Lines Matching defs:GSUBGPOS
2258 struct GSUBGPOS struct
2260 static const hb_tag_t GSUBTag = HB_OT_TAG_GSUB;
2261 static const hb_tag_t GPOSTag = HB_OT_TAG_GPOS;
2263 inline unsigned int get_script_count (void) const in get_script_count()
2265 inline const Tag& get_script_tag (unsigned int i) const in get_script_tag()
2267 inline unsigned int get_script_tags (unsigned int start_offset, in get_script_tags()
2271 inline const Script& get_script (unsigned int i) const in get_script()
2273 inline bool find_script_index (hb_tag_t tag, unsigned int *index) const in find_script_index()
2276 inline unsigned int get_feature_count (void) const in get_feature_count()
2278 inline hb_tag_t get_feature_tag (unsigned int i) const in get_feature_tag()
2280 inline unsigned int get_feature_tags (unsigned int start_offset, in get_feature_tags()
2284 inline const Feature& get_feature (unsigned int i) const in get_feature()
2286 inline bool find_feature_index (hb_tag_t tag, unsigned int *index) const in find_feature_index()
2289 inline unsigned int get_lookup_count (void) const in get_lookup_count()
2291 inline const Lookup& get_lookup (unsigned int i) const in get_lookup()
2294 inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) { in sanitize()
2303 FixedVersion version; /* Version of the GSUB/GPOS table--initially set
2306 scriptList; /* ScriptList table */
2308 featureList; /* FeatureList table */
2310 lookupList; /* LookupList table */