Lines Matching defs:explanation

225     explanation = ''  variable in WSGIHTTPException
396 explanation = 'The request is accepted for processing.' variable in HTTPAccepted
470 explanation = 'The resource has been moved to' variable in _HTTPMove
541 explanation = 'The resource was found at' variable in HTTPFound
585 explanation = ( variable in HTTPUseProxy
617 explanation = ('The server could not comply with the request since\r\n' variable in HTTPClientError
633 explanation = ( variable in HTTPUnauthorized
647 explanation = ('Access was denied for financial reasons.') variable in HTTPPaymentRequired
660 explanation = ('Access was denied to this resource.') variable in HTTPForbidden
673 explanation = ('The resource could not be found.') variable in HTTPNotFound
721 explanation = ('Authentication with a local proxy is needed.') variable in HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired
734 explanation = ('The server has waited too long for the request to ' variable in HTTPRequestTimeout
748 explanation = ('There was a conflict when trying to complete ' variable in HTTPConflict
762 explanation = ('This resource is no longer available. No forwarding ' variable in HTTPGone
776 explanation = ('Content-Length header required.') variable in HTTPLengthRequired
790 explanation = ('Request precondition failed.') variable in HTTPPreconditionFailed
804 explanation = ('The body of your request was too large for this server.') variable in HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
818 explanation = ('The request URI was too long for this server.') variable in HTTPRequestURITooLong
852 explanation = ('The Range requested is not available.') variable in HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable
865 explanation = ('Expectation failed.') variable in HTTPExpectationFailed
879 explanation = 'Unable to process the contained instructions' variable in HTTPUnprocessableEntity
892 explanation = ('The resource is locked') variable in HTTPLocked
906 explanation = ( variable in HTTPFailedDependency
921 explanation = ('This request is required to be conditional') variable in HTTPPreconditionRequired
936 explanation = ( variable in HTTPTooManyRequests
953 explanation = ( variable in HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
973 explanation = ('The resource is not available due to legal reasons.') variable in HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons
997 explanation = ( variable in HTTPServerError
1031 explanation = ('Bad gateway.') variable in HTTPBadGateway
1044 explanation = ('The server is currently unavailable. ' variable in HTTPServiceUnavailable
1060 explanation = ('The gateway has timed out.') variable in HTTPGatewayTimeout
1074 explanation = ('The HTTP version is not supported.') variable in HTTPVersionNotSupported
1087 explanation = ('There was not enough space to save the resource') variable in HTTPInsufficientStorage
1100 explanation = ('Network authentication is required') variable in HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired