1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.preference;
19 import android.app.Dialog;
20 import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
21 import android.content.Context;
22 import android.content.DialogInterface;
23 import android.content.res.TypedArray;
24 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
25 import android.os.Build;
26 import android.os.Bundle;
27 import android.os.Parcel;
28 import android.os.Parcelable;
29 import android.text.TextUtils;
30 import android.util.AttributeSet;
31 import android.view.LayoutInflater;
32 import android.view.View;
33 import android.view.Window;
34 import android.widget.Adapter;
35 import android.widget.AdapterView;
36 import android.widget.ListAdapter;
37 import android.widget.ListView;
38 import android.widget.TextView;
40 /**
41  * Represents a top-level {@link Preference} that
42  * is the root of a Preference hierarchy. A {@link PreferenceActivity}
43  * points to an instance of this class to show the preferences. To instantiate
44  * this class, use {@link PreferenceManager#createPreferenceScreen(Context)}.
45  * <ul>
46  * This class can appear in two places:
47  * <li> When a {@link PreferenceActivity} points to this, it is used as the root
48  * and is not shown (only the contained preferences are shown).
49  * <li> When it appears inside another preference hierarchy, it is shown and
50  * serves as the gateway to another screen of preferences (either by showing
51  * another screen of preferences as a {@link Dialog} or via a
52  * {@link Context#startActivity(android.content.Intent)} from the
53  * {@link Preference#getIntent()}). The children of this {@link PreferenceScreen}
54  * are NOT shown in the screen that this {@link PreferenceScreen} is shown in.
55  * Instead, a separate screen will be shown when this preference is clicked.
56  * </ul>
57  * <p>Here's an example XML layout of a PreferenceScreen:</p>
58  * <pre>
59 &lt;PreferenceScreen
60         xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
61         android:key="first_preferencescreen"&gt;
62     &lt;CheckBoxPreference
63             android:key="wifi enabled"
64             android:title="WiFi" /&gt;
65     &lt;PreferenceScreen
66             android:key="second_preferencescreen"
67             android:title="WiFi settings"&gt;
68         &lt;CheckBoxPreference
69                 android:key="prefer wifi"
70                 android:title="Prefer WiFi" /&gt;
71         ... other preferences here ...
72     &lt;/PreferenceScreen&gt;
73 &lt;/PreferenceScreen&gt; </pre>
74  * <p>
75  * In this example, the "first_preferencescreen" will be used as the root of the
76  * hierarchy and given to a {@link PreferenceActivity}. The first screen will
77  * show preferences "WiFi" (which can be used to quickly enable/disable WiFi)
78  * and "WiFi settings". The "WiFi settings" is the "second_preferencescreen" and when
79  * clicked will show another screen of preferences such as "Prefer WiFi" (and
80  * the other preferences that are children of the "second_preferencescreen" tag).
81  *
82  * <div class="special reference">
83  * <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
84  * <p>For information about building a settings UI with Preferences,
85  * read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/settings.html">Settings</a>
86  * guide.</p>
87  * </div>
88  *
89  * @see PreferenceCategory
90  *
91  * @deprecated Use the <a href="{@docRoot}jetpack/androidx.html">AndroidX</a>
92  *      <a href="{@docRoot}reference/androidx/preference/package-summary.html">
93  *      Preference Library</a> for consistent behavior across all devices. For more information on
94  *      using the AndroidX Preference Library see
95  *      <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/settings.html">Settings</a>.
96  */
97 @Deprecated
98 public final class PreferenceScreen extends PreferenceGroup implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener,
99         DialogInterface.OnDismissListener {
101     @UnsupportedAppUsage
102     private ListAdapter mRootAdapter;
104     private Dialog mDialog;
106     @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
107     private ListView mListView;
109     private int mLayoutResId = com.android.internal.R.layout.preference_list_fragment;
110     private Drawable mDividerDrawable;
111     private boolean mDividerSpecified;
113     /**
114      * Do NOT use this constructor, use {@link PreferenceManager#createPreferenceScreen(Context)}.
115      * @hide-
116      */
117     @UnsupportedAppUsage
PreferenceScreen(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)118     public PreferenceScreen(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
119         super(context, attrs, com.android.internal.R.attr.preferenceScreenStyle);
121         TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null,
122                 com.android.internal.R.styleable.PreferenceScreen,
123                 com.android.internal.R.attr.preferenceScreenStyle,
124                 0);
126         mLayoutResId = a.getResourceId(
127                 com.android.internal.R.styleable.PreferenceScreen_screenLayout,
128                 mLayoutResId);
129         if (a.hasValueOrEmpty(com.android.internal.R.styleable.PreferenceScreen_divider)) {
130             mDividerDrawable =
131                     a.getDrawable(com.android.internal.R.styleable.PreferenceScreen_divider);
132             mDividerSpecified = true;
133         }
135         a.recycle();
136     }
138     /**
139      * Returns an adapter that can be attached to a {@link PreferenceActivity}
140      * or {@link PreferenceFragment} to show the preferences contained in this
141      * {@link PreferenceScreen}.
142      * <p>
143      * This {@link PreferenceScreen} will NOT appear in the returned adapter, instead
144      * it appears in the hierarchy above this {@link PreferenceScreen}.
