1 /*
2 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8 #include "GrRODrawState.h"
10 #include "GrDrawTargetCaps.h"
11 #include "GrRenderTarget.h"
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
GrRODrawState(const GrRODrawState & drawState)15 GrRODrawState::GrRODrawState(const GrRODrawState& drawState) : INHERITED() {
16 fRenderTarget.setResource(SkSafeRef(drawState.fRenderTarget.getResource()),
17 GrIORef::kWrite_IOType);
18 }
isEqual(const GrRODrawState & that) const20 bool GrRODrawState::isEqual(const GrRODrawState& that) const {
21 bool usingVertexColors = this->hasColorVertexAttribute();
22 if (!usingVertexColors && this->fColor != that.fColor) {
23 return false;
24 }
26 if (this->getRenderTarget() != that.getRenderTarget() ||
27 this->fColorStages.count() != that.fColorStages.count() ||
28 this->fCoverageStages.count() != that.fCoverageStages.count() ||
29 !this->fViewMatrix.cheapEqualTo(that.fViewMatrix) ||
30 this->fSrcBlend != that.fSrcBlend ||
31 this->fDstBlend != that.fDstBlend ||
32 this->fBlendConstant != that.fBlendConstant ||
33 this->fFlagBits != that.fFlagBits ||
34 this->fVACount != that.fVACount ||
35 this->fVAStride != that.fVAStride ||
36 memcmp(this->fVAPtr, that.fVAPtr, this->fVACount * sizeof(GrVertexAttrib)) ||
37 this->fStencilSettings != that.fStencilSettings ||
38 this->fDrawFace != that.fDrawFace) {
39 return false;
40 }
42 bool usingVertexCoverage = this->hasCoverageVertexAttribute();
43 if (!usingVertexCoverage && this->fCoverage != that.fCoverage) {
44 return false;
45 }
47 bool explicitLocalCoords = this->hasLocalCoordAttribute();
48 if (this->hasGeometryProcessor()) {
49 if (!that.hasGeometryProcessor()) {
50 return false;
51 } else if (!GrProcessorStage::AreCompatible(*this->getGeometryProcessor(),
52 *that.getGeometryProcessor(),
53 explicitLocalCoords)) {
54 return false;
55 }
56 } else if (that.hasGeometryProcessor()) {
57 return false;
58 }
60 for (int i = 0; i < this->numColorStages(); i++) {
61 if (!GrProcessorStage::AreCompatible(this->getColorStage(i), that.getColorStage(i),
62 explicitLocalCoords)) {
63 return false;
64 }
65 }
66 for (int i = 0; i < this->numCoverageStages(); i++) {
67 if (!GrProcessorStage::AreCompatible(this->getCoverageStage(i), that.getCoverageStage(i),
68 explicitLocalCoords)) {
69 return false;
70 }
71 }
73 SkASSERT(0 == memcmp(this->fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices,
74 that.fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices,
75 sizeof(this->fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices)));
77 return true;
78 }
80 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
validateVertexAttribs() const82 bool GrRODrawState::validateVertexAttribs() const {
83 // check consistency of effects and attributes
84 GrSLType slTypes[kMaxVertexAttribCnt];
85 for (int i = 0; i < kMaxVertexAttribCnt; ++i) {
86 slTypes[i] = static_cast<GrSLType>(-1);
87 }
89 if (this->hasGeometryProcessor()) {
90 const GrGeometryStage& stage = *this->getGeometryProcessor();
91 const GrGeometryProcessor* gp = stage.getGeometryProcessor();
92 SkASSERT(gp);
93 // make sure that any attribute indices have the correct binding type, that the attrib
94 // type and effect's shader lang type are compatible, and that attributes shared by
95 // multiple effects use the same shader lang type.
96 const GrGeometryProcessor::VertexAttribArray& s = gp->getVertexAttribs();
98 int effectIndex = 0;
99 for (int index = 0; index < fVACount; index++) {
100 if (kGeometryProcessor_GrVertexAttribBinding != fVAPtr[index].fBinding) {
101 // we only care about effect bindings
102 continue;
103 }
104 SkASSERT(effectIndex < s.count());
105 GrSLType effectSLType = s[effectIndex].getType();
106 GrVertexAttribType attribType = fVAPtr[index].fType;
107 int slVecCount = GrSLTypeVectorCount(effectSLType);
108 int attribVecCount = GrVertexAttribTypeVectorCount(attribType);
109 if (slVecCount != attribVecCount ||
110 (static_cast<GrSLType>(-1) != slTypes[index] && slTypes[index] != effectSLType)) {
111 return false;
112 }
113 slTypes[index] = effectSLType;
114 effectIndex++;
115 }
116 // Make sure all attributes are consumed and we were able to find everything
117 SkASSERT(s.count() == effectIndex);
118 }
120 return true;
121 }
hasSolidCoverage() const123 bool GrRODrawState::hasSolidCoverage() const {
124 // If we're drawing coverage directly then coverage is effectively treated as color.
