1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict;
19 import com.android.inputmethod.annotations.UsedForTesting;
21 import java.io.File;
22 import java.io.IOException;
23 import java.io.OutputStream;
24 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
26 /**
27  * Decodes binary files for a FusionDictionary.
28  *
29  * All the methods in this class are static.
30  *
31  * TODO: Move this file to makedict/internal.
32  * TODO: Rename this class to DictDecoderUtils.
33  */
34 public final class BinaryDictDecoderUtils {
BinaryDictDecoderUtils()35     private BinaryDictDecoderUtils() {
36         // This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
37     }
39     @UsedForTesting
40     public interface DictBuffer {
readUnsignedByte()41         public int readUnsignedByte();
readUnsignedShort()42         public int readUnsignedShort();
readUnsignedInt24()43         public int readUnsignedInt24();
readInt()44         public int readInt();
position()45         public int position();
position(int newPosition)46         public void position(int newPosition);
47         @UsedForTesting
put(final byte b)48         public void put(final byte b);
limit()49         public int limit();
50         @UsedForTesting
capacity()51         public int capacity();
52     }
54     public static final class ByteBufferDictBuffer implements DictBuffer {
55         private ByteBuffer mBuffer;
ByteBufferDictBuffer(final ByteBuffer buffer)57         public ByteBufferDictBuffer(final ByteBuffer buffer) {
58             mBuffer = buffer;
59         }
61         @Override
readUnsignedByte()62         public int readUnsignedByte() {
63             return mBuffer.get() & 0xFF;
64         }
66         @Override
readUnsignedShort()67         public int readUnsignedShort() {
68             return mBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
69         }
71         @Override
readUnsignedInt24()72         public int readUnsignedInt24() {
73             final int retval = readUnsignedByte();
74             return (retval << 16) + readUnsignedShort();
75         }
77         @Override
readInt()78         public int readInt() {
79             return mBuffer.getInt();
80         }
82         @Override
position()83         public int position() {
84             return mBuffer.position();
85         }
87         @Override
position(int newPos)88         public void position(int newPos) {
89             mBuffer.position(newPos);
90         }
92         @Override
put(final byte b)93         public void put(final byte b) {
94             mBuffer.put(b);
95         }
97         @Override
limit()98         public int limit() {
99             return mBuffer.limit();
100         }
102         @Override
capacity()103         public int capacity() {
104             return mBuffer.capacity();
105         }
106     }
108     /**
109      * A class grouping utility function for our specific character encoding.
110      */
111     static final class CharEncoding {
112         private static final int MINIMAL_ONE_BYTE_CHARACTER_VALUE = 0x20;
113         private static final int MAXIMAL_ONE_BYTE_CHARACTER_VALUE = 0xFF;
115         /**
116          * Helper method to find out whether this code fits on one byte
117          */
fitsOnOneByte(final int character)118         private static boolean fitsOnOneByte(final int character) {
119             return character >= MINIMAL_ONE_BYTE_CHARACTER_VALUE
120                     && character <= MAXIMAL_ONE_BYTE_CHARACTER_VALUE;
121         }
123         /**
124          * Compute the size of a character given its character code.
125          *
126          * Char format is:
127          * 1 byte = bbbbbbbb match
128          * case 000xxxxx: xxxxx << 16 + next byte << 8 + next byte
129          * else: if 00011111 (= 0x1F) : this is the terminator. This is a relevant choice because
130          *       unicode code points range from 0 to 0x10FFFF, so any 3-byte value starting with
131          *       00011111 would be outside unicode.
132          * else: iso-latin-1 code
133          * This allows for the whole unicode range to be encoded, including chars outside of
134          * the BMP. Also everything in the iso-latin-1 charset is only 1 byte, except control
135          * characters which should never happen anyway (and still work, but take 3 bytes).
136          *
137          * @param character the character code.
138          * @return the size in binary encoded-form, either 1 or 3 bytes.
139          */
getCharSize(final int character)140         static int getCharSize(final int character) {
141             // See char encoding in FusionDictionary.java
142             if (fitsOnOneByte(character)) return 1;
143             if (FormatSpec.INVALID_CHARACTER == character) return 1;
144             return 3;
145         }
147         /**
148          * Compute the byte size of a character array.
149          */
getCharArraySize(final int[] chars)150         static int getCharArraySize(final int[] chars) {
151             int size = 0;
152             for (int character : chars) size += getCharSize(character);
153             return size;
154         }
156         /**
157          * Writes a char array to a byte buffer.
158          *
159          * @param codePoints the code point array to write.
160          * @param buffer the byte buffer to write to.
161          * @param index the index in buffer to write the character array to.
162          * @return the index after the last character.
163          */
writeCharArray(final int[] codePoints, final byte[] buffer, int index)164         static int writeCharArray(final int[] codePoints, final byte[] buffer, int index) {
165             for (int codePoint : codePoints) {
166                 if (1 == getCharSize(codePoint)) {
167                     buffer[index++] = (byte)codePoint;
168                 } else {
169                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (codePoint >> 16));
170                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (codePoint >> 8));
171                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & codePoint);
172                 }
173             }
174             return index;
175         }
177         /**
178          * Writes a string with our character format to a byte buffer.
179          *
180          * This will also write the terminator byte.
181          *
182          * @param buffer the byte buffer to write to.
183          * @param origin the offset to write from.
184          * @param word the string to write.
185          * @return the size written, in bytes.
186          */
writeString(final byte[] buffer, final int origin, final String word)187         static int writeString(final byte[] buffer, final int origin, final String word) {
188             final int length = word.length();
189             int index = origin;
190             for (int i = 0; i < length; i = word.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {
191                 final int codePoint = word.codePointAt(i);
192                 if (1 == getCharSize(codePoint)) {
193                     buffer[index++] = (byte)codePoint;
194                 } else {
195                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (codePoint >> 16));
196                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (codePoint >> 8));
197                     buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & codePoint);
198                 }
199             }
200             buffer[index++] = FormatSpec.PTNODE_CHARACTERS_TERMINATOR;
201             return index - origin;
202         }
204         /**
205          * Writes a string with our character format to an OutputStream.
206          *
207          * This will also write the terminator byte.
208          *
209          * @param stream the OutputStream to write to.
210          * @param word the string to write.
211          * @return the size written, in bytes.
212          */
writeString(final OutputStream stream, final String word)213         static int writeString(final OutputStream stream, final String word) throws IOException {
214             final int length = word.length();
215             int written = 0;
216             for (int i = 0; i < length; i = word.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {
217                 final int codePoint = word.codePointAt(i);
218                 final int charSize = getCharSize(codePoint);
219                 if (1 == charSize) {
220                     stream.write((byte) codePoint);
221                 } else {
222                     stream.write((byte) (0xFF & (codePoint >> 16)));
223                     stream.write((byte) (0xFF & (codePoint >> 8)));
224                     stream.write((byte) (0xFF & codePoint));
225                 }
226                 written += charSize;
227             }
228             stream.write(FormatSpec.PTNODE_CHARACTERS_TERMINATOR);
229             written += FormatSpec.PTNODE_TERMINATOR_SIZE;
230             return written;
231         }
233         /**
234          * Reads a string from a DictBuffer. This is the converse of the above method.
235          */
readString(final DictBuffer dictBuffer)236         static String readString(final DictBuffer dictBuffer) {
237             final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
238             int character = readChar(dictBuffer);
239             while (character != FormatSpec.INVALID_CHARACTER) {
240                 s.appendCodePoint(character);
241                 character = readChar(dictBuffer);
242             }
243             return s.toString();
244         }
246         /**
247          * Reads a character from the buffer.
248          *
249          * This follows the character format documented earlier in this source file.
250          *
251          * @param dictBuffer the buffer, positioned over an encoded character.
252          * @return the character code.
253          */
readChar(final DictBuffer dictBuffer)254         static int readChar(final DictBuffer dictBuffer) {
255             int character = dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
256             if (!fitsOnOneByte(character)) {
257                 if (FormatSpec.PTNODE_CHARACTERS_TERMINATOR == character) {
258                     return FormatSpec.INVALID_CHARACTER;
259                 }
260                 character <<= 16;
261                 character += dictBuffer.readUnsignedShort();
262             }
263             return character;
264         }
265     }
267     /**
268      * Reads and returns the PtNode count out of a buffer and forwards the pointer.
