1// With comments included, this file is no longer legal JSON, but serves to illustrate
2// the format of the configuration file the evs_app expects to read at startup to configure itself
3// for a specific car.
4// In addition to the configuration file, an image to be used to represent the car is expected
5// to be provided in CarFromTop.png.
6// Throughout this file, units of length are arbitrary, but must all be the same units.
7// X is right, Y is forward, Z is up (right handed coordinate system).
8// The origin is at the center of the read axel at ground level.
9// Units for angles are in degrees.
10// Yaw is measured from the front of the car, positive to the left (postive Z rotation).
11// Pitch is measured from the horizon, positive upward (postive X rotation).
12// Roll is always assumed to be zero.
15 "car" : { // This section describes the geometry of the car
16 "width" : 76.7, // The width of the car body
17 "wheelBase" : 117.9, // The distance between the front and read axel
18 "frontExtent" : 44.7, // The extent of the car body ahead of the front axel
19 "rearExtent" : 40 // The extent of the car body behind the read axel
20 },
21 "displays" : [ // This configures the dimensions of the surround view display
22 { // The first display will be used as the default display
23 "displayPort" : 1 // Display port number, the target display is connected to.
24 "frontRange" : 100, // How far to render the view in front of the front bumper
25 "rearRange" : 100 // How far the view extends behind the rear bumper
26 }
27 ],
28 "graphic" : { // This maps the car texture into the projected view space
29 "frontPixel" : 23, // The pixel row in CarFromTop.png at which the front bumper appears
30 "rearPixel" : 223 // The pixel row in CarFromTop.png at which the back bumper ends
31 },
32 "cameras" : [ // This describes the cameras potentially available on the car
33 {
34 "cameraId" : "/dev/video32", // Camera ID exposed by EVS HAL
35 "function" : "reverse,park", // set of modes to which this camera contributes
36 "x" : 0.0, // Optical center distance right of vehicle center
37 "y" : -40.0, // Optical center distance forward of rear axel
38 "z" : 48, // Optical center distance above ground
39 "yaw" : 180, // Optical axis degrees to the left of straight ahead
40 "pitch" : -30, // Optical axis degrees above the horizon
41 "roll" : 0, // Rotation degrees around the optical axis
42 "hfov" : 125, // Horizontal field of view in degrees
43 "vfov" :103, // Vertical field of view in degrees
44 "hflip" : true, // Flip the view horizontally
45 "vflip" : true, // Flip the view vertically
46 }
47 ]