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.. | - | - | |||| | D | 14-Jan-2024 | 1.9 KiB | 63 | 40 | | | D | 14-Jan-2024 | 3.1 KiB | 86 | 54 |
1# How to make your build VNDK compliant 2 3## Enable VNDK flag 4In your device's, set BOARD_VNDK_VERSION := current. 5 6Set that device's lunch combo and compile 7 8 make -j32 >log 2>&1 9 10 11## Fixing Build errors 12The resulting errors will be mainly of 2 types: 13 14### Copy headers not allowed 15Vendor modules are not allowed to use LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS. They need to export 16their headers via BUILD_HEADER_LIBRARY. Modules will import this library via 17LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES. 18 19Here is an example on how to do that: 20* Lets call the offending module libabc. Open libabc's 21* Note all the headers that are being copied by libabc 22* Create a local dir called include (or inc). Add symlinks to every file that is 23 being copied. If all the files are in the same folder, the include dir itself 24 will be a symlink to that folder 25* In, remove all lines with copy headers 26 27 28 - LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS_TO := dir 29 - LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS := file1 30 - LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS := file2 31 - .... 32 33* Replace above lines with 34 35 36 + LOCAL_EXPORT_HEADER_LIBRARY_HEADERS := libabc_headers 37 38 39* Create the module_headers lib outside the definition of current module 40 41 42 + include $(CLEAR_VARS) 43 + LOCAL_MODULE := libabc_headers 44 + LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS := $(LOCAL_PATH)/include 45 + include $(BUILD_HEADER_LIBRARY) 46 47Note: - and + are code lines in patch format 48 49### Headers not found 50* Once all copy header violations are cleaned up, make will start throwing lots of 51 "file not found" errors. These are due to 2 reasons: 52 53 * Modules relying on copy headers are not finding those headers anymore due 54 to above changes 55 56 * VNDK build rules remove global includes from the path. So dirs like 57 system/core/include, frameworks/av/include or hardware/libhardware/include 58 will no longer be offered in include path 59* Fix them using the **** script. Customize it according to 60 your needs. 61 62 63