Lines Matching refs:Test8

157 @interface Test8 : Test8_super  interface
189 - (Test8*) init40; // id exception to covariance
190 - (Test8*) init41; // expected-note {{declaration in interface}} \
192 - (Test8*) init42; // expected-note{{overridden method}}
193 - (Test8*) init43; // this should be a warning, but that's a general language thing, not an ARC thi…
194 - (Test8*) init44;
195 - (Test8*) init45; // expected-note{{overridden method}}
204 @implementation Test8 implementation
213 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
217 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
219 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
223 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
227 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
229 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
239 - (Test8*) init04 { return 0; }
240 - (Test8*) init14 { return 0; } // expected-error {{method implementation does not match its declar…
241 - (Test8*) init24 { return 0; }
242 - (Test8*) init34 { return 0; }
243 - (Test8*) init44 { return 0; }
244 - (Test8*) init54 { return 0; }
247 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
251 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …
253 …cted-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Test8', but is declared …