1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2<audio_effects_conf version="2.0" xmlns="http://schemas.android.com/audio/audio_effects_conf/v2_0"> 3 <!-- Overview. 4 This example config file was copy from existing one: frameworks/av/media/libeffects/data/ 5 audio_effects.xml, with effect library names updated to AIDL libraries we currently have. 6 7 All "library" attributes in "effect" element must must match a "library" element with the 8 same value of the "name" attribute. 9 All "effect" attributes in "preprocess" and "postprocess" element must match an "effect" 10 element with the same value of the "name" attribute. 11 12 AIDL EffectFactory are relying on the "name" attribute in "effect" element to identify the 13 effect type, so it's necessary to have the mapping from name to effect type UUID. Make 14 sure to either use existing effect name as key of 15 ::android::hardware::audio::effect::kUuidNameTypeMap, or add a new {name, typeUUID} map 16 item to the kUuidNameTypeMap. 17 18 Existing audio_effects.xml should working without any change as long as: 19 1. "path" attribute of "library" element matches with the actual effect library name. 20 2. "name" attribute of "effect" and "effectProxy" element correctly added as key of 21 kUuidNameTypeMap, with value matches Identity.type in Descriptor.aidl. 22 3. "uuid" attribute of "effect" element matches Identity.uuid in Descriptor.aidl. 23 4. "uuid" attribute of "effectProxy" element matches Identity.proxy in Descriptor.aidl. 24 --> 25 26 <!-- List of effect libraries to load. 27 Each library element must contain a "name" attribute and a "path" attribute giving the 28 name of a library .so file on the target device. 29 --> 30 <libraries> 31 <library name="aecsw" path="libaecsw.so"/> 32 <library name="agc1sw" path="libagc1sw.so"/> 33 <library name="agc2sw" path="libagc2sw.so"/> 34 <library name="bassboostsw" path="libbassboostsw.so"/> 35 <library name="bundle" path="libbundleaidl.so"/> 36 <library name="downmix" path="libdownmixaidl.so"/> 37 <library name="dynamics_processing" path="libdynamicsprocessingaidl.so"/> 38 <library name="equalizersw" path="libequalizersw.so"/> 39 <library name="haptic_generator" path="libhapticgeneratoraidl.so"/> 40 <library name="loudness_enhancer" path="libloudnessenhanceraidl.so"/> 41 <library name="nssw" path="libnssw.so"/> 42 <library name="env_reverbsw" path="libenvreverbsw.so"/> 43 <library name="pre_processing" path="libpreprocessingaidl.so"/> 44 <library name="preset_reverbsw" path="libpresetreverbsw.so"/> 45 <library name="reverb" path="libreverbaidl.so"/> 46 <library name="virtualizersw" path="libvirtualizersw.so"/> 47 <library name="visualizer" path="libvisualizeraidl.so"/> 48 <library name="volumesw" path="libvolumesw.so"/> 49 <library name="extensioneffect" path="libextensioneffect.so"/> 50 <library name="spatializersw" path="libspatializersw.so"/> 51 </libraries> 52 53 <!-- list of effects to load. 54 Each "effect" element must contain a "name", "library" and a "uuid" attribute, an optional 55 "type" attribute can be used to add any customized effect type. 56 The value of the "library" attribute must correspond to the name of one library element in 57 the "libraries" element. 58 The "name" attribute used to specific effect type, and should be mapping to a key of 59 aidl::android::hardware::audio::effect::kUuidNameTypeMap. 60 The "uuid" attribute is the implementation specific UUID as specified by the effect vendor. 61 62 Effect proxy can be supported with "effectProxy" element, each sub-element should contain 63 "library" and "uuid" attribute, all other attributes were ignored. Framework side use 64 result of IFactory.queryEffects() to decide which effect implementation should be part of 65 proxy and which not. 66 67 Only "name", "library", "uuid", and "type" attributes in "effects" element are meaningful 68 and parsed out by EffectConfig class, all other attributes are ignored. 69 Only "name" and "uuid" attributes in "effectProxy" element are meaningful and parsed out 70 by EffectConfig class, all other attributes are ignored. 