1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // Copyright 2011-2022 Arm Limited
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
6 // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7 // of the License at:
8 //
9 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13 // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14 // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
15 // under the License.
16 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 /**
19  * @brief Functions for printing build info and help messages.
20  */
22 #include "astcenccli_internal.h"
23 #include "astcenccli_version.h"
25 /** @brief The version header. */
26 static const char *astcenc_copyright_string =
27 R"(astcenc v%s, %u-bit %s%s%s
28 Copyright (c) 2011-%s Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
29 )";
31 /** @brief The short-form help text. */
32 static const char *astcenc_short_help =
33 R"(
34 Basic usage:
36 To compress an image use:
37     astcenc {-cl|-cs|-ch|-cH} <in> <out> <blockdim> <quality> [options]
39 e.g. using LDR profile, 8x6 blocks, and the thorough quality preset:
40     astcenc -cl kodim01.png kodim01.astc 8x6 -thorough
42 To decompress an image use:
43     astcenc {-dl|-ds|-dh|-dH} <in> <out>
45 e.g. using LDR profile:
46     astcenc -dl kodim01.astc kodim01.png
48 To perform a compression test, writing back the decompressed output, use:
49     astcenc {-tl|-ts|-th|-tH} <in> <out> <blockdim> <quality> [options]
51 e.g. using LDR profile, 8x6 blocks, and the thorough quality preset:
52     astcenc -tl kodim01.png kodim01-test.png 8x6 -thorough
54 The -*l options are used to configure the codec to support only the linear
55 LDR profile, preventing use of the HDR encoding features.
57 The -*s options are used to configure the codec to support only
58 the sRGB LDR profile, preventing use of the HDR encoding features. Input
59 texture data must be encoded in the sRGB colorspace for this option to
60 provide correct output results.
62 The -*h/-*H options are used to configure the codec to support the HDR ASTC
63 color profile. Textures compressed with this profile may fail to decompress
64 correctly on GPU hardware without HDR profile support. The -*h options
65 configure the compressor for HDR RGB components and an LDR alpha component.
66 The -*H options configure the compressor for HDR across all 4 components.
68 For full help documentation run 'astcenc -help'.
69 )";
71 /** @brief The long-form help text. */
72 static const char *astcenc_long_help = R"(
74        astcenc - compress or decompress images using the ASTC format
77        astcenc {-h|-help}
78        astcenc {-v|-version}
79        astcenc {-cl|-cs|-ch|-cH} <in> <out> <blocksize> <quality> [options]
80        astcenc {-dl|-ds|-dh|-dH} <in> <out> <blocksize> <quality> [options]
81        astcenc {-tl|-ts|-th|-tH} <in> <out> <blocksize> <quality> [options]
84        astcenc compresses image files into the Adaptive Scalable Texture
85        Compression (ASTC) image format, a lossy compression format design
86        for use in real-time graphics applications. It is a fully featured
87        compressor implementation, supporting all of the compression
88        profiles and block sizes specified by the ASTC format:
90            All color profiles (LDR linear, LDR sRGB, and HDR)
91            All 2D block sizes (4x4 though to 12x12)
92            All 3D block sizes (3x3x3 through to 6x6x6)
94        The compressor provides a flexible quality level, allowing users to
95        trade off compressed image quality against compression performance.
96        For ease of use, a number of quality presets are also provided. For
97        advanced users the compressor provides many additional control
98        options for fine tuning quality.
100        astcenc can also be used to decompress ASTC compressed images, and
101        perform compression image quality analysis.
104        To compress an image using the ASTC format you must specify the
105        color profile, the input file name, the output file name, the target
106        block size, and the quality preset.
108        The color profile is specified using the -cl (LDR linear), -cs (LDR
109        sRGB), -ch (HDR RGB, LDR A), or -cH (HDR RGBA) encoder options. Note
110        that not all GPUs implementing ASTC support the HDR profile.
112        The input file path must match a valid file format for compression,
113        and the output file format must be a valid output for compression.
114        See the FILE FORMATS section for the list of supported formats.
116        The block size must be a valid ASTC block size. Every block
117        compresses into 128 bits of compressed output, so the block size
118        determines the compressed data bitrate.
