2page.title=Notepad Exercise 2
3parent.title=Notepad Tutorial
8<p><em>In this exercise, you will add a second Activity to your notepad application, to let the user
9create and edit notes. You will also allow the user to delete existing notes through a context menu.
10The new Activity assumes responsibility for creating new notes by
11collecting user input and packing it into a return Bundle provided by the intent. This exercise
14<li><em>Constructing a new Activity and adding it to the Android manifest</em></li>
15<li><em>Invoking another Activity asynchronously using <code>startActivityForResult()</code></em></li>
16<li><em>Passing data between Activity in Bundle objects</em></li>
17<li><em>How to use a more advanced screen layout</em></li>
18<li><em>How to create a context menu</em></li>
21<div style="float:right;white-space:nowrap">
22	[<a href="notepad-ex1.html">Exercise 1</a>]
23	<span style="color:#BBB;">
24		[<a href="notepad-ex2.html" style="color:#DDD;">Exercise 2</a>]
25	</span>
26	[<a href="notepad-ex3.html">Exercise 3</a>]
27	[<a href="notepad-extra-credit.html">Extra Credit</a>]
30<h2>Step 1</h2>
32<p>Create a new Android project using the sources from <code>Notepadv2</code> under the
33<code>NotepadCodeLab</code> folder, just like you did for the first exercise. If you see an error about
34<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, or some problems related to an
35<code>android.zip</code> file, right click on the project and select <strong>Android
36Tools</strong> &gt; <strong>Fix Project Properties</strong>.</p>
38<p>Open the <code>Notepadv2</code> project and take a look around:</p>
40    <li>
41      Open and look at the <code>strings.xml</code> file under
42      <code>res/values</code> &mdash; there are several new strings which we will use
43      for our new functionality
44    </li>
45    <li>
46      Also, open and take a look at the top of the <code>Notepadv2</code> class,
47      you will notice several new constants have been defined along with a new <code>mNotesCursor</code>
48      field used to hold the cursor we are using.
49    </li>
50    <li>
51      Note also that the <code>fillData()</code> method has a few more comments and now uses
52      the new field to store the notes Cursor. The <code>onCreate()</code> method is
53      unchanged from the first exercise. Also notice that the member field used to store the
54      notes Cursor is now called <code>mNotesCursor</code>. The <code>m</code> denotes a member
55      field and is part of the Android coding style standards.
56    </li>
57    <li>
58      There are also a couple of new overridden methods
59      (<code>onCreateContextMenu()</code>, <code>onContextItemSelected()</code>,
60      <code>onListItemClick()</code> and <code>onActivityResult()</code>)
61      which we will be filling in below.
62    </li>
66<h2>Step 2</h2>
67<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
68<div class="sidebox">
69<p>Context menus should always be used when performing actions upon specific elements in the UI.
70When you register a View to a context menu, the context menu is revealed by performing a "long-click"
71on the UI component (press and hold the touchscreen or highlight and hold down the selection key for about two seconds).</p>
75<p>First, let's create the context menu that will allow users to delete individual notes.
76Open the Notepadv2 class.</p>
79    <li>In order for each list item in the ListView to register for the context menu, we call
80    <code>registerForContextMenu()</code> and pass it our ListView. So, at the very end of
81    the <code>onCreate()</code> method add this line:
82    <pre>registerForContextMenu(getListView());</pre>
83    <p>Because our Activity extends the ListActivity class, <code>getListView()</code> will return us
84    the local ListView object for the Activity. Now, each list item in this ListView will activate the
85    context menu.
86    <li>
87      Now fill in the <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code> method. This callback is similar to the other
88    menu callback used for the options menu. Here, we add just one line, which will add a menu item
89    to delete a note. Call <code>menu.add()</code> like so:
90      <pre>
91public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
92    super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
93    menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0, R.string.menu_delete);
95    <p>The <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code> callback passes some other information in addition to the Menu object,
96    such as the View that has been triggered for the menu and
97    an extra object that may contain additional information about the object selected. However, we don't care about
98    these here, because we only have one kind of object in the Activity that uses context menus. In the next
99    step, we'll handle the menu item selection.</p>
100    </li>
103<h2>Step 3</h2>
104  <p>Now that we've registered our ListView for a context menu and defined our context menu item, we need
105  to handle the callback when it is selected. For this, we need to identify the list ID of the
106  selected item, then delete it. So fill in the
107  <code>onContextItemSelected()</code> method like this:</p>
109public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
110    switch(item.getItemId()) {
111    case DELETE_ID:
112        AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
113        mDbHelper.deleteNote(info.id);
114        fillData();
115        return true;
116    }
117    return super.onContextItemSelected(item);
119<p>Here, we retrieve the {@link android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo AdapterContextMenuInfo}
120with {@link android.view.MenuItem#getMenuInfo()}. The <var>id</var> field of this object tells us
121the position of the item in the ListView. We then pass this to the <code>deleteNote()</code>
122method of our NotesDbAdapter and the note is deleted. That's it for the context menu &mdash; notes
123can now be deleted.</p>
125<h2 style="clear:right;">Step 4</h2>
126  <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
127  <div class="sidebox">
128    <h2>Starting Other Activities</h2>
129    <p>In this example our Intent uses a class name specifically.
