# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ Formatters for the exception data that comes from ExceptionCollector. """ # @@: TODO: # Use this: http://www.zope.org/Members/tino/VisualTraceback/VisualTracebackNews import cgi import six import re from paste.util import PySourceColor def html_quote(s): return cgi.escape(str(s), True) class AbstractFormatter(object): general_data_order = ['object', 'source_url'] def __init__(self, show_hidden_frames=False, include_reusable=True, show_extra_data=True, trim_source_paths=()): self.show_hidden_frames = show_hidden_frames self.trim_source_paths = trim_source_paths self.include_reusable = include_reusable self.show_extra_data = show_extra_data def format_collected_data(self, exc_data): general_data = {} if self.show_extra_data: for name, value_list in exc_data.extra_data.items(): if isinstance(name, tuple): importance, title = name else: importance, title = 'normal', name for value in value_list: general_data[(importance, name)] = self.format_extra_data( importance, title, value) lines = [] frames = self.filter_frames(exc_data.frames) for frame in frames: sup = frame.supplement if sup: if sup.object: general_data[('important', 'object')] = self.format_sup_object( sup.object) if sup.source_url: general_data[('important', 'source_url')] = self.format_sup_url( sup.source_url) if sup.line: lines.append(self.format_sup_line_pos(sup.line, sup.column)) if sup.expression: lines.append(self.format_sup_expression(sup.expression)) if sup.warnings: for warning in sup.warnings: lines.append(self.format_sup_warning(warning)) if sup.info: lines.extend(self.format_sup_info(sup.info)) if frame.supplement_exception: lines.append('Exception in supplement:') lines.append(self.quote_long(frame.supplement_exception)) if frame.traceback_info: lines.append(self.format_traceback_info(frame.traceback_info)) filename = frame.filename if filename and self.trim_source_paths: for path, repl in self.trim_source_paths: if filename.startswith(path): filename = repl + filename[len(path):] break lines.append(self.format_source_line(filename or '?', frame)) source = frame.get_source_line() long_source = frame.get_source_line(2) if source: lines.append(self.format_long_source( source, long_source)) etype = exc_data.exception_type if not isinstance(etype, six.string_types): etype = etype.__name__ exc_info = self.format_exception_info( etype, exc_data.exception_value) data_by_importance = {'important': [], 'normal': [], 'supplemental': [], 'extra': []} for (importance, name), value in general_data.items(): data_by_importance[importance].append( (name, value)) for value in data_by_importance.values(): value.sort() return self.format_combine(data_by_importance, lines, exc_info) def filter_frames(self, frames): """ Removes any frames that should be hidden, according to the values of traceback_hide, self.show_hidden_frames, and the hidden status of the final frame. """ if self.show_hidden_frames: return frames new_frames = [] hidden = False for frame in frames: hide = frame.traceback_hide # @@: It would be nice to signal a warning if an unknown # hide string was used, but I'm not sure where to put # that warning. if hide == 'before': new_frames = [] hidden = False elif hide == 'before_and_this': new_frames = [] hidden = False continue elif hide == 'reset': hidden = False elif hide == 'reset_and_this': hidden = False continue elif hide == 'after': hidden = True elif hide == 'after_and_this': hidden = True continue elif hide: continue elif hidden: continue new_frames.append(frame) if frames[-1] not in new_frames: # We must include the last frame; that we don't indicates # that the error happened where something was "hidden", # so we just have to show everything return frames return new_frames def pretty_string_repr(self, s): """ Formats the string as a triple-quoted string when it contains newlines. """ if '\n' in s: s = repr(s) s = s[0]*3 + s[1:-1] + s[-1]*3 s = s.replace('\\n', '\n') return s else: return repr(s) def long_item_list(self, lst): """ Returns true if the list contains items that are long, and should be more nicely formatted. """ how_many = 0 for item in lst: if len(repr(item)) > 40: how_many += 1 if how_many >= 3: return True return False class TextFormatter(AbstractFormatter): def quote(self, s): return s def quote_long(self, s): return s def emphasize(self, s): return s def format_sup_object(self, obj): return 'In object: %s' % self.emphasize(self.quote(repr(obj))) def format_sup_url(self, url): return 'URL: %s' % self.quote(url) def format_sup_line_pos(self, line, column): if column: return self.emphasize('Line %i, Column %i' % (line, column)) else: return self.emphasize('Line %i' % line) def format_sup_expression(self, expr): return self.emphasize('In expression: %s' % self.quote(expr)) def format_sup_warning(self, warning): return 'Warning: %s' % self.quote(warning) def format_sup_info(self, info): return [self.quote_long(info)] def format_source_line(self, filename, frame): return 'File %r, line %s in %s' % ( filename, frame.lineno or '?', frame.name or '?') def format_long_source(self, source, long_source): return self.format_source(source) def format_source(self, source_line): return ' ' + self.quote(source_line.strip()) def format_exception_info(self, etype, evalue): return self.emphasize( '%s: %s' % (self.quote(etype), self.quote(evalue))) def format_traceback_info(self, info): return info def format_combine(self, data_by_importance, lines, exc_info): lines[:0] = [value for n, value in data_by_importance['important']] lines.append(exc_info) for name in 'normal', 'supplemental', 'extra': lines.extend([value for n, value in data_by_importance[name]]) return self.format_combine_lines(lines) def format_combine_lines(self, lines): return '\n'.join(lines) def format_extra_data(self, importance, title, value): if isinstance(value, str): s = self.pretty_string_repr(value) if '\n' in s: return '%s:\n%s' % (title, s) else: return '%s: %s' % (title, s) elif isinstance(value, dict): lines = ['\n', title, '-'*len(title)] items = value.items() items.sort() for n, v in items: try: v = repr(v) except Exception as e: v = 'Cannot display: %s' % e v = truncate(v) lines.append(' %s: %s' % (n, v)) return '\n'.join(lines) elif (isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and self.long_item_list(value)): parts = [truncate(repr(v)) for v in value] return '%s: [\n %s]' % ( title, ',\n '.join(parts)) else: return '%s: %s' % (title, truncate(repr(value))) class HTMLFormatter(TextFormatter): def quote(self, s): return html_quote(s) def quote_long(self, s): return '
%s' % self.quote(s) def emphasize(self, s): return '%s' % s def format_sup_url(self, url): return 'URL: %s' % (url, url) def format_combine_lines(self, lines): return '
' % (
filename, frame.modname or '?', frame.lineno or '?',
return 'File %r, line %s in %s' % (
filename, frame.lineno, name)
def format_long_source(self, source, long_source):
q_long_source = str2html(long_source, False, 4, True)
q_source = str2html(source, True, 0, False)
return (' '
'>> %s
% (q_long_source,
def format_source(self, source_line):
return ' %s
' % self.quote(source_line.strip())
def format_traceback_info(self, info):
return '%s' % self.quote(info) def format_extra_data(self, importance, title, value): if isinstance(value, str): s = self.pretty_string_repr(value) if '\n' in s: return '%s:
%s' % (title, self.quote(s)) else: return '%s: %s' % (title, self.quote(s)) elif isinstance(value, dict): return self.zebra_table(title, value) elif (isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and self.long_item_list(value)): return '%s: [
%s | |
%s | ' % (odd and 'odd' or 'even', self.quote(name))) table.append( '%s |
`` block, so wrap on a line-by-line basis. """ lines = html.splitlines() new_lines = [] for line in lines: if len(line) > wrap_limit: for char in split_on: if char in line: parts = line.split(char) line = ''.join(parts) break new_lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines)