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OWNERSD22-Nov-202364 43

README.txtD22-Nov-20232.3 KiB5942

nvda_chrome_tests.pyD22-Nov-20237.2 KiB230182


1This directory contains semi-automated tests of Chrome with
2NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access), a popular open-source screen reader for
3visually impaired users on Windows. It works by launching Chrome in a
4subprocess, then launching NVDA in a special environment that simulates
5speech rather than actually speaking, and ignores all events coming from
6processes other than a specific Chrome process ID. Each test automates
7Chrome with a series of actions and asserts that NVDA gives the expected
8feedback in response.
10Instructions for running these tests:
121. Install Python 2.7, 32-bit: http://www.python.org/
14   Note - the version of Python installed by Chrome's depot_tools will not
15   work, it's 64-bit.
172. Download pywinauto here:
18     https://code.google.com/p/pywinauto/downloads/list
20   Unzip it, then install it by running this from a cmd shell in that directory:
21     python setup.py install
23   If you get an error, make sure you're using the 32-bit version of Python.
253. Install the latest NVDA "next" snapshot from:
26   http://community.nvda-project.org/wiki/Snapshots
28   In the installer, choose "Create Portable copy" rather than "Install...".
29   From the Browse dialog, create an new folder called nvdaPortable inside
30   this folder.
32   Note: after NVDA 2014.3 stable is released, just use the stable version
33   instead, from http://www.nvaccess.org/download/
34   - if you do this, you need to run NVDA, then from the NVDA menu, choose
35   Tools > Create Portable Copy.
36   From the Browse dialog, create an new folder called nvdaPortable inside
37   this folder.
38   You should now have something like this:
39     d:\src\nvda_chrome_tests\nvdaPortable\nvda.exe
40   You can now exit NVDA.
424. Install Chrome Canary. The binary is typically installed in:
43   c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe
44   ...if not, edit nvda_chrome_tests.py to point to it.
465. Clone the nvda-proctest environment into this directory:
47   git clone https://bitbucket.org/nvaccess/nvda-proctest.git
496. Run the tests:
51   First make sure NVDA is not already running.
53   Open a cmd console, change to the nvda_chrome_tests directory, and run:
54   python nvda_chrome_tests.py
56   If you get an error, open the Windows task manager and make sure NVDA
57   isn't running, kill it if necessary.