1package: "android.service.voice.flags" 2container: "system" 3 4flag { 5 name: "allow_training_data_egress_from_hds" 6 is_exported: true 7 namespace: "machine_learning" 8 description: "This flag allows the hotword detection service to egress training data to the default assistant." 9 bug: "296074924" 10} 11 12flag { 13 name: "allow_hotword_bump_egress" 14 is_exported: true 15 namespace: "machine_learning" 16 description: "This flag allows hotword detection service to egress reason code for hotword bump." 17 bug: "290951024" 18} 19 20flag { 21 name: "allow_foreground_activities_in_on_show" 22 is_exported: true 23 namespace: "machine_learning" 24 description: "This flag allows providing foreground app component along with onShow args." 25 bug: "319409708" 26}