// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only -Wno-unused-value #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : disable half half_disabled(half *p, // expected-error{{declaring function return value of type 'half' is not allowed}} half h) // expected-error{{declaring function parameter of type 'half' is not allowed}} { half a[2]; // expected-error{{declaring variable of type 'half [2]' is not allowed}} half b; // expected-error{{declaring variable of type 'half' is not allowed}} *p; // expected-error{{loading directly from pointer to type 'half' is not allowed}} p[1]; // expected-error{{loading directly from pointer to type 'half' is not allowed}} float c = 1.0f; b = (half) c; // expected-error{{casting to type 'half' is not allowed}} half *allowed = &p[1]; half *allowed2 = &*p; half *allowed3 = p + 1; return h; } // Exactly the same as above but with the cl_khr_fp16 extension enabled. #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable half half_enabled(half *p, half h) { half a[2]; half b; *p; p[1]; float c = 1.0f; b = (half) c; half *allowed = &p[1]; half *allowed2 = &*p; half *allowed3 = p + 1; return h; }