/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.merge; import com.android.dex.Annotation; import com.android.dex.ClassData; import com.android.dex.ClassDef; import com.android.dex.Code; import com.android.dex.Dex; import com.android.dex.DexException; import com.android.dex.DexIndexOverflowException; import com.android.dex.FieldId; import com.android.dex.MethodId; import com.android.dex.ProtoId; import com.android.dex.SizeOf; import com.android.dex.TableOfContents; import com.android.dex.TypeList; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Combine two dex files into one. */ public final class DexMerger { private final Dex dexA; private final Dex dexB; private final CollisionPolicy collisionPolicy; private final WriterSizes writerSizes; private final Dex dexOut; private final Dex.Section headerOut; /** All IDs and definitions sections */ private final Dex.Section idsDefsOut; private final Dex.Section mapListOut; private final Dex.Section typeListOut; private final Dex.Section classDataOut; private final Dex.Section codeOut; private final Dex.Section stringDataOut; private final Dex.Section debugInfoOut; private final Dex.Section encodedArrayOut; /** annotations directory on a type */ private final Dex.Section annotationsDirectoryOut; /** sets of annotations on a member, parameter or type */ private final Dex.Section annotationSetOut; /** parameter lists */ private final Dex.Section annotationSetRefListOut; /** individual annotations, each containing zero or more fields */ private final Dex.Section annotationOut; private final TableOfContents contentsOut; private final IndexMap aIndexMap; private final IndexMap bIndexMap; private final InstructionTransformer aInstructionTransformer; private final InstructionTransformer bInstructionTransformer; /** minimum number of wasted bytes before it's worthwhile to compact the result */ private int compactWasteThreshold = 1024 * 1024; // 1MiB public DexMerger(Dex dexA, Dex dexB, CollisionPolicy collisionPolicy) throws IOException { this(dexA, dexB, collisionPolicy, new WriterSizes(dexA, dexB)); } private DexMerger(Dex dexA, Dex dexB, CollisionPolicy collisionPolicy, WriterSizes writerSizes) throws IOException { this.dexA = dexA; this.dexB = dexB; this.collisionPolicy = collisionPolicy; this.writerSizes = writerSizes; dexOut = new Dex(writerSizes.size()); TableOfContents aContents = dexA.getTableOfContents(); TableOfContents bContents = dexB.getTableOfContents(); aIndexMap = new IndexMap(dexOut, aContents); bIndexMap = new IndexMap(dexOut, bContents); aInstructionTransformer = new InstructionTransformer(aIndexMap); bInstructionTransformer = new InstructionTransformer(bIndexMap); headerOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.header, "header"); idsDefsOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.idsDefs, "ids defs"); contentsOut = dexOut.getTableOfContents(); contentsOut.dataOff = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); contentsOut.mapList.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); contentsOut.mapList.size = 1; mapListOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.mapList, "map list"); contentsOut.typeLists.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); typeListOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.typeList, "type list"); contentsOut.annotationSetRefLists.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); annotationSetRefListOut = dexOut.appendSection( writerSizes.annotationsSetRefList, "annotation set ref list"); contentsOut.annotationSets.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); annotationSetOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.annotationsSet, "annotation sets"); contentsOut.classDatas.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); classDataOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.classData, "class data"); contentsOut.codes.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); codeOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.code, "code"); contentsOut.stringDatas.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); stringDataOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.stringData, "string data"); contentsOut.debugInfos.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); debugInfoOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.debugInfo, "debug info"); contentsOut.annotations.