130     As well as
131     <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#intentexamples">starting intents</a> in
132    classes we already know about, be they in our own application or another
133    application, we can also create Intents without knowing exactly which
134    application will handle it.</p>
135    <p>For example, we might want to open a page in a
136    browser, and for this we still use
137    an Intent. But instead of specifying a class to handle it, we use
138    a predefined Intent constant, and a content URI that describes what we
139    want to do. See {@link android.content.Intent
140    android.content.Intent} for more information.</p>
141  </div>
142  </div>
144	<p>Fill in the body of the <code>createNote()</code> method:
145    <p>Create a new <code>Intent</code> to create a note
146    (<code>ACTIVITY_CREATE</code>) using the <code>NoteEdit</code> class.
147    Then fire the Intent using the <code>startActivityForResult()</code> method
148    call:</p>
149    <pre style="overflow:auto">
150Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class);
151startActivityForResult(i, ACTIVITY_CREATE);</pre>
152      <p>This form of the Intent call targets a specific class in our Activity, in this case
153      <code>NoteEdit</code>. Since the Intent class will need to communicate with the Android
154      operating system to route requests, we also have to provide a Context (<code>this</code>).</p>
155      <p>The <code>startActivityForResult()</code> method fires the Intent in a way that causes a method
156      in our Activity to be called when the new Activity is completed. The method in our Activity
157      that receives the callback is called
158      <code>onActivityResult()</code> and we will implement it in a later step. The other way
159      to call an Activity is using <code>startActivity()</code> but this is a "fire-and-forget" way
160      of calling it &mdash; in this manner, our Activity is not informed when the Activity is completed, and there is
161      no way to return result information from the called Activity with <code>startActivity()</code>.
162      <p>Don't worry about the fact that <code>NoteEdit</code> doesn't exist yet,
163      we will fix that soon. </p>
164  </li>
167<h2>Step 5</h2>
169	<p>Fill in the body of the <code>onListItemClick()</code> override.</p>
170    <p><code>onListItemClick()</code> is a callback method that we'll override. It is called when
171    the user selects an item from the list. It is passed four parameters: the
172    <code>ListView</code> object it was invoked from, the <code>View</code>
173    inside the <code>ListView</code> that was clicked on, the
174    <code>position</code> in the list that was clicked, and the
175    <code>mRowId</code> of the item that was clicked. In this instance we can
176    ignore the first two parameters (we only have one <code>ListView</code> it
177    could be), and we ignore the <code>mRowId</code> as well. All we are
178    interested in is the <code>position</code> that the user selected. We use
179    this to get the data from the correct row, and bundle it up to send to
180    the <code>NoteEdit</code> Activity.</p>
181   <p>In our implementation of the callback, the method creates an
182    <code>Intent</code> to edit the note using
183    the <code>NoteEdit</code> class. It then adds data into the extras Bundle of
184    the Intent, which will be passed to the called Activity. We use it
185    to pass in the title and body text, and the <code>mRowId</code> for the note we are
186    editing. Finally, it will fire the Intent using the
187    <code>startActivityForResult()</code> method call. Here's the code that
188    belongs in <code>onListItemClick()</code>:</p>
189    <pre>
190super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
191Cursor c = mNotesCursor;
193Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class);
194i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, id);
195i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE, c.getString(
196        c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE)));
197i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY, c.getString(
198        c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY)));
199startActivityForResult(i, ACTIVITY_EDIT);</pre>
200  <ul>
201    <li>
202      <code>putExtra()</code> is the method to add items into the extras Bundle
203      to pass in to intent invocations. Here, we are
204      using the Bundle to pass in the title, body and mRowId of the note we want to edit.
205    </li>
206    <li>
207      The details of the note are pulled out from our query Cursor, which we move to the
208      proper position for the element that was selected in the list, with
209      the <code>moveToPosition()</code> method.</li>
210    <li>With the extras added to the Intent, we invoke the Intent on the
211      <code>NoteEdit</code> class by passing <code>startActivityForResult()</code>
212      the Intent and the request code. (The request code will be
213      returned to <code>onActivityResult</code> as the <code>requestCode</code> parameter.)</li>
214  </ul>
215    <p class="note"><b>Note:</b> We assign the mNotesCursor field to a local variable at the
216    start of the method. This is done as an optimization of the Android code. Accessing a local
217    variable is much more efficient than accessing a field in the Dalvik VM, so by doing this
218    we make only one access to the field, and five accesses to the local variable, making the
219    routine much more efficient. It is recommended that you use this optimization when possible.</p>
222<h2>Step 6</h2>
224<p>The above <code>createNote()</code> and <code>onListItemClick()</code>
225    methods use an asynchronous Intent invocation. We need a handler for the callback, so here we fill
226    in the body of the <code>onActivityResult()</code>. </p>
227<p><code>onActivityResult()</code> is the overridden method
228    which will be called when an Activity returns with a result. (Remember, an Activity
229    will only return a result if launched with <code>startActivityForResult</code>.) The parameters provided
230    to the callback are: </p>
231  <ul>
232    <li><code>requestCode</code> &mdash; the original request code
233    specified in the Intent invocation (either <code>ACTIVITY_CREATE</code> or
234    <code>ACTIVITY_EDIT</code> for us).
235    </li>
236    <li><code>resultCode</code> &mdash; the result (or error code) of the call, this
237    should be zero if everything was OK, but may have a non-zero code indicating
238    that something failed. There are standard result codes available, and you
239    can also create your own constants to indicate specific problems.
240    </li>
241    <li><code>intent</code> &mdash; this is an Intent created by the Activity returning
242    results. It can be used to return data in the Intent "extras."
243    </li>
244  </ul>
245  <p>The combination of <code>startActivityForResult()</code> and
246  <code>onActivityResult()</code> can be thought of as an asynchronous RPC
247  (remote procedure call) and forms the recommended way for an Activity to invoke
248  another and share services.</p>
249  <p>Here's the code that belongs in your <code>onActivityResult()</code>:</p>
250    <pre>
251super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
252Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
254switch(requestCode) {
256    String title = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE);
257    String body = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY);
258    mDbHelper.createNote(title, body);
259    fillData();
260    break;
262    Long mRowId = extras.getLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID);
263    if (mRowId != null) {
264        String editTitle = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE);
265        String editBody = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY);
266        mDbHelper.updateNote(mRowId, editTitle, editBody);
267    }
268    fillData();
269    break;
272  <ul>
273    <li>
274      We are handling both the <code>ACTIVITY_CREATE</code> and
275      <code>ACTIVITY_EDIT</code> activity results in this method.
276    </li>
277    <li>
278      In the case of a create, we pull the title and body from the extras (retrieved from the
279      returned Intent) and use them to create a new note.
280    </li>
281    <li>
282      In the case of an edit, we pull the mRowId as well, and use that to update
283      the note in the database.
284    </li>
285    <li>
286      <code>fillData()</code> at the end ensures everything is up to date .
287    </li>
288  </ul>
291<h2>Step 7</h2>
293  <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
294  <div class="sidebox">
295    <h2>The Art of Layout</h2>
296    <p>The provided
297    note_edit.xml layout file is the most sophisticated one in the application we will be building,
298    but that doesn't mean it is even close to the kind of sophistication you will be likely to want
299    in real Android applications.</p>
300    <p>Creating a
301    good UI is part art and part science, and the rest is work. Mastery of <a
302    href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/declaring-layout.html">XML Layouts</a> is an essential part of
304    a good looking Android application.</p>
305    <p>Take a look at the
306    <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/views/index.html">Hello Views</a>
307    for some example layouts and how to use them. The ApiDemos sample project is also a
308    great resource from which to learn how to create different layouts.</p>
309  </div>
310  </div>
312<p>Open the file <code>note_edit.xml</code> that has been provided and take a
313    look at it. This is the UI code for the Note Editor.</p>
314    <p>This is the most
315    sophisticated UI we have dealt with yet. The file is given to you to avoid
316    problems that may sneak in when typing the code. (The XML is very strict
317    about case sensitivity and structure, mistakes in these are the usual cause
318    of problems with layout.)</p>
319    <p>There is a new parameter used
320    here that we haven't seen before: <code>android:layout_weight</code> (in
321    this case set to use the value 1 in each case).</p>
322    <p><code>layout_weight</code> is used in LinearLayouts
323    to assign "importance" to Views within the layout. All Views have a default
324    <code>layout_weight</code> of zero, meaning they take up only as much room
325    on the screen as they need to be displayed. Assigning a value higher than
326    zero will split up the rest of the available space in the parent View, according
327    to the value of each View's <code>layout_weight</code> and its ratio to the
328    overall <code>layout_weight</code> specified in the current layout for this
329    and other View elements.</p>
330    <p>To give an example: let's say we have a text label
331    and two text edit elements in a horizontal row. The label has no
332    <code>layout_weight</code> specified, so it takes up the minimum space
333    required to render. If the <code>layout_weight</code> of each of the two
334    text edit elements is set to 1, the remaining width in the parent layout will
335    be split equally between them (because we claim they are equally important).
336    If the first one has a <code>layout_weight</code> of 1
337    and the second has a <code>layout_weight</code> of 2, then one third of the
338    remaining space will be given to the first, and two thirds to the
339    second (because we claim the second one is more important).</p>
340    <p>This layout also demonstrates how to nest multiple layouts
341    inside each other to achieve a more complex and pleasant layout. In this
342    example, a horizontal linear layout is nested inside the vertical one to
343    allow the title label and text field to be alongside each other,
344    horizontally.</p>
347<h2 style="clear:right;">Step 8</h2>
349	<p>Create a <code>NoteEdit</code> class that extends
350    <code>android.app.Activity</code>.</p>
351    <p>This is the first time we will have
352    created an Activity without the Android Eclipse plugin doing it for us. When
353    you do so, the <code>onCreate()</code> method is not automatically
354    overridden for you. It is hard to imagine an Activity that doesn't override
355    the <code>onCreate()</code> method, so this should be the first thing you do.</p>
356  <ol>
357    <li>Right click on the <code>com.android.demo.notepad2</code> package
358    in the Package Explorer, and select <strong>New</strong> &gt; <strong>Class</strong> from the popup
359    menu.</li>
360    <li>Fill in <code>NoteEdit</code> for the <code>Name:</code> field in the
361    dialog.</li>
362    <li>In the <code>Superclass:</code> field, enter
363    <code>android.app.Activity</code> (you can also just type Activity and hit
364    Ctrl-Space on Windows and Linux or Cmd-Space on the Mac, to invoke code
365    assist and find the right package and class).</li>
366    <li>Click <strong>Finish</strong>.</li>
367    <li>In the resulting <code>NoteEdit</code> class, right click in the editor
368    window and select <strong>Source</strong> &gt; <strong>Override/Implement Methods...</strong></li>
369    <li>Scroll down through the checklist in the dialog until you see
370    <code>onCreate(Bundle)</code> &mdash; and check the box next to it.</li>
371    <li>Click <strong>OK</strong>.<p>The method should now appear in your class.</p></li>
372  </ol>
374<h2>Step 9</h2>
376<p>Fill in the body of the <code>onCreate()</code> method for <code>NoteEdit</code>.</p>
378<p>This will set the title of our new Activity to say "Edit Note" (one
379    of the strings defined in <code>strings.xml</code>). It will also set the
380    content view to use our <code>note_edit.xml</code> layout file. We can then
381    grab handles to the title and body text edit views, and the confirm button,
382    so that our class can use them to set and get the note title and body,
383    and attach an event to the confirm button for when it is pressed by the
384    user.</p>
385    <p>We can then unbundle the values that were passed in to the Activity
386    with the extras Bundle attached to the calling Intent. We'll use them to pre-populate
387    the title and body text edit views so that the user can edit them.
