Lines Matching refs:NI
37 ping6: Improve randomness of NI Nonce.
96 ping6: Do not clear seq check array twice for NI.
98 ping6: Introduce helper functions for nonce in NI.
100 ping6: Ensure to call srand() to get some randomness in NI Nonce.
101 ping6: Generate different NI Nonce in each NI Query (Memory version).
102 ping6: Generate different NI Nonce in each NI Query (MD5 version).
103 ping6: Cache NI Nonce.
104 ping6: Print 'sequence number' embedded in NI Nonce.
151 ping6: NI Subjecet address did not work (-N subject-{ipv6,ipv4] suboptions).
193 ping6: Generate NI Group Address and Subject Name at once.
197 ping6: IDN support for the Subject Name in NI Query.
236 ping6: Provide enough buffer for dn_comp() and make NI Query with Name subject work.
282 Extend -N option for NI Query options.
288 ping6: Handle ICMPv6 code in NI Reply.
289 ping6: Add subject-ipv6 and subject-ipv4 NI sub-option for subject address.