1# Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14"""Utility functions for zoom capture.
17from collections.abc import Iterable
18import dataclasses
19import logging
20import math
21import cv2
22import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
23import numpy
25import camera_properties_utils
26import capture_request_utils
27import image_processing_utils
28import opencv_processing_utils
30_CIRCLE_COLOR = 0  # [0: black, 255: white]
31_CIRCLE_AR_RTOL = 0.15  # contour width vs height (aspect ratio)
32_CIRCLISH_RTOL = 0.05  # contour area vs ideal circle area pi*((w+h)/4)**2
33_CONTOUR_AREA_LOGGING_THRESH = 0.8  # logging tol to cut down spam in log file
34_CV2_LINE_THICKNESS = 3  # line thickness for drawing on images
35_CV2_RED = (255, 0, 0)  # color in cv2 to draw lines
36_DEFAULT_FOV_RATIO = 1  # ratio of sub camera's fov over logical camera's fov
37_MIN_AREA_RATIO = 0.00013  # Found empirically with partners
39_MIN_FOCUS_DIST_TOL = 0.80  # allow charts a little closer than min
40_OFFSET_ATOL = 10  # number of pixels
43OFFSET_RTOL = 1.0  # TODO: b/342176245 - enable offset check w/ marker identity
44RADIUS_RTOL = 0.10
47ZOOM_RTOL = 0.01  # variation of zoom ratio due to floating point
48PRV_Z_RTOL = 0.02  # 2% variation of zoom ratio between request and result
49PREFERRED_BASE_ZOOM_RATIO = 1  # Preferred base image for zoom data verification
50JPEG_STR = 'jpg'
54class ZoomTestData:
55  """Class to store zoom-related metadata for a capture."""
56  result_zoom: float
57  circle: Iterable[float]  # TODO: b/338638040 - create a dataclass for circles
58  radius_tol: float
59  offset_tol: float
60  focal_length: float
61  physical_id: int = dataclasses.field(default=None)
64def get_test_tols_and_cap_size(cam, props, chart_distance, debug):
65  """Determine the tolerance per camera based on test rig and camera params.
67  Cameras are pre-filtered to only include supportable cameras.
68  Supportable cameras are: YUV(RGB)
70  Args:
71    cam: camera object
72    props: dict; physical camera properties dictionary
73    chart_distance: float; distance to chart in cm
74    debug: boolean; log additional data
76  Returns:
77    dict of TOLs with camera focal length as key
78    largest common size across all cameras
79  """
80  ids = camera_properties_utils.logical_multi_camera_physical_ids(props)
81  physical_props = {}
82  physical_ids = []
83  for i in ids:
84    physical_props[i] = cam.get_camera_properties_by_id(i)
85    # find YUV capable physical cameras
86    if camera_properties_utils.backward_compatible(physical_props[i]):
87      physical_ids.append(i)
89  # find physical camera focal lengths that work well with rig
90  chart_distance_m = abs(chart_distance)/100  # convert CM to M
91  test_tols = {}
92  test_yuv_sizes = []
93  for i in physical_ids:
94    yuv_sizes = capture_request_utils.get_available_output_sizes(
95        'yuv', physical_props[i])
96    test_yuv_sizes.append(yuv_sizes)
97    if debug:
98      logging.debug('cam[%s] yuv sizes: %s', i, str(yuv_sizes))
100    # determine if minimum focus distance is less than rig depth
101    min_fd = physical_props[i]['android.lens.info.minimumFocusDistance']
102    for fl in physical_props[i]['android.lens.info.availableFocalLengths']:
103      logging.debug('cam[%s] min_fd: %.3f (diopters), fl: %.2f', i, min_fd, fl)
104      if (math.isclose(min_fd, 0.0, rel_tol=1E-6) or  # fixed focus
105          (1.0/min_fd < chart_distance_m*_MIN_FOCUS_DIST_TOL)):
106        test_tols[fl] = (RADIUS_RTOL, OFFSET_RTOL)
107      else:
108        test_tols[fl] = (_RADIUS_RTOL_MIN_FD, _OFFSET_RTOL_MIN_FD)
109        logging.debug('loosening RTOL for cam[%s]: '
110                      'min focus distance too large.', i)
111  # find intersection of formats for max common format
112  common_sizes = list(set.intersection(*[set(list) for list in test_yuv_sizes]))
113  if debug:
114    logging.debug('common_fmt: %s', max(common_sizes))
116  return test_tols, max(common_sizes)
119def find_center_circle(
120    img, img_name, size, zoom_ratio, min_zoom_ratio,
121    expected_color=_CIRCLE_COLOR, circle_ar_rtol=_CIRCLE_AR_RTOL,
122    circlish_rtol=_CIRCLISH_RTOL, min_circle_pts=_MIN_CIRCLE_PTS,
123    fov_ratio=_DEFAULT_FOV_RATIO, debug=False, draw_color=_CV2_RED,
124    write_img=True):
125  """Find circle closest to image center for scene with multiple circles.
127  Finds all contours in the image. Rejects those too small and not enough
128  points to qualify as a circle. The remaining contours must have center
129  point of color=color and are sorted based on distance from the center
130  of the image. The contour closest to the center of the image is returned.
131  If circle is not found due to zoom ratio being larger than ZOOM_MAX_THRESH
132  or the circle being cropped, None is returned.
134  Note: hierarchy is not used as the hierarchy for black circles changes
135  as the zoom level changes.
137  Args:
138    img: numpy img array with pixel values in [0,255]
139    img_name: str file name for saved image
140    size: [width, height] of the image
141    zoom_ratio: zoom_ratio for the particular capture
142    min_zoom_ratio: min_zoom_ratio supported by the camera device
143    expected_color: int 0 --> black, 255 --> white
144    circle_ar_rtol: float aspect ratio relative tolerance
145    circlish_rtol: float contour area vs ideal circle area pi*((w+h)/4)**2
146    min_circle_pts: int minimum number of points to define a circle
147    fov_ratio: ratio of sub camera over logical camera's field of view
148    debug: bool to save extra data
149    draw_color: cv2 color in RGB to draw circle and circle center on the image
150    write_img: bool: True - save image with circle and center
151                     False - don't save image.
153  Returns:
154    circle: [center_x, center_y, radius]
155  """
157  width, height = size
158  min_area = (
159      _MIN_AREA_RATIO * width * height * zoom_ratio * zoom_ratio * fov_ratio)
161  # create a copy of image to avoid modification on the original image since
162  # image_processing_utils.convert_image_to_uint8 uses mutable np array methods
163  if debug:
164    img = numpy.ndarray.copy(img)
166  # convert [0, 1] image to [0, 255] and cast as uint8
167  if img.dtype != numpy.uint8:
168    img = image_processing_utils.convert_image_to_uint8(img)
170  # gray scale & otsu threshold to binarize the image
171  gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
172  _, img_bw = cv2.threshold(
173      numpy.uint8(gray), 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
175  # use OpenCV to find contours (connected components)
176  contours = opencv_processing_utils.find_all_contours(255-img_bw)
178  # write copy of image for debug purposes
179  if debug:
180    img_copy_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '_copy.jpg'
181    image_processing_utils.write_image(numpy.expand_dims(
182        (255-img_bw).astype(numpy.float)/255.0, axis=2), img_copy_name)
184  # check contours and find the best circle candidates
185  circles = []
186  img_ctr = [gray.shape[1] // 2, gray.shape[0] // 2]
187  logging.debug('img center x,y: %d, %d', img_ctr[0], img_ctr[1])
188  logging.debug('min area: %d, min circle pts: %d', min_area, min_circle_pts)
189  logging.debug('circlish_rtol: %.3f', circlish_rtol)
191  for contour in contours:
192    area = cv2.contourArea(contour)
193    if area > min_area * _CONTOUR_AREA_LOGGING_THRESH:  # skip tiny contours
194      logging.debug('area: %d, min_area: %d, num_pts: %d, min_circle_pts: %d',
195                    area, min_area, len(contour), min_circle_pts)
196    if area > min_area and len(contour) >= min_circle_pts:
197      shape = opencv_processing_utils.component_shape(contour)
198      radius = (shape['width'] + shape['height']) / 4
