1B|27550|[NN_LA_PO]HDRNet_QUANT8 2 3=========================================================================================================================================== 4NNAPI timing summary (self-times, ms wall-clock) Execution 5 ---------------------------------------------------- 6 Initialization Preparation Compilation I/O Compute Results Ex. total Termination Total 7 -------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 8Application n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.66 n/a 71.78* 9Runtime - 0.42 3.30 218.15 138.87 6.46 363.48 0.06 366.24 10IPC 0.11 - 2.05 2.21 86.54 - 88.76 - 90.92 11Driver 0.91 - 204.60 n/a n/a n/a 617.99 - 823.50 12 13Total 1.02* 0.42* 209.95* 220.36* 864.06* 6.46* 1090.89* 0.06* 1352.44* 14=========================================================================================================================================== 15* This total ignores missing (n/a) values and thus is not necessarily consistent with the rest of the numbers 16