//===-- Type.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Other libraries and framework includes #include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h" #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/Scalar.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTType.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolVendor.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeList.h" #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; class TypeAppendVisitor { public: TypeAppendVisitor(TypeListImpl &type_list) : m_type_list(type_list) { } bool operator() (const lldb::TypeSP& type) { m_type_list.Append(TypeImplSP(new TypeImpl(type))); return true; } private: TypeListImpl &m_type_list; }; void TypeListImpl::Append (const lldb_private::TypeList &type_list) { TypeAppendVisitor cb(*this); type_list.ForEach(cb); } Type * SymbolFileType::GetType () { if (!m_type_sp) { Type *resolved_type = m_symbol_file.ResolveTypeUID (GetID()); if (resolved_type) m_type_sp = resolved_type->shared_from_this(); } return m_type_sp.get(); } Type::Type ( lldb::user_id_t uid, SymbolFile* symbol_file, const ConstString &name, uint64_t byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context, user_id_t encoding_uid, EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type, const Declaration& decl, const ClangASTType &clang_type, ResolveState clang_type_resolve_state ) : std::enable_shared_from_this<Type> (), UserID (uid), m_name (name), m_symbol_file (symbol_file), m_context (context), m_encoding_type (NULL), m_encoding_uid (encoding_uid), m_encoding_uid_type (encoding_uid_type), m_byte_size (byte_size), m_decl (decl), m_clang_type (clang_type) { m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state = (clang_type ? clang_type_resolve_state : eResolveStateUnresolved); m_flags.is_complete_objc_class = false; } Type::Type () : std::enable_shared_from_this<Type> (), UserID (0), m_name ("<INVALID TYPE>"), m_symbol_file (NULL), m_context (NULL), m_encoding_type (NULL), m_encoding_uid (LLDB_INVALID_UID), m_encoding_uid_type (eEncodingInvalid), m_byte_size (0), m_decl (), m_clang_type () { m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state = eResolveStateUnresolved; m_flags.is_complete_objc_class = false; } Type::Type (const Type &rhs) : std::enable_shared_from_this<Type> (rhs), UserID (rhs), m_name (rhs.m_name), m_symbol_file (rhs.m_symbol_file), m_context (rhs.m_context), m_encoding_type (rhs.m_encoding_type), m_encoding_uid (rhs.m_encoding_uid), m_encoding_uid_type (rhs.m_encoding_uid_type), m_byte_size (rhs.m_byte_size), m_decl (rhs.m_decl), m_clang_type (rhs.m_clang_type), m_flags (rhs.m_flags) { } const Type& Type::operator= (const Type& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { } return *this; } void Type::GetDescription (Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level, bool show_name) { *s << "id = " << (const UserID&)*this; // Call the name accessor to make sure we resolve the type name if (show_name) { const ConstString &type_name = GetName(); if (type_name) { *s << ", name = \"" << type_name << '"'; ConstString qualified_type_name (GetQualifiedName()); if (qualified_type_name != type_name) { *s << ", qualified = \"" << qualified_type_name << '"'; } } } // Call the get byte size accesor so we resolve our byte size if (GetByteSize()) s->Printf(", byte-size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size); bool show_fullpaths = (level == lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose); m_decl.Dump(s, show_fullpaths); if (m_clang_type.IsValid()) { *s << ", clang_type = \""; GetClangForwardType().DumpTypeDescription(s); *s << '"'; } else if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) { s->Printf(", type_uid = 0x%8.8" PRIx64, m_encoding_uid); switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingInvalid: break; case eEncodingIsUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved type)"); break; case eEncodingIsConstUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved const type)"); break; case eEncodingIsRestrictUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved restrict type)"); break; case eEncodingIsVolatileUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved volatile type)"); break; case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved typedef)"); break; case eEncodingIsPointerUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved pointer)"); break; case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved L value reference)"); break; case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved R value reference)"); break; case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID: s->PutCString(" (synthetic type)"); break; } } } void Type::Dump (Stream *s, bool show_context) { s->Printf("%p: ", this); s->Indent(); *s << "Type" << (const UserID&)*this << ' '; if (m_name) *s << ", name = \"" << m_name << "\""; if (m_byte_size != 0) s->Printf(", size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size); if (show_context && m_context != NULL) { s->PutCString(", context = ( "); m_context->DumpSymbolContext(s); s->PutCString(" )"); } bool show_fullpaths = false; m_decl.Dump (s,show_fullpaths); if (m_clang_type.IsValid()) { *s << ", clang_type = " << m_clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType() << ' '; GetClangForwardType().DumpTypeDescription (s); } else if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) { *s << ", type_data = " << (uint64_t)m_encoding_uid; switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingInvalid: break; case eEncodingIsUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved type)"); break; case eEncodingIsConstUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved const type)"); break; case eEncodingIsRestrictUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved restrict type)"); break; case eEncodingIsVolatileUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved volatile type)"); break; case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved typedef)"); break; case eEncodingIsPointerUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved pointer)"); break; case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved L value reference)"); break; case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: s->PutCString(" (unresolved R value reference)"); break; case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID: s->PutCString(" (synthetic type)"); break; } } // // if (m_access) // s->Printf(", access = %u", m_access); s->EOL(); } const ConstString & Type::GetName() { if (!m_name) m_name = GetClangForwardType().GetConstTypeName(); return m_name; } void Type::DumpTypeName(Stream *s) { GetName().Dump(s, "<invalid-type-name>"); } void Type::DumpValue ( ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s, const DataExtractor &data, uint32_t data_byte_offset, bool show_types, bool show_summary, bool verbose, lldb::Format format ) { if (ResolveClangType(eResolveStateForward)) { if (show_types) { s->PutChar('('); if (verbose) s->Printf("Type{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "} ", GetID()); DumpTypeName (s); s->PutCString(") "); } GetClangForwardType().DumpValue (exe_ctx, s, format == lldb::eFormatDefault ? GetFormat() : format, data, data_byte_offset, GetByteSize(), 0, // Bitfield bit size 0, // Bitfield bit offset show_types, show_summary, verbose, 0); } } Type * Type::GetEncodingType () { if (m_encoding_type == NULL && m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) m_encoding_type = m_symbol_file->ResolveTypeUID(m_encoding_uid); return m_encoding_type; } uint64_t Type::GetByteSize() { if (m_byte_size == 0) { switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingInvalid: case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID: break; case eEncodingIsUID: case eEncodingIsConstUID: case eEncodingIsRestrictUID: case eEncodingIsVolatileUID: case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: { Type *encoding_type = GetEncodingType (); if (encoding_type) m_byte_size = encoding_type->GetByteSize(); if (m_byte_size == 0) m_byte_size = GetClangLayoutType().GetByteSize(); } break; // If we are a pointer or reference, then this is just a pointer size; case eEncodingIsPointerUID: case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: m_byte_size = m_symbol_file->GetClangASTContext().GetPointerByteSize(); break; } } return m_byte_size; } uint32_t Type::GetNumChildren (bool omit_empty_base_classes) { return GetClangForwardType().GetNumChildren(omit_empty_base_classes); } bool Type::IsAggregateType () { return GetClangForwardType().IsAggregateType(); } lldb::TypeSP Type::GetTypedefType() { lldb::TypeSP