Lines Matching refs:DCHECK
62 DCHECK(next_ == nullptr || next_->GetStart() > GetEnd()); in LiveRange()
116 DCHECK((user == nullptr) in UsePosition()
120 DCHECK(next_ == nullptr || next->GetPosition() >= GetPosition()); in UsePosition()
235 DCHECK(IsTemp()); in AddTempUse()
236 DCHECK(first_use_ == nullptr) << "A temporary can only have one user"; in AddTempUse()
237 DCHECK(first_env_use_ == nullptr) << "A temporary cannot have environment user"; in AddTempUse()
268 DCHECK(position == instruction->GetLifetimePosition()
276 DCHECK(!is_environment);
281 DCHECK(first_use_->GetPosition() + 1 == position);
317 DCHECK(first_range_->GetStart() > position);
330 DCHECK(instruction->IsPhi()); in AddPhiUse()
346 DCHECK(is_fixed_); in AddRange()
355 DCHECK(first_range_ != nullptr); in AddLoopRange()
375 DCHECK(last_in_loop != nullptr); in AddLoopRange()
384 DCHECK(!is_fixed_); in SetSpillSlot()
385 DCHECK(!is_temp_); in SetSpillSlot()
395 DCHECK(!defined_by_->HasNonEnvironmentUses()); in SetFrom()
396 DCHECK(from == defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition()); in SetFrom()
445 DCHECK(GetStart() <= current->GetStart() || IsFixed()); in FirstIntersectionWith()
466 DCHECK(my_range->IntersectsWith(*other_range)); in FirstIntersectionWith()
513 DCHECK(defined_by_->GetLocations()->Out().IsValid()); in FirstUseAfter()
562 DCHECK(!is_temp_); in SplitAt()
563 DCHECK(!is_fixed_); in SplitAt()
580 DCHECK(new_interval->first_safepoint_ != nullptr); in SplitAt()
604 DCHECK(previous != nullptr); in SplitAt()
605 DCHECK(current != first_range_); in SplitAt()
621 DCHECK(position < current->GetEnd() && position > current->GetStart()); in SplitAt()
734 DCHECK(HasLowInterval()); in GetLowInterval()
739 DCHECK(HasHighInterval()); in GetHighInterval()
752 DCHECK(IsHighInterval()); in SetLowInterval()
757 DCHECK(IsLowInterval()); in SetHighInterval()
762 DCHECK(IsParent());
763 DCHECK(!HasHighInterval());
764 DCHECK(!HasLowInterval());
812 DCHECK(IsUsingInputRegister()); in CanUseInputRegister()
899 DCHECK(IsDeadAt(position)); in FindRangeAtOrAfter()
916 DCHECK(IsParent()); in DefinitionRequiresRegister()
960 DCHECK(block_at_use.IsInLoop()); in AddBackEdgeUses()
985 DCHECK(HasSynthesizeUseAt(back_edge_use_position)); in AddBackEdgeUses()
989 DCHECK(last_in_new_list == nullptr in AddBackEdgeUses()
1142 DCHECK(temp->IsTemp()); in GetTempUser()
1150 DCHECK(temp->IsTemp()); in GetTempIndex()