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1 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
15  * and limitations under the License.
16  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
17  */
18 /******************************************************************************
19  *
20  * This software module was originally developed by
21  *
22  * Robert Danielsen (Telenor / ACTS-MoMuSys).
23  *
24  * and edited by
25  *
26  * Minhua Zhou (HHI / ACTS-MoMuSys).
27  * Luis Ducla-Soares (IST / ACTS-MoMuSys).
28  *
29  * in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard.
30  * This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4
31  * Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) tools as specified by the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC
32  * 14496-2) standard.
33  *
34  * ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard free
35  * license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in hardware
36  * or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC
37  * 14496-2) standard.
38  *
39  * Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products
40  * are advised that its use may infringe existing patents. The original
41  * developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent
42  * editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this
43  * software module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is
44  * not released for non MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard conforming
45  * products.
46  *
47  * ACTS-MoMuSys partners retain full right to use the code for his/her own
48  * purpose, assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third
49  * parties from using the code for non MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard
50  * conforming products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
51  * derivative works.
52  *
53  * Copyright (c) 1997
54  *
55  *****************************************************************************/
58 /***********************************************************HeaderBegin*******
59  *
60  * File:    vlc.h
61  *
62  * Author:  Robert Danielsen
63  * Created: 07.06.96
64  *
65  * Description: vlc tables for encoder
66  *
67  * Notes:   Idea taken from MPEG-2 software simulation group
68  *
69  * Modified:
70  *  28.10.96 Robert Danielsen: Added tables for Intra luminance
71  *          coefficients
72  *      01.05.97 Luis Ducla-Soares: added VM7.0 Reversible VLC tables (RVLC).
73  *      13.05.97 Minhua Zhou: added cbpy_tab3,cbpy_tab2
74  *
75  ***********************************************************HeaderEnd*********/
77 /************************    INCLUDE FILES    ********************************/
79 #ifndef _VLC_ENC_TAB_H_
80 #define _VLC_ENC_TAB_H_
83 #include "mp4def.h"
84 /* type definitions for variable length code table entries */
88 static const Int intra_max_level[2][64] =
89 {
90     {27, 10,  5,  4,  3,  3,  3,  3,
91         2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,
92         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
93         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
94         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
95         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
96         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
97         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
98     },
100     {8,  3,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  1,
101      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
102      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,
103      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
104      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
105      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
106      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
107      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
108     }
109 };
112 static const Int inter_max_level[2][64] =
113 {
114     {12,  6,  4,  3,  3,  3,  3,  2,
115         2,  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
116         1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
117         1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
118         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
119         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
120         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
121         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0},
123     {3,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
124      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
125      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
126      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
127      1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
128      1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
129      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
130      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0}
131 };
134 static const Int intra_max_run0[28] = { 999, 14,  9,  7,  3,  2,  1,
135                                         1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,
136                                         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
137                                         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
138                                       };
141 static const Int intra_max_run1[9] = { 999, 20,  6,
142                                        1,  0,  0,
143                                        0,  0,  0
144                                      };
146 static const Int inter_max_run0[13] = { 999,
147                                         26, 10,  6,  2,  1,  1,
148                                         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
149                                       };
152 static const Int inter_max_run1[4] = { 999, 40,  1,  0 };
156 /* DC prediction sizes */
158 static const VLCtable DCtab_lum[13] =
159 {
160     {3, 3}, {3, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {1, 6}, {1, 7},
161     {1, 8}, {1, 9}, {1, 10}, {1, 11}
162 };
164 static const VLCtable DCtab_chrom[13] =
165 {
166     {3, 2}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {1, 6}, {1, 7}, {1, 8},
167     {1, 9}, {1, 10}, {1, 11}, {1, 12}
168 };
170 /* Motion vectors */
172 static const VLCtable mvtab[33] =
173 {
174     {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {3, 6}, {5, 7}, {4, 7}, {3, 7},
175     {11, 9}, {10, 9}, {9, 9}, {17, 10}, {16, 10}, {15, 10}, {14, 10}, {13, 10},
176     {12, 10}, {11, 10}, {10, 10}, {9, 10}, {8, 10}, {7, 10}, {6, 10}, {5, 10},
177     {4, 10}, {7, 11}, {6, 11}, {5, 11}, {4, 11}, {3, 11}, {2, 11}, {3, 12},
178     {2, 12}
179 };
182 /* MCBPC Indexing by cbpc in first two bits, mode in last two.
