Lines Matching refs:UCHAR
194 …UCHAR bPsHeaderValid; /*!< set if new header is available fro…
196 …UCHAR bEnableIid; /*!< One bit denoting the presence of I…
197 …UCHAR bEnableIcc; /*!< One bit denoting the presence of I…
198 …UCHAR bEnableExt; /*!< The PS extension layer is enabled …
202 …UCHAR modeIid; /*!< The configuration of IID parameter…
204 …UCHAR modeIcc; /*!< The configuration of Inter-channel…
208 …UCHAR freqResIid; /*!< 0=low, 1=mid or 2=high frequency r…
209 …UCHAR freqResIcc; /*!< 0=low, 1=mid or 2=high frequency r…
211 …UCHAR bFineIidQ; /*!< Use fine Iid quantisation. …
213 …UCHAR bFrameClass; /*!< The frame_class bit determines whe…
218 …UCHAR noEnv; /*!< The number of envelopes per frame …
219 …UCHAR aEnvStartStop[MAX_NO_PS_ENV+1]; /*!< In case of variable parameter spac…
241 …UCHAR psDecodedPrv; /*!< set if PS has been processed in th…
244 …UCHAR bsLastSlot; /*!< Index of last read slot. …
245 …UCHAR bsReadSlot; /*!< Index of current read slot for add…
246 …UCHAR processSlot; /*!< Index of current slot for processi…
261 …UCHAR delayBufIndex; /*!< Pointer to where the latest samp…
262 …UCHAR noSampleDelay; /*!< How many QMF samples delay is us…
263 …UCHAR lastUsb; /*!< uppermost WMF delay band of last…
265 …UCHAR aDelayRBufIndexSer[NO_SERIAL_ALLPASS_LINKS]; /*!< Delay buffer for reverb filter…
266 …UCHAR aDelayBufIndexDelayQmf[NO_QMF_CHANNELS-FIRST_DELAY_SB]; /*!< Delay buffer for ICC group 20 …