199      circle_color = img_bw[shape['cty']][shape['ctx']]
200      circlish = round((math.pi * radius**2) / area, 4)
201      logging.debug('color: %s, circlish: %.2f, WxH: %dx%d',
202                    circle_color, circlish, shape['width'], shape['height'])
203      if (circle_color == expected_color and
204          math.isclose(1, circlish, rel_tol=circlish_rtol) and
205          math.isclose(shape['width'], shape['height'],
206                       rel_tol=circle_ar_rtol)):
207        logging.debug('circle found: r: %.2f, area: %.2f\n', radius, area)
208        circles.append([shape['ctx'], shape['cty'], radius, circlish, area])
209      else:
210        logging.debug('circle rejected: bad color, circlish or aspect ratio\n')
212  if not circles:
213    zoom_ratio_value = zoom_ratio / min_zoom_ratio
214    if zoom_ratio_value >= ZOOM_MAX_THRESH:
215      logging.debug('No circle was detected, but zoom %.2f exceeds'
216                    ' maximum zoom threshold', zoom_ratio_value)
217      return None
218    else:
219      raise AssertionError(
220          'No circle detected for zoom ratio <= '
221          f'{ZOOM_MAX_THRESH}. '
222          'Take pictures according to instructions carefully!')
223  else:
224    logging.debug('num of circles found: %s', len(circles))
226  if debug:
227    logging.debug('circles [x, y, r, pi*r**2/area, area]: %s', str(circles))
229  # find circle closest to center
230  circle = min(
231      circles, key=lambda x: math.hypot(x[0] - img_ctr[0], x[1] - img_ctr[1]))
233  # check if circle is cropped because of zoom factor
234  if opencv_processing_utils.is_circle_cropped(circle, size):
235    logging.debug('zoom %.2f is too large! Skip further captures', zoom_ratio)
236    return None
238  # mark image center
239  size = gray.shape
240  m_x, m_y = size[1] // 2, size[0] // 2
241  marker_size = _CV2_LINE_THICKNESS * 10
242  cv2.drawMarker(img, (m_x, m_y), draw_color, markerType=cv2.MARKER_CROSS,
243                 markerSize=marker_size, thickness=_CV2_LINE_THICKNESS)
245  # add circle to saved image
246  center_i = (int(round(circle[0], 0)), int(round(circle[1], 0)))
247  radius_i = int(round(circle[2], 0))
248  cv2.circle(img, center_i, radius_i, draw_color, _CV2_LINE_THICKNESS)
249  if write_img:
250    image_processing_utils.write_image(img / 255.0, img_name)
252  return circle
255def preview_zoom_data_to_string(test_data):
256  """Returns formatted string from test_data.
258  Floats are capped at 2 floating points.
260  Args:
261    test_data: ZoomTestData with relevant test data.
263  Returns:
264    Formatted String
265  """
266  output = []
267  for key, value in dataclasses.asdict(test_data).items():
268    if isinstance(value, float):
269      output.append(f'{key}: {value:.2f}')
270    elif isinstance(value, list):
271      output.append(
272          f"{key}: [{', '.join([f'{item:.2f}' for item in value])}]")
273    else:
274      output.append(f'{key}: {value}')
276  return ', '.join(output)
279def verify_zoom_results(test_data, size, z_max, z_min):
280  """Verify that the output images' zoom level reflects the correct zoom ratios.
282  This test verifies that the center and radius of the circles in the output
283  images reflects the zoom ratios being set. The larger the zoom ratio, the
284  larger the circle. And the distance from the center of the circle to the
285  center of the image is proportional to the zoom ratio as well.
287  Args:
288    test_data: Iterable[ZoomTestData]
289    size: array; the width and height of the images
290    z_max: float; the maximum zoom ratio being tested
291    z_min: float; the minimum zoom ratio being tested
293  Returns:
294    Boolean whether the test passes (True) or not (False)
295  """
296  # assert some range is tested before circles get too big
297  test_success = True
299  zoom_max_thresh = ZOOM_MAX_THRESH
300  z_max_ratio = z_max / z_min
301  if z_max_ratio < ZOOM_MAX_THRESH:
302    zoom_max_thresh = z_max_ratio
304  # handle capture orders like [1, 0.5, 1.5, 2...]
305  test_data_zoom_values = [v.result_zoom for v in test_data]
306  test_data_max_z = max(test_data_zoom_values) / min(test_data_zoom_values)
307  logging.debug('test zoom ratio max: %.2f vs threshold %.2f',
308                test_data_max_z, zoom_max_thresh)
310  if not math.isclose(test_data_max_z, zoom_max_thresh, rel_tol=ZOOM_RTOL):
311    test_success = False
312    e_msg = (f'Max zoom ratio tested: {test_data_max_z:.4f}, '
313             f'range advertised min: {z_min}, max: {z_max} '
314             f'THRESH: {zoom_max_thresh + ZOOM_RTOL}')
315    logging.error(e_msg)
317  return test_success and verify_zoom_data(test_data, size)
320def verify_zoom_data(test_data, size, plot_name_stem=None):
321  """Verify that the output images' zoom level reflects the correct zoom ratios.
323  This test verifies that the center and radius of the circles in the output
324  images reflects the zoom ratios being set. The larger the zoom ratio, the
325  larger the circle. And the distance from the center of the circle to the
326  center of the image is proportional to the zoom ratio as well.
328  Args:
329    test_data: Iterable[ZoomTestData]
330    size: array; the width and height of the images
331    plot_name_stem: str; log path and name of the plot
333  Returns:
334    Boolean whether the test passes (True) or not (False)
335  """
336  # assert some range is tested before circles get too big
337  test_success = True
339  # initialize relative size w/ zoom[0] for diff zoom ratio checks
340  radius_0 = float(test_data[0].circle[2])
341  z_0 = float(test_data[0].result_zoom)
343  # use 1x ~ 1.1x data as base image if available
345    for i, data in enumerate(test_data):
346      if (test_data[i].result_zoom >= PREFERRED_BASE_ZOOM_RATIO and
347          math.isclose(test_data[i].result_zoom, PREFERRED_BASE_ZOOM_RATIO,
348                       rel_tol=0.1)):
349        radius_0 = float(test_data[i].circle[2])
350        z_0 = float(test_data[i].result_zoom)
351        break
352  logging.debug('z_0: %.3f, radius_0: %.3f', z_0, radius_0)
353  if plot_name_stem:
354    frame_numbers = []
355    z_variations = []
356    rel_variations = []
357    radius_tols = []
358  for i, data in enumerate(test_data):
359    logging.debug(' ')  # add blank line between frames
360    logging.debug('Frame# %d {%s}', i, preview_zoom_data_to_string(data))
361    logging.debug('Zoom: %.2f, fl: %.2f', data.result_zoom, data.focal_length)
362    offset_xy = [(data.circle[0] - size[0] // 2),
363                 (data.circle[1] - size[1] // 2)]
364    logging.debug('Circle r: %.1f, center offset x, y: %d, %d',
365                  data.circle[2], offset_xy[0], offset_xy[1])
366    z_ratio = data.result_zoom / z_0
368    # check relative size against zoom[0]
369    radius_ratio = data.circle[2] / radius_0
371    # Calculate variations
372    z_variation = z_ratio - radius_ratio
373    relative_variation = abs(z_variation) / max(abs(z_ratio), abs(radius_ratio))