125 if (this->isCoverageDrawing()) {
126 return true;
127 }
129 GrColor coverage;
130 uint32_t validComponentFlags;
131 // Initialize to an unknown starting coverage if per-vertex coverage is specified.
132 if (this->hasCoverageVertexAttribute()) {
133 validComponentFlags = 0;
134 } else {
135 coverage = fCoverage;
136 validComponentFlags = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
137 }
139 // Run through the coverage stages and see if the coverage will be all ones at the end.
140 if (this->hasGeometryProcessor()) {
141 const GrGeometryProcessor* gp = fGeometryProcessor->getGeometryProcessor();
142 gp->getConstantColorComponents(&coverage, &validComponentFlags);
143 }
144 for (int s = 0; s < this->numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
145 const GrProcessor* processor = this->getCoverageStage(s).getProcessor();
146 processor->getConstantColorComponents(&coverage, &validComponentFlags);
147 }
148 return (kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags == validComponentFlags) && (0xffffffff == coverage);
149 }
151 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
willEffectReadDstColor() const153 bool GrRODrawState::willEffectReadDstColor() const {
154 if (!this->isColorWriteDisabled()) {
155 for (int s = 0; s < this->numColorStages(); ++s) {
156 if (this->getColorStage(s).getFragmentProcessor()->willReadDstColor()) {
157 return true;
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 for (int s = 0; s < this->numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
162 if (this->getCoverageStage(s).getFragmentProcessor()->willReadDstColor()) {
163 return true;
164 }
165 }
166 return false;
167 }
169 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
getBlendOpts(bool forceCoverage,GrBlendCoeff * srcCoeff,GrBlendCoeff * dstCoeff) const171 GrRODrawState::BlendOptFlags GrRODrawState::getBlendOpts(bool forceCoverage,
172 GrBlendCoeff* srcCoeff,
173 GrBlendCoeff* dstCoeff) const {
174 GrBlendCoeff bogusSrcCoeff, bogusDstCoeff;
175 if (NULL == srcCoeff) {
176 srcCoeff = &bogusSrcCoeff;
177 }
178 if (NULL == dstCoeff) {
179 dstCoeff = &bogusDstCoeff;
180 }
182 *srcCoeff = this->getSrcBlendCoeff();
183 *dstCoeff = this->getDstBlendCoeff();
185 if (this->isColorWriteDisabled()) {
186 *srcCoeff = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
187 *dstCoeff = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
188 }
190 bool srcAIsOne = this->srcAlphaWillBeOne();
191 bool dstCoeffIsOne = kOne_GrBlendCoeff == *dstCoeff ||
192 (kSA_GrBlendCoeff == *dstCoeff && srcAIsOne);
193 bool dstCoeffIsZero = kZero_GrBlendCoeff == *dstCoeff ||
194 (kISA_GrBlendCoeff == *dstCoeff && srcAIsOne);
196 // When coeffs are (0,1) there is no reason to draw at all, unless
197 // stenciling is enabled. Having color writes disabled is effectively
198 // (0,1).
199 if ((kZero_GrBlendCoeff == *srcCoeff && dstCoeffIsOne)) {
200 if (this->getStencil().doesWrite()) {
201 return kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag;
202 } else {
203 *dstCoeff = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
204 return kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag;
205 }
206 }
208 bool hasCoverage = forceCoverage || !this->hasSolidCoverage();
210 // if we don't have coverage we can check whether the dst
211 // has to read at all. If not, we'll disable blending.
212 if (!hasCoverage) {
213 if (dstCoeffIsZero) {
214 if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff == *srcCoeff) {
215 // if there is no coverage and coeffs are (1,0) then we
216 // won't need to read the dst at all, it gets replaced by src
217 *dstCoeff = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
218 return kNone_BlendOpt;
219 } else if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == *srcCoeff) {
220 // if the op is "clear" then we don't need to emit a color
221 // or blend, just write transparent black into the dst.
222 *srcCoeff = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
223 *dstCoeff = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
224 return kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag;
225 }
226 }
227 } else if (this->isCoverageDrawing()) {
228 // we have coverage but we aren't distinguishing it from alpha by request.
229 return kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag;
230 } else {
231 // check whether coverage can be safely rolled into alpha
232 // of if we can skip color computation and just emit coverage
233 if (this->canTweakAlphaForCoverage()) {
234 return kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag;
235 }
236 if (dstCoeffIsZero) {
237 if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == *srcCoeff) {
238 // the source color is not included in the blend
239 // the dst coeff is effectively zero so blend works out to:
240 // (c)(0)D + (1-c)D = (1-c)D.
