/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define USE_LOG SLAndroidLogLevel_Verbose #include "sles_allinclusive.h" #include #include #include namespace android { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GenericPlayer::GenericPlayer(const AudioPlayback_Parameters* params) : mDataLocatorType(kDataLocatorNone), mNotifyClient(NULL), mNotifyUser(NULL), mStateFlags(0), mPlaybackParams(*params), mDurationMsec(ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME), mPlaybackRatePermille(1000), mCacheStatus(kStatusEmpty), mCacheFill(0), mLastNotifiedCacheFill(0), mCacheFillNotifThreshold(100), mEventFlags(0), mMarkerPositionMs(ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME), mPositionUpdatePeriodMs(1000), // per spec mOneShotGeneration(0), mDeliveredNewPosMs(ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME), mObservedPositionMs(ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME) { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::GenericPlayer()"); mLooper = new android::ALooper(); // Post-construction accesses need to be protected by mSettingsLock mAndroidAudioLevels.mFinalVolume[0] = 1.0f; mAndroidAudioLevels.mFinalVolume[1] = 1.0f; } GenericPlayer::~GenericPlayer() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::~GenericPlayer()"); resetDataLocator(); } void GenericPlayer::init(const notif_cbf_t cbf, void* notifUser) { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::init()"); { android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mNotifyClientLock); mNotifyClient = cbf; mNotifyUser = notifUser; } mLooper->registerHandler(this); mLooper->start(false /*runOnCallingThread*/, false /*canCallJava*/, PRIORITY_DEFAULT); } void GenericPlayer::preDestroy() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::preDestroy()"); { android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mNotifyClientLock); mNotifyClient = NULL; mNotifyUser = NULL; } mLooper->stop(); mLooper->unregisterHandler(id()); } void GenericPlayer::setDataSource(const char *uri) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::setDataSource(uri=%s)", uri); resetDataLocator(); mDataLocator.uriRef = uri; mDataLocatorType = kDataLocatorUri; } void GenericPlayer::setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, bool closeAfterUse) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::setDataSource(fd=%d, offset=%lld, length=%lld, closeAfterUse=%s)", fd, offset, length, closeAfterUse ? "true" : "false"); resetDataLocator(); mDataLocator.fdi.fd = fd; struct stat sb; int ret = fstat(fd, &sb); if (ret != 0) { SL_LOGE("GenericPlayer::setDataSource: fstat(%d) failed: %d, %s", fd, ret, strerror(errno)); return; } if (offset >= sb.st_size) { SL_LOGE("SfPlayer::setDataSource: invalid offset"); return; } mDataLocator.fdi.offset = offset; if (PLAYER_FD_FIND_FILE_SIZE == length) { mDataLocator.fdi.length = sb.st_size; } else if (offset + length > sb.st_size) { mDataLocator.fdi.length = sb.st_size - offset; } else { mDataLocator.fdi.length = length; } mDataLocator.fdi.mCloseAfterUse = closeAfterUse; mDataLocatorType = kDataLocatorFd; } void GenericPlayer::prepare() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::prepare()"); // do not attempt prepare more than once if (!(mStateFlags & (kFlagPrepared | kFlagPreparedUnsuccessfully))) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatPrepare, id()); msg->post(); } } void GenericPlayer::play() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::play()"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatPlay, id()); msg->post(); } void GenericPlayer::pause() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::pause()"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatPause, id()); msg->post(); } void GenericPlayer::stop() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::stop()"); (new AMessage(kWhatPause, id()))->post(); // after a stop, playback should resume from the start. seek(0); } void GenericPlayer::seek(int64_t timeMsec) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::seek %lld", timeMsec); if (timeMsec < 0 && timeMsec != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME) { SL_LOGE("GenericPlayer::seek error, can't seek to negative time %" PRId64 "ms", timeMsec); return; } sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSeek, id()); msg->setInt64(WHATPARAM_SEEK_SEEKTIME_MS, timeMsec); msg->post(); } void GenericPlayer::loop(bool loop) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::loop %s", loop ? "true" : "false"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatLoop, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_LOOP_LOOPING, (int32_t)loop); msg->post(); } void GenericPlayer::setBufferingUpdateThreshold(int16_t thresholdPercent) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::setBufferingUpdateThreshold %d", thresholdPercent); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatBuffUpdateThres, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_BUFFERING_UPDATETHRESHOLD_PERCENT, (int32_t)thresholdPercent); msg->post(); } //-------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::getDurationMsec(int* msec) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mSettingsLock); *msec = mDurationMsec; } //-------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::setVolume(float leftVol, float rightVol) { { Mutex::Autolock _l(mSettingsLock); mAndroidAudioLevels.mFinalVolume[0] = leftVol; mAndroidAudioLevels.mFinalVolume[1] = rightVol; } // send a message for the volume to be updated by the object which implements the volume (new AMessage(kWhatVolumeUpdate, id()))->post(); } //-------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::attachAuxEffect(int32_t effectId) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::attachAuxEffect(id=%d)", effectId); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatAttachAuxEffect, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_ATTACHAUXEFFECT, effectId); msg->post(); } //-------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::setAuxEffectSendLevel(level=%g)", level); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetAuxEffectSendLevel, id()); msg->setFloat(WHATPARAM_SETAUXEFFECTSENDLEVEL, level); msg->post(); } //-------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::setPlaybackRate(int32_t ratePermille) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::setPlaybackRate(ratePermille=%d)", ratePermille); { Mutex::Autolock _l(mSettingsLock); mPlaybackRatePermille = (int16_t)ratePermille; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // Call after changing any of the IPlay settings related to SL_PLAYEVENT_* void GenericPlayer::setPlayEvents(int32_t eventFlags, int32_t markerPositionMs, int32_t positionUpdatePeriodMs) { // Normalize ms that are within the valid unsigned range, but not in the int32_t range if (markerPositionMs < 0) { markerPositionMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; } if (positionUpdatePeriodMs < 0) { positionUpdatePeriodMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; } // markers are delivered accurately, but new position updates are limited to every 100 ms if (positionUpdatePeriodMs < 100) { positionUpdatePeriodMs = 100; } sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetPlayEvents, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_FLAGS, eventFlags); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_MARKER, markerPositionMs); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_UPDATE, positionUpdatePeriodMs); msg->post(); } //-------------------------------------------------- /* * post-condition: mDataLocatorType == kDataLocatorNone * */ void GenericPlayer::resetDataLocator() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::resetDataLocator()"); if (mDataLocatorType == kDataLocatorFd && mDataLocator.fdi.mCloseAfterUse) { (void) ::close(mDataLocator.fdi.fd); // would be redundant, as we're about to invalidate the union mDataLocator //mDataLocator.fdi.fd = -1; //mDataLocator.fdi.mCloseAfterUse = false; } mDataLocatorType = kDataLocatorNone; } void GenericPlayer::notify(const char* event, int data, bool async) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::notify(event=%s, data=%d, async=%s)", event, data, async ? "true" : "false"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatNotif, id()); msg->setInt32(event, (int32_t)data); if (async) { msg->post(); } else { onNotify(msg); } } void GenericPlayer::notify(const char* event, int data1, int data2, bool async) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::notify(event=%s, data1=%d, data2=%d, async=%s)", event, data1, data2, async ? "true" : "false"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatNotif, id()); msg->setRect(event, 0, 0, (int32_t)data1, (int32_t)data2); if (async) { msg->post(); } else { onNotify(msg); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // AHandler implementation void GenericPlayer::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onMessageReceived()"); switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatPrepare: SL_LOGV("kWhatPrepare"); onPrepare(); break; case kWhatNotif: SL_LOGV("kWhatNotif"); onNotify(msg); break; case kWhatPlay: SL_LOGV("kWhatPlay"); onPlay(); break; case kWhatPause: SL_LOGV("kWhatPause"); onPause(); break; case kWhatSeek: SL_LOGV("kWhatSeek"); onSeek(msg); break; case kWhatLoop: SL_LOGV("kWhatLoop"); onLoop(msg); break; case kWhatVolumeUpdate: SL_LOGV("kWhatVolumeUpdate"); onVolumeUpdate(); break; case kWhatSeekComplete: SL_LOGV("kWhatSeekComplete"); onSeekComplete(); break; case kWhatBufferingUpdate: SL_LOGV("kWhatBufferingUpdate"); onBufferingUpdate(msg); break; case kWhatBuffUpdateThres: SL_LOGV("kWhatBuffUpdateThres"); onSetBufferingUpdateThreshold(msg); break; case kWhatAttachAuxEffect: SL_LOGV("kWhatAttachAuxEffect"); onAttachAuxEffect(msg); break; case kWhatSetAuxEffectSendLevel: SL_LOGV("kWhatSetAuxEffectSendLevel"); onSetAuxEffectSendLevel(msg); break; case kWhatSetPlayEvents: SL_LOGV("kWhatSetPlayEvents"); onSetPlayEvents(msg); break; case kWhatOneShot: SL_LOGV("kWhatOneShot"); onOneShot(msg); break; default: SL_LOGE("GenericPlayer::onMessageReceived unknown message %d", msg->what()); TRESPASS(); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // Event handlers // it is strictly verboten to call those methods outside of the event loop void GenericPlayer::onPrepare() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onPrepare()"); // Subclass is responsible for indicating whether prepare was successful or unsuccessful // by updating mStateFlags accordingly. It must set exactly one of these two flags. assert(!(mStateFlags & kFlagPrepared) != !(mStateFlags & kFlagPreparedUnsuccessfully)); notify(PLAYEREVENT_PREPARED, mStateFlags & kFlagPrepared ? PLAYER_SUCCESS : PLAYER_FAILURE, true /*async*/); SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::onPrepare() done, mStateFlags=0x%x", mStateFlags); } void GenericPlayer::onNotify(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onNotify()"); notif_cbf_t notifClient; void* notifUser; { android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mNotifyClientLock); if (NULL == mNotifyClient) { return; } else { notifClient = mNotifyClient; notifUser = mNotifyUser; } } int32_t val1, val2; if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHSTATUSCHANGE, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHSTATUSCHANGE, val1); notifClient(kEventPrefetchStatusChange, val1, 0, notifUser); // There is exactly one notification per message, hence "else if" instead of "if" } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHFILLLEVELUPDATE, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHFILLLEVELUPDATE, val1); notifClient(kEventPrefetchFillLevelUpdate, val1, 0, notifUser); } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_ENDOFSTREAM, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_ENDOFSTREAM, val1); notifClient(kEventEndOfStream, val1, 0, notifUser); } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_PREPARED, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_PREPARED, val1); notifClient(kEventPrepared, val1, 0, notifUser); } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_CHANNEL_COUNT, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_CHANNEL_COUNT, val1); notifClient(kEventChannelCount, val1, 0, notifUser); } else if (msg->findRect(PLAYEREVENT_VIDEO_SIZE_UPDATE, &val1, &val2, &val1, &val2)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d, %d", PLAYEREVENT_VIDEO_SIZE_UPDATE, val1, val2); notifClient(kEventHasVideoSize, val1, val2, notifUser); } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_PLAY, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_PLAY, val1); notifClient(kEventPlay, val1, 0, notifUser); } else if (msg->findInt32(PLAYEREVENT_ERRORAFTERPREPARE, &val1)) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying %s = %d", PLAYEREVENT_ERRORAFTERPREPARE, val1); notifClient(kEventErrorAfterPrepare, val1, 0, notifUser); } else { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer notifying unknown"); } } void GenericPlayer::onPlay() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::onPlay()"); if ((mStateFlags & (kFlagPrepared | kFlagPlaying)) == kFlagPrepared) { SL_LOGD("starting player"); mStateFlags |= kFlagPlaying; updateOneShot(); } } void GenericPlayer::onPause() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::onPause()"); if (!