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1 // Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 use crate::{aligned_subslice, read, write_bytes_mut, BlockIo, Result, StorageError};
16 use core::default::Default;
17 use core::mem::{align_of, size_of};
18 use core::num::NonZeroU64;
19 use crc32fast::Hasher;
20 use safemath::SafeNum;
21 use zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes, FromZeroes, Ref};
23 const GPT_GUID_LEN: usize = 16;
24 pub const GPT_NAME_LEN_U16: usize = 36;
26 #[repr(C, packed)]
27 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, AsBytes, FromBytes, FromZeroes)]
28 pub struct GptHeader {
29     pub magic: u64,
30     pub revision: u32,
31     pub size: u32,
32     pub crc32: u32,
33     pub reserved0: u32,
34     pub current: u64,
35     pub backup: u64,
36     pub first: u64,
37     pub last: u64,
38     pub guid: [u8; GPT_GUID_LEN],
39     pub entries: u64,
40     pub entries_count: u32,
41     pub entries_size: u32,
42     pub entries_crc: u32,
43 }
45 impl GptHeader {
46     /// Cast a bytes slice into a GptHeader structure.
from_bytes(bytes: &mut [u8]) -> &mut GptHeader47     fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut [u8]) -> &mut GptHeader {
48         Ref::<_, GptHeader>::new_from_prefix(bytes).unwrap().0.into_mut()
49     }
51     /// Update the header crc32 value.
update_crc(&mut self)52     pub fn update_crc(&mut self) {
53         self.crc32 = 0;
54         self.crc32 = crc32(self.as_bytes());
55     }
56 }
58 /// GptEntry is the partition entry data structure in the GPT.
59 #[repr(C)]
60 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, AsBytes, FromBytes, FromZeroes)]
61 pub struct GptEntry {
62     pub part_type: [u8; GPT_GUID_LEN],
63     pub guid: [u8; GPT_GUID_LEN],
64     pub first: u64,
65     pub last: u64,
66     pub flags: u64,
67     pub name: [u16; GPT_NAME_LEN_U16],
68 }
70 impl GptEntry {
71     /// Return the partition entry size in blocks.
blocks(&self) -> Result<u64>72     pub fn blocks(&self) -> Result<u64> {
73         u64::try_from((SafeNum::from(self.last) - self.first) + 1).map_err(|e| e.into())
74     }
76     /// Return whether this is a `NULL` entry. The first null entry marks the end of the partition
77     /// entries.
is_null(&self) -> bool78     fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
79         self.first == 0 && self.last == 0
80     }
82     /// Decode the partition name into a string. A length N utf16 string can be at most 2N utf8
83     /// bytes. Therefore, a safe size of `buffer` is 2*GPT_NAME_LEN_U16 = 72.
name_to_str<'a>(&self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a str>84     pub fn name_to_str<'a>(&self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a str> {
85         let mut index = 0;
86         for c in char::decode_utf16(self.name) {
87             match c.unwrap_or(char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) {
88                 '\0' => break,
89                 c if c.len_utf8() <= buffer[index..].len() => {
90                     index += c.encode_utf8(&mut buffer[index..]).len()
91                 }
92                 _ => return Err(StorageError::InvalidInput), // Not enough space in `buffer`.
93             }
94         }
95         // SAFETY:
96         // _unchecked should be OK here since we wrote each utf8 byte ourselves,
97         // but it's just an optimization, checked version would be fine also.
98         unsafe { Ok(core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buffer[..index])) }
99     }
100 }
102 impl core::fmt::Display for GptEntry {
fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result103     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
104         // Format: partition name: "abc", [first, last]: [123, 456]
105         let mut name_conversion_buffer = [0u8; GPT_NAME_LEN_U16 * 2];
106         let name = self.name_to_str(&mut name_conversion_buffer).map_err(|_| core::fmt::Error)?;
107         write!(f, "partition name: \"{}\", [first, last]: [{}, {}]", name, self.first, self.last)
108     }
109 }
111 // core::mem::offset_of!(GptHeader, crc32) is unsatble feature and rejected by the compiler in our
112 // settings. We pre-compute the value here.
113 const GPT_CRC32_OFFSET: u64 = 16;
114 const GPT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT: u64 = align_of::<GptEntry>() as u64;
115 const GPT_ENTRY_SIZE: u64 = size_of::<GptEntry>() as u64;
116 const GPT_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES: u64 = 128;
117 const GPT_HEADER_SIZE: u64 = size_of::<GptHeader>() as u64; // 92 bytes.
118 const GPT_HEADER_SIZE_PADDED: u64 =
120 pub const GPT_MAGIC: u64 = 0x5452415020494645;
122 enum HeaderType {
123     Primary,
124     Secondary,
125 }
127 #[repr(C)]
128 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, AsBytes, FromBytes, FromZeroes)]
129 struct GptInfo {
130     // The number of valid entries in the entries array.
131     // May change as partitions are added or removed.
132     num_valid_entries: Option<NonZeroU64>,
133     // The maximum number of elements available in the entries array.
134     // Note: this is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO the number of valid entries
135     // and LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the value of GPT_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES.
136     // Values other than GPT_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES are mostly used in unit tests.
137     max_entries: u64,
138     // Block size of the GPT disk.
139     block_size: u64,
140 }
142 impl GptInfo {
from_bytes(bytes: &mut [u8]) -> &mut Self143     fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut [u8]) -> &mut Self {
144         Ref::<_, GptInfo>::new_from_prefix(bytes).unwrap().0.into_mut()
145     }
num_valid_entries(&self) -> Result<u64>147     fn num_valid_entries(&self) -> Result<u64> {
148         Ok(self.num_valid_entries.ok_or_else(|| StorageError::InvalidInput)?.get())
149     }
150 }
152 /// An object that contains the GPT header/entries information.
153 pub(crate) struct Gpt<'a> {
154     info: &'a mut GptInfo,
155     /// Raw bytes of primary GPT header.
156     primary_header: &'a mut [u8],
157     /// Raw bytes of primary GPT entries.
158     primary_entries: &'a mut [u8],
159     /// Raw bytes of secondary GPT header.
160     secondary_header: &'a mut [u8],
161     /// Raw bytes of secondary GPT entries.
162     secondary_entries: &'a mut [u8],
163 }
165 impl<'a> Gpt<'a> {
166     /// Create an uninitialized Gpt instance from a provided buffer.
167     ///
168     /// # Args:
169     ///
170     /// * `max_entries`: Maximum number of entries allowed.
171     ///
172     /// * `buffer`: Buffer for creating the object. Must have a size at least
173     ///   `Gpt::required_buffer_size(max_entries)`.
new_from_buffer(max_entries: u64, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<Gpt<'a>>174     pub(crate) fn new_from_buffer(max_entries: u64, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<Gpt<'a>> {
175         if max_entries > GPT_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES
176             || buffer.len() < Self::required_buffer_size(max_entries)?
177         {
178             return Err(StorageError::InvalidInput);
179         }
180         let buffer = aligned_subslice(buffer, GPT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT)?;
181         *GptInfo::from_bytes(buffer) =
182             GptInfo { num_valid_entries: None, max_entries, block_size: 0 };
183         Self::from_existing(buffer)
184     }
186     /// Reconstruct an existing Gpt struct from a buffer previously created with `new_from_buffer`.