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); annotationOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.annotation, "annotation"); contentsOut.encodedArrays.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); encodedArrayOut = dexOut.appendSection(writerSizes.encodedArray, "encoded array"); contentsOut.annotationsDirectories.off = dexOut.getNextSectionStart(); annotationsDirectoryOut = dexOut.appendSection( writerSizes.annotationsDirectory, "annotations directory"); contentsOut.dataSize = dexOut.getNextSectionStart() - contentsOut.dataOff; } public void setCompactWasteThreshold(int compactWasteThreshold) { this.compactWasteThreshold = compactWasteThreshold; } private Dex mergeDexes() throws IOException { mergeStringIds(); mergeTypeIds(); mergeTypeLists(); mergeProtoIds(); mergeFieldIds(); mergeMethodIds(); mergeAnnotations(); unionAnnotationSetsAndDirectories(); mergeClassDefs(); // write the header contentsOut.header.off = 0; contentsOut.header.size = 1; contentsOut.fileSize = dexOut.getLength(); contentsOut.computeSizesFromOffsets(); contentsOut.writeHeader(headerOut); contentsOut.writeMap(mapListOut); // generate and write the hashes dexOut.writeHashes(); return dexOut; } public Dex merge() throws IOException { long start = System.nanoTime(); Dex result = mergeDexes(); /* * We use pessimistic sizes when merging dex files. If those sizes * result in too many bytes wasted, compact the result. To compact, * simply merge the result with itself. */ WriterSizes compactedSizes = new WriterSizes(this); int wastedByteCount = writerSizes.size() - compactedSizes.size(); if (wastedByteCount > + compactWasteThreshold) { DexMerger compacter = new DexMerger( dexOut, new Dex(0), CollisionPolicy.FAIL, compactedSizes); result = compacter.mergeDexes(); System.out.printf("Result compacted from %.1fKiB to %.1fKiB to save %.1fKiB%n", dexOut.getLength() / 1024f, result.getLength() / 1024f, wastedByteCount / 1024f); } long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start; System.out.printf("Merged dex A (%d defs/%.1fKiB) with dex B " + "(%d defs/%.1fKiB). Result is %d defs/%.1fKiB. Took %.1fs%n", dexA.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size, dexA.getLength() / 1024f, dexB.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size, dexB.getLength() / 1024f, result.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size, result.getLength() / 1024f, elapsed / 1000000000f); return result; } /** * Reads an IDs section of two dex files and writes an IDs section of a * merged dex file. Populates maps from old to new indices in the process. */ abstract class IdMerger> { private final Dex.Section out; protected IdMerger(Dex.Section out) { this.out = out; } /** * Merges already-sorted sections, reading only two values into memory * at a time. */ public final void mergeSorted() { TableOfContents.Section aSection = getSection(dexA.getTableOfContents()); TableOfContents.Section bSection = getSection(dexB.getTableOfContents()); getSection(contentsOut).off = out.getPosition(); Dex.Section inA = aSection.exists() ? dexA.open(aSection.off) : null; Dex.Section inB = bSection.exists() ? dexB.open(bSection.off) : null; int aOffset = -1; int bOffset = -1; int aIndex = 0; int bIndex = 0; int outCount = 0; T a = null; T b = null; while (true) { if (a == null && aIndex < aSection.size) { aOffset = inA.getPosition(); a = read(inA, aIndexMap, aIndex); } if (b == null && bIndex < bSection.size) { bOffset = inB.getPosition(); b = read(inB, bIndexMap, bIndex); } // Write the smaller of a and b. If they're equal, write only once boolean advanceA; boolean advanceB; if (a != null && b != null) { int compare = a.compareTo(b); advanceA = compare <= 0; advanceB = compare >= 0; } else { advanceA = (a != null); advanceB = (b != null); } T toWrite = null; if (advanceA) { toWrite = a; updateIndex(aOffset, aIndexMap, aIndex++, outCount); a = null; aOffset = -1; } if (advanceB) { toWrite = b; updateIndex(bOffset, bIndexMap, bIndex++, outCount); b = null; bOffset = -1; } if (toWrite == null) { break; // advanceA == false && advanceB == false } write(toWrite); outCount++; } getSection(contentsOut).size = outCount; } /** * Merges unsorted sections by reading them completely into memory and * sorting in memory. */ public final void mergeUnsorted() { getSection(contentsOut).off = out.getPosition(); List all = new ArrayList(); all.addAll(readUnsortedValues(dexA, aIndexMap)); all.addAll(readUnsortedValues(dexB, bIndexMap)); Collections.sort(all); int outCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); ) { UnsortedValue e1 = all.get(i++); updateIndex(e1.offset, getIndexMap(e1.source), e1.index, outCount - 1); while (i < all.size() && e1.compareTo(all.get(i)) == 0) { UnsortedValue e2 = all.get(i++); updateIndex(e2.offset, getIndexMap(e2.source), e2.index, outCount - 1); } write(e1.value); outCount++; } getSection(contentsOut).size = outCount; } private List readUnsortedValues(Dex source, IndexMap indexMap) { TableOfContents.Section section = getSection(source.getTableOfContents()); if (!section.exists()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = new ArrayList(); Dex.Section in = source.open(section.off); for (int i = 0; i < section.size; i++) { int offset = in.getPosition(); T value = read(in, indexMap, 0); result.add(new UnsortedValue(source, indexMap, value, i, offset)); } return result; } abstract TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents); abstract T read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index); abstract void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex); abstract void write(T value); class UnsortedValue implements Comparable { final Dex source; final IndexMap indexMap; final T value; final int index; final int offset; UnsortedValue(Dex source, IndexMap indexMap, T value, int index, int offset) { this.source = source; this.indexMap = indexMap; this.value = value; this.index = index; this.offset = offset; } public int compareTo(UnsortedValue unsortedValue) { return value.compareTo(unsortedValue.value); } } } private IndexMap getIndexMap(Dex dex) { if (dex == dexA) { return aIndexMap; } else if (dex == dexB) { return bIndexMap; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private void mergeStringIds() { new IdMerger(idsDefsOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.stringIds; } @Override String read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return in.readString(); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { indexMap.stringIds[oldIndex] = newIndex; } @Override void write(String value) { contentsOut.stringDatas.size++; idsDefsOut.writeInt(stringDataOut.getPosition()); stringDataOut.writeStringData(value); } }.mergeSorted(); } private void mergeTypeIds() { new IdMerger(idsDefsOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.typeIds; } @Override Integer read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { int stringIndex = in.readInt(); return indexMap.adjustString(stringIndex); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex > 0xffff) { throw new DexIndexOverflowException("type ID not in [0, 0xffff]: " + newIndex); } indexMap.typeIds[oldIndex] = (short) newIndex; } @Override void write(Integer value) { idsDefsOut.writeInt(value); } }.mergeSorted(); } private void mergeTypeLists() { new IdMerger(typeListOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.typeLists; } @Override TypeList read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return indexMap.adjustTypeList(in.readTypeList()); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { indexMap.putTypeListOffset(offset, typeListOut.getPosition()); } @Override void write(TypeList value) { typeListOut.writeTypeList(value); } }.mergeUnsorted(); } private void mergeProtoIds() { new IdMerger(idsDefsOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.protoIds; } @Override ProtoId read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return indexMap.adjust(in.readProtoId()); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex > 0xffff) { throw new DexIndexOverflowException("proto ID not in [0, 0xffff]: " + newIndex); } indexMap.protoIds[oldIndex] = (short) newIndex; } @Override void write(ProtoId value) { value.writeTo(idsDefsOut); } }.mergeSorted(); } private void mergeFieldIds() { new IdMerger(idsDefsOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.fieldIds; } @Override FieldId read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return indexMap.adjust(in.readFieldId()); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex > 0xffff) { throw new DexIndexOverflowException("field ID not