388    Then we will grab and store the <code>mRowId</code> so we can keep
389    track of what note the user is editing.</p>
391  <ol>
392    <li>
393      Inside <code>onCreate()</code>, set up the layout:<br>
394      <pre>setContentView(R.layout.note_edit);</pre>
395    </li>
396    <li>
397      Change the Activity title to the "Edit Note" string:
398      <pre>setTitle(R.string.edit_note);</pre>
399    </li>
400    <li>
401      Find the {@link android.widget.EditText} and {@link android.widget.Button} components we need:
402      <p>These are found by the
403      IDs associated to them in the R class, and need to be cast to the right
404      type of <code>View</code> (<code>EditText</code> for the two text views,
405      and <code>Button</code> for the confirm button):</p>
406      <pre>
407mTitleText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.title);
408mBodyText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.body);
409Button confirmButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.confirm);</pre>
410      <p>Note that <code>mTitleText</code> and <code>mBodyText</code> are member
411      fields (you need to declare them at the top of the class definition).</p>
412    </li>
413    <li>At the top of the class, declare a <code>Long mRowId</code> private field to store
414      the current <code>mRowId</code> being edited (if any).
415    </li>
416    <li>Continuing inside <code>onCreate()</code>,
417      add code to initialize the <code>title</code>, <code>body</code> and
418      <code>mRowId</code> from the extras Bundle in
419      the Intent (if it is present):<br>
420      <pre>
421mRowId = null;
422Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
423if (extras != null) {
424    String title = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE);
425    String body = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY);
426    mRowId = extras.getLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID);
428    if (title != null) {
429        mTitleText.setText(title);
430    }
431    if (body != null) {
432        mBodyText.setText(body);
433    }
435     <ul>
436      <li>
437        We are pulling the <code>title</code> and
438        <code>body</code> out of the
439        <code>extras</code> Bundle that was set from the
440        Intent invocation.
441      </li><li>
442        We also null-protect the text field setting (i.e., we don't want to set
443        the text fields to null accidentally).</li>
444     </ul>
445    </li>
446    <li>
447      Create an <code>onClickListener()</code> for the button:
448      <p>Listeners can be one of the more confusing aspects of UI
449      implementation, but
450      what we are trying to achieve in this case is simple. We want an
451      <code>onClick()</code> method to be called when the user presses the
452      confirm button, and use that to do some work and return the values
453      of the edited note to the Intent caller. We do this using something called
454      an anonymous inner class. This is a bit confusing to look at unless you
455      have seen them before, but all you really need to take away from this is
456      that you can refer to this code in the future to see how to create a
457      listener and attach it to a button. (Listeners are a common idiom
458      in Java development, particularly for user interfaces.) Here's the empty listener:<br>
459      <pre>
460confirmButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
462    public void onClick(View view) {
464    }
467    </li>
468  </ol>
469<h2>Step 10</h2>
471<p>Fill in the body of the <code>onClick()</code> method of the <code>OnClickListener</code> created in the last step.</p>
473    <p>This is the code that will be run when the user clicks on the
474    confirm button. We want this to grab the title and body text from the edit
475    text fields, and put them into the return Bundle so that they can be passed
476    back to the Activity that invoked this <code>NoteEdit</code> Activity. If the
477    operation is an edit rather than a create, we also want to put the
478    <code>mRowId</code> into the Bundle so that the
479    <code>Notepadv2</code> class can save the changes back to the correct
480    note.</p>
481  <ol>
482    <li>
483      Create a <code>Bundle</code> and put the title and body text into it using the
484      constants defined in Notepadv2 as keys:<br>
485      <pre>
486Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
488bundle.putString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE, mTitleText.getText().toString());
489bundle.putString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY, mBodyText.getText().toString());
490if (mRowId != null) {
491    bundle.putLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, mRowId);
493    </li>
494    <li>
495      Set the result information (the Bundle) in a new Intent and finish the Activity:
496      <pre>
497Intent mIntent = new Intent();
499setResult(RESULT_OK, mIntent);
501      <ul>
502      <li>The Intent is simply our data carrier that carries our Bundle
503      (with the title, body and mRowId).</li>
504      <li>The <code>setResult()</code> method is used to set the result
505      code and return Intent to be passed back to the
506      Intent caller. In this case everything worked, so we return RESULT_OK for the
507      result code.</li>
508      <li>The <code>finish()</code> call is used to signal that the Activity
509      is done (like a return call). Anything set in the Result will then be
510      returned to the caller, along with execution control.</li>
511      </ul>
512    </li>
513   </ol>
514   <p>The full <code>onCreate()</code> method (plus supporting class fields) should
515      now look like this:</p>
516      <pre>
517private EditText mTitleText;
518private EditText mBodyText;
519private Long mRowId;
522protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
523    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
524    setContentView(R.layout.note_edit);
526    mTitleText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.title);
