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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.txtD14-Jan-2024204 43

basic_controls.pngD14-Jan-20244.2 KiB

basic_controls.svgD14-Jan-20244.1 KiB126123

dpad.pngD14-Jan-20247.4 KiB

dpad_off.svgD14-Jan-20243.7 KiB110107

dpad_on.svgD14-Jan-20243.4 KiB108105

hwkeys.pngD14-Jan-20245.5 KiB

hwkeys_off.svgD14-Jan-20243.9 KiB115112

hwkeys_on.svgD14-Jan-20243.6 KiB113110

keyboard_off.svgD14-Jan-20243.9 KiB104101

keyboard_on.svgD14-Jan-20243.9 KiB104101


1The svg files in these folder were used to generate the corresponding
2png images in the 'dynamic' skin folder. Edit these in Inkscape or some
3other SVG editor and just export as png to update the assets.