1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <string>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include <jni.h>
25 #include "globals.h"
26 #include "gc/collector_type.h"
27 #include "instruction_set.h"
28 #include "profiler_options.h"
30 namespace art {
32 class CompilerCallbacks;
33 class DexFile;
35 typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const void*>> RuntimeOptions;
37 class ParsedOptions {
38  public:
39   // returns null if problem parsing and ignore_unrecognized is false
40   static ParsedOptions* Create(const RuntimeOptions& options, bool ignore_unrecognized);
42   const std::vector<const DexFile*>* boot_class_path_;
43   std::string boot_class_path_string_;
44   std::string class_path_string_;
45   std::string image_;
46   bool check_jni_;
47   std::string jni_trace_;
48   std::string native_bridge_library_filename_;
49   CompilerCallbacks* compiler_callbacks_;
50   bool is_zygote_;
51   bool must_relocate_;
52   bool dex2oat_enabled_;
53   bool image_dex2oat_enabled_;
54   std::string patchoat_executable_;
55   bool interpreter_only_;
56   bool is_explicit_gc_disabled_;
57   bool use_tlab_;
58   bool verify_pre_gc_heap_;
59   bool verify_pre_sweeping_heap_;
60   bool verify_post_gc_heap_;
61   bool verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_;
62   bool verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_;
63   bool verify_post_gc_rosalloc_;
64   unsigned int long_pause_log_threshold_;
65   unsigned int long_gc_log_threshold_;
66   bool dump_gc_performance_on_shutdown_;
67   bool ignore_max_footprint_;
68   size_t heap_initial_size_;
69   size_t heap_maximum_size_;
70   size_t heap_growth_limit_;
71   size_t heap_min_free_;
72   size_t heap_max_free_;
73   size_t heap_non_moving_space_capacity_;
74   double heap_target_utilization_;
75   double foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_;
76   unsigned int parallel_gc_threads_;
77   unsigned int conc_gc_threads_;
78   gc::CollectorType collector_type_;
79   gc::CollectorType background_collector_type_;
80   size_t stack_size_;
81   unsigned int max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_;
82   bool low_memory_mode_;
83   unsigned int lock_profiling_threshold_;
84   std::string stack_trace_file_;
85   bool method_trace_;
86   std::string method_trace_file_;
87   unsigned int method_trace_file_size_;
88   bool (*hook_is_sensitive_thread_)();
89   jint (*hook_vfprintf_)(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list ap);
90   void (*hook_exit_)(jint status);
91   void (*hook_abort_)();
92   std::vector<std::string> properties_;
93   std::string compiler_executable_;
94   std::vector<std::string> compiler_options_;
95   std::vector<std::string> image_compiler_options_;
96   ProfilerOptions profiler_options_;
97   std::string profile_output_filename_;
98   TraceClockSource profile_clock_source_;
99   bool verify_;
100   InstructionSet image_isa_;
102   // Whether or not we use homogeneous space compaction to avoid OOM errors. If enabled,
103   // the heap will attempt to create an extra space which enables compacting from a malloc space to
104   // another malloc space when we are about to throw OOM.
105   bool use_homogeneous_space_compaction_for_oom_;
106   // Minimal interval allowed between two homogeneous space compactions caused by OOM.
107   uint64_t min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_;
109  private:
ParsedOptions()110   ParsedOptions() {}
112   void Usage(const char* fmt, ...);
113   void UsageMessage(FILE* stream, const char* fmt, ...);
114   void UsageMessageV(FILE* stream, const char* fmt, va_list ap);
116   void Exit(int status);
117   void Abort();
119   bool Parse(const RuntimeOptions& options,  bool ignore_unrecognized);
120   bool ParseXGcOption(const std::string& option);
121   bool ParseStringAfterChar(const std::string& option, char after_char, std::string* parsed_value);
122   bool ParseInteger(const std::string& option, char after_char, int* parsed_value);
123   bool ParseUnsignedInteger(const std::string& option, char after_char, unsigned int* parsed_value);
124   bool ParseDouble(const std::string& option, char after_char, double min, double max,
125                    double* parsed_value);
126 };
128 }  // namespace art