1page.title=Creating a Manager for Multiple Threads
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10<h2>This lesson teaches you to</h2>
12  <li><a href="#ClassStructure">Define the Thread Pool Class</a>
13  <li><a href="#PoolParameters">Determine the Thread Pool Parameters</a></li>
14  <li><a href="#ThreadPool">Create a Pool of Threads</a></li>
17<!-- other docs (NOT javadocs) -->
18<h2>You should also read</h2>
20  <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">Processes and Threads</a></li>
23<h2>Try it out</h2>
24<div class="download-box">
25    <a href="{@docRoot}shareables/training/ThreadSample.zip" class="button">Download the sample</a>
26    <p class="filename">ThreadSample.zip</p>
34    The previous lesson showed how to define a task that executes on a
35    separate thread. If you only want to run the task once, this may be all you need. If you want
36    to run a task repeatedly on different sets of data, but you only need one execution running at a
37    time, an {@link android.app.IntentService} suits your needs. To automatically run tasks
38    as resources become available, or to allow multiple tasks to run at the same time (or both),
39    you need to provide a managed collection of threads. To do this, use an instance of
40    {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor}, which runs a task from a queue when a thread
41    in its pool becomes free. To run a task, all you have to do is add it to the queue.
44    A thread pool can run multiple parallel instances of a task, so you should ensure that your
45    code is thread-safe. Enclose variables that can be accessed by more than one thread in a
46    <code>synchronized</code> block. This approach will prevent one thread from reading the variable
47    while another is writing to it. Typically, this situation arises with static variables, but it
48    also occurs in any object that is only instantiated once. To learn more about this, read the
49    <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">
50    Processes and Threads</a> API guide.
53<h2 id="ClassStructure">Define the Thread Pool Class</h2>
55    Instantiate {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor} in its own class. Within this class,
56    do the following:
59    <dt>
60        Use static variables for thread pools
61    </dt>
62    <dd>
63        You may only want a single instance of a thread pool for your app, in order to have a
64        single control point for restricted CPU or network resources. If you have different
65        {@link java.lang.Runnable} types, you may want to have a thread pool for each one, but each
66        of these can be a single instance. For example, you can add this as part of your
67        global field declarations:
69public class PhotoManager {
70    ...
71    static  {
72        ...
73        // Creates a single static instance of PhotoManager
74        sInstance = new PhotoManager();
75    }
76    ...
78    </dd>
79    <dt>
80        Use a private constructor
81    </dt>
82    <dd>
83        Making the constructor private ensures that it is a singleton, which means that you don't
84        have to enclose accesses to the class in a <code>synchronized</code> block:
86public class PhotoManager {
87    ...
88    /**
89     * Constructs the work queues and thread pools used to download
90     * and decode images. Because the constructor is marked private,
91     * it's unavailable to other classes, even in the same package.
92     */
93    private PhotoManager() {
94    ...
95    }
97    </dd>
98    <dt>
99        Start your tasks by calling methods in the thread pool class.
100    </dt>
101    <dd>
102        Define a method in the thread pool class that adds a task to a thread pool's queue. For
103        example:
105public class PhotoManager {
106    ...
107    // Called by the PhotoView to get a photo
108    static public PhotoTask startDownload(
109        PhotoView imageView,
110        boolean cacheFlag) {
111        ...
112        // Adds a download task to the thread pool for execution
113        sInstance.
114                mDownloadThreadPool.
115                execute(downloadTask.getHTTPDownloadRunnable());
116        ...
117    }
119    </dd>
120    <dt>
121        Instantiate a {@link android.os.Handler} in the constructor and attach it to your app's
122        UI thread.
123    </dt>
124    <dd>
125        A {@link android.os.Handler} allows your app to safely call the methods of UI objects
126        such as {@link android.view.View} objects. Most UI objects may only be safely altered from
127        the UI thread. This approach is described in more detail in the lesson
128        <a href="communicate-ui.html">Communicate with the UI Thread</a>. For example:
130    private PhotoManager() {
131    ...
132        // Defines a Handler object that's attached to the UI thread
133        mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
134            /*
135             * handleMessage() defines the operations to perform when
136             * the Handler receives a new Message to process.
137             */
138            &#64;Override
139            public void handleMessage(Message inputMessage) {
140                ...
141            }
142        ...
143        }
144    }
146    </dd>
148<h2 id="PoolParameters">Determine the Thread Pool Parameters</h2>
150    Once you have the overall class structure, you can start defining the thread pool. To
151    instantiate a {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor} object, you need the
152    following values:
155    <dt>
156        Initial pool size and maximum pool size
157    </dt>
158    <dd>
159        The initial number of threads to allocate to the pool, and the maximum allowable number.
160        The number of threads you can have in a thread pool depends primarily on the number of cores
161        available for your device. This number is available from the system environment:
163public class PhotoManager {
165    /*
166     * Gets the number of available cores
167     * (not always the same as the maximum number of cores)
168     */
169    private static int NUMBER_OF_CORES =
170            Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
173        This number may not reflect the number of physical cores in the device; some devices have
174        CPUs that deactivate one or more cores depending on the system load. For these devices,
175        {@link java.lang.Runtime#availableProcessors availableProcessors()} returns the number of
176        <i>active</i> cores, which may be less than the total number of cores.
177    </dd>
178    <dt>
179        Keep alive time and time unit
180    </dt>
181    <dd>
182        The duration that a thread will remain idle before it shuts down. The duration is
183        interpreted by the time unit value, one of the constants defined in
184        {@link java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit}.
185    </dd>
186    <dt>
187        A queue of tasks
188    </dt>
189    <dd>
190        The incoming queue from which {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor} takes
191        {@link java.lang.Runnable} objects. To start code on a thread, a thread pool manager takes a
192        {@link java.lang.Runnable} object from a first-in, first-out queue and attaches it to the
193        thread. You provide this queue object when you create the thread pool, using any queue class
194        that implements the {@link java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue} interface. To match the
195        requirements of your app, you can choose from the available queue implementations; to learn
196        more about them, see the class overview for {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor}.
197        This example uses the {@link java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue} class:
199public class PhotoManager {
200    ...
201    private PhotoManager() {
202        ...
203        // A queue of Runnables
204        private final BlockingQueue&lt;Runnable&gt; mDecodeWorkQueue;
205        ...
206        // Instantiates the queue of Runnables as a LinkedBlockingQueue
207        mDecodeWorkQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue&lt;Runnable&gt;();
208        ...
209    }
210    ...
213    </dd>
215<h2 id="ThreadPool">Create a Pool of Threads</h2>
217    To create a pool of threads, instantiate a thread pool manager by calling
218    {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#ThreadPoolExecutor ThreadPoolExecutor()}.
219    This creates and manages a constrained group of threads. Because the initial pool size and
220    the maximum pool size are the same, {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor} creates
221    all of the thread objects when it is instantiated. For example:
224    private PhotoManager() {
225        ...
226        // Sets the amount of time an idle thread waits before terminating
227        private static final int KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 1;
228        // Sets the Time Unit to seconds
229        private static final TimeUnit KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
230        // Creates a thread pool manager
231        mDecodeThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
232                NUMBER_OF_CORES,       // Initial pool size
233                NUMBER_OF_CORES,       // Max pool size
234                KEEP_ALIVE_TIME,
235                KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_UNIT,
236                mDecodeWorkQueue);
237    }