1#  Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
3#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13#  limitations under the License.
15"""This test suite batches all tests to run in sequence.
17This requires 3 APs to be ready and configured in testbed.
182G AP (wifi_2g_ssid): channel 6 (2437)
195G AP (wifi_5g_ssid): channel 36 (5180)
20DFS 5G AP(wifi_dfs_5g_ssid): channel 52 (5260)
23import os
24import sys
26# Allows local imports to be resolved via relative path, so the test can be run
27# without building.
28_betocq_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
29if _betocq_dir not in sys.path:
30  sys.path.append(_betocq_dir)
32from mobly import suite_runner
34from betocq import base_betocq_suite
35from betocq import nc_constants
36from betocq.compound_tests import bt_2g_wifi_coex_test
37from betocq.compound_tests import mcc_5g_all_wifi_non_dbs_2g_sta_test
38from betocq.compound_tests import scc_2g_all_wifi_sta_test
39from betocq.compound_tests import scc_5g_all_wifi_dbs_2g_sta_test
40from betocq.compound_tests import scc_5g_all_wifi_sta_test
41from betocq.directed_tests import ble_performance_test
42from betocq.directed_tests import bt_performance_test
43from betocq.directed_tests import mcc_2g_wfd_indoor_5g_sta_test
44from betocq.directed_tests import mcc_5g_hotspot_dfs_5g_sta_test
45from betocq.directed_tests import mcc_5g_wfd_dfs_5g_sta_test
46from betocq.directed_tests import mcc_5g_wfd_non_dbs_2g_sta_test
47from betocq.directed_tests import mcc_aware_2g_5g_sta_test
48from betocq.directed_tests import scc_2g_wfd_sta_test
49from betocq.directed_tests import scc_2g_wlan_sta_test
50from betocq.directed_tests import scc_5g_aware_sta_test
51from betocq.directed_tests import scc_5g_wfd_dbs_2g_sta_test
52from betocq.directed_tests import scc_5g_wfd_sta_test
53from betocq.directed_tests import scc_5g_wlan_sta_test
54from betocq.directed_tests import scc_dfs_5g_hotspot_sta_test
55from betocq.directed_tests import scc_dfs_5g_wfd_sta_test
56from betocq.directed_tests import scc_indoor_5g_wfd_sta_test
57from betocq.function_tests import beto_cq_function_group_test
58from betocq.function_tests import nearbyconnections_function_test
61class BetoCqPerformanceTestSuite(base_betocq_suite.BaseBetocqSuite):
62  """Add all BetoCQ tests to run in sequence."""
64  def __init__(self, runner, config):
65    super().__init__(runner, config)
66    self._enabled_test_classes = {}
68  def enable_test_class(self, clazz, config=None):
69    """Enable the test class within the suite.
71    Once enabled, the test class will run if the user selects it explicitly from
72    the command line, or by default if no user selection is made.
74    Args:
75      clazz: class, a Mobly test class.
76      config: config_parser.TestRunConfig, the config to run the class with. If
77        not specified, the loaded config file is used as is.
78    """
79    self._enabled_test_classes[clazz] = config
81  def add_enabled_test_classes_from_selection(self):
82    """Add enabled test classes to run, based on the user selection."""
83    test_selector = suite_runner._parse_cli_args(None).tests
84    selected_tests = suite_runner.compute_selected_tests(
85        self._enabled_test_classes.keys(), test_selector
86    )
87    for test_class, tests in selected_tests.items():
88      self.add_test_class(
89          test_class, config=self._enabled_test_classes[test_class], tests=tests
90      )
92  def setup_suite(self, config):
93    """Add all BetoCQ tests to the suite."""
94    test_parameters = nc_constants.TestParameters.from_user_params(
95        config.user_params
96    )
98    if test_parameters.target_cuj_name == nc_constants.TARGET_CUJ_ESIM:
99      self.enable_test_class(bt_performance_test.BtPerformanceTest)
100      return
102    # enable function tests if required
103    if (
104        test_parameters.run_function_tests_with_performance_tests
105        or test_parameters.use_auto_controlled_wifi_ap
106    ):
107      self.enable_test_class(
108          beto_cq_function_group_test.BetoCqFunctionGroupTest
109      )
111    # enable nearby connections function tests if required
112    if test_parameters.run_nearby_connections_function_tests:
113      self.add_test_class(
114          nearbyconnections_function_test.NearbyConnectionsFunctionTest
115      )
117    if test_parameters.run_bt_coex_test:
118      self.enable_test_class(bt_2g_wifi_coex_test.Bt2gWifiCoexTest)
120    # enable bt and ble test
121    if test_parameters.run_bt_performance_test:
122      self.enable_test_class(bt_performance_test.BtPerformanceTest)
124    if test_parameters.run_ble_performance_test:
125      self.enable_test_class(ble_performance_test.BlePerformanceTest)
127    # enable directed/cuj tests which requires 2G wlan AP - channel 6
128    if (
129        test_parameters.wifi_2g_ssid
130        or test_parameters.use_auto_controlled_wifi_ap
131    ):
132      config = self._config.copy()
133      config.user_params['wifi_channel'] = 6
135      if test_parameters.run_directed_test:
136        self.enable_test_class(
137            clazz=mcc_5g_wfd_non_dbs_2g_sta_test.Mcc5gWfdNonDbs2gStaTest,
138            config=config,
139        )
140        self.enable_test_class(
141            clazz=scc_2g_wfd_sta_test.Scc2gWfdStaTest,
142            config=config,
143        )
144        self.enable_test_class(
145            clazz=scc_2g_wlan_sta_test.Scc2gWlanStaTest,
146            config=config,
147        )
148        self.enable_test_class(
149            clazz=scc_5g_wfd_dbs_2g_sta_test.Scc5gWfdDbs2gStaTest,
150            config=config,
151        )
152      if test_parameters.run_compound_test:
153        self.enable_test_class(
154            clazz=mcc_5g_all_wifi_non_dbs_2g_sta_test.Mcc5gAllWifiNonDbs2gStaTest,
155            config=config,
156        )
157        self.enable_test_class(
158            clazz=scc_2g_all_wifi_sta_test.Scc2gAllWifiStaTest,
159            config=config,
160        )
161        self.enable_test_class(
162            clazz=scc_5g_all_wifi_dbs_2g_sta_test.Scc5gAllWifiDbs2gStaTest,
163            config=config,
164        )
166    # enable directed tests which requires 5G wlan AP - channel 36
167    if (
168        test_parameters.wifi_5g_ssid
169        or test_parameters.use_auto_controlled_wifi_ap
170    ):
171      config = self._config.copy()
172      config.user_params['wifi_channel'] = 36
174      if test_parameters.run_directed_test:
175        self.enable_test_class(
176            clazz=mcc_2g_wfd_indoor_5g_sta_test.Mcc2gWfdIndoor5gStaTest,
177            config=config,
178        )
179        self.enable_test_class(
180            clazz=scc_5g_wfd_sta_test.Scc5gWfdStaTest,
181            config=config,
182        )
183        if test_parameters.run_aware_test:
184          self.add_test_class(
185              clazz=scc_5g_aware_sta_test.Scc5gAwareStaTest,
186              config=config,
187          )
188          self.add_test_class(
189              clazz=mcc_aware_2g_5g_sta_test.MccAware2g5gStaTest,
190              config=config,
191          )
192        self.enable_test_class(
193            clazz=scc_5g_wlan_sta_test.Scc5gWifiLanStaTest,
194            config=config,
195        )
196        self.enable_test_class(
197            clazz=scc_indoor_5g_wfd_sta_test.SccIndoor5gWfdStaTest,
198            config=config,
199        )
200      if test_parameters.run_compound_test:
201        self.enable_test_class(
202            clazz=scc_5g_all_wifi_sta_test.Scc5gAllWifiStaTest,
203            config=config,
204        )
206    # enable directed/cuj tests which requires DFS 5G wlan AP - channel 52
207    if (
208        test_parameters.wifi_dfs_5g_ssid
209        or test_parameters.use_auto_controlled_wifi_ap
210    ):
211      config = self._config.copy()
212      config.user_params['wifi_channel'] = 52
214      if test_parameters.run_directed_test:
215        self.enable_test_class(
216            clazz=mcc_5g_hotspot_dfs_5g_sta_test.Mcc5gHotspotDfs5gStaTest,
217            config=config,
218        )
219        self.enable_test_class(
220            clazz=mcc_5g_wfd_dfs_5g_sta_test.Mcc5gWfdDfs5gStaTest,
221            config=config,
222        )
223        self.enable_test_class(
224            clazz=scc_dfs_5g_hotspot_sta_test.SccDfs5gHotspotStaTest,
225            config=config,
226        )
227        self.enable_test_class(
228            clazz=scc_dfs_5g_wfd_sta_test.SccDfs5gWfdStaTest,
229            config=config,
230        )
232    self.add_enabled_test_classes_from_selection()
235if __name__ == '__main__':
236  # Use suite_runner's `main`.
237  suite_runner.run_suite_class()