187     ///
188     /// The method simply partitions the input buffer and populate the `GptInfo` struct and
189     /// primary/secondary header/entries slices. It assumes that the buffer contains a valid
190     /// GptInfo struct.
from_existing(buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<Gpt<'a>>191     pub fn from_existing(buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<Gpt<'a>> {
192         let buffer = aligned_subslice(buffer, GPT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT)?;
193         let (info, remain) = Ref::<_, GptInfo>::new_from_prefix(buffer).unwrap();
194         let entries_size = SafeNum::from(info.max_entries) * GPT_ENTRY_SIZE;
195         let header_size: usize = SafeNum::from(GPT_HEADER_SIZE_PADDED).try_into()?;
196         let split_pos = entries_size + header_size;
197         let (primary, secondary) = remain.split_at_mut(split_pos.try_into()?);
198         let (primary_header, primary_entries) = primary.split_at_mut(header_size);
199         let (secondary_header, secondary_entries) = secondary.split_at_mut(header_size);
201         Ok(Self {
202             info: info.into_mut(),
203             primary_header,
204             primary_entries,
205             secondary_header,
206             secondary_entries: &mut secondary_entries[..entries_size.try_into()?],
207         })
208     }
210     /// The minimum buffer size needed for `new_from_buffer()`
required_buffer_size(max_entries: u64) -> Result<usize>211     pub(crate) fn required_buffer_size(max_entries: u64) -> Result<usize> {
212         let entries_size = SafeNum::from(max_entries) * GPT_ENTRY_SIZE;
213         (((entries_size + GPT_HEADER_SIZE_PADDED) * 2) + size_of::<GptInfo>() + GPT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT
214             - 1)
215         .try_into()
216         .map_err(|e: safemath::Error| e.into())
217     }
219     /// Return the list of GPT entries.
220     ///
221     /// If the object does not contain a valid GPT, the method returns Error.
entries(&self) -> Result<&[GptEntry]>222     pub(crate) fn entries(&self) -> Result<&[GptEntry]> {
223         self.check_valid()?;
224         Ok(&Ref::<_, [GptEntry]>::new_slice(&self.primary_entries[..]).unwrap().into_slice()
225             [..self.info.num_valid_entries()?.try_into()?])
226     }
228     /// Search for a partition entry.
229     ///
230     /// If partition doesn't exist, the method returns `Ok(None)`.
231     ///
232     /// If the object does not contain a valid GPT, the method returns Error.
find_partition(&self, part: &str) -> Result<&GptEntry>233     pub(crate) fn find_partition(&self, part: &str) -> Result<&GptEntry> {
234         for entry in self.entries()? {
235             let mut name_conversion_buffer = [0u8; GPT_NAME_LEN_U16 * 2];
236             if entry.name_to_str(&mut name_conversion_buffer)? != part {
237                 continue;
238             }
239             return Ok(entry);
240         }
241         Err(StorageError::NotExist)
242     }
244     /// Check whether the Gpt has been initialized.
check_valid(&self) -> Result<()>245     fn check_valid(&self) -> Result<()> {
246         self.info.num_valid_entries()?;
247         Ok(())
248     }
250     /// Helper function for loading and validating GPT header and entries.
validate_gpt( &mut self, blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized), scratch: &mut [u8], header_type: HeaderType, ) -> Result<bool>251     fn validate_gpt(
252         &mut self,
253         blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized),
254         scratch: &mut [u8],
255         header_type: HeaderType,
256     ) -> Result<bool> {
257         let (header_start, header_bytes, entries) = match header_type {
258             HeaderType::Primary => {
259                 (blk_dev.block_size().into(), &mut self.primary_header, &mut self.primary_entries)
260             }
261             HeaderType::Secondary => (
262                 (SafeNum::from(blk_dev.num_blocks()) - 1) * blk_dev.block_size(),
263                 &mut self.secondary_header,
264                 &mut self.secondary_entries,
265             ),
266         };
267         read(blk_dev, header_start.try_into()?, header_bytes, scratch)?;
268         let header =
269             Ref::<_, GptHeader>::new_from_prefix(header_bytes.as_bytes()).unwrap().0.into_ref();
271         if header.magic != GPT_MAGIC {
272             return Ok(false);
273         }
275         let entries_size = SafeNum::from(header.entries_count) * GPT_ENTRY_SIZE;
276         let entries_offset = SafeNum::from(header.entries) * blk_dev.block_size();
277         if self.info.max_entries < header.entries_count.into()
278             || u64::try_from(entries_size + entries_offset)?
279                 > ((SafeNum::from(blk_dev.num_blocks()) - 1) * blk_dev.block_size()).try_into()?
280         {
281             return Ok(false);
282         }
284         let crc32_offset = SafeNum::from(GPT_CRC32_OFFSET).try_into()?;
285         let mut hasher = Hasher::new();
286         hasher.update(&header.as_bytes()[..crc32_offset]);
287         hasher.update(&[0u8; size_of::<u32>()]);
288         hasher.update(&header.as_bytes()[crc32_offset + size_of::<u32>()..]);
289         if hasher.finalize() != header.crc32 {
290             return Ok(false);
291         }
293         // Load the entries
294         let out = &mut entries[..entries_size.try_into()?];
295         read(blk_dev, entries_offset.try_into()?, out, scratch)?;
296         // Validate entries crc32.
297         Ok(header.entries_crc == crc32(out))
298     }
300     /// Load and sync GPT from a block device.
load_and_sync( &mut self, blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized), scratch: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<()>301     fn load_and_sync(
302         &mut self,
303         blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized),
304         scratch: &mut [u8],
305     ) -> Result<()> {
306         self.info.num_valid_entries = None;
308         let block_size = blk_dev.block_size();
309         let total_blocks: SafeNum = blk_dev.num_blocks().into();
311         let primary_header_blk = 1;
312         let primary_header_pos = block_size;
313         let secondary_header_blk = total_blocks - 1;
314         let secondary_header_pos = secondary_header_blk * block_size;
316         // Entries position for restoring.
317         let primary_entries_blk = 2;
318         let primary_entries_pos = SafeNum::from(primary_entries_blk) * block_size;
319         let primary_valid = self.validate_gpt(blk_dev, scratch, HeaderType::Primary)?;
320         let secondary_valid = self.validate_gpt(blk_dev, scratch, HeaderType::Secondary)?;
322         let primary_header = GptHeader::from_bytes(self.primary_header);
323         let secondary_header = GptHeader::from_bytes(self.secondary_header);
324         if !primary_valid {
325             if !secondary_valid {
326                 return Err(StorageError::NoValidGpt);
327             }
328             // Restore to primary
329             primary_header.as_bytes_mut().clone_from_slice(secondary_header.as_bytes());
330             self.primary_entries.clone_from_slice(&self.secondary_entries);
331             primary_header.current = primary_header_blk;
332             primary_header.backup = secondary_header_blk.try_into()?;
333             primary_header.entries = primary_entries_blk;
334             primary_header.update_crc();
336             write_bytes_mut(blk_dev, primary_header_pos, primary_header.as_bytes_mut(), scratch)?;
337             write_bytes_mut(
338                 blk_dev,
339                 primary_entries_pos.try_into()?,
340                 self.primary_entries,
341                 scratch,
342             )?
343         } else if !secondary_valid {
344             // Restore to secondary
345             let secondary_entries_pos = secondary_header_pos
346                 - (SafeNum::from(self.info.max_entries) * core::mem::size_of::<GptEntry>());
347             let secondary_entries_blk = secondary_entries_pos / block_size;
349             secondary_header.as_bytes_mut().clone_from_slice(primary_header.as_bytes());
350             self.secondary_entries.clone_from_slice(&self.primary_entries);
351             secondary_header.current = secondary_header_blk.try_into()?;
352             secondary_header.backup = primary_header_blk;
353             secondary_header.entries = secondary_entries_blk.try_into()?;
354             secondary_header.update_crc();
356             write_bytes_mut(
357                 blk_dev,
358                 secondary_header_pos.try_into()?,
359                 secondary_header.as_bytes_mut(),
360                 scratch,
361             )?;
362             write_bytes_mut(
363                 blk_dev,
364                 secondary_entries_pos.try_into()?,
365                 self.secondary_entries,
366                 scratch,
367             )?;
368         }
370         // Calculate actual number of GPT entries by finding the first invalid entry.
