Z direction. Use it
43      *     to add turbulence in place.
44      * ```
45      *
46      * </ul>
47      */
48     val noiseMoveSpeedX: Float = 0f,
49     val noiseMoveSpeedY: Float = 0f,
50     val noiseMoveSpeedZ: Float = DEFAULT_NOISE_SPEED_Z,
52     /** Color of the effect. */
53     val color: Int = DEFAULT_COLOR,
54     /** Background color of the effect. */
55     val screenColor: Int = DEFAULT_SCREEN_COLOR,
56     val width: Float = 0f,
57     val height: Float = 0f,
58     val maxDuration: Float = DEFAULT_MAX_DURATION_IN_MILLIS,
59     val easeInDuration: Float = DEFAULT_EASING_DURATION_IN_MILLIS,
60     val easeOutDuration: Float = DEFAULT_EASING_DURATION_IN_MILLIS,
61     val pixelDensity: Float = 1f,
62     /**
63      * Variants in noise. Higher number means more contrast; lower number means less contrast but
64      * make the noise dimmed. You may want to increase the [lumaMatteBlendFactor] to compensate.
65      * Expected range [0, 1].
66      */
67     val lumaMatteBlendFactor: Float = DEFAULT_LUMA_MATTE_BLEND_FACTOR,
68     /**
69      * Offset for the overall brightness in noise. Higher number makes the noise brighter. You may
70      * want to use this if you have made the noise softer using [lumaMatteBlendFactor]. Expected
71      * range [0, 1].
72      */
73     val lumaMatteOverallBrightness: Float = DEFAULT_LUMA_MATTE_OVERALL_BRIGHTNESS,
74     /** Whether to flip the luma mask. */
75     val shouldInverseNoiseLuminosity: Boolean = false,
76 ) {
77     companion object {
78         const val DEFAULT_MAX_DURATION_IN_MILLIS = 30_000f // Max 30 sec
79         const val DEFAULT_EASING_DURATION_IN_MILLIS = 750f
80         const val DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY_MULTIPLIER = 1f
81         const val DEFAULT_NOISE_GRID_COUNT = 1.2f
82         const val DEFAULT_NOISE_SPEED_Z = 0.3f
83         const val DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.WHITE
84         const val DEFAULT_LUMA_MATTE_BLEND_FACTOR = 1f
86         const val DEFAULT_SCREEN_COLOR = Color.BLACK
87         private val random = Random()
88     }
89 }