Lines Matching refs:INT
114 INT bitRate;
115 INT nChannels;
116 INT sampleFreq;
117 INT transFac;
118 INT standardBitrate;
165 INT SendHeaderDataTime; /*!< SBR header send update frequency in ms. */
166 INT useWaveCoding; /*!< Flag: usage of wavecoding tool. */
167 INT crcSbr; /*!< Flag: usage of SBR-CRC. */
168 INT dynBwSupported; /*!< Flag: support for dynamic bandwidth in this combination. */
169 INT parametricCoding; /*!< Flag: usage of parametric coding tool. */
170 INT downSampleFactor; /*!< Sampling rate relation between the SBR and the core encoder. */
176 INT tran_thr; /*!< SBR transient detector threshold (* 100). */
177 INT noiseFloorOffset; /*!< Noise floor offset. */
185 …INT sbrFrameSize; /*!< SBR frame size in samples. Will be calculated from core coder set…
186 INT sbr_data_extra; /*!< Flag usage of data extra. */
187 INT amp_res; /*!< Amplitude resolution. */
188 INT ana_max_level; /*!< Noise insertion maximum level. */
189 INT tran_fc; /*!< Transient detector start frequency. */
190 INT tran_det_mode; /*!< Transient detector mode. */
191 INT spread; /*!< Flag: usage of SBR spread. */
192 INT stat; /*!< Flag: usage of static framing. */
193 INT e; /*!< Number of envelopes when static framing is chosen. */
195 INT deltaTAcrossFrames; /*!< Flag: allow time-delta coding. */
198 INT sbr_invf_mode; /*!< Inverse filtering mode. */
199 INT sbr_xpos_mode; /*!< Transposer mode. */
200 INT sbr_xpos_ctrl; /*!< Transposer control. */
201 INT sbr_xpos_level; /*!< Transposer 3rd order level. */
202 INT startFreq; /*!< The start frequency table index. */
203 INT stopFreq; /*!< The stop frequency table index. */
204 INT useSaPan; /*!< Flag: usage of SAPAN stereo. */
205 INT dynBwEnabled; /*!< Flag: usage of dynamic bandwidth. */
206 INT bParametricStereo; /*!< Flag: usage of parametric stereo coding tool. */
212 INT alterScale; /*!< Scale resolution. */
213 INT sbr_noise_bands; /*!< Number of noise bands. */
219 INT sbr_limiter_bands; /*!< Number of limiter bands. */
220 INT sbr_limiter_gains; /*!< Gain of limiter. */
221 INT sbr_interpol_freq; /*!< Flag: use interpolation in freq. direction. */
222 INT sbr_smoothing_length; /*!< Flag: choose length 4 or 0 (=on, off). */
229 INT nChannels; /**< Number of channels. */
231 …INT nSfb[2]; /**< Number of SBR scalefactor bands for LO_RES and HI_RES (…
232 INT num_Master; /**< Number of elements in v_k_master. */
233 INT sampleFreq; /**< SBR sampling frequency. */
234 INT frameSize;
235 INT xOverFreq; /**< The SBR start frequency. */
236 …INT dynXOverFreq; /**< Used crossover frequency when dynamic bandwidth is enab…
237 INT noQmfBands; /**< Number of QMF frequency bands. */
238 INT noQmfSlots; /**< Number of QMF slots. */
245 INT noEnvChannels; /**< Number of envelope channels. */
247 …INT useWaveCoding; /**< Flag indicates whether to use wave coding at all. …
248 …INT useParametricCoding; /**< Flag indicates whether to use para coding at all. …
249 …INT xposCtrlSwitch; /**< Flag indicates whether to switch xpos ctrl on the fly. …
250 …INT switchTransposers; /**< Flag indicates whether to switch xpos on the fly . …
256 INT bitRate;
275 INT sbrEncoder_GetInBufferSize(int noChannels);
277 INT sbrEncoder_Open(
279 INT nElements,
280 INT nChannels,
281 INT supportPS
325 INT sbrEncoder_Init(
330 INT *coreBandwidth,
331 INT *inputBufferOffset,
332 INT *numChannels,
333 INT *sampleRate,
335 INT *frameLength,
349 INT sbrEncoder_UpdateBuffers(HANDLE_SBR_ENCODER hEnvEnc,
369 INT sbrEncoder_EncodeFrame(HANDLE_SBR_ENCODER hEnvEncoder,
386 INT element_index,
394 INT sbrEncoder_GetEstimateBitrate(HANDLE_SBR_ENCODER hSbrEncoder);
402 INT sbrEncoder_GetInputDataDelay(HANDLE_SBR_ENCODER hSbrEncoder);
409 INT sbrEncoder_GetLibInfo(LIB_INFO *info);