71 --> 72 73 <effects> 74 <effect name="automatic_gain_control_v2" library="pre_processing" uuid="89f38e65-d4d2-4d64-ad0e-2b3e799ea886"/> 75 <effect name="bassboost" library="bundle" uuid="8631f300-72e2-11df-b57e-0002a5d5c51b"/> 76 <effect name="downmix" library="downmix" uuid="93f04452-e4fe-41cc-91f9-e475b6d1d69f"/> 77 <effect name="dynamics_processing" library="dynamics_processing" uuid="e0e6539b-1781-7261-676f-6d7573696340"/> 78 <effect name="haptic_generator" library="haptic_generator" uuid="97c4acd1-8b82-4f2f-832e-c2fe5d7a9931"/> 79 <effect name="loudness_enhancer" library="loudness_enhancer" uuid="fa415329-2034-4bea-b5dc-5b381c8d1e2c"/> 80 <effect name="reverb_env_aux" library="reverb" uuid="4a387fc0-8ab3-11df-8bad-0002a5d5c51b"/> 81 <effect name="reverb_env_ins" library="reverb" uuid="c7a511a0-a3bb-11df-860e-0002a5d5c51b"/> 82 <effect name="reverb_pre_aux" library="reverb" uuid="f29a1400-a3bb-11df-8ddc-0002a5d5c51b"/> 83 <effect name="reverb_pre_ins" library="reverb" uuid="172cdf00-a3bc-11df-a72f-0002a5d5c51b"/> 84 <effect name="virtualizer" library="bundle" uuid="1d4033c0-8557-11df-9f2d-0002a5d5c51b"/> 85 <effect name="visualizer" library="visualizer" uuid="d069d9e0-8329-11df-9168-0002a5d5c51b"/> 86 <effect name="volume" library="bundle" uuid="119341a0-8469-11df-81f9-0002a5d5c51b"/> 87 <effect name="equalizer" library="bundle" uuid="ce772f20-847d-11df-bb17-0002a5d5c51b"/> 88 <effect name="extension_effect" library="extensioneffect" uuid="fa81dd00-588b-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002" type="fa81de0e-588b-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002"/> 89 <effect name="acoustic_echo_canceler" library="pre_processing" uuid="bb392ec0-8d4d-11e0-a896-0002a5d5c51b"/> 90 <effect name="noise_suppression" library="pre_processing" uuid="c06c8400-8e06-11e0-9cb6-0002a5d5c51b"/> 91 <effect name="spatializer" library="spatializersw" uuid="fa81a880-588b-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120002"/> 92 </effects> 93 94 <preprocess> 95 <stream type="voice_communication"> 96 <apply effect="acoustic_echo_canceler"/> 97 <apply effect="noise_suppression"/> 98 </stream> 99 </preprocess> 100 101 <!-- Audio pre processor configurations. 102 The pre processor configuration is described in a "preprocess" element and consists in a 103 list of elements each describing pre processor settings for a given use case or "stream". 104 Each stream element has a "type" attribute corresponding to the input source used. 105 Valid types are these defined in system/hardware/interfaces/media/aidl/android/media/audio/ 106 common/AudioSource.aidl. 107 Each "stream" element contains a list of "apply" elements indicating one effect to apply. 108 The effect to apply is designated by its name in the "effects" elements. 109 If there are more than one effect apply to one stream, the audio framework will apply them 110 in the same equence as they listed in "stream" element. 111 112 <preprocess> 113 <stream type="voice_communication"> 114 <apply effect="aec"/> 115 <apply effect="ns"/> 116 </stream> 117 </preprocess> 118 --> 119 120 <!-- Audio post processor configurations. 121 The post processor configuration is described in a "postprocess" element and consists in a 122 list of elements each describing post processor settings for a given use case or "stream". 123 Each stream element has a "type" attribute corresponding to the stream type used. 124 Valid types are these defined in system/hardware/interfaces/media/aidl/android/media/audio/ 125 common/AudioStreamType.aidl. 126 Each "stream" element contains a list of "apply" elements indicating one effect to apply. 127 The effect to apply is designated by its name in the "effects" elements. 128 If there are more than one effect apply to one stream, the audio framework will apply them 129 in the same equence as they listed in "stream" element. 130 131 <postprocess> 132 <stream type="music"> 133 <apply effect="music_post_proc"/> 134 </stream> 135 <stream type="voice_call"> 136 <apply effect="voice_post_proc"/> 137 </stream> 138 <stream type="notification"> 139 <apply effect="notification_post_proc"/> 140 </stream> 141 </postprocess> 142 --> 143 144</audio_effects_conf> 145