183  CBPC as in table 4/H.263, MB type (mode): 3 = 01, 4 = 10.
184  Example: cbpc = 01 and mode = 4 gives index = 0110 = 6. */
186 static const VLCtable mcbpc_intra_tab[15] =
187 {
188     {0x01, 9}, {0x01, 1}, {0x01, 4}, {0x00, 0},
189     {0x00, 0}, {0x01, 3}, {0x01, 6}, {0x00, 0},
190     {0x00, 0}, {0x02, 3}, {0x02, 6}, {0x00, 0},
191     {0x00, 0}, {0x03, 3}, {0x03, 6}
192 };
195 /* MCBPC inter.
196    Addressing: 5 bit ccmmm (cc = CBPC, mmm = mode (1-4 binary)) */
198 static const VLCtable mcbpc_inter_tab[29] =
199 {
200     {1, 1}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 5}, {4, 6}, {1, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0},
201     {3, 4}, {7, 7}, {5, 7}, {4, 8}, {4, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0},
202     {2, 4}, {6, 7}, {4, 7}, {3, 8}, {3, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0},
203     {5, 6}, {5, 9}, {5, 8}, {3, 7}, {2, 9}
204 };
208 /* CBPY. Straightforward indexing */
210 static const VLCtable cbpy_tab[16] =
211 {
212     {3, 4}, {5, 5}, {4, 5}, {9, 4}, {3, 5}, {7, 4}, {2, 6}, {11, 4},
213     {2, 5}, {3, 6}, {5, 4}, {10, 4}, {4, 4}, {8, 4}, {6, 4}, {3, 2}
214 };
216 static const VLCtable cbpy_tab3[8] =
217 {
218     {3, 3}, {1, 6}, {1, 5}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 5}, {1, 3}, {1, 1}
219 };
220 static const VLCtable cbpy_tab2[4] =
221 {
222     {1, 4}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}, {1, 1}
223 };
225 /* DCT coefficients. Four tables, two for last = 0, two for last = 1.
226    the sign bit must be added afterwards. */
228 /* first part of coeffs for last = 0. Indexed by [run][level-1] */
230 static const VLCtable coeff_tab0[2][12] =
231 {
232     /* run = 0 */
233     {
234         {0x02, 2}, {0x0f, 4}, {0x15, 6}, {0x17, 7},
235         {0x1f, 8}, {0x25, 9}, {0x24, 9}, {0x21, 10},
236         {0x20, 10}, {0x07, 11}, {0x06, 11}, {0x20, 11}
237     },
238     /* run = 1 */
239     {
240         {0x06, 3}, {0x14, 6}, {0x1e, 8}, {0x0f, 10},
241         {0x21, 11}, {0x50, 12}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0},
242         {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
243     }
244 };
246 /* rest of coeffs for last = 0. indexing by [run-2][level-1] */
248 static const VLCtable coeff_tab1[25][4] =
249 {
250     /* run = 2 */
251     {
252         {0x0e, 4}, {0x1d, 8}, {0x0e, 10}, {0x51, 12}
253     },
254     /* run = 3 */
255     {
256         {0x0d, 5}, {0x23, 9}, {0x0d, 10}, {0x00, 0}
257     },
258     /* run = 4-26 */
259     {
260         {0x0c, 5}, {0x22, 9}, {0x52, 12}, {0x00, 0}
261     },
262     {
263         {0x0b, 5}, {0x0c, 10}, {0x53, 12}, {0x00, 0}
264     },
265     {
266         {0x13, 6}, {0x0b, 10}, {0x54, 12}, {0x00, 0}
267     },
268     {
269         {0x12, 6}, {0x0a, 10}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
270     },
271     {
272         {0x11, 6}, {0x09, 10}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
273     },
274     {
275         {0x10, 6}, {0x08, 10}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
276     },
277     {
278         {0x16, 7}, {0x55, 12}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
279     },
280     {
281         {0x15, 7}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
282     },
283     {
284         {0x14, 7}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
285     },
286     {
287         {0x1c, 8}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
288     },
289     {
290         {0x1b, 8}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
291     },
292     {
293         {0x21, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
294     },
295     {
296         {0x20, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
297     },
298     {
299         {0x1f, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
300     },
301     {
302         {0x1e, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
303     },
304     {
305         {0x1d, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
306     },
307     {
308         {0x1c, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
309     },
310     {
311         {0x1b, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
312     },
313     {
314         {0x1a, 9}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
315     },
316     {
317         {0x22, 11}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
318     },
319     {
320         {0x23, 11}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
321     },
322     {
323         {0x56, 12}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
324     },
325     {
326         {0x57, 12}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}
327     }
328 };
330 /* first coeffs of last = 1. indexing by [run][level-1] */
332 static const VLCtable coeff_tab2[2][3] =
333 {
334     /* run = 0 */
335     {
336         {0x07, 4}, {0x19, 9}, {0x05, 11}
337     },
338     /* run = 1 */
339     {
340         {0x0f, 6}, {0x04, 11}, {0x00, 0}
341     }
342 };
344 /* rest of coeffs for last = 1. indexing by [run-2] */
346 static const VLCtable coeff_tab3[40] =
347 {
348     {0x0e, 6}, {0x0d, 6}, {0x0c, 6},
349     {0x13, 7}, {0x12, 7}, {0x11, 7}, {0x10, 7},
350     {0x1a, 8}, {0x19, 8}, {0x18, 8}, {0x17, 8},
351     {0x16, 8}, {0x15, 8}, {0x14, 8}, {0x13, 8},
352     {0x18, 9}, {0x17, 9}, {0x16, 9}, {0x15, 9},
353     {0x14, 9}, {0x13, 9}, {0x12, 9}, {0x11, 9},
354     {0x07, 10}, {0x06, 10}, {0x05, 10}, {0x04, 10},
355     {0x24, 11}, {0x25, 11}, {0x26, 11}, {0x27, 11},
356     {0x58, 12}, {0x59, 12}, {0x5a, 12}, {0x5b, 12},
357     {0x5c, 12}, {0x5d, 12}, {0x5e, 12}, {0x5f, 12},
358     {0x00, 0}
359 };
361 /* New tables for Intra luminance coefficients. Same codewords,
362    different meaning */
364 /* Coeffs for last = 0, run = 0. Indexed by [level-1] */
366 static const VLCtable coeff_tab4[27] =
367 {
368     /* run = 0 */
369     {0x02, 2}, {0x06, 3}, {0x0f, 4}, {0x0d, 5},
370     {0x0c, 5}, {0x15, 6}, {0x13, 6}, {0x12, 6},
371     {0x17, 7}, {0x1f, 8}, {0x1e, 8}, {0x1d, 8},
372     {0x25, 9}, {0x24, 9}, {0x23, 9}, {0x21, 9},
373     {0x21, 10}, {0x20, 10}, {0x0f, 10}, {0x0e, 10},
374     {0x07, 11}, {0x06, 11}, {0x20, 11}, {0x21, 11},
375     {0x50, 12}, {0x51, 12}, {0x52, 12}
376 };
378 /* Coeffs for last = 0, run = 1. Indexed by [level-1] */
380 static const VLCtable coeff_tab5[10] =
381 {
382     {0x0e, 4}, {0x14, 6}, {0x16, 7}, {0x1c, 8},
383     {0x20, 9}, {0x1f, 9}, {0x0d, 10}, {0x22, 11},
384     {0x53, 12}, {0x55, 12}
385 };
387 /* Coeffs for last = 0, run = 2 -> 9. Indexed by [run-2][level-1] */
389 static const VLCtable coeff_tab6[8][5] =
390 {
391     /* run = 2 */
392     {
393         {0x0b, 5}, {0x15, 7}, {0x1e, 9}, {0x0c, 10},
394         {0x56, 12}
395     },
396     /* run = 3 */
397     {
398         {0x11, 6}, {0x1b, 8}, {0x1d, 9}, {0x0b, 10},
399         {0x00, 0}
400     },
401     /* run = 4 */
402     {
403         {0x10, 6}, {0x22, 9}, {0x0a, 10}, {0x00, 0},
404         {0x00, 0}
405     },
406     /* run = 5 */
407     {
408         {0x0d, 6}, {0x1c, 9}, {0x08, 10}, {0x00, 0},
409         {0x00, 0}
410     },
411     /* run = 6 */
412     {
413         {0x12, 7}, {0x1b, 9}, {0x54, 12}, {0x00, 0},
414         {0x00, 0}
415     },
416     /* run = 7 */
417     {
418         {0x14, 7}, {0x1a, 9}, {0x57, 12}, {0x00, 0},
419         {0x00, 0}
420     },
421     /* run = 8 */
422     {
423         {0x19, 8}, {0x09, 10}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0},
424         {0x00, 0}
425     },
426     /* run = 9 */
427     {
428         {0x18, 8}, {0x23, 11}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0},
429         {0x00, 0}
430     }
431 };
433 /* Coeffs for last = 0, run = 10 -> 14. Indexed by [run-10] */
435 static const VLCtable coeff_tab7[5] =
436 {
437     {0x17, 8}, {0x19, 9}, {0x18, 9}, {0x07, 10},
438     {0x58, 12}
439 };
441 /* Coeffs for last = 1, run = 0. Indexed by [level-1] */
443 static const VLCtable coeff_tab8[8] =
444 {
445     {0x07, 4}, {0x0c, 6}, {0x16, 8}, {0x17, 9},
446     {0x06, 10}, {0x05, 11}, {0x04, 11}, {0x59, 12}
447 };
449 /* Coeffs for last = 1, run = 1 -> 6. Indexed by [run-1][level-1] */
451 static const VLCtable coeff_tab9[6][3] =
452 {
453     /* run = 1 */
454     {
455         {0x0f, 6}, {0x16, 9}, {0x05, 10}
456     },
457     /* run = 2 */
458     {
459         {0x0e, 6}, {0x04, 10}, {0x00, 0}
460     },
461     /* run = 3 */
462     {
463         {0x11, 7}, {0x24, 11}, {0x00, 0}
464     },
465     /* run = 4 */
466     {
467         {0x10, 7}, {0x25, 11}, {0x00, 0}
468     },
469     /* run = 5 */
470     {
471         {0x13, 7}, {0x5a, 12}, {0x00, 0}
472     },
473     /* run = 6 */
474     {
475         {0x15, 8}, {0x5b, 12}, {0x00, 0}
476     }
477 };
479 /* Coeffs for last = 1, run = 7 -> 20. Indexed by [run-7] */
481 static const VLCtable coeff_tab10[14] =
482 {
483     {0x14, 8}, {0x13, 8}, {0x1a, 8}, {0x15, 9},
484     {0x14, 9}, {0x13, 9}, {0x12, 9}, {0x11, 9},
485     {0x26, 11}, {0x27, 11}, {0x5c, 12}, {0x5d, 12},
486     {0x5e, 12}, {0x5f, 12}
487 };
490 #ifndef NO_RVLC
491 /* RVLC tables */
492 /* DCT coefficients. Four tables, two for last = 0, two for last = 1.
493    the sign bit must be added afterwards. */
495 /* DCT  coeffs (intra) for last = 0.  */
497 /* Indexed by [level-1] */
499 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab1[27] =
500 {
501     /* run = 0 */
502     {     0x6,  3},
503     {     0x7,  3},
504     {     0xa,  4},
505     {     0x9,  5},
506     {    0x14,  6},
507     {    0x15,  6},
508     {    0x34,  7},
509     {    0x74,  8},
510     {    0x75,  8},
511     {    0xdd,  9},
512     {    0xec,  9},
513     {   0x1ec, 10},
514     {   0x1ed, 10},
515     {   0x1f4, 10},
516     {   0x3ec, 11},
517     {   0x3ed, 11},
518     {   0x3f4, 11},
519     {   0x77d, 12},
520     {   0x7bc, 12},
521     {   0xfbd, 13},
522     {   0xfdc, 13},
523     {   0x7bd, 12},
524     {   0xfdd, 13},
525     {  0x1fbd, 14},
526     {  0x1fdc, 14},
527     {  0x1fdd, 14},
528     {  0x1ffc, 15}
529 };
532 /* Indexed by [level-1] */
534 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab2[13] =
535 {
536     /* run = 1 */
537     {     0x1,  4},
538     {     0x8,  5},
539     {    0x2d,  7},
540     {    0x6c,  8},
541     {    0x6d,  8},
542     {    0xdc,  9},
543     {   0x1dd, 10},
544     {   0x3dc, 11},
545     {   0x3dd, 11},
546     {   0x77c, 12},
547     {   0xfbc, 13},
548     {  0x1f7d, 14},
549     {  0x1fbc, 14}
550 };
553 /* Indexed by [level-1] */
555 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab3[11] =
556 {
557     /* run = 2 */
559     {     0x4,  5},
560     {    0x2c,  7},
561     {    0xbc,  9},
562     {   0x1dc, 10},
563     {   0x3bc, 11},
564     {   0x3bd, 11},
565     {   0xefd, 13},
566     {   0xf7c, 13},
567     {   0xf7d, 13},
568     {  0x1efd, 14},
569     {  0x1f7c, 14}
570 };
573 /* Indexed by [level-1] */
575 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab4[9] =
576 {
577     /* run = 3 */
578     {     0x5,  5},
579     {    0x5c,  8},
580     {    0xbd,  9},
581     {   0x37d, 11},
582     {   0x6fc, 12},
583     {   0xefc, 13},
584     {  0x1dfd, 14},
585     {  0x1efc, 14},
586     {  0x1ffd, 15}
587 };
590 /* Indexed by [run-4][level-1] */
592 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab5[2][6] =
593 {
594     /* run = 4 */
595     {
596         {     0xc,  6},
597         {    0x5d,  8},
598         {   0x1bd, 10},
599         {   0x3fd, 12},
600         {   0x6fd, 12},
601         {  0x1bfd, 14}
602     },
603     /* run = 5 */
604     {
605         {     0xd,  6},
606         {    0x7d,  9},
607         {   0x2fc, 11},
608         {   0x5fc, 12},
609         {  0x1bfc, 14},
610         {  0x1dfc, 14}
611     }
612 };
615 /* Indexed by [run-6][level-1]       */
617 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab6[2][5] =
618 {
620     /* run = 6 */
621     {
622         {    0x1c,  7},
623         {   0x17c, 10},
624         {   0x2fd, 11},
625         {   0x5fd, 12},
626         {  0x2ffc, 15}
627     },
628     /* run = 7 */
629     {
630         {    0x1d,  7},
631         {   0x17d, 10},
632         {   0x37c, 11},
633         {   0xdfd, 13},
634         {  0x2ffd, 15}
635     }
637 };
638 /* Indexed by [run-8][level-1] */
640 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab7[2][4] =
641 {
642     /* run = 8 */
643     {
644         {    0x3c,  8},
645         {   0x1bc, 10},
646         {   0xbfd, 13},
647         {  0x17fd, 14}
648     },
649     /* run = 9 */
650     {
651         {    0x3d,  8},
652         {   0x1fd, 11},
653         {   0xdfc, 13},
654         {  0x37fc, 15},
655     }
656 };
660 /* Indexed by [run-10][level-1] */
662 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab8[3][2] =
663 {
664     /* run = 10 */
665     {
666         {    0x7c,  9},
667         {   0x3fc, 12}
668     },
669     /* run = 11 */
670     {
671         {    0xfc, 10},
672         {   0xbfc, 13}
673     },
674     /* run = 12 */
675     {
676         {    0xfd, 10},
677         {  0x37fd, 15}
678     }
679 };
682 /* Indexed by [level-1] */
684 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab9[7] =
685 {
686     /* run = 13 -> 19 */
687     {   0x1fc, 11},
688     {   0x7fc, 13},
689     {   0x7fd, 13},
690     {   0xffc, 14},
691     {   0xffd, 14},
692     {  0x17fc, 14},
693     {  0x3bfc, 15}
694 };
698 /* first coeffs of last = 1. indexing by [run][level-1] */
700 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab10[2][5] =
701 {
702     /* run = 0 */
703     {
704         {     0xb,  4},
705         {    0x78,  8},
706         {   0x3f5, 11},
707         {   0xfec, 13},
708         {  0x1fec, 14}
709     },
710     /* run = 1 */
711     {
712         {    0x12,  5},
713         {    0xed,  9},
714         {   0x7dc, 12},
715         {  0x1fed, 14},
716         {  0x3bfd, 15}
717     }
719 };
721 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab11[3] =
722 {
723     /* run = 2 */
724     {    0x13,  5},
725     {   0x3f8, 11},
726     {  0x3dfc, 15}
728 };
730 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab12[11][2] =
731 {
732     /* run = 3 */
733     {
734         {    0x18,  6},
735         {   0x7dd, 12}
736     },
737     /* run = 4 */
738     {
739         {    0x19,  6},
740         {   0x7ec, 12}
741     },
742     /* run = 5 */
743     {
744         {    0x22,  6},
745         {   0xfed, 13}
746     },
747     /* run = 6 */
748     {
749         {    0x23,  6},
750         {   0xff4, 13}
751     },
752     /* run = 7 */
753     {
754         {    0x35,  7},
755         {   0xff5, 13}
756     },
757     /* run = 8 */
758     {
759         {    0x38,  7},
760         {   0xff8, 13}
761     },
762     /* run = 9 */
763     {
764         {    0x39,  7},
765         {   0xff9, 13}
766     },
767     /* run = 10 */
768     {
769         {    0x42,  7},
770         {  0x1ff4, 14}
771     },
772     /* run = 11 */
773     {
774         {    0x43,  7},
775         {  0x1ff5, 14}
776     },
777     /* run = 12 */
778     {
779         {    0x79,  8},
780         {  0x1ff8, 14}
781     },
782     /* run = 13 */
783     {
784         {    0x82,  8},
785         {  0x3dfd, 15}
786     }
788 };
790 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab13[32] =
791 {
792     /* run = 14 -> 44 */
793     {    0x83,  8},
794     {    0xf4,  9},
795     {    0xf5,  9},
796     {    0xf8,  9},
797     {    0xf9,  9},
798     {   0x102,  9},
799     {   0x103,  9},
800     {   0x1f5, 10},
801     {   0x1f8, 10},
802     {   0x1f9, 10},
803     {   0x202, 10},
804     {   0x203, 10},
805     {   0x3f9, 11},
806     {   0x402, 11},
807     {   0x403, 11},
808     {   0x7ed, 12},
809     {   0x7f4, 12},
810     {   0x7f5, 12},
811     {   0x7f8, 12},
812     {   0x7f9, 12},
813     {   0x802, 12},
814     {   0x803, 12},
815     {  0x1002, 13},
816     {  0x1003, 13},
817     {  0x1ff9, 14},
818     {  0x2002, 14},
819     {  0x2003, 14},
820     {  0x3efc, 15},
821     {  0x3efd, 15},
822     {  0x3f7c, 15},
823     {  0x3f7d, 15}
824 };
828 /* Coeffs for last = 0, run = 0. Indexed by [level-1] */
830 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab14[19] =
831 {
832     /* run = 0 */
833     {     0x6,  3},
834     {     0x1,  4},
835     {     0x4,  5},
836     {    0x1c,  7},
837     {    0x3c,  8},
838     {    0x3d,  8},
839     {    0x7c,  9},
840     {    0xfc, 10},
841     {    0xfd, 10},
842     {   0x1fc, 11},
843     {   0x1fd, 11},
844     {   0x3fc, 12},
845     {   0x7fc, 13},
846     {   0x7fd, 13},
847     {   0xbfc, 13},
848     {   0xbfd, 13},
849     {   0xffc, 14},
850     {   0xffd, 14},
851     {  0x1ffc, 15}
852 };
854 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab15[10] =
855 {
856     /* run = 1 */
857     {     0x7,  3},
858     {     0xc,  6},
859     {    0x5c,  8},
860     {    0x7d,  9},
861     {   0x17c, 10},
862     {   0x2fc, 11},
863     {   0x3fd, 12},
864     {   0xdfc, 13},
865     {  0x17fc, 14},
866     {  0x17fd, 14}
867 };
869 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab16[2][7] =
870 {
871     /* run = 2 */
872     {
873         {     0xa,  4},
874         {    0x1d,  7},
875         {    0xbc,  9},
876         {   0x2fd, 11},
877         {   0x5fc, 12},
878         {  0x1bfc, 14},
879         {  0x1bfd, 14}
880     },
881     /* run = 3 */
882     {
883         {     0x5,  5},
884         {    0x5d,  8},
885         {   0x17d, 10},
886         {   0x5fd, 12},
887         {   0xdfd, 13},
888         {  0x1dfc, 14},
889         {  0x1ffd, 15}
890     }
891 };
893 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab17[5] =
894 {
895     /* run = 4 */
896     {     0x8,  5},
897     {    0x6c,  8},
898     {   0x37c, 11},
899     {   0xefc, 13},
900     {  0x2ffc, 15}
901 };
903 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab18[3][4] =
904 {
905     /* run = 5 */
906     {
907         {     0x9,  5},
908         {    0xbd,  9},
909         {   0x37d, 11},
910         {   0xefd, 13}
911     },
912     /* run = 6 */
913     {
914         {     0xd,  6},
915         {   0x1bc, 10},
916         {   0x6fc, 12},
917         {  0x1dfd, 14}
918     },
919     /* run = 7 */
920     {
921         {    0x14,  6},
922         {   0x1bd, 10},
923         {   0x6fd, 12},
924         {  0x2ffd, 15}
925     }
926 };
928 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab19[2][3] =
929 {
930     /* run = 8 */
931     {
932         {    0x15,  6},
933         {   0x1dc, 10},
934         {   0xf7c, 13}
935     },
936     /* run = 9 */
937     {
938         {    0x2c,  7},
939         {   0x1dd, 10},
940         {  0x1efc, 14}
941     }
942 };
944 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab20[8][2] =
945 {
946     /* run = 10 */
947     {
948         {    0x2d,  7},
949         {   0x3bc, 11}
950     },
951     /* run = 11 */
952     {
953         {    0x34,  7},
954         {   0x77c, 12}
955     },
956     /* run = 12 */
957     {
958         {    0x6d,  8},
959         {   0xf7d, 13}
960     },
961     /* run = 13 */
962     {
963         {    0x74,  8},
964         {  0x1efd, 14}
965     },
966     /* run = 14 */
967     {
968         {    0x75,  8},
969         {  0x1f7c, 14}
970     },
971     /* run = 15 */
972     {
973         {    0xdc,  9},
974         {  0x1f7d, 14}
975     },
976     /* run = 16 */
977     {
978         {    0xdd,  9},
979         {  0x1fbc, 14}
980     },
981     /* run = 17 */
982     {
983         {    0xec,  9},
984         {  0x37fc, 15}
985     }
986 };
