/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* ---- includes ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "b_BasicEm/Functions.h" #include "b_BasicEm/Math.h" #include "b_BitFeatureEm/L01Tld2x4Ftr.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ auxiliary functions } ---------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ constructor / destructor } ----------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_init( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA ) { bbf_Feature_init( cpA, &ptrA->baseE ); ptrA->baseE.typeE = ( uint32 )bbf_FT_L01_TLD_2X4_FTR; ptrA->baseE.vpActivityE = bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_activity; bbs_UInt32Arr_init( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE ); ptrA->activityFactorE = 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_exit( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA ) { bbf_Feature_exit( cpA, &ptrA->baseE ); bbs_UInt32Arr_exit( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE ); ptrA->activityFactorE = 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ operators } -------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_copy( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA, const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* srcPtrA ) { bbf_Feature_copy( cpA, &ptrA->baseE, &srcPtrA->baseE ); bbs_UInt32Arr_copy( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE, &srcPtrA->dataArrE ); ptrA->activityFactorE = srcPtrA->activityFactorE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ flag bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_equal( struct bbs_Context* cpA, const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA, const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* srcPtrA ) { if( !bbf_Feature_equal( cpA, &ptrA->baseE, &srcPtrA->baseE ) ) return FALSE; if( !bbs_UInt32Arr_equal( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE, &srcPtrA->dataArrE ) ) return FALSE; if( ptrA->activityFactorE != srcPtrA->activityFactorE ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ query functions } -------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ modify functions } ------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ I/O } -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memSize( struct bbs_Context* cpA, const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA ) { uint32 memSizeL = bbs_SIZEOF16( uint32 ) + bbs_SIZEOF16( uint32 ); /* version */ memSizeL += bbf_Feature_memSize( cpA, &ptrA->baseE ); memSizeL += bbs_UInt32Arr_memSize( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE ); memSizeL += bbs_SIZEOF16( ptrA->activityFactorE ); return memSizeL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memWrite( struct bbs_Context* cpA, const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA, uint16* memPtrA ) { uint32 memSizeL = bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memSize( cpA, ptrA ); memPtrA += bbs_memWrite32( &memSizeL, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbs_memWriteUInt32( bbf_L01_TLD_2X4_FTR_VERSION, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbf_Feature_memWrite( cpA, &ptrA->baseE, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbs_UInt32Arr_memWrite( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbs_memWrite32( &ptrA->activityFactorE, memPtrA ); return memSizeL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memRead( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrA, const uint16* memPtrA, struct bbs_MemTbl* mtpA ) { uint32 memSizeL, versionL; struct bbs_MemTbl memTblL = *mtpA; struct bbs_MemSeg* espL = bbs_MemTbl_fastestSegPtr( cpA, &memTblL, 0 ); if( bbs_Context_error( cpA ) ) return 0; memPtrA += bbs_memRead32( &memSizeL, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbs_memReadVersion32( cpA, &versionL, bbf_L01_TLD_2X4_FTR_VERSION, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbf_Feature_memRead( cpA, &ptrA->baseE, memPtrA ); memPtrA += bbs_UInt32Arr_memRead( cpA, &ptrA->dataArrE, memPtrA, espL ); memPtrA += bbs_memRead32( &ptrA->activityFactorE, memPtrA ); if( memSizeL != bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memSize( cpA, ptrA ) ) { bbs_ERR0( bbs_ERR_CORRUPT_DATA, "uint32 bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_memRead( struct bem_ScanGradientMove* ptrA, const uint16* memPtrA ):\n" "size mismatch" ); return 0; } return memSizeL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ exec functions } --------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int32 bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr_activity( const struct bbf_Feature* ptrA, const uint32* patchA ) { const struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* ptrL = ( struct bbf_L01Tld2x4Ftr* )ptrA; const uint32* dataPtrL = ptrL->dataArrE.arrPtrE; const uint32* patchL = patchA; uint32 iL; uint32 bs1L = 0; uint32 bs2L = 0; for( iL = ptrL->baseE.patchWidthE >> 3; iL > 0; iL-- ) { uint32 vL = ~dataPtrL[ 0 ]; /* compare with pattern */ uint32 s1L = patchL[ 0 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 1 ]; uint32 s2L = patchL[ 1 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 2 ]; /* bit count */ s1L = ( s1L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s1L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s1L = ( s1L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s1L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s2L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s2L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); /* compare with threshold and store results in vL */ vL |= ( ( s1L + s2L + dataPtrL[ 3 ] ) & 0x88888888 ) >> 3; /* compare with pattern */ s1L = patchL[ 2 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 4 ]; s2L = patchL[ 3 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 5 ]; /* bit count */ s1L = ( s1L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s1L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s1L = ( s1L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s1L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s2L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s2L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); /* compare with threshold and store results in vL */ vL |= ( ( s1L + s2L + dataPtrL[ 6 ] ) & 0x88888888 ) >> 2; /* compare with pattern */ s1L = patchL[ 4 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 7 ]; s2L = patchL[ 5 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 8 ]; /* bit count */ s1L = ( s1L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s1L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s1L = ( s1L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s1L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s2L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s2L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); /* compare with threshold and store results in vL */ vL |= ( ( s1L + s2L + dataPtrL[ 9 ] ) & 0x88888888 ) >> 1; /* compare with pattern */ s1L = patchL[ 6 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 10 ]; s2L = patchL[ 7 ] ^ dataPtrL[ 11 ]; /* bit count */ s1L = ( s1L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s1L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s1L = ( s1L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s1L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x55555555 ) + ( ( s2L >> 1 ) & 0x55555555 ); s2L = ( s2L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( s2L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); /* compare with threshold and store results in vL */ vL |= ( ( s1L + s2L + dataPtrL[ 12 ] ) & 0x88888888 ); vL = ~vL; /* add bits */ bs1L += vL & 0x55555555; bs2L += ( vL >> 1 ) & 0x55555555; dataPtrL += 13; patchL += 8; } /* complete partial sums and compute final confidence */ bs1L = ( bs1L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( bs1L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ) + ( bs2L & 0x33333333 ) + ( ( bs2L >> 2 ) & 0x33333333 ); bs1L = ( bs1L & 0x0F0F0F0F ) + ( ( bs1L >> 4 ) & 0x0F0F0F0F ); bs1L += bs1L >> 8; /* compute final activity */ { uint32 actL = ( bs1L + ( bs1L >> 16 ) ) & 0x0FF; return actL * ptrL->activityFactorE; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */