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3# Copyright 2016-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7"""Used for automatic reflow of spec sources to satisfy the agreed layout to
8minimize git churn.  Also used to insert identifying tags on explicit Valid
9Usage statements.
11Usage: `reflow.py [-noflow] [-tagvu] [-nextvu #] [-overwrite] [-out dir] [-suffix str] files`
13- `-noflow` acts as a passthrough, instead of reflowing text. Other
14  processing may occur.
15- `-tagvu` generates explicit VUID tag for Valid Usage statements which
16  do not already have them.
17- `-nextvu #` starts VUID tag generation at the specified # instead of
18  the value wired into the `reflow.py` script.
19- `-overwrite` updates in place (can be risky, make sure there are backups)
20- `-check FAIL|WARN` runs some consistency checks on markup. If the checks
21  fail and the WARN option is given, the script will simply print a warning
22  message. If the checks fail and the FAIL option is given, the script will
23  exit with an error code. FAIL is for use with continuous integration
24  scripts enforcing the checks.
25- `-out` specifies directory to create output file in, default 'out'
26- `-suffix` specifies suffix to add to output files, default ''
27- `files` are asciidoc source files from the spec to reflow.
29# For error and file-loading interfaces only
30import argparse
31import os
32import re
33import sys
34from reflib import loadFile, logDiag, logWarn, logErr, setLogFile, getBranch
35from pathlib import Path
36import doctransformer
38# Vulkan-specific - will consolidate into scripts/ like OpenXR soon
39sys.path.insert(0, 'xml')
41from apiconventions import APIConventions
42conventions = APIConventions()
44# Patterns used to recognize interesting lines in an asciidoc source file.
45# These patterns are only compiled once.
47# Find the pname: or code: patterns in a Valid Usage statement
48pnamePat = re.compile(r'pname:(?P<param>\{?\w+\}?)')
49codePat = re.compile(r'code:(?P<param>\w+)')
51# Text that (may) not end sentences
53# A single letter followed by a period, typically a middle initial.
54endInitial = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]\.$')
55# An abbreviation, which does not (usually) end a line.
56endAbbrev = re.compile(r'(e\.g|i\.e|c\.f|vs)\.$', re.IGNORECASE)
58# Explicit Valid Usage list item with one or more leading asterisks
59# The re.DOTALL is needed to prevent vuPat.search() from stripping
60# the trailing newline.
61vuPat = re.compile(r'^(?P<head>  [*]+)( *)(?P<tail>.*)', re.DOTALL)
63# VUID with the numeric portion captured in the match object
64vuidPat = re.compile(r'VUID-[^-]+-[^-]+-(?P<vuid>[0-9]+)')
66# Pattern matching leading nested bullet points
67global nestedVuPat
68nestedVuPat = re.compile(r'^  \*\*')
70class ReflowCallbacks:
71    """State and arguments for reflowing.
73    Used with DocTransformer to reflow a file."""
74    def __init__(self,
75                 filename,
76                 vuidDict,
77                 margin = 76,
78                 breakPeriod = True,
79                 reflow = True,
80                 nextvu = None,
81                 maxvu = None,
82                 check = True):
84        self.filename = filename
85        """base name of file being read from."""
87        self.check = check
88        """Whether consistency checks must be performed."""
90        self.margin = margin
91        """margin to reflow text to."""
93        self.breakPeriod = breakPeriod
94        """True if justification should break to a new line after the end of a
95        sentence."""
97        self.breakInitial = True
98        """True if justification should break to a new line after something
99        that appears to be an initial in someone's name. **TBD**"""
101        self.reflow = reflow
102        """True if text should be reflowed, False to pass through unchanged."""
104        self.vuPrefix = 'VUID'
105        """Prefix of generated Valid Usage tags"""
107        self.vuFormat = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3:0>5d}'
108        """Format string for generating Valid Usage tags.
109        First argument is vuPrefix, second is command/struct name, third is
110        parameter name, fourth is the tag number."""
112        self.nextvu = nextvu
113        """Integer to start tagging un-numbered Valid Usage statements with,
114        or None if no tagging should be done."""
116        self.maxvu = maxvu
117        """Maximum tag to use for Valid Usage statements, or None if no
118        tagging should be done."""
120        self.vuidDict = vuidDict
121        """Dictionary of VUID numbers found, containing a list of (file, VUID)
122        on which that number was found.  This is used to warn on duplicate
123        VUIDs."""
125        self.warnCount = 0
126        """Count of markup check warnings encountered."""
128    def endSentence(self, word):
129        """Return True if word ends with a sentence-period, False otherwise.
131        Allows for contraction cases which will not end a line:
133         - A single letter (if breakInitial is True)
134         - Abbreviations: 'c.f.', 'e.g.', 'i.e.' (or mixed-case versions)"""
135        if (word[-1:] != '.' or
136            endAbbrev.search(word) or
137                (self.breakInitial and endInitial.match(word))):
138            return False
140        return True
142    def vuidAnchor(self, word):
143        """Return True if word is a Valid Usage ID Tag anchor."""
144        return (word[0:7] == '[[VUID-')
146    def visitVUID(self, vuid, line):
147        if vuid not in self.vuidDict:
148            self.vuidDict[vuid] = []
149        self.vuidDict[vuid].append([self.filename, line])
151    def gatherVUIDs(self, para):
152        """Gather VUID tags and add them to vuidDict.  Used to verify no-duplicate VUIDs"""
153        for line in para:
154            line = line.rstrip()
156            matches = vuidPat.search(line)
157            if matches is not None:
158                vuid = matches.group('vuid')
159                self.visitVUID(vuid, line)
161    def addVUID(self, para, state):
162        hangIndent = state.hangIndent
164        """Generate and add VUID if necessary."""
165        if not state.isVU or self.nextvu is None:
166            return para, hangIndent
168        # If:
169        #   - this paragraph is in a Valid Usage block,
170        #   - VUID tags are being assigned,
171        # Try to assign VUIDs
173        if nestedVuPat.search(para[0]):
174            # Do not assign VUIDs to nested bullet points.
175            # These are now allowed VU markup syntax, but will never
176            # themselves be VUs, just subsidiary points.
177            return para, hangIndent
179        # Skip if there is already a VUID assigned
180        if self.vuPrefix in para[0]:
181            return para, hangIndent
183        # If:
184        #   - a tag is not already present, and
185        #   - the paragraph is a properly marked-up list item
186        # Then add a VUID tag starting with the next free ID.
188        # Split the first line after the bullet point
189        matches = vuPat.search(para[0])
190        if matches is None:
191            # There are only a few cases of this, and they are all
192            # legitimate. Leave detecting this case to another tool
193            # or hand inspection.
194            # logWarn(self.filename + ': Unexpected non-bullet item in VU block (harmless if following an ifdef):',
195            #         para[0])
196            return para, hangIndent
198        outPara = para
200        logDiag('addVUID: Matched vuPat on line:', para[0], end='')
201        head = matches.group('head')
202        tail = matches.group('tail')
204        # Find pname: or code: tags in the paragraph for the purposes of VUID
205        # tag generation. pname:{attribute}s are prioritized to make sure
206        # commonvalidity VUIDs end up being unique. Otherwise, the first pname:
207        # or code: tag in the paragraph is used, which may not always be
208        # correct, but should be highly reliable.
209        pnameMatches = re.findall(pnamePat, ' '.join(para))
210        codeMatches = re.findall(codePat, ' '.join(para))
212        # Prioritize {attribute}s, but not the ones in the exception list
213        # below.  These have complex expressions including ., ->, or [index]
214        # which makes them unsuitable for VUID tags.  Ideally these would be
215        # automatically discovered.
216        attributeExceptionList = ['maxinstancecheck', 'regionsparam',
217                                  'rayGenShaderBindingTableAddress',
218                                  'rayGenShaderBindingTableStride',
219                                  'missShaderBindingTableAddress',
220                                  'missShaderBindingTableStride',
221                                  'hitShaderBindingTableAddress',
222                                  'hitShaderBindingTableStride',
223                                  'callableShaderBindingTableAddress',
224                                  'callableShaderBindingTableStride',
225                                 ]
226        attributeMatches = [match for match in pnameMatches if
227                            match[0] == '{' and
228                            match[1:-1] not in attributeExceptionList]
229        nonattributeMatches = [match for match in pnameMatches if
230                               match[0] != '{']
232        if len(attributeMatches) > 0:
233            paramName = attributeMatches[0]
234        elif len(nonattributeMatches) > 0:
235            paramName = nonattributeMatches[0]
236        elif len(codeMatches) > 0:
237            paramName = codeMatches[0]
238        else:
239            paramName = 'None'
240            logWarn(self.filename,
241                    'No param name found for VUID tag on line:',
242                    para[0])
244        # Transform:
245        #
246        #   * VU first line
247        #
248        # To:
249        #
250        #   * [[VUID]]
251        #     VU first line
252        #
253        tagLine = (head + ' [[' +
254                   self.vuFormat.format(self.vuPrefix,
255                                        state.apiName,
256                                        paramName,
257                                        self.nextvu) + ']]\n')
258        self.visitVUID(str(self.nextvu), tagLine)
260        newLines = [tagLine]
261        if tail.strip() != '':
262            logDiag('transformParagraph first line matches bullet point -'
263                    'single line, assuming hangIndent @ input line',
264                    state.lineNumber)
265            hangIndent = len(head) + 1
266            newLines.append(''.ljust(hangIndent) + tail)
268        logDiag('Assigning', self.vuPrefix, state.apiName, self.nextvu,
269                ' on line:\n' + para[0], '->\n' + newLines[0] + 'END', '\n' + newLines[1] if len(newLines) > 1 else '')
271        # Do not actually assign the VUID unless it is in the reserved range
272        if self.nextvu <= self.maxvu:
273            if self.nextvu == self.maxvu:
274                logWarn('Skipping VUID assignment, no more VUIDs available')
275            outPara = newLines + para[1:]
276            self.nextvu = self.nextvu + 1
278        return outPara, hangIndent
280    def transformParagraph(self, para, state):
281        """Reflow a given paragraph, respecting the paragraph lead and
282        hanging indentation levels.
284        The algorithm also respects trailing '+' signs that indicate embedded newlines,
285        and will not reflow a very long word immediately after a bullet point.
287        Just return the paragraph unchanged if the -noflow argument was
288        given."""
290        self.gatherVUIDs(para)
292        # If this is a VU that is missing a VUID, add it to the paragraph now.
293        para, hangIndent = self.addVUID(para, state)
295        if not self.reflow:
296            return para
298        logDiag('transformParagraph lead indent = ', state.leadIndent,
299                'hangIndent =', state.hangIndent,
300                'para:', para[0], end='')
302        # Total words processed (we care about the *first* word vs. others)
303        wordCount = 0
305        # Tracks the *previous* word processed. It must not be empty.
306        prevWord = ' '
308        # Track the previous line and paragraph being indented, if any
309        outLine = None
310        outPara = []
312        for line in para:
313            line = line.rstrip()
314            words = line.split()
316            # logDiag('transformParagraph: input line =', line)
317            numWords = len(words) - 1
319            for i in range(0, numWords + 1):
320                word = words[i]
321                wordLen = len(word)
322                wordCount += 1
324                endEscape = False
325                if i == numWords and word in ('+', '-'):
326                    # Trailing ' +' or ' -' must stay on the same line
327                    endEscape = word
328                    # logDiag('transformParagraph last word of line =', word,
329                    #         'prevWord =', prevWord, 'endEscape =', endEscape)
330                else:
331                    # logDiag('transformParagraph wordCount =', wordCount,
332                    #         'word =', word, 'prevWord =', prevWord)
333                    pass
335                if wordCount == 1:
336                    # The first word of the paragraph is treated specially.
337                    # The loop logic becomes trickier if all this code is
338                    # done prior to looping over lines and words, so all the
339                    # setup logic is done here.
341                    outLine = ''.ljust(state.leadIndent) + word
342                    outLineLen = state.leadIndent + wordLen
344                    # If the paragraph begins with a bullet point, generate
345                    # a hanging indent level if there is not one already.
346                    if doctransformer.beginBullet.match(para[0]):
347                        bulletPoint = True
348                        if len(para) > 1:
349                            logDiag('transformParagraph first line matches bullet point',
350                                    'but indent already hanging @ input line',
351                                    state.lineNumber)
352                        else:
353                            logDiag('transformParagraph first line matches bullet point -'
354                                    'single line, assuming hangIndent @ input line',
355                                    state.lineNumber)
356                            hangIndent = outLineLen + 1
357                    else:
358                        bulletPoint = False
359                else:
360                    # Possible actions to take with this word
361                    #
362                    # addWord - add word to current line
363                    # closeLine - append line and start a new (null) one
364                    # startLine - add word to a new line
366                    # Default behavior if all the tests below fail is to add
367                    # this word to the current line, and keep accumulating
368                    # that line.
369                    (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (True, False, False)
371                    # How long would this line be if the word were added?
372                    newLen = outLineLen + 1 + wordLen
374                    # Are we on the first word following a bullet point?
375                    firstBullet = (wordCount == 2 and bulletPoint)
377                    if endEscape:
378                        # If the new word ends the input line with ' +',
379                        # add it to the current line.
381                        (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (True, True, False)
382                    elif self.vuidAnchor(word):
383                        # If the new word is a Valid Usage anchor, break the
384                        # line afterwards. Note that this should only happen
385                        # immediately after a bullet point, but we do not
386                        # currently check for this.
387                        (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (True, True, False)
389                    elif newLen > self.margin:
390                        if firstBullet:
391                            # If the word follows a bullet point, add it to
392                            # the current line no matter its length.
394                            (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (True, True, False)
395                        elif doctransformer.beginBullet.match(word + ' '):
396                            # If the word *is* a bullet point, add it to
397                            # the current line no matter its length.
398                            # This avoids an innocent inline '-' or '*'
399                            # turning into a bogus bullet point.
401                            (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (True, True, False)
402                        else:
403                            # The word overflows, so add it to a new line.
405                            (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (False, True, True)
406                    elif (self.breakPeriod and
407                          (wordCount > 2 or not firstBullet) and
408                          self.endSentence(prevWord)):
409                        # If the previous word ends a sentence and
410                        # breakPeriod is set, start a new line.
411                        # The complicated logic allows for leading bullet
412                        # points which are periods (implicitly numbered lists).
413                        # @@@ But not yet for explicitly numbered lists.
415                        (addWord, closeLine, startLine) = (False, True, True)
417                    # Add a word to the current line
418                    if addWord:
419                        if outLine:
420                            outLine += ' ' + word
421                            outLineLen = newLen
422                        else:
423                            # Fall through to startLine case if there is no
424                            # current line yet.
425                            startLine = True
427                    # Add current line to the output paragraph. Force
428                    # starting a new line, although we do not yet know if it
429                    # will ever have contents.
430                    if closeLine:
431                        if outLine:
432                            outPara.append(outLine + '\n')
433                            outLine = None
435                    # Start a new line and add a word to it
436                    if startLine:
437                        outLine = ''.ljust(hangIndent) + word
438                        outLineLen = hangIndent + wordLen
440                # Track the previous word, for use in breaking at end of
441                # a sentence
442                prevWord = word
444        # Add last line to the output paragraph.
445        if outLine:
446            outPara.append(outLine + '\n')
448        return outPara
450    def onEmbeddedVUConditional(self, state):
451        if self.check:
452            logWarn('Detected embedded Valid Usage conditional: {}:{}'.format(
453                    self.filename, state.lineNumber - 1))
454            # Keep track of warning check count
455            self.warnCount = self.warnCount + 1
457def reflowFile(filename, args):
458    logDiag('reflow: filename', filename)
460    # Output file handle and reflow object for this file. There are no race
461    # conditions on overwriting the input, but it is not recommended unless
462    # you have backing store such as git.
464    lines, newline_string = loadFile(filename)
465    if lines is None:
466        return
468    if args.overwrite:
469        outFilename = filename
470    else:
471        outDir = Path(args.outDir).resolve()
472        outDir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
474        outFilename = str(outDir / (os.path.basename(filename) + args.suffix))
476    if args.nowrite:
477        fp = None
478    else:
479        try:
480            fp = open(outFilename, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline=newline_string)
481        except:
482            logWarn('Cannot open output file', outFilename, ':', sys.exc_info()[0])
483            return
485    callback = ReflowCallbacks(filename,
486                               args.vuidDict,
487                               margin = args.margin,
488                               reflow = not args.noflow,
489                               nextvu = args.nextvu,
490                               maxvu = args.maxvu,
491                               check = args.check)
493    transformer = doctransformer.DocTransformer(filename,
494                                                outfile = fp,
495                                                callback = callback)
497    transformer.transformFile(lines)
499    if fp is not None:
500        fp.close()
502    # Update the 'nextvu' value
503    if args.nextvu != callback.nextvu:
504        logWarn('Updated nextvu to', callback.nextvu, 'after file', filename)
505        args.nextvu = callback.nextvu
507    args.warnCount += callback.warnCount
509def reflowAllAdocFiles(folder_to_reflow, args):
510    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder_to_reflow):
511        for file in files:
512            if file.endswith(conventions.file_suffix):
513                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
514                reflowFile(file_path, args)
515        for subdir in subdirs:
516            sub_folder = os.path.join(root, subdir)
517            print('Sub-folder = %s' % sub_folder)
518            if subdir.lower() not in conventions.spec_no_reflow_dirs:
519                print('   Parsing = %s' % sub_folder)
520                reflowAllAdocFiles(sub_folder, args)
521            else:
522                print('   Skipping = %s' % sub_folder)
524if __name__ == '__main__':
525    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
527    parser.add_argument('-diag', action='store', dest='diagFile',
528                        help='Set the diagnostic file')
529    parser.add_argument('-warn', action='store', dest='warnFile',
530                        help='Set the warning file')
531    parser.add_argument('-log', action='store', dest='logFile',
532                        help='Set the log file for both diagnostics and warnings')
533    parser.add_argument('-overwrite', action='store_true',
534                        help='Overwrite input filenames instead of writing different output filenames')
535    parser.add_argument('-out', action='store', dest='outDir',
536                        default='out',
537                        help='Set the output directory in which updated files are generated (default: out)')
538    parser.add_argument('-nowrite', action='store_true',
539                        help='Do not write output files, for use with -check')
540    parser.add_argument('-check', action='store', dest='check',
541                        help='Run markup checks and warn if WARN option is given, error exit if FAIL option is given')
542    parser.add_argument('-checkVUID', action='store', dest='checkVUID',
543                        help='Detect duplicated VUID numbers and warn if WARN option is given, error exit if FAIL option is given')
544    parser.add_argument('-tagvu', action='store_true',
545                        help='Tag un-tagged Valid Usage statements starting at the value wired into reflow.py')
546    parser.add_argument('-nextvu', action='store', dest='nextvu', type=int,
547                        default=None,
548                        help='Tag un-tagged Valid Usage statements starting at the specified base VUID instead of the value wired into reflow.py')
549    parser.add_argument('-maxvu', action='store', dest='maxvu', type=int,
550                        default=None,
551                        help='Specify maximum VUID instead of the value wired into vuidCounts.py')
552    parser.add_argument('-branch', action='store', dest='branch',
553                        help='Specify branch to assign VUIDs for')
554    parser.add_argument('-noflow', action='store_true', dest='noflow',
555                        help='Do not reflow text. Other actions may apply')
556    parser.add_argument('-margin', action='store', type=int, dest='margin',
557                        default='76',
558                        help='Width to reflow text, defaults to 76 characters')
559    parser.add_argument('-suffix', action='store', dest='suffix',
560                        default='',
561                        help='Set the suffix added to updated file names (default: none)')
562    parser.add_argument('files', metavar='filename', nargs='*',
563                        help='a filename to reflow text in')
564    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0')
566    args = parser.parse_args()
568    setLogFile(True,  True, args.logFile)
569    setLogFile(True, False, args.diagFile)
570    setLogFile(False, True, args.warnFile)
572    if args.overwrite:
573        logWarn("reflow.py: will overwrite all input files")
575    errors = ''
576    if args.branch is None:
577        (args.branch, errors) = getBranch()
578    if args.branch is None:
579        # This is not fatal unless VUID assignment is required
580        if args.tagvu:
581            logErr('Cannot determine current git branch, so cannot assign VUIDs:', errors)
583    if args.tagvu and args.nextvu is None:
584        # Moved here since vuidCounts is only needed in the internal
585        # repository
586        from vuidCounts import vuidCounts
588        if args.branch not in vuidCounts:
589            logErr('Branch', args.branch, 'not in vuidCounts, cannot continue')
590        maxVUID = vuidCounts[args.branch][1]
591        startVUID = vuidCounts[args.branch][2]
592        args.nextvu = startVUID
593        args.maxvu = maxVUID
595    if args.nextvu is not None:
596        logWarn('Tagging untagged Valid Usage statements starting at', args.nextvu)
598    # Count of markup check warnings encountered
599    # This is added to the argparse structure
600    args.warnCount = 0
602    # Dictionary of VUID numbers found, containing a list of (file, VUID) on
603    # which that number was found
604    # This is added to the argparse structure
605    args.vuidDict = {}
607    # If no files are specified, reflow the entire specification chapters folder
608    if not args.files:
609        folder_to_reflow = conventions.spec_reflow_path
610        logWarn('Reflowing all asciidoc files under', folder_to_reflow)
611        reflowAllAdocFiles(folder_to_reflow, args)
612    else:
613        for file in args.files:
614            reflowFile(file, args)
616    if args.warnCount > 0:
617        if args.check == 'FAIL':
618            logErr('Failed with', args.warnCount, 'markup errors detected.\n' +
619                   'To fix these, you can take actions such as:\n' +
620                   '  * Moving conditionals outside VU start / end without changing VU meaning\n' +
621                   '  * Refactor conditional text using terminology defined conditionally outside the VU itself\n' +
622                   '  * Remove the conditional (allowable when this just affects command / structure / enum names)\n')
623        else:
624            logWarn('Total warning count for markup issues is', args.warnCount)
626    # Look for duplicated VUID numbers
627    if args.checkVUID:
628        dupVUIDs = 0
629        for vuid in sorted(args.vuidDict):
630            found = args.vuidDict[vuid]
631            if len(found) > 1:
632                logWarn('Duplicate VUID number {} found in files:'.format(vuid))
633                for (file, vuidLine) in found:
634                    logWarn('    {}: {}'.format(file, vuidLine))
635                dupVUIDs = dupVUIDs + 1
637        if dupVUIDs > 0:
638            if args.checkVUID == 'FAIL':
639                logErr('Failed with', dupVUIDs, 'duplicated VUID numbers found.\n' +
640                       'To fix this, either convert these to commonvalidity VUs if possible, or strip\n' +
641                       'the VUIDs from all but one of the duplicates and regenerate new ones.')
642            else:
643                logWarn('Total number of duplicated VUID numbers is', dupVUIDs)
645    if args.nextvu is not None and args.nextvu != startVUID:
646        # Update next free VUID to assign
647        vuidCounts[args.branch][2] = args.nextvu
648        try:
649            reflow_count_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
650            reflow_count_file_path += '/vuidCounts.py'
651            reflow_count_file = open(reflow_count_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf8')
652            print('# Do not edit this file, unless reserving a new VUID range', file=reflow_count_file)
653            print('# VUID ranges reserved for branches', file=reflow_count_file)
654            print('# Key is branch name, value is [ start, end, nextfree ]', file=reflow_count_file)
655            print('# New reservations must be made by MR to main branch', file=reflow_count_file)
656            print('vuidCounts = {', file=reflow_count_file)
657            for key in sorted(vuidCounts.keys(), key=lambda k: vuidCounts[k][0]):
658                counts = vuidCounts[key]
659                print(f"    '{key}': [ {counts[0]}, {counts[1]}, {counts[2]} ],",
660                    file=reflow_count_file)
661            print('}', file=reflow_count_file)
662            reflow_count_file.close()
663        except:
664            logWarn('Cannot open output count file vuidCounts.py', ':', sys.exc_info()[0])