1x-test-params: &test-params
2  # for 2G wifi SSID - channel 6, frequency 2437, comment out if it is not available.
3  wifi_2g_ssid: "AP2437"
4  wifi_2g_password: "AP2437"
5  # for 5G wifi SSID - channel 36, frequency 5180, comment out if it is not available.
6  wifi_5g_ssid: "AP5180"
7  wifi_5g_password: "AP5180"
8  # for DFS 5G wifi SSID - channel 52, frequency 5260, comment out if it is not available.
9  wifi_dfs_5g_ssid: "AP5260"
10  wifi_dfs_5g_password: "AP5260"
11  # use the AP controlled by programming dynamically
12  use_auto_controlled_wifi_ap: False
13  run_function_tests_with_performance_tests: True
14  run_bt_performance_test: True
15  run_directed_test: True
16  run_compound_test: True
17  run_bt_coex_test: True
18  run_iperf_test: True
19  allow_unrooted_device: False
20  skip_bug_report: False
22x-controllers: &controllers
23  Controllers:
24    AndroidDevice:
25      - serial: "33141FDJH0002A"
26        role: "source_device"
27        wifi_chipset: "" # WiFi/BT chipset model, for example, wcn6710, MT7922
28        # The max number of spatial streams
29        max_num_streams: 2
30        # The max PHY rate at 5G, in Mbps
31        max_phy_rate_5g_mbps: 2402
32        # The max PHY rate at 2G, in Mbps
33        max_phy_rate_2g_mbps: 287
34        # if the device supports 5G Wifi
35        supports_5g: True
36        # if the device supports DBS (Dual Band Simultaneous) in STA + WiFi-Direct concurrency mode
37        supports_dbs_sta_wfd: True
38        # The max number of spatial streams in DBS mode.
39        max_num_streams_dbs: 2
40        # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated DFS channel
41        enable_sta_dfs_channel_for_peer_network: False
42        # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated indoor channel
43        enable_sta_indoor_channel_for_peer_network: False
44        # 14 - U, 13 - T, 12 - S
45        android_version: 14
46      - serial: "35081FDJG000FC"
47        role: "target_device"
48        wifi_chipset: "" # WiFi/BT chipset model, for example, wcn6710, MT7922
49        # The max number of spatial streams
50        max_num_streams: 2
51        # The max PHY rate at 5G, in Mbps
52        max_phy_rate_5g_mbps: 2402
53        # The max PHY rate at 2G, in Mbps
54        max_phy_rate_2g_mbps: 287
55        # if the device supports 5G Wifi
56        supports_5g: True
57        # if the device supports DBS (Dual Band Simultaneous) in STA + WiFi-Direct concurrency mode
58        supports_dbs_sta_wfd: True
59        # The max number of spatial streams in DBS mode.
60        max_num_streams_dbs: 2
61        # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated DFS channel
62        enable_sta_dfs_channel_for_peer_network: False
63        # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated indoor channel
64        enable_sta_indoor_channel_for_peer_network: False
65        # 14 - U, 13 - T, 12 - S
66        android_version: 14
69- Name: Default
70  <<: *controllers
71  TestParams:
72      <<: *test-params
74- Name: Quickstart
75  <<: *controllers
76  TestParams:
77      <<: *test-params
78      target_cuj_name: "quick_start"
79      # before the performance test, run the function tests first
80      run_function_tests_with_performance_tests: True
81      # if the function tests is failed, abort the performance test
82      abort_all_tests_on_function_tests_fail: True
84- Name: Quickshare
85  <<: *controllers
86  TestParams:
87      <<: *test-params
88      target_cuj_name: "quick_share"
89      # before the performance test, run the function tests first
90      run_function_tests_with_performance_tests: True
91      # if the function tests is failed, abort the performance test
92      abort_all_tests_on_function_tests_fail: True
93      run_ble_performance_test: True
95- Name: EsimTransfer
96  <<: *controllers
97  TestParams:
98      <<: *test-params
99      target_cuj_name: "setting_based_esim_transfer"
101- Name: QuickstartFunction
102  Controllers:
103    <<: *controllers
104  TestParams:
105      <<: *test-params
106      target_cuj_name: "quick_start"
108- Name: NearbyConnectionsFunction
109  <<: *controllers
110  TestParams:
111    <<: *test-params
112    target_cuj_name: "nearby_connections_function"
113    requires_3p_api_test: True
114    connect_to_wifi_before_test: True
115    run_function_tests_with_performance_tests: False
116    run_bt_performance_test: False
117    run_ble_performance_test: False
118    run_bt_coex_test: False
119    run_directed_test: False
120    run_compound_test: False
121    run_iperf_test: False
122    run_nearby_connections_function_tests: True
124- Name: QuickshareFunctionTest
125  Controllers:
126    <<: *controllers
127  TestParams:
128      <<: *test-params
129      target_cuj_name: "quick_share"