375    # Store values for plotting
376    if plot_name_stem:
377      frame_numbers.append(i)
378      z_variations.append(z_variation)
379      rel_variations.append(relative_variation)
380      radius_tols.append(data.radius_tol)
382    logging.debug('r ratio req: %.3f, measured: %.3f',
383                  z_ratio, radius_ratio)
384    msg = (f'{i} Circle radius ratio: result({data.result_zoom:.3f}/{z_0:.3f}):'
385           f' {z_ratio:.3f}, circle({data.circle[2]:.3f}/{radius_0:.3f}):'
386           f' {radius_ratio:.3f}, RTOL: {data.radius_tol}'
387           f' z_var: {z_variation:.3f}, rel_var: {relative_variation:.3f}')
388    if not math.isclose(z_ratio, radius_ratio, rel_tol=data.radius_tol):
389      test_success = False
390      logging.error(msg)
391    else:
392      logging.debug(msg)
394    # check relative offset against init vals w/ no focal length change
395    # set init values for first capture or change in physical cam focal length
396    if i == 0 or test_data[i-1].focal_length != data.focal_length:
397      z_init = float(data.result_zoom)
398      offset_hypot_init = math.hypot(offset_xy[0], offset_xy[1])
399      logging.debug('offset_hypot_init: %.3f', offset_hypot_init)
400      d_msg = (f'-- init {i} zoom: {data.result_zoom:.2f}, '
401               f'offset init: {offset_hypot_init:.1f}, '
402               f'offset rel: {math.hypot(offset_xy[0], offset_xy[1]):.1f}, '
403               f'zoom: {z_ratio:.1f} ')
404      logging.debug(d_msg)
405    else:  # check
406      z_ratio = data.result_zoom / z_init
407      offset_hypot_rel = math.hypot(offset_xy[0], offset_xy[1]) / z_ratio
408      logging.debug('offset_hypot_rel: %.3f', offset_hypot_rel)
410      rel_tol = data.offset_tol
411      if not math.isclose(offset_hypot_init, offset_hypot_rel,
412                          rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=_OFFSET_ATOL):
413        test_success = False
414        e_msg = (f'{i} zoom: {data.result_zoom:.2f}, '
415                 f'offset init: {offset_hypot_init:.4f}, '
416                 f'offset rel: {offset_hypot_rel:.4f}, '
417                 f'Zoom: {z_ratio:.1f}, '
418                 f'RTOL: {rel_tol}, ATOL: {_OFFSET_ATOL}')
419        logging.error(e_msg)
420      else:
421        d_msg = (f'{i} zoom: {data.result_zoom:.2f}, '
422                 f'offset init: {offset_hypot_init:.1f}, '
423                 f'offset rel: {offset_hypot_rel:.1f}, '
424                 f'offset dist: {math.hypot(offset_xy[0], offset_xy[1]):.1f}, '
425                 f'Zoom: {z_ratio:.1f}, '
426                 f'RTOL: {rel_tol}, ATOL: {_OFFSET_ATOL}')
427        logging.debug(d_msg)
429  if plot_name_stem:
430    plot_variation(frame_numbers, z_variations, None,
431                   f'{plot_name_stem}_variations.png', 'Zoom Variation')
432    plot_variation(frame_numbers, rel_variations, radius_tols,
433                   f'{plot_name_stem}_relative.png', 'Relative Variation')
435  return test_success
438def verify_preview_zoom_results(test_data, size, z_max, z_min, z_step_size,
439                                plot_name_stem):
440  """Verify that the output images' zoom level reflects the correct zoom ratios.
442  This test verifies that the center and radius of the circles in the output
443  images reflects the zoom ratios being set. The larger the zoom ratio, the
444  larger the circle. And the distance from the center of the circle to the
445  center of the image is proportional to the zoom ratio as well. Verifies
446  that circles are detected throughout the zoom range.