371         let entries =
372             Ref::<_, [GptEntry]>::new_slice(&self.primary_entries[..]).unwrap().into_slice();
373         self.info.num_valid_entries =
374             NonZeroU64::new(match entries.iter().position(|e| e.is_null()) {
375                 Some(idx) => idx as u64,
376                 _ => self.info.max_entries,
377             });
378         self.info.block_size = block_size;
379         Ok(())
380     }
381 }
383 /// Wrapper of gpt.load_and_sync(). Library internal helper for AsBlockDevice::sync_gpt().
gpt_sync( blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized), gpt: &mut Gpt, scratch: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<()>384 pub(crate) fn gpt_sync(
385     blk_dev: &mut (impl BlockIo + ?Sized),
386     gpt: &mut Gpt,
387     scratch: &mut [u8],
388 ) -> Result<()> {
389     gpt.load_and_sync(blk_dev, scratch)
390 }
392 /// Checks if a read/write range into a GPT partition overflows and returns the range's absolute
393 /// offset in the block device.
check_gpt_rw_params( gpt_cache_buffer: &mut [u8], part_name: &str, offset: u64, size: usize, ) -> Result<u64>394 pub(crate) fn check_gpt_rw_params(
395     gpt_cache_buffer: &mut [u8],
396     part_name: &str,
397     offset: u64,
398     size: usize,
399 ) -> Result<u64> {
400     let gpt = Gpt::from_existing(gpt_cache_buffer)?;
401     let entry = gpt.find_partition(part_name)?;
402     let end: u64 = (SafeNum::from(offset) + size).try_into()?;
403     let total_size = SafeNum::from(entry.blocks()?) * gpt.info.block_size;
404     match end <= total_size.try_into()? {
405         true => Ok((SafeNum::from(entry.first) * gpt.info.block_size + offset).try_into()?),
406         false => Err(StorageError::OutOfRange),
407     }
408 }
crc32(data: &[u8]) -> u32410 fn crc32(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
411     let mut hasher = Hasher::new();
412     hasher.update(data);
413     hasher.finalize()
414 }
416 #[cfg(test)]
417 pub(crate) mod test {
418     use super::*;
419     use gbl_storage_testlib::{
420         alignment_scratch_size, AsBlockDevice, TestBlockDevice, TestBlockDeviceBuilder,
421     };
423     /// Helper function to extract the gpt header from a test block device.
424     /// This function lives here and not as a method of TestBlockDevice so that
425     /// the Gpt type doesn't have to be exported.
gpt(dev: &mut TestBlockDevice) -> Gpt426     fn gpt(dev: &mut TestBlockDevice) -> Gpt {
427         let (_, gpt) = dev.scratch.split_at_mut(alignment_scratch_size(&mut dev.io).unwrap());
428         Gpt::from_existing(gpt).unwrap()
429     }
431     #[test]
test_new_from_buffer()432     fn test_new_from_buffer() {
433         let mut dev: TestBlockDevice = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin").as_slice().into();
434         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
436         assert_eq!(dev.partition_iter().count(), 2);
437         dev.find_partition("boot_a").unwrap();
438         dev.find_partition("boot_b").unwrap();
439         assert!(dev.find_partition("boot_c").is_err());
440     }
442     #[test]
test_gpt_buffer_too_small()443     fn test_gpt_buffer_too_small() {
444         let mut dev: TestBlockDevice = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin").as_slice().into();
445         dev.scratch = vec![0u8; dev.scratch.len() - 1];
446         assert!(dev.sync_gpt().is_err());
447     }
449     #[test]
test_gpt_too_many_entries()450     fn test_gpt_too_many_entries() {
451         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
452             .set_data(include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
453             .set_max_gpt_entries(129)
454             .build();
455         assert!(dev.sync_gpt().is_err());
456     }
458     #[test]
test_load_gpt_primary()459     fn test_load_gpt_primary() {
460         let disk = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin");
461         let mut dev: TestBlockDevice = disk.as_slice().into();
463         // Corrupt secondary.
464         dev.io.storage[disk.len() - 512..].fill(0);
465         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
467         assert_eq!(dev.partition_iter().count(), 2);
468         dev.find_partition("boot_a").unwrap();
469         dev.find_partition("boot_b").unwrap();
470         assert!(dev.find_partition("boot_c").is_err());
472         // Check that secondary is restored
473         assert_eq!(dev.io.storage, disk);
474     }
476     #[test]
test_load_gpt_secondary()477     fn test_load_gpt_secondary() {
478         let disk = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin");
479         let mut dev: TestBlockDevice = disk.as_slice().into();
481         // Corrupt primary.
482         dev.io.storage[512..1024].fill(0);
483         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
485         assert_eq!(dev.partition_iter().count(), 2);
486         dev.find_partition("boot_a").unwrap();
487         dev.find_partition("boot_b").unwrap();
489         // Check that primary is restored
490         assert_eq!(dev.io.storage, disk);
491     }
493     #[test]
test_good_gpt_no_repair_write()494     fn test_good_gpt_no_repair_write() {
495         let mut dev: TestBlockDevice = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin").as_slice().into();
496         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
498         assert_eq!(dev.io.num_writes, 0);
499     }
501     #[test]
test_load_gpt_incorrect_magic()502     fn test_load_gpt_incorrect_magic() {
503         let disk = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin");
504         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new().set_data(disk).build();
505         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
507         let gpt = gpt(&mut dev);
508         let primary_header = &mut gpt.primary_header[..GPT_HEADER_SIZE.try_into().unwrap()];
509         let gpt_header = GptHeader::from_bytes(primary_header);
510         gpt_header.magic = 0x123456;
511         gpt_header.update_crc();
512         let primary_header = Vec::from(primary_header);
513         dev.io.storage[512..512 + primary_header.len()].clone_from_slice(&primary_header);
515         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
517         // Check that incorrect magic header is restored
518         assert_eq!(dev.io.storage, disk);
519     }
521     #[test]
test_load_gpt_exceeds_max_entries()522     fn test_load_gpt_exceeds_max_entries() {
523         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
524             .set_data(include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
525             .set_max_gpt_entries(127)
526             .build();
528         assert!(dev.sync_gpt().is_err());
529     }
531     #[test]
test_load_gpt_non_max_entries()532     fn test_load_gpt_non_max_entries() {
533         // Create a header with non-max entries_count
534         let disk = include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin");
535         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new().set_data(disk).build();
536         let block_size: usize = dev.io.block_size.try_into().unwrap();
537         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
539         let gpt = gpt(&mut dev);
540         let primary_header = &mut gpt.primary_header[..GPT_HEADER_SIZE.try_into().unwrap()];
541         let gpt_header = GptHeader::from_bytes(primary_header);
542         gpt_header.entries_count = 2;
543         // Update entries crc32
544         gpt_header.entries_crc =
545             crc32(&gpt.primary_entries[..(2 * GPT_ENTRY_SIZE).try_into().unwrap()]);
546         gpt_header.update_crc();
547         // Update to primary.
548         let primary_header = Vec::from(primary_header);
549         dev.io.storage[block_size..block_size + primary_header.len()]
550             .clone_from_slice(&primary_header);
552         // Corrupt secondary. Sync ok
553         dev.io.storage[disk.len() - block_size..].fill(0);
554         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
556         // Corrup primary. Sync ok
557         dev.io.storage[block_size..(block_size * 2)].fill(0);
558         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
559     }
561     #[test]
test_uninitialized_gpt()562     fn test_uninitialized_gpt() {
563         // Load a good GPT first.
564         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
565             .set_data(include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
566             .build();
567         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
568         dev.io.storage[..64 * 1024].fill(0);
569         // Load a bad GPT. Validate that the valid state is reset.
570         assert!(dev.sync_gpt().is_err());
571         assert!(dev.find_partition("").is_err());
572     }
574     #[test]
test_gpt_read()575     fn test_gpt_read() {
576         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
577             .set_data(include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
578             .build();
579         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
581         let expect_boot_a = include_bytes!("../test/boot_a.bin");
582         let expect_boot_b = include_bytes!("../test/boot_b.bin");
584         let mut actual_boot_a = vec![0u8; expect_boot_a.len()];
585         let mut actual_boot_b = vec![0u8; expect_boot_b.len()];
587         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_a", 0, &mut actual_boot_a).unwrap();
588         assert_eq!(expect_boot_a.to_vec(), actual_boot_a);
589         // partial read
590         actual_boot_a = actual_boot_a[1..].to_vec();
591         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_a", 1, &mut actual_boot_a).unwrap();
592         assert_eq!(expect_boot_a[1..].to_vec(), actual_boot_a);
594         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_b", 0, &mut actual_boot_b).unwrap();
595         assert_eq!(expect_boot_b.to_vec(), actual_boot_b);
596         // partial read
597         actual_boot_b = actual_boot_b[1..].to_vec();
598         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_b", 1, &mut actual_boot_b).unwrap();
599         assert_eq!(expect_boot_b[1..].to_vec(), actual_boot_b);
600     }
602     #[test]
test_gpt_write()603     fn test_gpt_write() {
604         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
605             .set_data(include_bytes!("../test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
606             .build();
607         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
609         let mut expect_boot_a = include_bytes!("../test/boot_a.bin").to_vec();
610         expect_boot_a.reverse();
611         let mut expect_boot_b = include_bytes!("../test/boot_b.bin").to_vec();
612         expect_boot_b.reverse();
614         let mut actual_boot_a = vec![0u8; expect_boot_a.len()];
615         let mut actual_boot_b = vec![0u8; expect_boot_b.len()];
617         // "boot_a" partition
618         // Mutable version
619         dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_a", 0, expect_boot_a.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
620         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_a", 0, &mut actual_boot_a).unwrap();
621         assert_eq!(expect_boot_a.to_vec(), actual_boot_a);
622         // Mutable version, partial write.
623         dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_a", 1, expect_boot_a[1..].as_mut()).unwrap();
624         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_a", 1, &mut actual_boot_a[1..]).unwrap();
625         assert_eq!(expect_boot_a[1..], actual_boot_a[1..]);
627         // "boot_b" partition
628         // Mutable version
629         dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_b", 0, expect_boot_b.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
630         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_b", 0, &mut actual_boot_b).unwrap();
631         assert_eq!(expect_boot_b.to_vec(), actual_boot_b);
632         // Mutable version, partial write.
633         dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_b", 1, expect_boot_b[1..].as_mut()).unwrap();
634         dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_b", 1, &mut actual_boot_b[1..]).unwrap();
635         assert_eq!(expect_boot_b[1..], actual_boot_b[1..]);
636     }
638     #[test]
test_gpt_rw_overflow()639     fn test_gpt_rw_overflow() {
640         let mut dev = TestBlockDeviceBuilder::new()
641             .set_data(include_bytes!("../../libstorage/test/gpt_test_1.bin"))
642             .build();
643         dev.sync_gpt().unwrap();
645         let mut boot_a = [0u8; include_bytes!("../test/boot_a.bin").len()];
646         let mut boot_b = [0u8; include_bytes!("../test/boot_b.bin").len()];
648         assert!(dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_a", 1, &mut boot_a).is_err());
649         assert!(dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_a", 1, boot_a.as_mut_slice()).is_err());
651         assert!(dev.read_gpt_partition("boot_b", 1, &mut boot_b).is_err());
652         assert!(dev.write_gpt_partition("boot_b", 1, boot_b.as_mut_slice()).is_err());
653     }
654 }