(~mStateFlags & (kFlagPrepared | kFlagPlaying))) { SL_LOGV("pausing player"); mStateFlags &= ~kFlagPlaying; updateOneShot(); } } void GenericPlayer::onSeek(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onSeek"); } void GenericPlayer::onLoop(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onLoop"); } void GenericPlayer::onVolumeUpdate() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onVolumeUpdate"); } void GenericPlayer::onSeekComplete() { SL_LOGD("GenericPlayer::onSeekComplete()"); mStateFlags &= ~kFlagSeeking; // avoid spurious or lost events caused by seeking past a marker mDeliveredNewPosMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; mObservedPositionMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; updateOneShot(); } void GenericPlayer::onBufferingUpdate(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onBufferingUpdate"); } void GenericPlayer::onSetBufferingUpdateThreshold(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onSetBufferingUpdateThreshold"); int32_t thresholdPercent = 0; if (msg->findInt32(WHATPARAM_BUFFERING_UPDATETHRESHOLD_PERCENT, &thresholdPercent)) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mSettingsLock); mCacheFillNotifThreshold = (int16_t)thresholdPercent; } } void GenericPlayer::onAttachAuxEffect(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onAttachAuxEffect()"); } void GenericPlayer::onSetAuxEffectSendLevel(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onSetAuxEffectSendLevel()"); } void GenericPlayer::onSetPlayEvents(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onSetPlayEvents()"); int32_t eventFlags, markerPositionMs, positionUpdatePeriodMs; if (msg->findInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_FLAGS, &eventFlags) && msg->findInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_MARKER, &markerPositionMs) && msg->findInt32(WHATPARAM_SETPLAYEVENTS_UPDATE, &positionUpdatePeriodMs)) { mEventFlags = eventFlags; mMarkerPositionMs = markerPositionMs; mPositionUpdatePeriodMs = positionUpdatePeriodMs; updateOneShot(); } } void GenericPlayer::onOneShot(const sp &msg) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onOneShot()"); int32_t generation; if (msg->findInt32(WHATPARAM_ONESHOT_GENERATION, &generation)) { if (generation != mOneShotGeneration) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::onOneShot() generation %d cancelled; latest is %d", generation, mOneShotGeneration); return; } updateOneShot(); } } //------------------------------------------------- void GenericPlayer::notifyStatus() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::notifyStatus"); notify(PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHSTATUSCHANGE, (int32_t)mCacheStatus, true /*async*/); } void GenericPlayer::notifyCacheFill() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::notifyCacheFill"); mLastNotifiedCacheFill = mCacheFill; notify(PLAYEREVENT_PREFETCHFILLLEVELUPDATE, (int32_t)mLastNotifiedCacheFill, true/*async*/); } void GenericPlayer::seekComplete() { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::seekComplete"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSeekComplete, id()); msg->post(); } void GenericPlayer::bufferingUpdate(int16_t fillLevelPerMille) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::bufferingUpdate"); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatBufferingUpdate, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_BUFFERING_UPDATE, fillLevelPerMille); msg->post(); } // For the meaning of positionMs, see comment in declaration at android_GenericPlayer.h void GenericPlayer::updateOneShot(int positionMs) { SL_LOGV("GenericPlayer::updateOneShot"); // nop until prepared if (!(mStateFlags & kFlagPrepared)) { return; } // cancel any pending one-shot(s) ++mOneShotGeneration; // don't restart one-shot if player is paused or stopped if (!(mStateFlags & kFlagPlaying)) { return; } // get current player position in milliseconds if (positionMs < 0) { positionMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; } if (positionMs == ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME) { getPositionMsec(&positionMs); // normalize it if (positionMs < 0) { positionMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; } if (ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME == positionMs) { // getPositionMsec is not working for some reason, give up //ALOGV("Does anyone really know what time it is?"); return; } } // if we observe the player position going backwards, even without without a seek, then recover if (mObservedPositionMs != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME && positionMs < mObservedPositionMs) { mDeliveredNewPosMs = ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME; mObservedPositionMs = positionMs; } // delayUs is the expected delay between current position and marker; // the default is infinity in case there are no upcoming marker(s) int64_t delayUs = -1; // is there a marker? if ((mEventFlags & SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATMARKER) && (mMarkerPositionMs != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME)) { // check to see if we have observed the position passing through the marker if (mObservedPositionMs <= mMarkerPositionMs && mMarkerPositionMs <= positionMs) { notify(PLAYEREVENT_PLAY, (int32_t) SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATMARKER, true /*async*/); } else if (positionMs < mMarkerPositionMs) { delayUs = (mMarkerPositionMs - positionMs) * 1000LL; } } // are periodic position updates needed? if ((mEventFlags & SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATNEWPOS) && (mPositionUpdatePeriodMs != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME)) { // check to see if we have observed the position passing through a virtual marker, where the // virtual marker is at the previously delivered new position plus position update period int32_t virtualMarkerMs; if (mDeliveredNewPosMs != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME) { virtualMarkerMs = mDeliveredNewPosMs + mPositionUpdatePeriodMs; } else if (mObservedPositionMs != ANDROID_UNKNOWN_TIME) { virtualMarkerMs = mObservedPositionMs + mPositionUpdatePeriodMs; // pretend there has been an update in the past mDeliveredNewPosMs = mObservedPositionMs; } else { virtualMarkerMs = positionMs + mPositionUpdatePeriodMs; // pretend there has been an update in the past mDeliveredNewPosMs = positionMs; } // nextVirtualMarkerMs will be set to the position of the next upcoming virtual marker int32_t nextVirtualMarkerMs; if (mObservedPositionMs <= virtualMarkerMs && virtualMarkerMs <= positionMs) { // we did pass through the virtual marker, now compute the next virtual marker mDeliveredNewPosMs = virtualMarkerMs; nextVirtualMarkerMs = virtualMarkerMs + mPositionUpdatePeriodMs; // re-synchronize if we missed an update if (nextVirtualMarkerMs <= positionMs) { SL_LOGW("Missed SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATNEWPOS for position %d; current position %d", nextVirtualMarkerMs, positionMs); // try to catch up by setting next goal to current position plus update period mDeliveredNewPosMs = positionMs; nextVirtualMarkerMs = positionMs + mPositionUpdatePeriodMs; } notify(PLAYEREVENT_PLAY, (int32_t) SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATNEWPOS, true /*async*/); } else { // we did not pass through the virtual marker yet, so use same marker again nextVirtualMarkerMs = virtualMarkerMs; } // note that if arithmetic overflow occurred, nextVirtualMarkerMs will be negative if (positionMs < nextVirtualMarkerMs) { int64_t trialDelayUs; trialDelayUs = (nextVirtualMarkerMs - positionMs) * 1000LL; if (trialDelayUs > 0 && (delayUs == -1 || trialDelayUs < delayUs)) { delayUs = trialDelayUs; } } } // we have a new observed position mObservedPositionMs = positionMs; if (mPlaybackRatePermille == 0) { // playback is frozen, no update expected (and no division by zero below) return; } // post the new one-shot message if needed if (advancesPositionInRealTime() && delayUs >= 0) { // scale delay according to playback rate (reported positions won't change, but reported // time will advance slower or faster depending on rate) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mSettingsLock); delayUs = delayUs * 1000 / mPlaybackRatePermille; } // 20 ms min delay to avoid near busy waiting if (delayUs < 20000LL) { delayUs = 20000LL; } // 1 minute max delay avoids indefinite memory leaks caused by cancelled one-shots if (delayUs > 60000000LL) { delayUs = 60000000LL; } //SL_LOGI("delayUs = %lld", delayUs); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatOneShot, id()); msg->setInt32(WHATPARAM_ONESHOT_GENERATION, mOneShotGeneration); msg->post(delayUs); } } } // namespace android