1 /*
2  * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <string>
21 #include "types/raw_address.h"
23 /* Some predefined tags */
24 static std::string kLogConnectionTag("CONN_STATE");
25 static std::string kLogStateMachineTag("SM");
26 static std::string kLogControlPointCmd("ASCS_CP_CMD");
27 static std::string kLogControlPointNotif("ASCS_CP_NOTIF");
28 static std::string kLogAseStateNotif("ASE_NOTIF");
29 static std::string kLogHciEvent("HCI_EVENT");
30 static std::string kLogAfCallBt("AF --> ");
31 static std::string kLogBtCallAf("AF <-- ");
33 /* Operations on SM and ASEs */
34 static std::string kLogStateChangedOp("STATE CHANGED");
35 static std::string kLogTargetStateChangedOp("TARGET STATE CHANGED");
36 static std::string kLogAseConfigOp("CODEC_CONFIG: ");
37 static std::string kLogAseQoSConfigOp("QOS_CONFIG: ");
38 static std::string kLogAseEnableOp("ENABLE: ");
39 static std::string kLogAseDisableOp("DISABLE: ");
40 static std::string kLogAseReleaseOp("RELEASE: ");
41 static std::string kLogAseSuspendOp("SUSPEND: ");
42 static std::string kLogAseUpdateMetadataOp("METADATA_UPDATE: ");
43 static std::string kLogAseStartReadyOp("RCV_START_READY: ");
44 static std::string kLogAseStopReadyOp("RCV_STOP_READY: ");
46 /* Operations on CISes */
47 static std::string kLogCigCreateOp("CIG_CREATE:");
48 static std::string kLogCigRemoveOp("CIG_REMOVE:");
49 static std::string kLogCisCreateOp("CIS_CREATE: ");
50 static std::string kLogCisEstablishedOp("CIS_ESTABLISED: ");
51 static std::string kLogCisDisconnectOp("CIS_DISCONNECT: ");
52 static std::string kLogCisDisconnectedOp("CIS_DISCONNECTED: ");
53 static std::string kLogSetDataPathOp("SET_DATA_PATH: ");
54 static std::string kLogRemoveDataPathOp("REMOVE_DATA_PATH: ");
55 static std::string kLogDataPathCompleteOp("DATA_PATH_COMPLETE: ");
57 /* AF Client operations */
58 static std::string kLogAfResume("RESUME_REQ: ");
59 static std::string kLogAfSuspend("SUSPEND_REQ: ");
60 static std::string kLogAfMetadataUpdate("METADATA_UPDATE: ");
61 static std::string kLogAfResumeConfirm("RESUME_CONFIRMED: ");
62 static std::string kLogAfSuspendConfirm("SUSPEND_CONFIRMED: ");
63 static std::string kLogAfCancel("REQUEST_CANCELED: ");
64 static std::string kLogAfReconfigComplete("RECONFIG_COMPLETE_EVT: ");
65 static std::string kLogAfSuspendForReconfig("SUSPEND_FOR_RECONFIG_EVT: ");
67 class LeAudioLogHistory {
68  public:
69   virtual ~LeAudioLogHistory(void) = default;
70   static LeAudioLogHistory* Get(void);
71   static void Cleanup(void);
72   static void DebugDump(int fd);
74   virtual void AddLogHistory(const std::string& tag, int group_id,
75                              const RawAddress& addr,
76                              const std::string& msg) = 0;
77   virtual void AddLogHistory(const std::string& tag, int group_id,
78                              const RawAddress& addr, const std::string& msg,
79                              const std::string& extra) = 0;
80 };