1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2<!-- 3/* 4** Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project 5** 6** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 7** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 8** You may obtain a copy of the License at 9** 10** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 11** 12** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 13** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 14** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 15** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 16** limitations under the License. 17*/ 18--> 19 20<!-- Regex patterns for SMS short codes by country. --> 21<shortcodes> 22 23 <!-- The country attribute is the ISO country code of the user's account (from SIM card or NV). 24 The pattern attribute is a regex that matches all SMS short codes for the country. 25 The premium attribute is a regex that matches premium rate SMS short codes. 26 The free attribute matches short codes that we know will not cost the user, such as 27 emergency numbers. The standard attribute matches short codes that are billed at the 28 standard SMS rate. The user is warned when the destination phone number matches the 29 "pattern" or "premium" regexes, and does not match the "free" or "standard" regexes. --> 30 31 <!-- Harmonised European Short Codes are 7 digit numbers starting with 116 (free helplines). 32 Premium patterns include short codes from: http://aonebill.com/coverage&tariffs 33 and http://mobilcent.com/info-worldwide.asp and extracted from: 34 http://smscoin.net/software/engine/WordPress/Paid+SMS-registration/ --> 35 36 <!-- Arab Emirates --> 37 <shortcode country="ae" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="1017|1355|3214|6253" /> 38 39 <!-- Albania: 5 digits, known short codes listed --> 40 <shortcode country="al" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="15191|55[56]00" /> 41 42 <!-- Argentina: 6 digits, known short codes listed --> 43 <shortcode country="ar" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="11711|28291|44077|78887|191289|39010" /> 44 45 <!-- Armenia: 3-5 digits, emergency numbers 10[123] --> 46 <shortcode country="am" pattern="\\d{3,5}" premium="11[2456]1|3024" free="10[123]|71522|71512|71502" /> 47 48 <!-- Austria: 10 digits, premium prefix 09xx, plus EU --> 49 <shortcode country="at" pattern="11\\d{4}" premium="09.*" free="116\\d{3}" /> 50 51 <!-- Australia: 6 or 8 digits starting with "19" --> 52 <shortcode country="au" pattern="19(?:\\d{4}|\\d{6})" premium="19998882|19944444" /> 53 54 <!-- Azerbaijan: 4-5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 55 <shortcode country="az" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="330[12]|87744|901[234]|93(?:94|101)|9426|9525" /> 56 57 <!-- Bangladesh: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 58 <shortcode country="bd" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="16672" /> 59 60 <!-- Belgium: 4 digits, plus EU: http://www.mobileweb.be/en/mobileweb/sms-numberplan.asp --> 61 <shortcode country="be" premium="\\d{4}" free="8\\d{3}|116\\d{3}" /> 62 63 <!-- Burkina Faso: 1-4 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 64 <shortcode country="bf" pattern="\\d{1,4}" free="3558" /> 65 66 <!-- Bulgaria: 4-5 digits, plus EU --> 67 <shortcode country="bg" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="18(?:16|423)|19(?:1[56]|35)" free="116\\d{3}|1988|1490" /> 68 69 <!-- Bahrain: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 70 <shortcode country="bh" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="81181|85999" /> 71 72 <!-- Brazil: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 73 <shortcode country="br" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="6000[012]\\d|876|5500|9963|4141|8000|2652" /> 74 75 <!-- Botswana: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 76 <shortcode country="bw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="16641" /> 77 78 <!-- Belarus: 4 digits --> 79 <shortcode country="by" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="3336|4161|444[4689]|501[34]|7781" /> 80 81 <!-- Canada: 5-6 digits --> 82 <shortcode country="ca" pattern="\\d{5,6}" premium="60999|88188|43030" standard="244444" free="455677" /> 83 84 <!-- Switzerland: 3-5 digits: http://www.swisscom.ch/fxres/kmu/thirdpartybusiness_code_of_conduct_en.pdf --> 85 <shortcode country="ch" pattern="[2-9]\\d{2,4}" premium="543|83111|30118" free="98765|30075|30047" /> 86 87 <!-- Chile: 4-5 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed --> 88 <shortcode country="cl" pattern="\\d{4,5}" free="9963|9240|1038" /> 89 90 <!-- China: premium shortcodes start with "1066", free shortcodes start with "1065": 91 http://clients.txtnation.com/entries/197192-china-premium-sms-short-code-requirements --> 92 <shortcode country="cn" premium="1066.*" free="1065.*" /> 93 94 <!-- Colombia: 1-6 digits (not confirmed) --> 95 <shortcode country="co" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="890350|908160|892255|898002|898880|899960|899948|87739|85517|491289" /> 96 97 <!-- Costa Rica --> 98 <shortcode country="cr" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="466453" /> 99 100 <!-- Cyprus: 4-6 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed, plus EU --> 101 <shortcode country="cy" pattern="\\d{4,6}" premium="7510" free="116\\d{3}" /> 102 103 <!-- Czechia: Premium numbers start with 90, and are either 5 or 7 digits (5 digits is a 104 subscription request, you will be charged for the messages received, but it's necessary 105 to warn on the _request_ as that's the last chance to stop), plus EU: 106 https://www.t-mobile.cz/platebni-a-premium-sms 107 https://www.vodafone.cz/pece/vyuctovani-platby-kredit/platby-mobilem/cena-premium-sms/ --> 108 <shortcode country="cz" premium="90\\d{5}|90\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}" /> 109 110 <!-- Germany: 4-5 digits plus 1232xxx (premium codes from http://www.vodafone.de/infofaxe/537.pdf and http://premiumdienste.eplus.de/pdf/kodex.pdf), plus EU. To keep the premium regex from being too large, it only includes payment processors that have been used by SMS malware, with the regular pattern matching the other premium short codes. --> 111 <shortcode country="de" pattern="\\d{4,5}|1232\\d{3}" premium="11(?:111|833)|1232(?:013|021|060|075|286|358)|118(?:44|80|86)|20[25]00|220(?:21|22|88|99)|221(?:14|21)|223(?:44|53|77)|224[13]0|225(?:20|59|90)|226(?:06|10|20|26|30|40|56|70)|227(?:07|33|39|66|76|78|79|88|99)|228(?:08|11|66|77)|23300|30030|3[12347]000|330(?:33|55|66)|33(?:233|331|366|533)|34(?:34|567)|37000|40(?:040|123|444|[3568]00)|41(?:010|414)|44(?:000|044|344|44[24]|544)|50005|50100|50123|50555|51000|52(?:255|783)|54(?:100|2542)|55(?:077|[24]00|222|333|55|[12369]55)|56(?:789|886)|60800|6[13]000|66(?:[12348]66|566|766|777|88|999)|68888|70(?:07|123|777)|76766|77(?:007|070|222|444|[567]77)|80(?:008|123|888)|82(?:002|[378]00|323|444|472|474|488|727)|83(?:005|[169]00|333|830)|84(?:141|300|32[34]|343|488|499|777|888)|85888|86(?:188|566|640|644|650|677|868|888)|870[24]9|871(?:23|[49]9)|872(?:1[0-8]|49|99)|87499|875(?:49|55|99)|876(?:0[1367]|1[1245678]|54|99)|877(?:00|99)|878(?:15|25|3[567]|8[12])|87999|880(?:08|44|55|77|99)|88688|888(?:03|10|8|89)|8899|90(?:009|999)|99999" free="116\\d{3}|81214|81215|47529|70296|83782|3011|73240|72438" /> 112 113 <!-- Denmark: see http://iprs.webspacecommerce.com/Denmark-Premium-Rate-Numbers --> 114 <shortcode country="dk" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="1\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}|4665" /> 115 116 <!-- Dominican Republic: 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 117 <shortcode country="do" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="912892|912" /> 118 119 <!-- Ecuador: 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 120 <shortcode country="ec" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="466453|18512" /> 121 122 <!-- Estonia: short codes 3-5 digits starting with 1, plus premium 7 digit numbers starting with 90, plus EU. 123 http://www.tja.ee/public/documents/Elektrooniline_side/Oigusaktid/ENG/Estonian_Numbering_Plan_annex_06_09_2010.mht --> 124 <shortcode country="ee" pattern="1\\d{2,4}" premium="90\\d{5}|15330|1701[0-3]" free="116\\d{3}|95034" /> 125 126 <!-- Egypt: 4 digits, known codes listed --> 127 <shortcode country="eg" pattern="\\d{4}" free="1499" /> 128 129 <!-- Spain: 5-6 digits: 25xxx, 27xxx, 280xx, 35xxx, 37xxx, 795xxx, 797xxx, 995xxx, 997xxx, plus EU. 130 http://www.legallink.es/?q=en/content/which-current-regulatory-status-premium-rate-services-spain --> 131 <shortcode country="es" premium="[23][57]\\d{3}|280\\d{2}|[79]9[57]\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}|22791|222145|22189" /> 132 133 <!-- Finland: 5-6 digits, premium 0600, 0700: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Finland --> 134 <shortcode country="fi" pattern="\\d{5,6}" premium="0600.*|0700.*|171(?:59|63)" free="116\\d{3}|14789|17110" /> 135 136 <!-- France: 5 digits, free: 3xxxx, premium [4-8]xxxx, plus EU: 137 http://clients.txtnation.com/entries/161972-france-premium-sms-short-code-requirements, 138 visual voicemail code for Orange: 21101 --> 139 <shortcode country="fr" premium="[4-8]\\d{4}" free="3\\d{4}|116\\d{3}|21101|20366|555|2051|33033" /> 140 141 <!-- United Kingdom (Great Britain): 4-6 digits, common codes [5-8]xxxx, plus EU: 142 http://www.short-codes.com/media/Co-regulatoryCodeofPracticeforcommonshortcodes170206.pdf, 143 visual voicemail code for EE: 887 --> 144 <shortcode country="gb" pattern="\\d{4,6}" premium="[5-8]\\d{4}" free="116\\d{3}|2020|35890|61002|61202|887|83669|34664|40406|60174|7726|37726|88555|9017|9018" /> 145 146 <!-- Georgia: 1-5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 147 <shortcode country="ge" pattern="\\d{1,5}" premium="801[234]|888[239]" free="95201|95202|95203" /> 148 149 <!-- Ghana: 4 digits, known premium codes listed --> 150 <shortcode country="gh" pattern="\\d{4}" free="5041|3777|2333" /> 151 152 <!-- Greece: 5 digits (54xxx, 19yxx, x=0-9, y=0-5): http://www.cmtelecom.com/premium-sms/greece --> 153 <shortcode country="gr" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="54\\d{3}|19[0-5]\\d{2}" free="116\\d{3}|12115" /> 154 155 <!-- Guatemala --> 156 <shortcode country="gt" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="466453" /> 157 158 <!-- Croatia --> 159 <shortcode country="hr" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="13062" /> 160 161 <!-- Hungary: 4 or 10 digits starting with 1 or 0, plus EU: 162 http://clients.txtnation.com/entries/209633-hungary-premium-sms-short-code-regulations --> 163 <shortcode country="hu" pattern="[01](?:\\d{3}|\\d{9})" premium="0691227910|1784" free="116\\d{3}" /> 164 165 <!-- Honduras --> 166 <shortcode country="hn" pattern="\\d{4,6}" free="466453" /> 167 168 <!-- India: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 169 <shortcode country="in" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="59336|53969" /> 170 171 <!-- Indonesia: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 172 <shortcode country="id" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="99477|6006|46645|363|93457|99265" /> 173 174 <!-- Ireland: 5 digits, 5xxxx (50xxx=free, 5[12]xxx=standard), plus EU: 175 http://www.comreg.ie/_fileupload/publications/ComReg1117.pdf --> 176 <shortcode country="ie" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="5[3-9]\\d{3}" free="50\\d{3}|116\\d{3}" standard="5[12]\\d{3}" /> 177 178 <!-- Israel: 1-5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 179 <shortcode country="il" pattern="\\d{1,5}" premium="4422|4545" free="37477|6681" /> 180 181 <!-- Iran: 4-8 digits, known premium codes listed --> 182 <shortcode country="ir" pattern="\\d{4,8}" free="700791|700792|100016|30008360" /> 183 184 <!-- Italy: 5 digits (premium=41xxx,42xxx), plus EU: 185 https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/02/02/T020200006B0001PDFE.pdf --> 186 <shortcode country="it" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="44[0-4]\\d{2}|47[0-4]\\d{2}|48[0-4]\\d{2}|44[5-9]\\d{4}|47[5-9]\\d{4}|48[5-9]\\d{4}|455\\d{2}|499\\d{2}" free="116\\d{3}|4112503|40\\d{0,12}" standard="430\\d{2}|431\\d{2}|434\\d{4}|435\\d{4}|439\\d{7}" /> 187 188 <!-- Japan: 8083 used by SOFTBANK_DCB_2 --> 189 <shortcode country="jp" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="8083" /> 190 191 <!-- Kenya: 5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 192 <shortcode country="ke" pattern="\\d{5}" free="21725|21562|40520|23342|40023|24088|23054" /> 193 194 <!-- Kyrgyzstan: 4 digits, known premium codes listed --> 195 <shortcode country="kg" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="415[2367]|444[69]" /> 196 197 <!-- Korea: http://www.smsideatechnosolutions.com/chhattisgarh/korea/sms-short-code.html --> 198 <shortcode country="kr" pattern="\\d{4,7}" free="\\*9712|\\*9090|##900" /> 199 200 <!-- Kazakhstan: 4 digits, known premium codes listed: http://smscoin.net/info/pricing-kazakhstan/ --> 201 <shortcode country="kz" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="335[02]|4161|444[469]|77[2359]0|8444|919[3-5]|968[2-5]" /> 202 203 <!-- Kuwait: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 204 <shortcode country="kw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="1378|50420|94006|55991|50976|7112" /> 205 206 <!-- Lithuania: 3-5 digits, known premium codes listed, plus EU --> 207 <shortcode country="lt" pattern="\\d{3,5}" premium="13[89]1|1394|16[34]5" free="116\\d{3}|1399|1324" /> 208 209 <!-- Luxembourg: 5 digits, 6xxxx, plus EU: 210 http://www.luxgsm.lu/assets/files/filepage/file_1253803400.pdf --> 211 <shortcode country="lu" premium="6\\d{4}" free="116\\d{3}|60231|64085" /> 212 213 <!-- Latvia: 4 digits, known premium codes listed, plus EU --> 214 <shortcode country="lv" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="18(?:19|63|7[1-4])" free="116\\d{3}|1399" /> 215 216 <!-- Morocco: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 217 <shortcode country="ma" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="53819" /> 218 219 <!-- Macedonia: 1-6 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed --> 220 <shortcode country="mk" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="129005|122" /> 221 222 <!-- Mongolia : 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 223 <shortcode country="mn" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="44444|45678|445566" /> 224 225 <!-- Malawi: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 226 <shortcode country="mw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="4276" /> 227 228 <!-- Mozambique: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 229 <shortcode country="mz" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="1714" /> 230 231 <!-- Mexico: 4-7 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed --> 232 <shortcode country="mx" pattern="\\d{4,7}" premium="53035|7766" free="26259|46645|50025|50052|5050|76551|88778|9963|91101|45453|550346|3030303|81811" /> 233 234 <!-- Malaysia: 5 digits: http://www.skmm.gov.my/attachment/Consumer_Regulation/Mobile_Content_Services_FAQs.pdf --> 235 <shortcode country="my" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="32298|33776" free="22099|28288|66668|66966" /> 236 237 <!-- Namibia: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 238 <shortcode country="na" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="40005" /> 239 240 <!-- Nicaragua --> 241 <shortcode country="ni" pattern="\\d{4,6}" free="466453" /> 242 243 <!-- The Netherlands, 4 digits, known premium codes listed, plus EU --> 244 <shortcode country="nl" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="4466|5040" free="116\\d{3}|2223|6225|2223|1662" /> 245 246 <!-- Nigeria --> 247 <shortcode country="ng" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="2441|55020" /> 248 249 <!-- Norway: 4-5 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed --> 250 <shortcode country="no" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="2201|222[67]" free="2171" /> 251 252 <!-- New Zealand: 3-4 digits, known premium codes listed --> 253 <shortcode country="nz" pattern="\\d{3,4}" premium="3903|8995|4679" free="1737|176|2141|3067|3068|3110|3876|4006|4053|4061|4062|4202|4300|4334|4412|4575|5626|8006|8681" /> 254 255 <!-- Peru: 4-6 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed --> 256 <shortcode country="pe" pattern="\\d{4,6}" free="9963|40778|301303" /> 257 258 <!-- Philippines --> 259 <shortcode country="ph" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="2147|5495|5496" /> 260 261 <!-- Pakistan --> 262 <shortcode country="pk" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="2057|9092|909203|909201" /> 263 264 <!-- Palestine: 5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 265 <shortcode country="ps" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="37477|6681" /> 266 267 <!-- Paraguay: 6 digits, known premium codes listed --> 268 <shortcode country="py" pattern="\\d{6}" free="191289" /> 269 270 <!-- Poland: 4-5 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed, plus EU --> 271 <shortcode country="pl" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="74240|79(?:10|866)|92525" free="116\\d{3}|8012|80921" /> 272 273 <!-- Portugal: 5 digits, plus EU: 274 http://clients.txtnation.com/entries/158326-portugal-premium-sms-short-code-regulations --> 275 <shortcode country="pt" premium="6[1289]\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}|1262|12666" /> 276 277 <!-- Qatar: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 278 <shortcode country="qa" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="92451" /> 279 280 <!-- Reunion (French Territory): 1-5 digits (not confirmed) --> 281 <shortcode country="re" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="38600,36300,36303,959" /> 282 283 <!-- Romania: 4 digits, plus EU: http://www.simplus.ro/en/resources/glossary-of-terms/ --> 284 <shortcode country="ro" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="12(?:63|66|88)|13(?:14|80)" free="116\\d{3}|3654|8360|3838" /> 285 286 <!-- Russia: 4 digits, known premium codes listed: http://smscoin.net/info/pricing-russia/ --> 287 <shortcode country="ru" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="1(?:1[56]1|899)|2(?:09[57]|322|47[46]|880|990)|3[589]33|4161|44(?:4[3-9]|81)|77(?:33|81)|8424" free="6954|8501" standard="2037|2044"/> 288 289 <!-- Rwanda: 4 digits --> 290 <shortcode country="rw" pattern="\\d{4}" free="5060|5061" /> 291 292 <!-- Saudi Arabia --> 293 <shortcode country="sa" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="8145" /> 294 295 <!-- Sweden: 5 digits (72xxx), plus EU: http://www.viatel.se/en/premium-sms/ --> 296 <shortcode country="se" premium="72\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}" /> 297 298 <!-- Singapore: 5 digits: http://clients.txtnation.com/entries/306442-singapore-premium-sms-short-code-requirements 299 Free government directory info at 74688: http://app.sgdi.gov.sg/sms_help.asp --> 300 <shortcode country="sg" pattern="7\\d{4}" premium="73800" standard="74688|70134" /> 301 302 <!-- Slovenia: 4 digits (premium=3xxx, 6xxx, 8xxx), plus EU: http://www.cmtelecom.com/premium-sms/slovenia --> 303 <shortcode country="si" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="[368]\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}|3133" /> 304 305 <!-- Slovakia: 4 digits (premium), plus EU: http://www.cmtelecom.com/premium-sms/slovakia --> 306 <shortcode country="sk" premium="\\d{4}" free="116\\d{3}|8000" /> 307 308 <!-- Senegal(SN): 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 309 <shortcode country="sn" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="21215|21098" /> 310 311 <!-- El Salvador(SV): 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 312 <shortcode country="sv" pattern="\\d{4,6}" free="466453" /> 313 314 <!-- Taiwan --> 315 <shortcode country="tw" pattern="\\d{4}" free="1922" /> 316 317 <!-- Thailand: 4186001 used by AIS_TH_DCB --> 318 <shortcode country="th" pattern="\\d{1,5}" premium="4\\d{6}" free="4186001" /> 319 320 <!-- Tajikistan: 4 digits, known premium codes listed --> 321 <shortcode country="tj" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="11[3-7]1|4161|4333|444[689]" /> 322 323 <!-- Tanzania: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 324 <shortcode country="tz" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="15046|15234|15324" /> 325 326 <!-- Tunisia: 5 digits, known premium codes listed --> 327 <shortcode country="tn" pattern="\\d{5}" free="85799" /> 328 329 <!-- Turkey --> 330 <shortcode country="tr" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="7529|5528|6493|3193" /> 331 332 <!-- Ukraine: 4 digits, known premium codes listed --> 333 <shortcode country="ua" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="444[3-9]|70[579]4|7540" /> 334 335 <!-- Uganda(UG): 4 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 336 <shortcode country="ug" pattern="\\d{4}" free="8000" /> 337 338 <!-- USA: 5-6 digits (premium codes from https://www.premiumsmsrefunds.com/ShortCodes.htm), 339 visual voicemail code for T-Mobile: 122 --> 340 <shortcode country="us" pattern="\\d{5,6}" premium="20433|21(?:344|472)|22715|23(?:333|847)|24(?:15|28)0|25209|27(?:449|606|663)|28498|305(?:00|83)|32(?:340|941)|33(?:166|786|849)|34746|35(?:182|564)|37975|38(?:135|146|254)|41(?:366|463)|42335|43(?:355|500)|44(?:578|711|811)|45814|46(?:157|173|327)|46666|47553|48(?:221|277|669)|50(?:844|920)|51(?:062|368)|52944|54(?:723|892)|55928|56483|57370|59(?:182|187|252|342)|60339|61(?:266|982)|62478|64(?:219|898)|65(?:108|500)|69(?:208|388)|70877|71851|72(?:078|087|465)|73(?:288|588|882|909|997)|74(?:034|332|815)|76426|79213|81946|83177|84(?:103|685)|85797|86(?:234|236|666)|89616|90(?:715|842|938)|91(?:362|958)|94719|95297|96(?:040|666|835|969)|97(?:142|294|688)|99(?:689|796|807)" standard="44567|244444" free="122|87902|21696|24614|28003|30356|33669|40196|41064|41270|43753|44034|46645|52413|56139|57969|61785|66975|75136|76227|81398|83952|85140|86566|86799|95737|96684|99245|611611|96831" /> 341 342 <!--Uruguay : 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 343 <shortcode country="uy" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="55002|191289" /> 344 345 <!-- Venezuela: 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 346 <shortcode country="ve" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="538352" /> 347 348 <!-- Vietnam: 1-6 digits (standard system default, not country specific) --> 349 <shortcode country="vn" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="5001|9055|8079|90002|118989" /> 350 351 <!-- Mayotte (French Territory): 1-5 digits (not confirmed) --> 352 <shortcode country="yt" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="38600,36300,36303,959" /> 353 354 <!-- South Africa --> 355 <shortcode country="za" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="44136|30791|36056|33009" /> 356 357 <!-- Yemen --> 358 <shortcode country="ye" pattern="\\d{1,4}" free="5079" /> 359 360 <!-- Zimbabwe --> 361 <shortcode country="zw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="33679" /> 362 363</shortcodes> 364