Lines Matching refs:d
126 CatLog.d(this, "setPendingActivityInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + act); in setPendingActivityInstance()
130 CatLog.d(this, "getPendingActivityInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + in getPendingActivityInstance()
135 CatLog.d(this, "setPendingDialogInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + act); in setPendingDialogInstance()
139 CatLog.d(this, "getPendingDialogInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + in getPendingDialogInstance()
144 CatLog.d(this, "setMainActivityInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + act); in setMainActivityInstance()
148 CatLog.d(this, "getMainActivityInstance act : " + mSlotId + ", " + in getMainActivityInstance()
254 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onCreate()+"); in onCreate()
259 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "simCount: " + mSimCount); in onCreate()
266 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "slotId: " + i); in onCreate()
283 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "StkAppService onStart intent is null so return"); in onStart()
289 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "StkAppService onStart args is null so return"); in onStart()
299 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onStart sim id: " + slotId + ", op: " + op + ", " + args); in onStart()
303 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "mStkService is: " + mStkContext[slotId].mStkServiceState); in onStart()
352 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onDestroy()"); in onDestroy()
396 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isInputFinishBySrv: " + mStkContext[slotId].mIsInputPending); in isInputPending()
404 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isMenuPending: " + mStkContext[slotId].mIsMenuPending); in isMenuPending()
412 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isDialogPending: " + mStkContext[slotId].mIsDialogPending); in isDialogPending()
422 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "StkAppService, getMenu, sim id: " + slotId); in getMenu()
434 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "StkAppService, getMainMenu, sim id: " + slotId); in getMainMenu()
465 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "ServiceHandler handleMessage msg is null"); in handleMessage()
471 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleMessage opcode[" + opcode + "], sim id[" + slotId + "]"); in handleMessage()
474 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "cmdName[" + ((CatCmdMessage)msg.obj).getCmdType().name() + "]"); in handleMessage()
480 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "mMainCmd is null"); in handleMessage()
484 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleMessage OP_LAUNCH_APP - mCmdInProgress[" + in handleMessage()
491 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Current cmd type: " + in handleMessage()
497 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "[OP_CMD]"); in handleMessage()
514 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "[Interactive][in progress]"); in handleMessage()
539 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, " OP_BOOT_COMPLETED"); in handleMessage()
554 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Card/Icc Status change received"); in handleMessage()
560 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Set activity instance. " + act); in handleMessage()
565 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Set dialog instance. " + dal); in handleMessage()
572 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Set activity instance. " + mainAct); in handleMessage()
576 CatLog.d(this, "Locale Changed"); in handleMessage()
595 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "CardStatus: " + cardStatus); in handleCardStatusChangeAndIccRefresh()
597 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "CARD is ABSENT"); in handleCardStatusChangeAndIccRefresh()
601 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "All CARDs are ABSENT"); in handleCardStatusChangeAndIccRefresh()
609 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Icc Refresh Result: "+ state.refreshResult); in handleCardStatusChangeAndIccRefresh()
659 CatLog.d(this, "Need to send IDLE SCREEN Available event to SIM"); in handleIdleScreen()
672 CatLog.d(this, "SCREEN_BUSY"); in sendScreenBusyResponse()
712 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleDelayedCmd, slotId: " + slotId); in handleDelayedCmd()
716 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleDelayedCmd - queue size: " + in handleDelayedCmd()
751 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "[handleSessionEnd] - mCurrentCmd changed to mMainCmd!."); in handleSessionEnd()
753 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "slotId: " + slotId + ", mMenuState: " + in handleSessionEnd()
761 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "[handleSessionEnd][mMainCmd is null!]"); in handleSessionEnd()
769 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "[handleSessionEnd][mMenuState]" + mStkContext[slotId].mMenuIsVisible); in handleSessionEnd()
815 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG,"[handleCmd]" + cmdMsg.getCmdType().name()); in handleCmd()
837 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Screen is not idle"); in handleCmd()
847 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "SELECT_ITEM +"); in handleCmd()
857 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "SET_UP_MENU [" + removeMenu(slotId) + "]"); in handleCmd()
861 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "removeMenu() - Uninstall App"); in handleCmd()
869 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Not Uninstall App:" + i + "," in handleCmd()
878 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "install App"); in handleCmd()
899 CatLog.d(this, "set up idle mode"); in handleCmd()
919 CatLog.d(this, "SET_UP_CALL mesg.text " + mesg.text); in handleCmd()
957 CatLog.d(this," Check if IDLE_SCREEN_AVAILABLE_EVENT is present in List"); in handleCmd()
973 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleCmdResponse, sim id: " + slotId); in handleCmdResponse()
983 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Exception! mStkService is null when we need to send response."); in handleCmdResponse()
996 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "MENU_SELECTION=" + mStkContext[slotId]. in handleCmdResponse()
1013 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "RES_ID_INPUT"); in handleCmdResponse()
1030 CatLog.d(this, "RES_ID_CONFIRM"); in handleCmdResponse()
1050 CatLog.d(this, "Going back to mainMenu before starting a call."); in handleCmdResponse()
1062 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "RES_ID_BACKWARD"); in handleCmdResponse()
1066 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "RES_ID_END_SESSION"); in handleCmdResponse()
1070 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "RES_ID_TIMEOUT"); in handleCmdResponse()
1085 CatLog.d(this, "User Choice=" + choice); in handleCmdResponse()
1103 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Unknown result id"); in handleCmdResponse()
1109 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "handleCmdResponse- cmdName[" + in handleCmdResponse()
1136 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot slotId: " + slotId); in cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot()
1138 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "current cmd is null."); in cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot()
1142 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "current cmd type: " + in cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot()
1156 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "finish pending activity."); in cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot()
1161 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "finish pending dialog."); in cleanUpInstanceStackBySlot()
1173 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "restoreInstanceFromStackBySlot cmdType : " + cmdType); in restoreInstanceFromStackBySlot()
1212 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchMenuActivity, slotId: " + slotId + " , " + in launchMenuActivity()
1222 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchMenuActivity, return OP_END_SESSION"); in launchMenuActivity()
1225 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchMenuActivity, mMainActivityInstance is not null"); in launchMenuActivity()
1258 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchInputActivity, slotId: " + slotId); in launchInputActivity()
1269 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchTextDialog, slotId: " + slotId); in launchTextDialog()
1301 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isStkDialogActivated: " + topActivity); in isStkDialogActivated()
1305 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "activated : " + activated); in isStkDialogActivated()
1310 CatLog.d(this, "sendSetUpEventResponse: event : " + event + "slotId = " + slotId); in sendSetUpEventResponse()
1328 CatLog.d(this, "Event :" + event); in checkForSetupEvent()
1342 CatLog.d(this, " Event " + event + "exists in the EventList"); in checkForSetupEvent()
1352 CatLog.d(this, "language: " + language); in checkForSetupEvent()
1371 CatLog.d(this, "Remove Event :" + event); in removeSetUpEvent()
1392 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchEventMessage return"); in launchEventMessage()
1449 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "settings.url = " + settings.url); in launchBrowser()
1454 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "modifiedUrl = " + modifiedUrl); in launchBrowser()
1464 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launch browser with default URL "); in launchBrowser()
1495 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, msg == null ? "mCurrent.getTextMessage is NULL" in launchIdleText()
1500 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchIdleText - text[" + msg.text in launchIdleText()
1503 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Add IdleMode text"); in launchIdleText()
1543 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "launchToneDialog, slotId: " + slotId); in launchToneDialog()
1558 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "msg is null, return here"); in launchOpenChannelDialog()
1610 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "msg is null, return here"); in launchTransientEventMessage()
1642 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "invalid slotId: " + slotId); in getNotificationId()
1644 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "getNotificationId, slotId: " + slotId + ", notifyId: " + notifyId); in getNotificationId()
1669 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "Unable to get Menu's items size"); in removeMenu()
1681 CatLog.d(LOG_TAG, "invalid slotId: " + slotId); in getStkContext()
1689 CatLog.d(this, "Alpha string received from card: " + alphaString); in handleAlphaNotify()