120        Supported 2D block sizes are:
122              4x4: 8.00 bpp        10x5: 2.56 bpp
123              5x4: 6.40 bpp        10x6: 2.13 bpp
124              5x5: 5.12 bpp         8x8: 2.00 bpp
125              6x5: 4.27 bpp        10x8: 1.60 bpp
126              6x6: 3.56 bpp       10x10: 1.28 bpp
127              8x5: 3.20 bpp       12x10: 1.07 bpp
128              8x6: 2.67 bpp       12x12: 0.89 bpp
130        Supported 3D block sizes are:
132            3x3x3: 4.74 bpp       5x5x4: 1.28 bpp
133            4x3x3: 3.56 bpp       5x5x5: 1.02 bpp
134            4x4x3: 2.67 bpp       6x5x5: 0.85 bpp
135            4x4x4: 2.00 bpp       6x6x5: 0.71 bpp
136            5x4x4: 1.60 bpp       6x6x6: 0.59 bpp
138        The quality level configures the quality-performance tradeoff for
139        the compressor; more complete searches of the search space improve
140        image quality at the expense of compression time. The quality level
141        can be set to any value between 0 (fastest) and 100 (exhaustive),
142        or to a fixed quality preset:
144            -fastest      (equivalent to quality =   0)
145            -fast         (equivalent to quality =  10)
146            -medium       (equivalent to quality =  60)
147            -thorough     (equivalent to quality =  98)
148            -verythorough (equivalent to quality =  99)
149            -exhaustive   (equivalent to quality = 100)
151        For compression of production content we recommend using a quality
152        level equivalent to -medium or higher.
154        Using quality levels higher than -thorough will significantly
155        increase compression time, but typically only gives minor quality
156        improvements.
158        There are a number of additional compressor options which are useful
159        to consider for common usage, based on the type of image data being
160        compressed.
162        -mask
163            The input texture is a mask texture with unrelated data stored
164            in the various color components, so enable error heuristics that
165            aim to improve quality by minimizing the effect of error
166            cross-talk across the color components.
168        -normal
169            The input texture is a three component linear LDR normal map
170            storing unit length normals as (R=X, G=Y, B=Z). The output will
171            be a two component X+Y normal map stored as (RGB=X, A=Y). The Z
172            component can be recovered programmatically in shader code by
173            using the equation:
175                nml.xy = texture(...).ga;              // Load in [0,1]
176                nml.xy = nml.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;           // Unpack to [-1,1]
177                nml.z = sqrt(1 - dot(nml.xy, nml.xy)); // Compute Z
179            Alternative component swizzles can be set with -esw and -dsw
180            parameters.
182        -rgbm <max>
183            The input texture is an RGBM encoded texture, storing values HDR
184            values between 0 and <max> in an LDR container format with a
185            shared multiplier. Shaders reconstruct the HDR value as:
187                vec3 hdr_value = tex.rgb * tex.a * max;
189            The compression behavior of the ASTC format for RGBM data
190            requires that the user's RGBM encoding preprocess keeps values
191            of M above a lower threshold to avoid them quantizing to zero
192            during compression. We recommend trying 16/255 or 32/255.
194        -perceptual
195            The codec should optimize perceptual error, instead of direct
196            RMS error. This aims to improves perceived image quality, but
197            typically lowers the measured PSNR score. Perceptual methods are
198            currently only available for normal maps and RGB color data.
200        -zdim <zdim>
201            Load a sequence of <zdim> 2D image slices to use as a 3D image.
202            The input filename given is used is decorated with the postfix
203            "_<slice>" to find the file to load. For example, an input named
204            "input.png" would load as input_0.png, input_1.png, etc.
206        -pp-normalize
207             Run a preprocess over the image that forces normal vectors to
208             be unit length. Preprocessing applies before any codec encoding
209             swizzle, so normal data must be in the RGB components in the
210             source image.
212        -pp-premultiply
213             Run a preprocess over the image that scales RGB components in
214             the image by the alpha value. Preprocessing applies before any
215             codec encoding swizzle, so color data must be in the RGB
216             components in the source image.)"
217 // This split in the literals is needed for Visual Studio; the compiler
218 // will concatenate these two strings together ...
219 R"(
222        ASTC is a block-based format that can be prone to block artifacts.
223        If block artifacts are a problem when compressing a given texture,
224        increasing the compressor quality preset can help to alleviate the
225        problem.
