Lines Matching defs:FragmentOperationState
226 struct FragmentOperationState struct
230 bool scissorTestEnabled;
231 WindowRectangle scissorRectangle;
233 bool stencilTestEnabled;
234 StencilState stencilStates[2]; //!< Indexed with FACETYPE_FRONT and FACETYPE_BACK.
236 bool depthTestEnabled;
237 TestFunc depthFunc;
238 bool depthMask;
240 BlendMode blendMode;
243 BlendState blendRGBState;
244 BlendState blendAState;
245 tcu::Vec4 blendColor; //!< Components should be in range [0, 1].
247 BlendEquationAdvanced blendEquationAdvaced;
249 bool sRGBEnabled;
251 bool depthClampEnabled;
253 bool polygonOffsetEnabled;
254 float polygonOffsetFactor;
255 float polygonOffsetUnits;
257 tcu::BVec4 colorMask;
261 int numStencilBits;
263 FragmentOperationState (void) in FragmentOperationState() function