527    mBodyText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.body);
529    Button confirmButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.confirm);
531    mRowId = null;
532    Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
533    if (extras != null) {
534        String title = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE);
535        String body = extras.getString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY);
536        mRowId = extras.getLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID);
538        if (title != null) {
539            mTitleText.setText(title);
540        }
541        if (body != null) {
542            mBodyText.setText(body);
543        }
544    }
546    confirmButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
548        public void onClick(View view) {
549            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
551            bundle.putString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE, mTitleText.getText().toString());
552            bundle.putString(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY, mBodyText.getText().toString());
553            if (mRowId != null) {
554                bundle.putLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, mRowId);
555            }
557            Intent mIntent = new Intent();
558            mIntent.putExtras(bundle);
559            setResult(RESULT_OK, mIntent);
560            finish();
561        }
562    });
564    </li>
565  </ol>
567<h2>Step 11</h2>
569  <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
570  <div class="sidebox">
571    <h2>The All-Important Android Manifest File</h2>
572  <p>The AndroidManifest.xml file is the way in which Android sees your
573    application. This file defines the category of the application, where
574    it shows up (or even if it shows up) in the launcher or settings, what
575    activities, services, and content providers it defines, what intents it can
576    receive, and more. </p>
577    <p>For more information, see the reference document
578    <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html">The AndroidManifest.xml
580  </div>
581  </div>
583<p>Finally, the new Activity has to be defined in the manifest file:</p>
584    <p>Before the new Activity can be seen by Android, it needs its own
585    Activity entry in the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file. This is to let
586    the system know that it is there and can be called. We could also specify
587    which IntentFilters the activity implements here, but we are going to skip
588    this for now and just let Android know that the Activity is
589    defined.</p>
590    <p>There is a Manifest editor included in the Eclipse plugin that makes it much easier
591    to edit the AndroidManifest file, and we will use this. If you prefer to edit the file directly
592    or are not using the Eclipse plugin, see the box at the end for information on how to do this
593    without using the new Manifest editor.<p>
594    <ol>
595    <li>Double click on the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file in the package explorer to open it.
596    </li>
597    <li>Click the <strong>Application</strong> tab at the bottom of the Manifest editor.</li>
598    <li>Click <strong>Add...</strong> in the Application Nodes section.
599      <p>If you see a dialog with radiobuttons at the top, select the top radio button:
600      "Create a new element at the top level, in Application".</p></li>
601    <li>Make sure "(A) Activity" is selected in the selection pane of the dialog, and click <strong>OK</strong>.</li>
602    <li>Click on the new "Activity" node, in the Application Nodes section, then
603    type <code>.NoteEdit</code> into the <em>Name*</em>
604    field to the right. Press Return/Enter.</li>
605    </ol>
606    <p>The Android Manifest editor helps you add more complex entries into the AndroidManifest.xml
607    file, have a look around at some of the other options available (but be careful not to select
608    them otherwise they will be added to your Manifest). This editor should help you understand
609    and alter the AndroidManifest.xml file as you move on to more advanced Android applications.</p>
611    <p class="note">If you prefer to edit this file directly, simply open the
612    <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file and look at the source (use the
613    <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> tab in the eclipse editor to see the source code directly).
614    Then edit the file as follows:<br>
615    <code>&lt;activity android:name=".NoteEdit" /&gt;</code><br><br>
616    This should be placed just below the line that reads:<br>
617    <code>&lt;/activity&gt;</code> for the <code>.Notepadv2</code> activity.</p>
619<h2 style="clear:right;">Step 12</h2>
621<p>Now Run it!</p>
622<p>You should now be able to add real notes from
623the menu, as well as delete an existing one. Notice that in order to delete, you must
624first use the directional controls on the device to highlight the note.
625Furthermore, selecting a note title from the list should bring up the note
626editor to let you edit it. Press confirm when finished to save the changes
627back to the database.
629<h2>Solution and Next Steps</h2>
631<p>You can see the solution to this exercise in  <code>Notepadv2Solution</code>
632from the zip file to compare with your own.</p>
633<p>Now try editing a note, and then hitting the back button on the emulator
634instead of the confirm button (the back button is below the menu button). You
635will see an error come up. Clearly our application still has some problems.
636Worse still, if you did make some changes and hit the back button, when you go
637back into the notepad to look at the note you changed, you will find that all
638your changes have been lost. In the next exercise we will fix these
642Once you are ready, move on to <a href="notepad-ex3.html">Tutorial
643Exercise 3</a> where you will fix the problems with the back button and lost
644edits by introducing a proper life cycle into the NoteEdit Activity.</p>