227        If a texture exhibits severe block artifacts in only some of the
228        color components, which is a common problem for mask textures, then
229        using the -cw option to raise the weighting of the affected color
230        component(s) may help. For example, if the green color component is
231        particularly badly encoded then try '-cw 1 6 1 1'.
234        Error weighting options
235        -----------------------
237        These options provide low-level control of the codec error metric
238        computation, used to determine what good compression looks like.
240        -a <radius>
241            For textures with alpha component, scale per-texel weights by
242            the alpha value. The alpha value chosen for scaling of any
243            particular texel is taken as an average across a neighborhood of
244            the texel defined by the <radius> argument. Setting <radius> to
245            0 causes only the texel's own alpha to be used.
247            ASTC blocks that are entirely zero weighted, after the radius is
248            taken into account, are replaced by constant color blocks. This
249            is an RDO-like technique to improve compression ratio in any
250            application packaging compression that is applied.
252        -cw <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>
253            Assign an additional weight scaling to each color component,
254            allowing the components to be treated differently in terms of
255            error significance. Set values above 1 to increase a component's
256            significance, and values below 1 to decrease it. Set to 0 to
257            exclude a component from error computation.
259        -mpsnr <low> <high>
260            Set the low and high f-stop values for the mPSNR error metric.
261            The mPSNR error metric only applies to HDR textures.
263        Performance-quality tradeoff options
264        ------------------------------------
266        These options provide low-level control of the codec heuristics that
267        drive the performance-quality trade off. The presets vary by block
268        bitrate; the recommended starting point for a 4x4 block is very
269        different to a 8x8 block. The presets documented here are for the
270 	   high bitrate mode (fewer than 25 texels).
272        -partitioncountlimit <number>
273            Test up to and including <number> partitions for each block.
274            Higher numbers give better quality, as more complex blocks can
275            be encoded, but will increase search time. Preset defaults are:
277                -fastest      : 2
278                -fast         : 3
279                -medium       : 4
280                -thorough     : 4
281                -verythorough : 4
282                -exhaustive   : 4
284        -[2|3|4]partitionindexlimit <number>
285            Estimate errors for <number> block partition indices for this
286            partition count. Higher numbers give better quality, however
287            large values give diminishing returns especially for smaller
288            block sizes. Preset defaults are:
290                -fastest      :   10 |   6 |   4
291                -fast         :   18 |  10 |   8
292                -medium       :   34 |  28 |  16
293                -thorough     :   82 |  60 |  30
294                -verythorough :  256 | 128 |  64
295                -exhaustive   :  512 | 512 | 512
297        -[2|3|4]partitioncandidatelimit <number>
298            Calculate errors for <number> block partition indices for this
299            partition count. Higher numbers give better quality, however
300            large values give diminishing returns especially for smaller
301            block sizes. Preset defaults are:
303                -fastest      :   2 |  2 |  2
304                -fast         :   2 |  2 |  2
305                -medium       :   2 |  2 |  2
306                -thorough     :   3 |  2 |  2
307                -verythorough :  20 | 14 |  8
308                -exhaustive   :  32 | 32 | 32
310        -blockmodelimit <number>
311            Test block modes below <number> usage centile in an empirically
312            determined distribution of block mode frequency. This option is
313            ineffective for 3D textures. Preset defaults are:
315                -fastest      :  43
316                -fast         :  55
317                -medium       :  77
318                -thorough     :  94
319                -verythorough :  98
320                -exhaustive   : 100
322        -refinementlimit <number>
323            Iterate <number> refinement iterations on colors and
324            weights. Minimum value is 1. Preset defaults are:
326                -fastest      : 2
327                -fast         : 3
328                -medium       : 3
329                -thorough     : 4
330                -verythorough : 4
331                -exhaustive   : 4
333        -candidatelimit <number>
334            Trial <number> candidate encodings for each block mode:
336                -fastest      : 2
337                -fast         : 3
338                -medium       : 3
339                -thorough     : 4
340                -verythorough : 6
341                -exhaustive   : 8
343        -dblimit <number>
344            Stop compression work on a block as soon as the PSNR of the
345            block, measured in dB, exceeds <number>. This option is