145      * <p>
146      * This adapter's {@link Adapter#getItem(int)} should always return a
147      * subclass of {@link Preference}.
148      *
149      * @return An adapter that provides the {@link Preference} contained in this
150      *         {@link PreferenceScreen}.
151      */
getRootAdapter()152     public ListAdapter getRootAdapter() {
153         if (mRootAdapter == null) {
154             mRootAdapter = onCreateRootAdapter();
155         }
157         return mRootAdapter;
158     }
160     /**
161      * Creates the root adapter.
162      *
163      * @return An adapter that contains the preferences contained in this {@link PreferenceScreen}.
164      * @see #getRootAdapter()
165      */
onCreateRootAdapter()166     protected ListAdapter onCreateRootAdapter() {
167         return new PreferenceGroupAdapter(this);
168     }
170     /**
171      * Binds a {@link ListView} to the preferences contained in this {@link PreferenceScreen} via
172      * {@link #getRootAdapter()}. It also handles passing list item clicks to the corresponding
173      * {@link Preference} contained by this {@link PreferenceScreen}.
174      *
175      * @param listView The list view to attach to.
176      */
bind(ListView listView)177     public void bind(ListView listView) {
178         listView.setOnItemClickListener(this);
179         listView.setAdapter(getRootAdapter());
181         onAttachedToActivity();
182     }
184     @Override
onClick()185     protected void onClick() {
186         if (getIntent() != null || getFragment() != null || getPreferenceCount() == 0) {
187             return;
188         }
190         showDialog(null);
191     }
showDialog(Bundle state)193     private void showDialog(Bundle state) {
194         Context context = getContext();
195         if (mListView != null) {
196             mListView.setAdapter(null);
197         }
199         LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)
200                 context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
201         View childPrefScreen = inflater.inflate(mLayoutResId, null);
202         View titleView = childPrefScreen.findViewById(android.R.id.title);
203         mListView = (ListView) childPrefScreen.findViewById(android.R.id.list);
204         if (mDividerSpecified) {
205             mListView.setDivider(mDividerDrawable);
206         }
208         bind(mListView);
210         // Set the title bar if title is available, else no title bar
211         final CharSequence title = getTitle();
212         Dialog dialog = mDialog = new Dialog(context, context.getThemeResId());
213         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
214             if (titleView != null) {
215                 titleView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
216             }
217             dialog.getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
218         } else {
219             if (titleView instanceof TextView) {
220                 ((TextView) titleView).setText(title);
221                 titleView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
222             } else {
223                 dialog.setTitle(title);
224             }
225         }
226         dialog.setContentView(childPrefScreen);
227         dialog.setOnDismissListener(this);
228         if (state != null) {
229             dialog.onRestoreInstanceState(state);
230         }
232         // Add the screen to the list of preferences screens opened as dialogs
233         getPreferenceManager().addPreferencesScreen(dialog);
235         dialog.show();
236     }
onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog)238     public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
239         mDialog = null;
240         getPreferenceManager().removePreferencesScreen(dialog);
241     }
243     /**
244      * Used to get a handle to the dialog.
245      * This is useful for cases where we want to manipulate the dialog
246      * as we would with any other activity or view.
247      */
getDialog()248     public Dialog getDialog() {
249         return mDialog;
250     }
onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id)252     public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) {
253         // If the list has headers, subtract them from the index.
254         if (parent instanceof ListView) {
255             position -= ((ListView) parent).getHeaderViewsCount();
256         }
257         Object item = getRootAdapter().getItem(position);
258         if (!(item instanceof Preference)) return;
260         final Preference preference = (Preference) item;
261         preference.performClick(this);
262     }
264     @Override
isOnSameScreenAsChildren()265     protected boolean isOnSameScreenAsChildren() {
266         return false;
267     }
269     @Override
onSaveInstanceState()270     protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
271         final Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();
272         final Dialog dialog = mDialog;
273         if (dialog == null || !dialog.isShowing()) {
274             return superState;
275         }
277         final SavedState myState = new SavedState(superState);
278         myState.isDialogShowing = true;
279         myState.dialogBundle = dialog.onSaveInstanceState();
280         return myState;
281     }
283     @Override
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)284     protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
285         if (state == null || !state.getClass().equals(SavedState.class)) {
286             // Didn't save state for us in onSaveInstanceState
287             super.onRestoreInstanceState(state);
288             return;
289         }
291         SavedState myState = (SavedState) state;
292         super.onRestoreInstanceState(myState.getSuperState());
293         if (myState.isDialogShowing) {
294             showDialog(myState.dialogBundle);
295         }
296     }
298     private static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
299         boolean isDialogShowing;
300         Bundle dialogBundle;
SavedState(Parcel source)302         public SavedState(Parcel source) {
303             super(source);
304             isDialogShowing = source.readInt() == 1;
305             dialogBundle = source.readBundle();
306         }
308         @Override
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)309         public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
310             super.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
311             dest.writeInt(isDialogShowing ? 1 : 0);
312             dest.writeBundle(dialogBundle);
313         }
SavedState(Parcelable superState)315         public SavedState(Parcelable superState) {
316             super(superState);
317         }
319         public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR =
320                 new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
321             public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
322                 return new SavedState(in);
323             }
325             public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
326                 return new SavedState[size];
327             }
328         };
329     }
331 }