/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_COMPILER_SEA_IR_DEBUG_DOT_GEN_H_ #define ART_COMPILER_SEA_IR_DEBUG_DOT_GEN_H_ #include "safe_map.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "file_output_stream.h" #include "os.h" #include "sea_ir/ir/sea.h" #include "sea_ir/types/type_inference.h" namespace sea_ir { class DotConversionOptions { public: DotConversionOptions(): save_use_edges_(false) { } bool WillSaveUseEdges() const { return save_use_edges_; } private: bool save_use_edges_; }; class DotGenerationVisitor: public IRVisitor { public: explicit DotGenerationVisitor(const DotConversionOptions* const options, art::SafeMap<int, const Type*>* types): graph_(), types_(types), options_(options) { } virtual void Initialize(SeaGraph* graph); // Saves the ssa def->use edges corresponding to @instruction. void ToDotSSAEdges(InstructionNode* instruction); void ToDotSSAEdges(PhiInstructionNode* instruction); void Visit(SeaGraph* graph) { dot_text_ += "digraph seaOfNodes {\ncompound=true\n"; } void Visit(SignatureNode* parameter); // Appends to @result a dot language formatted string representing the node and // (by convention) outgoing edges, so that the composition of theToDot() of all nodes // builds a complete dot graph (without prolog and epilog though). void Visit(Region* region); void Visit(InstructionNode* instruction); void Visit(PhiInstructionNode* phi); void Visit(UnnamedConstInstructionNode* instruction); void Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } void Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) { Visit(reinterpret_cast<InstructionNode*>(instruction)); } std::string GetResult() const { return dot_text_; } private: std::string dot_text_; SeaGraph* graph_; art::SafeMap<int, const Type*>* types_; const DotConversionOptions* const options_; }; // Stores options for turning a SEA IR graph to a .dot file. class DotConversion { public: DotConversion(): options_() { } // Saves to @filename the .dot representation of @graph with the options @options. void DumpSea(SeaGraph* graph, std::string filename, art::SafeMap<int, const Type*>* types) const { LOG(INFO) << "Starting to write SEA string to file " << filename << std::endl; DotGenerationVisitor dgv = DotGenerationVisitor(&options_, types); graph->Accept(&dgv); // TODO: std::unique_ptr to close file properly. Switch to BufferedOutputStream. art::File* file = art::OS::CreateEmptyFile(filename.c_str()); art::FileOutputStream fos(file); std::string graph_as_string = dgv.GetResult(); graph_as_string += "}"; fos.WriteFully(graph_as_string.c_str(), graph_as_string.size()); LOG(INFO) << "Written SEA string to file."; } private: DotConversionOptions options_; }; } // namespace sea_ir #endif // ART_COMPILER_SEA_IR_DEBUG_DOT_GEN_H_