269      */
readPtNodeCount(final DictBuffer dictBuffer)270     /* package */ static int readPtNodeCount(final DictBuffer dictBuffer) {
271         final int msb = dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
272         if (FormatSpec.MAX_PTNODES_FOR_ONE_BYTE_PTNODE_COUNT >= msb) {
273             return msb;
274         } else {
275             return ((FormatSpec.MAX_PTNODES_FOR_ONE_BYTE_PTNODE_COUNT & msb) << 8)
276                     + dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
277         }
278     }
280     /**
281      * Finds, as a string, the word at the position passed as an argument.
282      *
283      * @param dictDecoder the dict decoder.
284      * @param headerSize the size of the header.
285      * @param pos the position to seek.
286      * @return the word with its frequency, as a weighted string.
287      */
288     @UsedForTesting
getWordAtPosition(final DictDecoder dictDecoder, final int headerSize, final int pos)289     /* package for tests */ static WeightedString getWordAtPosition(final DictDecoder dictDecoder,
290             final int headerSize, final int pos) {
291         final WeightedString result;
292         final int originalPos = dictDecoder.getPosition();
293         dictDecoder.setPosition(pos);
294         result = getWordAtPositionWithoutParentAddress(dictDecoder, headerSize, pos);
295         dictDecoder.setPosition(originalPos);
296         return result;
297     }
getWordAtPositionWithoutParentAddress( final DictDecoder dictDecoder, final int headerSize, final int pos)299     private static WeightedString getWordAtPositionWithoutParentAddress(
300             final DictDecoder dictDecoder, final int headerSize, final int pos) {
301         dictDecoder.setPosition(headerSize);
302         final int count = dictDecoder.readPtNodeCount();
303         int groupPos = dictDecoder.getPosition();
304         final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
305         WeightedString result = null;
307         PtNodeInfo last = null;
308         for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
309             PtNodeInfo info = dictDecoder.readPtNode(groupPos);
310             groupPos = info.mEndAddress;
311             if (info.mOriginalAddress == pos) {
312                 builder.append(new String(info.mCharacters, 0, info.mCharacters.length));
313                 result = new WeightedString(builder.toString(), info.mProbabilityInfo);
314                 break; // and return
315             }
316             if (BinaryDictIOUtils.hasChildrenAddress(info.mChildrenAddress)) {
317                 if (info.mChildrenAddress > pos) {
318                     if (null == last) continue;
319                     builder.append(new String(last.mCharacters, 0, last.mCharacters.length));
320                     dictDecoder.setPosition(last.mChildrenAddress);
321                     i = dictDecoder.readPtNodeCount();
322                     groupPos = last.mChildrenAddress + BinaryDictIOUtils.getPtNodeCountSize(i);
323                     last = null;
324                     continue;
325                 }
326                 last = info;
327             }
328             if (0 == i && BinaryDictIOUtils.hasChildrenAddress(last.mChildrenAddress)) {
329                 builder.append(new String(last.mCharacters, 0, last.mCharacters.length));
330                 dictDecoder.setPosition(last.mChildrenAddress);
331                 i = dictDecoder.readPtNodeCount();
332                 groupPos = last.mChildrenAddress + BinaryDictIOUtils.getPtNodeCountSize(i);
333                 last = null;
334                 continue;
335             }
336         }
337         return result;
338     }
340     /**
341      * Helper method to pass a file name instead of a File object to isBinaryDictionary.
342      */
isBinaryDictionary(final String filename)343     public static boolean isBinaryDictionary(final String filename) {
344         final File file = new File(filename);
345         return isBinaryDictionary(file);
346     }
348     /**
349      * Basic test to find out whether the file is a binary dictionary or not.
350      *
351      * @param file The file to test.
352      * @return true if it's a binary dictionary, false otherwise
353      */
isBinaryDictionary(final File file)354     public static boolean isBinaryDictionary(final File file) {
355         final DictDecoder dictDecoder = BinaryDictIOUtils.getDictDecoder(file, 0, file.length());
356         if (dictDecoder == null) {
357             return false;
358         }
359         return dictDecoder.hasValidRawBinaryDictionary();
360     }
361 }