Lines Matching refs:Usage

808 NO_RETURN static void Usage(const char *fmt, ...) {  in Usage()  function
949 Usage("No arguments specified"); in patchoat()
990 Usage("Unknown or invalid instruction set %s", isa_str); in patchoat()
994 Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1000 Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1006 Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1011 Usage("Failed to parse --input-oat-fd argument '%s' as an integer", oat_fd_str); in patchoat()
1014 Usage("--input-oat-fd pass a negative value %d", input_oat_fd); in patchoat()
1020 Usage("Only one of --output-oat-file, and --output-oat-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1026 Usage("Only one of --output-oat-file, --output-oat-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1031 Usage("Failed to parse --output-oat-fd argument '%s' as an integer", oat_fd_str); in patchoat()
1034 Usage("--output-oat-fd pass a negative value %d", output_oat_fd); in patchoat()
1038 Usage("Only one of --output-image-file, and --output-image-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1044 Usage("Only one of --output-image-file, and --output-image-fd may be used."); in patchoat()
1049 Usage("Failed to parse --output-image-fd argument '%s' as an integer", image_fd_str); in patchoat()
1052 Usage("--output-image-fd pass a negative value %d", output_image_fd); in patchoat()
1058 Usage("Failed to parse --orig-base-offset argument '%s' as an uintptr_t", in patchoat()
1065 Usage("Failed to parse --base-offset argument '%s' as an uintptr_t", base_offset_str); in patchoat()
1071 Usage("Failed to parse --base-offset-delta argument '%s' as an off_t", base_delta_str); in patchoat()
1086 Usage("Unknown argument %s",; in patchoat()
1098 Usage("Only one of --base-offset/--orig-base-offset, --base-offset-delta, " in patchoat()
1101 Usage("Must specify --base-offset-delta, --base-offset and --orig-base-offset, " in patchoat()
1107 Usage("Either both input and output oat must be supplied or niether must be."); in patchoat()
1111 Usage("Either both input and output image must be supplied or niether must be."); in patchoat()
1119 Usage("Must be patching either an oat or an image file or both."); in patchoat()
1123 Usage("Must include ISA if patching an image file without an oat file."); in patchoat()
1128 Usage("specifying a location requires specifying an instruction set"); in patchoat()
1131 Usage("Unable to find filename for input oat location %s", input_oat_location.c_str()); in patchoat()
1139 Usage("specifying a location requires specifying an instruction set"); in patchoat()
1151 Usage("Unable to determine image file for location %s", patched_image_location.c_str()); in patchoat()
1160 Usage("Unable to determine image file for location %s", patched_image_location.c_str()); in patchoat()
1175 Usage(error_msg.c_str(), patched_image_filename.c_str()); in patchoat()
1179 Usage("Unable to determine original base offset."); in patchoat()
1181 Usage("Must supply a desired new offset or delta."); in patchoat()
1187 Usage("Base offset/delta must be alligned to a pagesize (0x%08x) boundary.", kPageSize); in patchoat()