241 *dstCoeff = kISA_GrBlendCoeff;
242 return kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag;
243 } else if (srcAIsOne) {
244 // the dst coeff is effectively zero so blend works out to:
245 // cS + (c)(0)D + (1-c)D = cS + (1-c)D.
246 // If Sa is 1 then we can replace Sa with c
247 // and set dst coeff to 1-Sa.
248 *dstCoeff = kISA_GrBlendCoeff;
249 return kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag;
250 }
251 } else if (dstCoeffIsOne) {
252 // the dst coeff is effectively one so blend works out to:
253 // cS + (c)(1)D + (1-c)D = cS + D.
254 *dstCoeff = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
255 return kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag;
256 }
257 }
259 return kNone_BlendOpt;
260 }
262 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
264 // Some blend modes allow folding a fractional coverage value into the color's alpha channel, while
265 // others will blend incorrectly.
canTweakAlphaForCoverage() const266 bool GrRODrawState::canTweakAlphaForCoverage() const {
267 /*
268 The fractional coverage is f.
269 The src and dst coeffs are Cs and Cd.
270 The dst and src colors are S and D.
271 We want the blend to compute: f*Cs*S + (f*Cd + (1-f))D. By tweaking the source color's alpha
272 we're replacing S with S'=fS. It's obvious that that first term will always be ok. The second
273 term can be rearranged as [1-(1-Cd)f]D. By substituting in the various possibilities for Cd we
274 find that only 1, ISA, and ISC produce the correct destination when applied to S' and D.
275 Also, if we're directly rendering coverage (isCoverageDrawing) then coverage is treated as
276 color by definition.
277 */
278 return kOne_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend ||
279 kISA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend ||
280 kISC_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend ||
281 this->isCoverageDrawing();
282 }
convertToPendingExec()284 void GrRODrawState::convertToPendingExec() {
285 fRenderTarget.markPendingIO();
286 fRenderTarget.removeRef();
287 for (int i = 0; i < fColorStages.count(); ++i) {
288 fColorStages[i].convertToPendingExec();
289 }
290 if (fGeometryProcessor) {
291 fGeometryProcessor->convertToPendingExec();
292 }
293 for (int i = 0; i < fCoverageStages.count(); ++i) {
294 fCoverageStages[i].convertToPendingExec();
295 }
296 }
srcAlphaWillBeOne() const298 bool GrRODrawState::srcAlphaWillBeOne() const {
299 uint32_t validComponentFlags;
300 GrColor color;
301 // Check if per-vertex or constant color may have partial alpha
302 if (this->hasColorVertexAttribute()) {
303 if (fHints & kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint) {
304 validComponentFlags = kA_GrColorComponentFlag;
305 color = 0xFF << GrColor_SHIFT_A;
306 } else {
307 validComponentFlags = 0;
308 color = 0; // not strictly necessary but we get false alarms from tools about uninit.
309 }
310 } else {
311 validComponentFlags = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
312 color = this->getColor();
313 }
315 // Run through the color stages
316 for (int s = 0; s < this->numColorStages(); ++s) {
317 const GrProcessor* processor = this->getColorStage(s).getProcessor();
318 processor->getConstantColorComponents(&color, &validComponentFlags);
319 }
321 // Check whether coverage is treated as color. If so we run through the coverage computation.
322 if (this->isCoverageDrawing()) {
323 // The shader generated for coverage drawing runs the full coverage computation and then
324 // makes the shader output be the multiplication of color and coverage. We mirror that here.
325 GrColor coverage;
326 uint32_t coverageComponentFlags;
327 if (this->hasCoverageVertexAttribute()) {
328 coverageComponentFlags = 0;
329 coverage = 0; // suppresses any warnings.
330 } else {
331 coverageComponentFlags = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
332 coverage = this->getCoverageColor();
333 }
335 // Run through the coverage stages
336 for (int s = 0; s < this->numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
337 const GrProcessor* processor = this->getCoverageStage(s).getProcessor();
338 processor->getConstantColorComponents(&coverage, &coverageComponentFlags);
339 }
341 // Since the shader will multiply coverage and color, the only way the final A==1 is if
342 // coverage and color both have A==1.
343 return (kA_GrColorComponentFlag & validComponentFlags & coverageComponentFlags) &&
344 0xFF == GrColorUnpackA(color) && 0xFF == GrColorUnpackA(coverage);
346 }
348 return (kA_GrColorComponentFlag & validComponentFlags) && 0xFF == GrColorUnpackA(color);
349 }