448  Args:
449    test_data: Iterable[ZoomTestData]
450    size: array; the width and height of the images
451    z_max: float; the maximum zoom ratio being tested
452    z_min: float; the minimum zoom ratio being tested
453    z_step_size: float; zoom step size to zoom from z_min to z_max
454    plot_name_stem: str; log path and name of the plot
456  Returns:
457    Boolean whether the test passes (True) or not (False)
458  """
459  test_success = True
461  test_data_zoom_values = [v.result_zoom for v in test_data]
462  results_z_max = max(test_data_zoom_values)
463  results_z_min = min(test_data_zoom_values)
464  logging.debug('capture result: min zoom: %.2f vs max zoom: %.2f',
465                results_z_min, results_z_max)
467  # check if max zoom in capture result close to requested zoom range
468  if (math.isclose(results_z_max, z_max, rel_tol=PRV_Z_RTOL) or
469      math.isclose(results_z_max, z_max - z_step_size, rel_tol=PRV_Z_RTOL)):
470    d_msg = (f'results_z_max = {results_z_max:.2f} is close to requested '
471             f'z_max = {z_max:.2f} or z_max-step = {z_max-z_step_size:.2f} '
472             f'by {PRV_Z_RTOL:.2f} Tol')
473    logging.debug(d_msg)
474  else:
475    test_success = False
476    e_msg = (f'Max zoom ratio {results_z_max:.4f} in capture results '
477             f'not close to {z_max:.2f} and '
478             f'z_max-step = {z_max-z_step_size:.2f} by {PRV_Z_RTOL:.2f} '
479             f'tolerance.')
480    logging.error(e_msg)
482  if math.isclose(results_z_min, z_min, rel_tol=PRV_Z_RTOL):
483    d_msg = (f'results_z_min = {results_z_min:.2f} is close to requested '
484             f'z_min = {z_min:.2f} by {PRV_Z_RTOL:.2f} Tol')
485    logging.debug(d_msg)
486  else:
487    test_success = False
488    e_msg = (f'Min zoom ratio {results_z_min:.4f} in capture results '
489             f'not close to {z_min:.2f} by {PRV_Z_RTOL:.2f} tolerance.')
490    logging.error(e_msg)
492  return test_success and verify_zoom_data(test_data, size, plot_name_stem)
495def get_preview_zoom_params(zoom_range, steps):
496  """Returns zoom min, max, step_size based on zoom range and steps.
498  Determine zoom min, max, step_size based on zoom range, steps.
499  Zoom max is capped due to current ITS box size limitation.
501  Args:
502    zoom_range: [float,float]; Camera's zoom range
503    steps: int; number of steps
505  Returns:
506    zoom_min: minimum zoom
507    zoom_max: maximum zoom
508    zoom_step_size: size of zoom steps
509  """
510  # Determine test zoom range
511  logging.debug('z_range = %s', str(zoom_range))
512  zoom_min, zoom_max = float(zoom_range[0]), float(zoom_range[1])
513  zoom_max = min(zoom_max, ZOOM_MAX_THRESH * zoom_min)
515  zoom_step_size = (zoom_max-zoom_min) / (steps-1)
516  logging.debug('zoomRatioRange = %s z_min = %f z_max = %f z_stepSize = %f',
517                str(zoom_range), zoom_min, zoom_max, zoom_step_size)
519  return zoom_min, zoom_max, zoom_step_size
522def plot_variation(frame_numbers, variations, tolerances, plot_name, ylabel):
523  """Plots a variation against frame numbers with corresponding tolerances.
525  Args:
526    frame_numbers: List of frame numbers.
527    variations: List of variations.
528    tolerances: List of tolerances corresponding to each variation.
529    plot_name: Name for the plot file.
530    ylabel: Label for the y-axis.
531  """
533  plt.figure(figsize=(40, 10))
535  plt.scatter(frame_numbers, variations, marker='o', linestyle='-',
536              color='blue', label=ylabel)
538  if tolerances:
539    plt.plot(frame_numbers, tolerances, linestyle='--', color='red',
540             label='Tolerance')
542  plt.xlabel('Frame Number', fontsize=12)
543  plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=12)
544  plt.title(f'{ylabel} vs. Frame Number', fontsize=14)
546  plt.legend()
548  plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--')
549  plt.savefig(plot_name)
550  plt.close()