in [0, 0xffff]: " + newIndex); } indexMap.fieldIds[oldIndex] = (short) newIndex; } @Override void write(FieldId value) { value.writeTo(idsDefsOut); } }.mergeSorted(); } private void mergeMethodIds() { new IdMerger(idsDefsOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.methodIds; } @Override MethodId read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return indexMap.adjust(in.readMethodId()); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex > 0xffff) { throw new DexIndexOverflowException( "method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: " + newIndex); } indexMap.methodIds[oldIndex] = (short) newIndex; } @Override void write(MethodId methodId) { methodId.writeTo(idsDefsOut); } }.mergeSorted(); } private void mergeAnnotations() { new IdMerger(annotationOut) { @Override TableOfContents.Section getSection(TableOfContents tableOfContents) { return tableOfContents.annotations; } @Override Annotation read(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap, int index) { return indexMap.adjust(in.readAnnotation()); } @Override void updateIndex(int offset, IndexMap indexMap, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { indexMap.putAnnotationOffset(offset, annotationOut.getPosition()); } @Override void write(Annotation value) { value.writeTo(annotationOut); } }.mergeUnsorted(); } private void mergeClassDefs() { SortableType[] types = getSortedTypes(); contentsOut.classDefs.off = idsDefsOut.getPosition(); contentsOut.classDefs.size = types.length; for (SortableType type : types) { Dex in = type.getDex(); IndexMap indexMap = (in == dexA) ? aIndexMap : bIndexMap; transformClassDef(in, type.getClassDef(), indexMap); } } /** * Returns the union of classes from both files, sorted in order such that * a class is always preceded by its supertype and implemented interfaces. */ private SortableType[] getSortedTypes() { // size is pessimistic; doesn't include arrays SortableType[] sortableTypes = new SortableType[contentsOut.typeIds.size]; readSortableTypes(sortableTypes, dexA, aIndexMap); readSortableTypes(sortableTypes, dexB, bIndexMap); /* * Populate the depths of each sortable type. This makes D iterations * through all N types, where 'D' is the depth of the deepest type. For * example, the deepest class in libcore is Xalan's KeyIterator, which * is 11 types deep. */ while (true) { boolean allDone = true; for (SortableType sortableType : sortableTypes) { if (sortableType != null && !sortableType.isDepthAssigned()) { allDone &= sortableType.tryAssignDepth(sortableTypes); } } if (allDone) { break; } } // Now that all types have depth information, the result can be sorted Arrays.sort(sortableTypes, SortableType.NULLS_LAST_ORDER); // Strip nulls from the end int firstNull = Arrays.asList(sortableTypes).indexOf(null); return firstNull != -1 ? Arrays.copyOfRange(sortableTypes, 0, firstNull) : sortableTypes; } /** * Reads just enough data on each class so that we can sort it and then find * it later. */ private void readSortableTypes(SortableType[] sortableTypes, Dex buffer, IndexMap indexMap) { for (ClassDef classDef : buffer.classDefs()) { SortableType sortableType = indexMap.adjust(new SortableType(buffer, classDef)); int t = sortableType.getTypeIndex(); if (sortableTypes[t] == null) { sortableTypes[t] = sortableType; } else if (collisionPolicy != CollisionPolicy.KEEP_FIRST) { throw new DexException("Multiple dex files define " + buffer.typeNames().get(classDef.getTypeIndex())); } } } /** * Copy annotation sets from each input to the output. * * TODO: this may write multiple copies of the same annotation set. * We should shrink the output by merging rather than unioning */ private void unionAnnotationSetsAndDirectories() { transformAnnotationSets(dexA, aIndexMap); transformAnnotationSets(dexB, bIndexMap); transformAnnotationSetRefLists(dexA, aIndexMap); transformAnnotationSetRefLists(dexB, bIndexMap); transformAnnotationDirectories(dexA, aIndexMap); transformAnnotationDirectories(dexB, bIndexMap); transformStaticValues(dexA, aIndexMap); transformStaticValues(dexB, bIndexMap); } private void transformAnnotationSets(Dex in, IndexMap indexMap) { TableOfContents.Section section = in.getTableOfContents().annotationSets; if (section.exists()) { Dex.Section setIn = in.open(section.off); for (int i = 0; i < section.size; i++) { transformAnnotationSet(indexMap, setIn); } } } private void transformAnnotationSetRefLists(Dex in, IndexMap indexMap) { TableOfContents.Section section = in.getTableOfContents().annotationSetRefLists; if (section.exists()) { Dex.Section setIn = in.open(section.off); for (int i = 0; i < section.size; i++) { transformAnnotationSetRefList(indexMap, setIn); } } } private void transformAnnotationDirectories(Dex in, IndexMap indexMap) { TableOfContents.Section section = in.getTableOfContents().annotationsDirectories; if (section.exists()) { Dex.Section directoryIn = in.open(section.off); for (int i = 0; i < section.size; i++) { transformAnnotationDirectory(directoryIn, indexMap); } } } private void transformStaticValues(Dex in, IndexMap indexMap) { TableOfContents.Section section = in.getTableOfContents().encodedArrays; if (section.exists()) { Dex.Section staticValuesIn = in.open(section.off); for (int i = 0; i < section.size; i++) { transformStaticValues(staticValuesIn, indexMap); } } } /** * Reads a class_def_item beginning at {@code in} and writes the index and * data. */ private void transformClassDef(Dex in, ClassDef classDef, IndexMap indexMap) { idsDefsOut.assertFourByteAligned(); idsDefsOut.writeInt(classDef.getTypeIndex()); idsDefsOut.writeInt(classDef.getAccessFlags()); idsDefsOut.writeInt(classDef.getSupertypeIndex()); idsDefsOut.writeInt(classDef.getInterfacesOffset()); int sourceFileIndex = indexMap.adjustString(classDef.getSourceFileIndex()); idsDefsOut.writeInt(sourceFileIndex); int annotationsOff = classDef.getAnnotationsOffset(); idsDefsOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustAnnotationDirectory(annotationsOff)); int classDataOff = classDef.getClassDataOffset(); if (classDataOff == 0) { idsDefsOut.writeInt(0); } else { idsDefsOut.writeInt(classDataOut.getPosition()); ClassData classData = in.readClassData(classDef); transformClassData(in, classData, indexMap); } int staticValuesOff = classDef.getStaticValuesOffset(); idsDefsOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustStaticValues(staticValuesOff)); } /** * Transform all annotations on a class. */ private void transformAnnotationDirectory( Dex.Section directoryIn, IndexMap indexMap) { contentsOut.annotationsDirectories.size++; annotationsDirectoryOut.assertFourByteAligned(); indexMap.putAnnotationDirectoryOffset( directoryIn.getPosition(), annotationsDirectoryOut.getPosition()); int classAnnotationsOffset = indexMap.adjustAnnotationSet(directoryIn.readInt()); annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(classAnnotationsOffset); int fieldsSize = directoryIn.readInt(); annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(fieldsSize); int methodsSize = directoryIn.readInt(); annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(methodsSize); int parameterListSize = directoryIn.readInt(); annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(parameterListSize); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsSize; i++) { // field index annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustField(directoryIn.readInt())); // annotations offset annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustAnnotationSet(directoryIn.readInt())); } for (int i = 0; i < methodsSize; i++) { // method index annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustMethod(directoryIn.readInt())); // annotation set offset annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt( indexMap.adjustAnnotationSet(directoryIn.readInt())); } for (int i = 0; i < parameterListSize; i++) { // method index annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustMethod(directoryIn.readInt())); // annotations offset annotationsDirectoryOut.writeInt( indexMap.adjustAnnotationSetRefList(directoryIn.readInt())); } } /** * Transform all annotations on a single type, member or parameter. */ private void transformAnnotationSet(IndexMap indexMap, Dex.Section setIn) { contentsOut.annotationSets.size++; annotationSetOut.assertFourByteAligned(); indexMap.putAnnotationSetOffset(setIn.getPosition(), annotationSetOut.getPosition()); int size = setIn.readInt(); annotationSetOut.writeInt(size); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { annotationSetOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustAnnotation(setIn.readInt())); } } /** * Transform all annotation set ref lists. */ private void transformAnnotationSetRefList(IndexMap indexMap, Dex.Section refListIn) { contentsOut.annotationSetRefLists.size++; annotationSetRefListOut.assertFourByteAligned(); indexMap.putAnnotationSetRefListOffset( refListIn.getPosition(), annotationSetRefListOut.getPosition()); int parameterCount = refListIn.readInt(); annotationSetRefListOut.writeInt(parameterCount); for (int p = 0; p < parameterCount; p++) { annotationSetRefListOut.writeInt(indexMap.adjustAnnotationSet(refListIn.readInt())); } } private void transformClassData(Dex in, ClassData classData, IndexMap indexMap) { contentsOut.classDatas.size++; ClassData.Field[] staticFields = classData.getStaticFields(); ClassData.Field[] instanceFields = classData.getInstanceFields(); ClassData.Method[] directMethods = classData.getDirectMethods(); ClassData.Method[] virtualMethods = classData.getVirtualMethods(); classDataOut.writeUleb128(staticFields.length); classDataOut.writeUleb128(instanceFields.length); classDataOut.writeUleb128(directMethods.length); classDataOut.writeUleb128(virtualMethods.length); transformFields(indexMap, staticFields); transformFields(indexMap, instanceFields); transformMethods(in, indexMap, directMethods); transformMethods(in, indexMap, virtualMethods); } private void transformFields(IndexMap indexMap, ClassData.Field[] fields) { int lastOutFieldIndex = 0; for (ClassData.Field field : fields) { int outFieldIndex = indexMap.adjustField(field.getFieldIndex()); classDataOut.writeUleb128(outFieldIndex - lastOutFieldIndex); lastOutFieldIndex = outFieldIndex; classDataOut.writeUleb128(field.getAccessFlags()); } } private void transformMethods(Dex in, IndexMap indexMap, ClassData.Method[] methods) { int lastOutMethodIndex = 0; for (ClassData.Method method : methods) { int outMethodIndex = indexMap.adjustMethod(method.getMethodIndex()); classDataOut.writeUleb128(outMethodIndex - lastOutMethodIndex); lastOutMethodIndex = outMethodIndex; classDataOut.writeUleb128(method.getAccessFlags()); if (method.getCodeOffset() == 0) { classDataOut.writeUleb128(0); } else { codeOut.alignToFourBytesWithZeroFill(); classDataOut.writeUleb128(codeOut.getPosition()); transformCode(in, in.readCode(method), indexMap); } } } private void transformCode(Dex in, Code code, IndexMap indexMap) { contentsOut.codes.size++; codeOut.assertFourByteAligned(); codeOut.writeUnsignedShort(code.getRegistersSize()); codeOut.writeUnsignedShort(code.getInsSize()); codeOut.writeUnsignedShort(code.getOutsSize()); Code.Try[] tries = code.getTries(); Code.CatchHandler[] catchHandlers = code.getCatchHandlers(); codeOut.writeUnsignedShort(tries.length); int debugInfoOffset = code.getDebugInfoOffset(); if (debugInfoOffset != 0) { codeOut.writeInt(debugInfoOut.getPosition()); transformDebugInfoItem(in.open(debugInfoOffset), indexMap); } else { codeOut.writeInt(0); } short[] instructions = code.getInstructions(); InstructionTransformer transformer = (in == dexA) ? aInstructionTransformer : bInstructionTransformer; short[] newInstructions = transformer.transform(instructions); codeOut.writeInt(newInstructions.length); codeOut.write(newInstructions); if (tries.length > 0) { if (newInstructions.length % 2 == 1) { codeOut.writeShort((short) 0); // padding } /* * We can't write the tries until we've written the catch handlers. * Unfortunately they're in the opposite order in the dex file so we * need to transform them out-of-order. */ Dex.Section triesSection = dexOut.open(codeOut.getPosition()); codeOut.skip(tries.length * SizeOf.TRY_ITEM); int[] offsets = transformCatchHandlers(indexMap, catchHandlers); transformTries(triesSection, tries, offsets); } } /** * Writes the catch handlers to {@code codeOut} and returns their indices. */ private int[] transformCatchHandlers(IndexMap indexMap, Code.CatchHandler[] catchHandlers) { int baseOffset = codeOut.getPosition(); codeOut.writeUleb128(catchHandlers.length); int[] offsets = new int[catchHandlers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < catchHandlers.length; i++) { offsets[i] = codeOut.getPosition() - baseOffset; transformEncodedCatchHandler(catchHandlers[i], indexMap); } return offsets; } private void transformTries(Dex.Section out, Code.Try[] tries, int[] catchHandlerOffsets) { for (Code.Try tryItem : tries) { out.writeInt(tryItem.getStartAddress()); out.writeUnsignedShort(tryItem.getInstructionCount()); out.writeUnsignedShort(catchHandlerOffsets[tryItem.getCatchHandlerIndex()]); } } private static final byte DBG_END_SEQUENCE = 0x00; private static final byte DBG_ADVANCE_PC = 0x01; private static final byte DBG_ADVANCE_LINE = 0x02; private static final byte DBG_START_LOCAL = 0x03; private static final byte DBG_START_LOCAL_EXTENDED = 0x04; private static final byte DBG_END_LOCAL = 0x05; private static final byte DBG_RESTART_LOCAL = 0x06; private static final byte DBG_SET_PROLOGUE_END = 0x07; private static final byte DBG_SET_EPILOGUE_BEGIN = 0x08; private static final byte DBG_SET_FILE = 0x09; private void transformDebugInfoItem(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap) { contentsOut.debugInfos.size++; int lineStart = in.readUleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128(lineStart); int parametersSize = in.readUleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128(parametersSize); for (int p = 0; p < parametersSize; p++) { int parameterName = in.readUleb128p1(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128p1(indexMap.adjustString(parameterName)); } int addrDiff; // uleb128 address delta. int lineDiff; // sleb128 line delta. int registerNum; // uleb128 register number. int nameIndex; // uleb128p1 string index. Needs indexMap adjustment. int typeIndex; // uleb128p1 type index. Needs indexMap adjustment. int sigIndex; // uleb128p1 string index. Needs indexMap adjustment. while (true) { int opcode = in.readByte(); debugInfoOut.writeByte(opcode); switch (opcode) { case DBG_END_SEQUENCE: return; case DBG_ADVANCE_PC: addrDiff = in.readUleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128(addrDiff); break; case DBG_ADVANCE_LINE: lineDiff = in.readSleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeSleb128(lineDiff); break; case DBG_START_LOCAL: case DBG_START_LOCAL_EXTENDED: registerNum = in.readUleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128(registerNum); nameIndex = in.readUleb128p1(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128p1(indexMap.adjustString(nameIndex)); typeIndex = in.readUleb128p1(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128p1(indexMap.adjustType(typeIndex)); if (opcode == DBG_START_LOCAL_EXTENDED) { sigIndex = in.readUleb128p1(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128p1(indexMap.adjustString(sigIndex)); } break; case DBG_END_LOCAL: case DBG_RESTART_LOCAL: registerNum = in.readUleb128(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128(registerNum); break; case DBG_SET_FILE: nameIndex = in.readUleb128p1(); debugInfoOut.writeUleb128p1(indexMap.adjustString(nameIndex)); break; case DBG_SET_PROLOGUE_END: case DBG_SET_EPILOGUE_BEGIN: default: break; } } } private void transformEncodedCatchHandler(Code.CatchHandler catchHandler, IndexMap indexMap) { int catchAllAddress = catchHandler.getCatchAllAddress(); int[] typeIndexes = catchHandler.getTypeIndexes(); int[] addresses = catchHandler.getAddresses(); if (catchAllAddress != -1) { codeOut.writeSleb128(-typeIndexes.length); } else { codeOut.writeSleb128(typeIndexes.length); } for (int i = 0; i < typeIndexes.length; i++) { codeOut.writeUleb128(indexMap.adjustType(typeIndexes[i])); codeOut.writeUleb128(addresses[i]); } if (catchAllAddress != -1) { codeOut.writeUleb128(catchAllAddress); } } private void transformStaticValues(Dex.Section in, IndexMap indexMap) { contentsOut.encodedArrays.size++; indexMap.putStaticValuesOffset(in.getPosition(), encodedArrayOut.getPosition()); indexMap.adjustEncodedArray(in.readEncodedArray()).writeTo(encodedArrayOut); } /** * Byte counts for the sections written when creating a dex. Target sizes * are defined in one of two ways: *
  • By pessimistically guessing how large the union of dex files will be. * We're pessimistic because we can't predict the amount of duplication * between dex files, nor can we predict the length of ULEB-encoded * offsets or indices. *
  • By exactly measuring an existing dex. *
*/ private static class WriterSizes { private int header = SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM; private int idsDefs; private int mapList; private int typeList; private int classData; private int code; private int stringData; private int debugInfo; private int encodedArray; private int annotationsDirectory; private int annotationsSet; private int annotationsSetRefList; private int annotation; /** * Compute sizes for merging a and b. */ public WriterSizes(Dex a, Dex b) { plus(a.getTableOfContents(), false); plus(b.getTableOfContents(), false); fourByteAlign(); } public WriterSizes(DexMerger dexMerger) { header = dexMerger.headerOut.used(); idsDefs = dexMerger.idsDefsOut.used(); mapList = dexMerger.mapListOut.used(); typeList = dexMerger.typeListOut.used(); classData = dexMerger.classDataOut.used(); code = dexMerger.codeOut.used(); stringData = dexMerger.stringDataOut.used(); debugInfo = dexMerger.debugInfoOut.used(); encodedArray = dexMerger.encodedArrayOut.used(); annotationsDirectory = dexMerger.annotationsDirectoryOut.used(); annotationsSet = dexMerger.annotationSetOut.used(); annotationsSetRefList = dexMerger.annotationSetRefListOut.used(); annotation = dexMerger.annotationOut.used(); fourByteAlign(); } private void plus(TableOfContents contents, boolean exact) { idsDefs += contents.stringIds.size * SizeOf.STRING_ID_ITEM + contents.typeIds.size * SizeOf.TYPE_ID_ITEM + contents.protoIds.size * SizeOf.PROTO_ID_ITEM + contents.fieldIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM + contents.methodIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM + contents.classDefs.size * SizeOf.CLASS_DEF_ITEM; mapList = SizeOf.UINT + (contents.sections.length * SizeOf.MAP_ITEM); typeList += fourByteAlign(contents.typeLists.byteCount); // We count each dex's // typelists section as realigned on 4 bytes, because each typelist of each dex's // typelists section is aligned on 4 bytes. If we didn't, there is a case where each // size of both dex's typelists section is a multiple of 2 but not a multiple of 4, // and the sum of both sizes is a multiple of 4 but would not be sufficient to write // each typelist aligned on 4 bytes. stringData += contents.stringDatas.byteCount; annotationsDirectory += contents.annotationsDirectories.byteCount; annotationsSet += contents.annotationSets.byteCount; annotationsSetRefList += contents.annotationSetRefLists.byteCount; if (exact) { code += contents.codes.byteCount; classData += contents.classDatas.byteCount; encodedArray += contents.encodedArrays.byteCount; annotation += contents.annotations.byteCount; debugInfo += contents.debugInfos.byteCount; } else { // at most 1/4 of the bytes in a code section are uleb/sleb code += (int) Math.ceil(contents.codes.byteCount * 1.25); // at most 1/3 of the bytes in a class data section are uleb/sleb classData += (int) Math.ceil(contents.classDatas.byteCount * 1.34); // all of the bytes in an encoding arrays section may be uleb/sleb encodedArray += contents.encodedArrays.byteCount * 2; // all of the bytes in an annotations section may be uleb/sleb annotation += (int) Math.ceil(contents.annotations.byteCount * 2); // all of the bytes in a debug info section may be uleb/sleb debugInfo += contents.debugInfos.byteCount * 2; } } private void fourByteAlign() { header = fourByteAlign(header); idsDefs = fourByteAlign(idsDefs); mapList = fourByteAlign(mapList); typeList = fourByteAlign(typeList); classData = fourByteAlign(classData); code = fourByteAlign(code); stringData = fourByteAlign(stringData); debugInfo = fourByteAlign(debugInfo); encodedArray = fourByteAlign(encodedArray); annotationsDirectory = fourByteAlign(annotationsDirectory); annotationsSet = fourByteAlign(annotationsSet); annotationsSetRefList = fourByteAlign(annotationsSetRefList); annotation = fourByteAlign(annotation); } private static int fourByteAlign(int position) { return (position + 3) & ~3; } public int size() { return header + idsDefs + mapList + typeList + classData + code + stringData + debugInfo + encodedArray + annotationsDirectory + annotationsSet + annotationsSetRefList + annotation; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 2) { printUsage(); return; } Dex merged = new Dex(new File(args[1])); for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { Dex toMerge = new Dex(new File(args[i])); merged = new DexMerger(merged, toMerge, CollisionPolicy.KEEP_FIRST).merge(); } merged.writeTo(new File(args[0])); } private static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage: DexMerger ..."); System.out.println(); System.out.println( "If a class is defined in several dex, the class found in the first dex will be used."); } }