988 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab21[21] =
989 {
990     /* run = 18 -> 38 */
991     {   0x1ec, 10},
992     {   0x1ed, 10},
993     {   0x1f4, 10},
994     {   0x3bd, 11},
995     {   0x3dc, 11},
996     {   0x3dd, 11},
997     {   0x3ec, 11},
998     {   0x3ed, 11},
999     {   0x3f4, 11},
1000     {   0x77d, 12},
1001     {   0x7bc, 12},
1002     {   0x7bd, 12},
1003     {   0xfbc, 13},
1004     {   0xfbd, 13},
1005     {   0xfdc, 13},
1006     {   0xfdd, 13},
1007     {  0x1fbd, 14},
1008     {  0x1fdc, 14},
1009     {  0x1fdd, 14},
1010     {  0x37fd, 15},
1011     {  0x3bfc, 15}
1012 };
1015 /* first coeffs of last = 1. indexing by [run][level-1] */
1017 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab22[2][5] =
1018 {
1019     /* run = 0 */
1020     {
1021         {     0xb,  4},
1022         {    0x78,  8},
1023         {   0x3f5, 11},
1024         {   0xfec, 13},
1025         {  0x1fec, 14}
1026     },
1027     /* run = 1 */
1028     {
1029         {    0x12,  5},
1030         {    0xed,  9},
1031         {   0x7dc, 12},
1032         {  0x1fed, 14},
1033         {  0x3bfd, 15}
1034     }
1036 };
1038 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab23[3] =
1039 {
1040     /* run = 2 */
1041     {    0x13,  5},
1042     {   0x3f8, 11},
1043     {  0x3dfc, 15}
1045 };
1047 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab24[11][2] =
1048 {
1049     /* run = 3 */
1050     {
1051         {    0x18,  6},
1052         {   0x7dd, 12}
1053     },
1054     /* run = 4 */
1055     {
1056         {    0x19,  6},
1057         {   0x7ec, 12}
1058     },
1059     /* run = 5 */
1060     {
1061         {    0x22,  6},
1062         {   0xfed, 13}
1063     },
1064     /* run = 6 */
1065     {
1066         {    0x23,  6},
1067         {   0xff4, 13}
1068     },
1069     /* run = 7 */
1070     {
1071         {    0x35,  7},
1072         {   0xff5, 13}
1073     },
1074     /* run = 8 */
1075     {
1076         {    0x38,  7},
1077         {   0xff8, 13}
1078     },
1079     /* run = 9 */
1080     {
1081         {    0x39,  7},
1082         {   0xff9, 13}
1083     },
1084     /* run = 10 */
1085     {
1086         {    0x42,  7},
1087         {  0x1ff4, 14}
1088     },
1089     /* run = 11 */
1090     {
1091         {    0x43,  7},
1092         {  0x1ff5, 14}
1093     },
1094     /* run = 12 */
1095     {
1096         {    0x79,  8},
1097         {  0x1ff8, 14}
1098     },
1099     /* run = 13 */
1100     {
1101         {    0x82,  8},
1102         {  0x3dfd, 15}
1103     }
1105 };
1107 static const VLCtable coeff_RVLCtab25[32] =
1108 {
1109     /* run = 14 -> 44 */
1110     {    0x83,  8},
1111     {    0xf4,  9},
1112     {    0xf5,  9},
1113     {    0xf8,  9},
1114     {    0xf9,  9},
1115     {   0x102,  9},
1116     {   0x103,  9},
1117     {   0x1f5, 10},
1118     {   0x1f8, 10},
1119     {   0x1f9, 10},
1120     {   0x202, 10},
1121     {   0x203, 10},
1122     {   0x3f9, 11},
1123     {   0x402, 11},
1124     {   0x403, 11},
1125     {   0x7ed, 12},
1126     {   0x7f4, 12},
1127     {   0x7f5, 12},
1128     {   0x7f8, 12},
1129     {   0x7f9, 12},
1130     {   0x802, 12},
1131     {   0x803, 12},
1132     {  0x1002, 13},
1133     {  0x1003, 13},
1134     {  0x1ff9, 14},
1135     {  0x2002, 14},
1136     {  0x2003, 14},
1137     {  0x3efc, 15},
1138     {  0x3efd, 15},
1139     {  0x3f7c, 15},
1140     {  0x3f7d, 15}
1141 };
1143 #endif /* NO_RVLC */
1145 #endif /* _VLC_ENC_TAB_H_ */