Lines Matching refs:STL
45 compiled with or without STL support. TinyXml fully supports
90 <h3> Using STL </h3>
92 TinyXml can be compiled to use or not use STL. When using STL, TinyXml
97 When STL support is compiled out, no STL files are included whatsover. All
109 variable TINYXML_USE_STL=YES/NO will control STL compilation. In the
110 Windows project file, STL and non STL targets are provided. In your project,
250 implementation of the STL and limitations of TinyXml.
334 <li>tinyxml: tinyxml library, non-STL </li>
335 <li>tinyxmlSTL: tinyxml library, STL </li>
336 <li>tinyXmlTest: test app, non-STL </li>
337 <li>tinyXmlTestSTL: test app, STL </li>