346            ineffective for HDR textures. Preset defaults, where N is the
347            number of texels in a block, are:
349                -fastest      : MAX(63-19*log10(N),  85-35*log10(N))
350                -fast         : MAX(63-19*log10(N),  85-35*log10(N))
351                -medium       : MAX(70-19*log10(N),  95-35*log10(N))
352                -thorough     : MAX(77-19*log10(N), 105-35*log10(N))
353                -verythorough : 999
354                -exhaustive   : 999
356        -[2|3]partitionlimitfactor <factor>
357            Stop compression work on a block after only testing blocks with
358            up to 2/3 partitions and one plane of weights, unless the 2/3
359            partition error term is lower than the error term from encoding
360            with 1/2 partitions by more than the specified factor. Preset
361            defaults are:
363                -fastest       : 1.00 | 1.00
364                -fast          : 1.00 | 1.00
365                -medium        : 1.10 | 1.05
366                -thorough      : 1.35 | 1.15
367                -verythrorough : 1.60 | 1.40
368                -exhaustive    : 2.00 | 2.00
370        -2planelimitcorrelation <factor>
371            Stop compression after testing only one plane of weights, unless
372            the minimum color correlation factor between any pair of color
373            components is below this factor. This option is ineffective for
374            normal maps. Preset defaults are:
376                -fastest      : 0.50
377                -fast         : 0.65
378                -medium       : 0.85
379                -thorough     : 0.95
380                -verythorough : 0.98
381                -exhaustive   : 0.99
382 )"
383 // This split in the literals is needed for Visual Studio; the compiler
384 // will concatenate these two strings together ...
385 R"(
386        Other options
387        -------------
389        -esw <swizzle>
390            Specify an encoding swizzle to reorder the color components
391            before compression. The swizzle is specified using a four
392            character string, which defines the format ordering used by
393            the compressor.
395            The characters may be taken from the set [rgba01], selecting
396            either input color components or a literal zero or one. For
397            example to swap the RG components, and replace alpha with 1,
398            the swizzle 'grb1' should be used.
400            By default all 4 post-swizzle components are included in the
401            compression error metrics. When using -esw to map two
402            component data to the L+A endpoint (e.g. -esw rrrg) the
403            luminance data stored in the RGB components will be weighted 3
404            times more strongly than the alpha component. This can be
405            corrected using the -ssw option to specify which components
406            will be sampled at runtime e.g. -ssw ra.
408        -ssw <swizzle>
409            Specify a sampling swizzle to identify which color components
410            are actually read by the application shader program. For example,
411            using -ssw ra tells the compressor that the green and blue error
412            does not matter because the data is not actually read.
414            The sampling swizzle is based on the channel ordering after the
415            -esw transform has been applied. Note -ssw exposes the same
416            functionality as -cw, but in a more user-friendly form.
418        -dsw <swizzle>
419            Specify a decompression swizzle used to reorder the color
420            components after decompression. The swizzle is specified using
421            the same method as the -esw option, with support for an extra
422            "z" character. This is used to specify that the compressed data
423            stores an X+Y normal map, and that the Z output component
424            should be reconstructed from the two components stored in the
425            data. For the typical ASTC normal encoding, which uses an
426            'rrrg' compression swizzle, you should specify an 'raz1'
427            swizzle for decompression.
429        -yflip
430            Flip the image in the vertical axis prior to compression and
431            after decompression. Note that using this option in a test mode
432            (-t*) will have no effect as the image will be flipped twice.
434        -j <threads>
435            Explicitly specify the number of threads to use in the codec. If
436            not specified, the codec will use one thread per CPU detected in
437            the system.
439        -silent
440            Suppresses all non-essential diagnostic output from the codec.
441            Error messages will always be printed, as will mandatory outputs
442            for the selected operation mode. For example, the test mode will
443            always output image quality metrics and compression time but
444            will suppress all other output.)"
445 // This split in the literals is needed for Visual Studio; the compiler
446 // will concatenate these two strings together ...
447 R"(
450        To decompress an image stored in the ASTC format you must specify
451        the color profile, the input file name, and the output file name.
453        The color profile is specified using the -dl (LDR linear), -ds (LDR
454        sRGB), -dh (HDR RGB, LDR A), or -dH (HDR RGBA) decoder options.
456        The input file path must match a valid file format for
457        decompression, and the output file format must be a valid output for
458        a decompressed image. Note that not all output formats that the
459        compression path can produce are supported for decompression. See
460        the FILE FORMATS section for the list of supported formats.
462        The -dsw option documented in ADVANCED COMPRESSION option
463        documentation is also relevant to decompression.
465 TEST
466        To perform a compression test which round-trips a single image
467        through compression and decompression and stores the decompressed
468        result back to file, you must specify same settings as COMPRESSION
469        other than swapping the color profile to select test mode. Note that
470        the compressed intermediate data is discarded in this mode.
472        The color profile is specified using the -tl (LDR linear), -ts (LDR
473        sRGB), -th (HDR RGB, LDR A), or -tH (HDR RGBA) encoder options.
475        This operation mode will print error metrics suitable for either LDR
476        and HDR images, allowing some assessment of the compression image
477        quality.
480        The following formats are supported as compression inputs:
482            LDR Formats:
483                BMP (*.bmp)
484                PNG (*.png)
485                Targa (*.tga)
486                JPEG (*.jpg)
488            HDR Formats:
489                OpenEXR (*.exr)
490                Radiance HDR (*.hdr)
492            Container Formats:
493                Khronos Texture KTX (*.ktx)
494                DirectDraw Surface DDS (*.dds)
496        For the KTX and DDS formats only a subset of the features of the
497        formats are supported:
499            Texture topology must be 2D, 2D-array, 3D, or cube-map. Note
500            that 2D-array textures are treated as 3D block input.
502            Texel format must be R, RG, RGB, BGR, RGBA, BGRA, L, or LA.
504            Only the first mipmap in the file will be read.
506        The following formats are supported as compression outputs:
508            ASTC (*.astc)
509            Khronos Texture KTX (*.ktx)
513        The following formats are supported as decompression inputs:
515            ASTC (*.astc)
516            Khronos Texture KTX (*.ktx)
518        The following formats are supported as decompression outputs:
520            LDR Formats:
521                BMP (*.bmp)
522                PNG (*.png)
523                Targa (*.tga)
525            HDR Formats:
526                OpenEXR (*.exr)
527                Radiance HDR (*.hdr)
529            Container Formats:
530                Khronos Texture KTX (*.ktx)
531                DirectDraw Surface DDS (*.dds)
535        To compress an image use:
536            astcenc {-cl|-cs|-ch|-cH} <in> <out> <blockdim> <quality> [options]
538        To decompress an image use:
539            astcenc {-dl|-ds|-dh|-dH} <in> <out>
541        To perform a quality test use:
542            astcenc {-tl|-ts|-th|-tH} <in> <out> <blockdim> <quality> [options]
544        Mode -*l = linear LDR, -*s = sRGB LDR, -*h = HDR RGB/LDR A, -*H = HDR.
545        Quality = -fastest/-fast/-medium/-thorough/-verythorough/-exhaustive/a float [0-100].
546 )";
548 /* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_print_header()549 void astcenc_print_header()
550 {
551 #if (ASTCENC_AVX == 2)
552 	const char* simdtype = "avx2";
553 #elif (ASTCENC_SSE == 41)
554 	const char* simdtype = "sse4.1";
555 #elif (ASTCENC_SSE == 20)
556 	const char* simdtype = "sse2";
557 #elif (ASTCENC_NEON == 1)
558 	const char* simdtype = "neon";
559 #else
560 	const char* simdtype = "none";
561 #endif
563 #if (ASTCENC_POPCNT == 1)
564 	const char* pcnttype = "+popcnt";
565 #else
566 	const char* pcnttype = "";
567 #endif
569 #if (ASTCENC_F16C == 1)
570 	const char* f16ctype = "+f16c";
571 #else
572 	const char* f16ctype = "";
573 #endif
575 	unsigned int bits = static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(void*) * 8);
576 	printf(astcenc_copyright_string,
577 	       VERSION_STRING, bits, simdtype, pcnttype, f16ctype, YEAR_STRING);
578 }
580 /* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_print_shorthelp()581 void astcenc_print_shorthelp()
582 {
583 	astcenc_print_header();
584 	printf("%s", astcenc_short_help);
585 }
587 /* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_print_longhelp()588 void astcenc_print_longhelp()
589 {
590 	astcenc_print_header();
591 	printf("%s", astcenc_long_help);
592 }