type_sp; if (IsTypedef()) { Type *typedef_type = m_symbol_file->ResolveTypeUID(m_encoding_uid); if (typedef_type) type_sp = typedef_type->shared_from_this(); } return type_sp; } lldb::Format Type::GetFormat () { return GetClangForwardType().GetFormat(); } lldb::Encoding Type::GetEncoding (uint64_t &count) { // Make sure we resolve our type if it already hasn't been. return GetClangForwardType().GetEncoding(count); } bool Type::DumpValueInMemory ( ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s, lldb::addr_t address, AddressType address_type, bool show_types, bool show_summary, bool verbose ) { if (address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { DataExtractor data; Target *target = NULL; if (exe_ctx) target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr(); if (target) data.SetByteOrder (target->GetArchitecture().GetByteOrder()); if (ReadFromMemory (exe_ctx, address, address_type, data)) { DumpValue(exe_ctx, s, data, 0, show_types, show_summary, verbose); return true; } } return false; } bool Type::ReadFromMemory (ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t addr, AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data) { if (address_type == eAddressTypeFile) { // Can't convert a file address to anything valid without more // context (which Module it came from) return false; } const uint64_t byte_size = GetByteSize(); if (data.GetByteSize() < byte_size) { lldb::DataBufferSP data_sp(new DataBufferHeap (byte_size, '\0')); data.SetData(data_sp); } uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)data.PeekData(0, byte_size); if (dst != NULL) { if (address_type == eAddressTypeHost) { // The address is an address in this process, so just copy it if (addr == 0) return false; memcpy (dst, (uint8_t*)NULL + addr, byte_size); return true; } else { if (exe_ctx) { Process *process = exe_ctx->GetProcessPtr(); if (process) { Error error; return exe_ctx->GetProcessPtr()->ReadMemory(addr, dst, byte_size, error) == byte_size; } } } } return false; } bool Type::WriteToMemory (ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t addr, AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data) { return false; } TypeList* Type::GetTypeList() { return GetSymbolFile()->GetTypeList(); } const Declaration & Type::GetDeclaration () const { return m_decl; } bool Type::ResolveClangType (ResolveState clang_type_resolve_state) { Type *encoding_type = NULL; if (!m_clang_type.IsValid()) { encoding_type = GetEncodingType(); if (encoding_type) { switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingIsUID: { ClangASTType encoding_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType(); if (encoding_clang_type.IsValid()) { m_clang_type = encoding_clang_type; m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state = encoding_type->m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state; } } break; case eEncodingIsConstUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().AddConstModifier(); break; case eEncodingIsRestrictUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().AddRestrictModifier(); break; case eEncodingIsVolatileUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().AddVolatileModifier(); break; case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().CreateTypedefType (GetName().AsCString(), GetSymbolFile()->GetClangDeclContextContainingTypeUID(GetID())); m_name.Clear(); break; case eEncodingIsPointerUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().GetPointerType(); break; case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().GetLValueReferenceType(); break; case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: m_clang_type = encoding_type->GetClangForwardType().GetRValueReferenceType(); break; default: assert(!"Unhandled encoding_data_type."); break; } } else { // We have no encoding type, return void? ClangASTType void_clang_type (ClangASTContext::GetBasicType(GetClangASTContext().getASTContext(), eBasicTypeVoid)); switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingIsUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type; break; case eEncodingIsConstUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.AddConstModifier (); break; case eEncodingIsRestrictUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.AddRestrictModifier (); break; case eEncodingIsVolatileUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.AddVolatileModifier (); break; case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.CreateTypedefType (GetName().AsCString(), GetSymbolFile()->GetClangDeclContextContainingTypeUID(GetID())); break; case eEncodingIsPointerUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.GetPointerType (); break; case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.GetLValueReferenceType (); break; case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: m_clang_type = void_clang_type.GetRValueReferenceType (); break; default: assert(!"Unhandled encoding_data_type."); break; } } } // Check if we have a forward reference to a class/struct/union/enum? if (m_clang_type.IsValid() && m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state < clang_type_resolve_state) { m_flags.clang_type_resolve_state = eResolveStateFull; if (!m_clang_type.IsDefined ()) { // We have a forward declaration, we need to resolve it to a complete definition. m_symbol_file->ResolveClangOpaqueTypeDefinition (m_clang_type); } } // If we have an encoding type, then we need to make sure it is // resolved appropriately. if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) { if (encoding_type == NULL) encoding_type = GetEncodingType(); if (encoding_type) { ResolveState encoding_clang_type_resolve_state = clang_type_resolve_state; if (clang_type_resolve_state == eResolveStateLayout) { switch (m_encoding_uid_type) { case eEncodingIsPointerUID: case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID: case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: encoding_clang_type_resolve_state = eResolveStateForward; break; default: break; } } encoding_type->ResolveClangType (encoding_clang_type_resolve_state); } } return m_clang_type.IsValid(); } uint32_t Type::GetEncodingMask () { uint32_t encoding_mask = 1u << m_encoding_uid_type; Type *encoding_type = GetEncodingType(); assert (encoding_type != this); if (encoding_type) encoding_mask |= encoding_type->GetEncodingMask (); return encoding_mask; } ClangASTType Type::GetClangFullType () { ResolveClangType(eResolveStateFull); return m_clang_type; } ClangASTType Type::GetClangLayoutType () { ResolveClangType(eResolveStateLayout); return m_clang_type; } ClangASTType Type::GetClangForwardType () { ResolveClangType (eResolveStateForward); return m_clang_type; } ClangASTContext & Type::GetClangASTContext () { return m_symbol_file->GetClangASTContext(); } int Type::Compare(const Type &a, const Type &b) { // Just compare the UID values for now... lldb::user_id_t a_uid = a.GetID(); lldb::user_id_t b_uid = b.GetID(); if (a_uid < b_uid) return -1; if (a_uid > b_uid) return 1; return 0; // if (a.getQualType() == b.getQualType()) // return 0; } #if 0 // START REMOVE // Move this into ClangASTType void * Type::CreateClangPointerType (Type *type) { assert(type); return GetClangASTContext().CreatePointerType(type->GetClangForwardType()); } void * Type::CreateClangTypedefType (Type *typedef_type, Type *base_type) { assert(typedef_type && base_type); return GetClangASTContext().CreateTypedefType (typedef_type->GetName().AsCString(), base_type->GetClangForwardType(), typedef_type->GetSymbolFile()->GetClangDeclContextContainingTypeUID(typedef_type->GetID())); } void * Type::CreateClangLValueReferenceType (Type *type) { assert(type); return GetClangASTContext().CreateLValueReferenceType(type->GetClangForwardType()); } void * Type::CreateClangRValueReferenceType (Type *type) { assert(type); return GetClangASTContext().CreateRValueReferenceType (type->GetClangForwardType()); } #endif // END REMOVE bool Type::IsRealObjCClass() { // For now we are just skipping ObjC classes that get made by hand from the runtime, because // those don't have any information. We could extend this to only return true for "full // definitions" if we can figure that out. if (m_clang_type.IsObjCObjectOrInterfaceType() && GetByteSize() != 0) return true; else return false; } ConstString Type::GetQualifiedName () { return GetClangForwardType().GetConstTypeName(); } bool Type::GetTypeScopeAndBasename (const char* &name_cstr, std::string &scope, std::string &basename, TypeClass &type_class) { // Protect against null c string. type_class = eTypeClassAny; if (name_cstr && name_cstr[0]) { llvm::StringRef name_strref(name_cstr); if (name_strref.startswith("struct ")) { name_cstr += 7; type_class = eTypeClassStruct; } else if (name_strref.startswith("class ")) { name_cstr += 6; type_class = eTypeClassClass; } else if (name_strref.startswith("union ")) { name_cstr += 6; type_class = eTypeClassUnion; } else if (name_strref.startswith("enum ")) { name_cstr += 5; type_class = eTypeClassEnumeration; } else if (name_strref.startswith("typedef ")) { name_cstr += 8; type_class = eTypeClassTypedef; } const char *basename_cstr = name_cstr; const char* namespace_separator = ::strstr (basename_cstr, "::"); if (namespace_separator) { const char* template_arg_char = ::strchr (basename_cstr, '<'); while (namespace_separator != NULL) { if (template_arg_char && namespace_separator > template_arg_char) // but namespace'd template arguments are still good to go break; basename_cstr = namespace_separator + 2; namespace_separator = strstr(basename_cstr, "::"); } if (basename_cstr > name_cstr) { scope.assign (name_cstr, basename_cstr - name_cstr); basename.assign (basename_cstr); return true; } } } return false; } TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName () : m_type_sp(), m_type_name() { } TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName (TypeSP &in_type_sp) : m_type_sp(in_type_sp) { if (in_type_sp) m_type_name = in_type_sp->GetName(); } TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName (const char *in_type_str) : m_type_name(in_type_str) { } TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName (const TypeAndOrName &rhs) : m_type_sp (rhs.m_type_sp), m_type_name (rhs.m_type_name) { } TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName (ConstString &in_type_const_string) : m_type_name (in_type_const_string) { } TypeAndOrName & TypeAndOrName::operator= (const TypeAndOrName &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { m_type_name = rhs.m_type_name; m_type_sp = rhs.m_type_sp; } return *this; } bool TypeAndOrName::operator==(const TypeAndOrName &other) const { if (m_type_sp != other.m_type_sp) return false; if (m_type_name != other.m_type_name) return false; return true; } bool TypeAndOrName::operator!=(const TypeAndOrName &other) const { if (m_type_sp != other.m_type_sp) return true; if (m_type_name != other.m_type_name) return true; return false; } ConstString TypeAndOrName::GetName () const { if (m_type_sp) return m_type_sp->GetName(); else return m_type_name; } void TypeAndOrName::SetName (const ConstString &type_name) { m_type_name = type_name; } void TypeAndOrName::SetName (const char *type_name_cstr) { m_type_name.SetCString (type_name_cstr); } void TypeAndOrName::SetTypeSP (lldb::TypeSP type_sp) { m_type_sp = type_sp; if (type_sp) m_type_name = type_sp->GetName(); } bool TypeAndOrName::IsEmpty() { if (m_type_name || m_type_sp) return false; else return true; } void TypeAndOrName::Clear () { m_type_name.Clear(); m_type_sp.reset(); } bool TypeAndOrName::HasName () { return (bool)m_type_name; } bool TypeAndOrName::HasTypeSP () { return m_type_sp.get() != NULL; } TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const lldb_private::ClangASTType& clang_ast_type) : m_clang_ast_type(clang_ast_type), m_type_sp() { } TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP& type) : m_clang_ast_type(type->GetClangForwardType()), m_type_sp(type) { } void TypeImpl::SetType (const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp) { if (type_sp) { m_clang_ast_type = type_sp->GetClangForwardType(); m_type_sp = type_sp; } else { m_clang_ast_type.Clear(); m_type_sp.reset(); } } TypeImpl& TypeImpl::operator = (const TypeImpl& rhs) { if (*this != rhs) { m_clang_ast_type = rhs.m_clang_ast_type; m_type_sp = rhs.m_type_sp; } return *this; } clang::ASTContext* TypeImpl::GetASTContext() { if (!IsValid()) return NULL; return m_clang_ast_type.GetASTContext(); } lldb::clang_type_t TypeImpl::GetOpaqueQualType() { if (!IsValid()) return NULL; return m_clang_ast_type.GetOpaqueQualType(); } bool TypeImpl::GetDescription (lldb_private::Stream &strm, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) { if (m_clang_ast_type.IsValid()) { m_clang_ast_type.DumpTypeDescription (&strm); } else { strm.PutCString ("No value"); } return true; } ConstString TypeImpl::GetName () { if (m_clang_ast_type.IsValid()) return m_clang_ast_type.GetConstTypeName(); return ConstString(); }