Lines Matching refs:link

101 <p>Android 4.4 ({@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT}) is a new release for the Android pla…
144link android.Manifest.permission#READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} permission. That is, files within the dire…
152link android.webkit.WebView} class and related APIs has been upgraded to be based on a modern snap…
153link android.webkit.WebView} operates in "quirks mode" to provide some legacy functionality in app…
155 <p>So if your existing app uses {@link android.webkit.WebView}, it's important that you test on And…
162 …" or higher, alarms that you create using either {@link set()} or {@l…
166 …ific time range (such as between 2pm and 4pm), then you can use the new {@link…
168 … time (such as for a calendar event reminder), then you can use the new {@link…
177 …t">{@code targetSdkVersion}</a> to "19" or higher, creating a sync with {@link android.content.Con…
179 <p>To specify your own flex interval for sync operations, you should begin using the new {@link and…
195 …t a document and the services that deliver print jobs to a printer. The {@link android.print} fram…
199link android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter}. Within this class, you must implement a few callback met…
201link android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor} you must pass it a PDF. The new {@link…
203link android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter}, you can execute print jobs upon the user's request using…
207link}, set the scale mode with {@link…
211link android.printservice} framework to provide interoperability with your printers from Android d…
223 <p>The {@link android.provider.Telephony} content provider (the "SMS Provider") allows apps to read…
225 …pp receives the {@link android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents#SMS_DELIVER_ACTION} broadcast when t…
227 …r, but may also be notified when a new SMS arrives by listening for the {@link android.provider.Te…
245link android.nfc.cardemulation.HostApduService} class. Whereas if your app instead uses a secure e…
252 …for your activity with {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#enableReaderMode enableReaderMode()}, providi…
258link android.hardware.ConsumerIrManager} APIs. To get an instance of {@link android.hardware.Consu…
260link android.hardware.ConsumerIrManager#hasIrEmitter()}, but if your app is compatible only with d…
277 …ow available with the {@link} APIs, enabling seamless change in resolutio…
279link} that specify the maximum resolution that your app requires from th…
285 …rts adaptive playback by calling {@link…
291link} class provides timeline details about a specific "frame" in an …
293 <p>You can use the value of {@code nanoTime} in the {@link} (which is …
297link} API provides you direct access to image buffers as they are render…
299link android.view.Surface}, your {@link} receiv…
301link} object provides direct access to the image's timestamp, format, dimensio…
305link} by creating a new instance of {@link…
309link} is a new subclass of {@link…
313link} APIs that allow media apps to consume media controller eve…
315link android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService} class and implements the {@link and…
317link android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService} class includes a couple abstract me…
321 …remote control clients (apps that receive media control events with the {@link…
323link} class encapsulates information about a user rating. A rating is defined…
327 … user (if applicable) by adding the {@link…
328link editMetadata()} to retrieve a {@link android.m…
329 …cify the rating style by calling {@link putObject()} a…
332link} interface and pass an instance to…
336 <p>{@link android.widget.VideoView} now supports <a href="" class="e…
338link android.widget.VideoView} with your WebVTT subtitle tracks using the {@link android.widget.Vi…
340link android.widget.VideoView} to display your video content, you should make your subtitle overla…
359 <p>The new {@link android.transition} framework provides APIs that facilitate animations between di…
363 <li>Specify the {@link android.view.ViewGroup} containing the UI components you want to change.</li>
369link android.transition.Scene} object to accomplish steps 1 and 2. A {@link android.transition.Sce…
371link android.transition.TransitionManager} to accomplish steps 3 and 4. One way is to pass your {@
373link android.transition.Scene} object at all, but can instead call {@link android.transition.Trans…
375link android.transition.TransitionInflater#inflateTransitionManager inflateTransitionManager()}. U…
377link android.transition.Transition}, such as {@link android.transition.Fade} and {@link…
379 <p>For more information, see the {@link android.transition.TransitionManager} documentation.</p>
383link android.animation.Animator} APIs now allow you to pause and resume an ongoing animation with …
385link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorPauseListener} interface, which provides callbacks when an…
387link android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter} abstract class, which now includes empty implement…
392link} to decode any other bitmap&mdash;even when the new bitmap is …
394link} allow similar reconfiguration for reuse outside of {@link…
409link android.content.Intent#ACTION_GET_CONTENT} action. This action is still the appropriate way t…
411link android.provider.DocumentsProvider} class. Your subclass of {@link android.provider.Documents…
414 <dt>{@link android.provider.DocumentsProvider#queryRoots queryRoots()}</dt>
415 …t return a {@link android.database.Cursor} that describes all the root directories of your documen…
416 <dt>{@link android.provider.DocumentsProvider#queryChildDocuments queryChildDocuments()}</dt>
417 … must return a {@link android.database.Cursor} that describes all the files in the specified direc…
418 <dt>{@link android.provider.DocumentsProvider#queryDocument queryDocument()}</dt>
419 <dd>This must return a {@link android.database.Cursor} that describes the specified file, using col…
420 <dt>{@link android.provider.DocumentsProvider#openDocument openDocument()}</dt>
421link android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor} representing the specified file. The system calls this metho…
429link android.content.Context#getExternalFilesDirs getExternalFilesDirs()} works the same as the ex…
431 …s to secondary storage devices: {@link android.content.Context#getExternalCacheDirs getExternalCac…
433link} array is considered the device's primary external storage, which is the same as…
435link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} or {@link android.Manifest.permission#REA…
439link android.content.ContentResolver#requestSync requestSync()} method in {@link android.content.C…
455 <p>The new {@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR}
456link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR} sensor when a gyroscope is not available or whe…
461 <dt>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR}</dt>
463 <dt>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_STEP_COUNTER}</dt>
467link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_STEP_COUNTER} events occur with a higher latency than those from…
469link hasSystemFeature()}, using the {@link andr…
473link android.hardware.SensorManager} APIs now allow you to specify the frequency at which you'd li…
475link android.hardware.SensorManager} class adds two new versions of the {@link android.hardware.Se…
477link android.hardware.SensorManager#flush flush()} to capture the latest batch of events. To estim…
480 …sor. However, beginning with Android 4.4, you should always use the new {@link android.hardware.Se…
484link android.view.InputDevice#getControllerNumber()}, making it easier for you to associate each c…
486link android.view.InputDevice#getProductId()} and {@link android.view.InputDevice#getVendorId()}. …
499link android.view.View#SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE} flag for {@link android.view.View#setSystemUiVisi…
503link Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.TranslucentDec…
505 …se themes as the parent theme or include the {@link android.R.attr#windowTranslucentNavigation} an…
509 <p>Android 4.3 added the {@link android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService} APIs, all…
511link Notification.extras} field includes a {@link android.os.Bundl…
512link} class defines the characteristics of an action attached to t…
516link android.R.attr#autoMirrored} attribute on a drawable resource or by calling {@link…
520link android.view.View} class now allows you to declare "live regions" for portions of your UI tha…
522 … such as list or grid views using {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.Collecti…
537 <dt>{@link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_SHORTCUT}</dt>
539 <dt>{@link android.Manifest.permission#UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT} </dt>
541 <dt>{@link android.Manifest.permission#TRANSMIT_IR}</dt>
545link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} or {@link android.Manifest.permission#REA…
556 <dt>{@link}</dt>
558 <dt>{@link}</dt>
560 <dt>{@link}</dt>
562 <dt>{@link}</dt>
564 <dt>{@link}</dt>