/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkPdfMapper_autogen.h" #include "SkPdfUtils.h" #include "SkPdfNativeObject.h" SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapALinkAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAlternateImageDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAnnotationActionsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAppearanceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapApplicationDataDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapArtifactsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapAttributeObjectDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapBeadDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapBorderStyleDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapBoxColorInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapBoxStyleDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCIDFontDescriptorDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCIDFontDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCIDSystemInfoDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCMapDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCatalogDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapCheckboxFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapChoiceFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapComponentsWithMetadataDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapDctdecodeFilterDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapDocumentInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEncodingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapEncryptionCommonDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFCatalogDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFFileAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFPageDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFTemplateDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFDFTrailerDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFileSpecificationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFileTrailerDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFontDescriptorDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFontDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFormFieldActionsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFreeTextAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapFunctionCommonDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapGoToActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapGraphicsStateDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapGroupAttributesDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapHideActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapIccProfileStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapIconFitDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapImportDataActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapInkAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapInteractiveFormDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapJavascriptActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapJavascriptDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapLabColorSpaceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapLaunchActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapLineAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapListAttributeDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMacOsFileInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMarkInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMarkedContentReferenceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMarkupAnnotationsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMetadataStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMovieActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMovieActivationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMovieAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMovieDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapNameDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapNameTreeNodeDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapNamedActionsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapNumberTreeNodeDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapObjectReferenceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapOpiVersionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapOutlineDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapOutlineItemDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPSXobjectDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPageLabelDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPageObjectActionsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPageObjectDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPagePieceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPageTreeNodeDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPopUpAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapPrinterMarkFormDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapRadioButtonFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapReferenceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapRemoteGoToActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapResetFormActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapResourceDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapRubberStampAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSeparationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSignatureDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSoftMaskDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSoundActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSoundAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSoundObjectDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSourceInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSquareOrCircleAnnotation(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStandardStructureDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStreamCommonDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStructureElementAccessDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStructureElementDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapStructureTreeRootDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSubmitFormActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTableAttributesDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTextAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTextFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapThreadActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapThreadDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTransitionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTransparencyGroupDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType0FunctionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType10HalftoneDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType16HalftoneDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType1HalftoneDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType1PatternDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType2FunctionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType2PatternDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType3FunctionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType5HalftoneDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType6HalftoneDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapURIActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapURIDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapURLAliasDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapVariableTextFieldDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapViewerPreferencesDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCaptureCommandDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCaptureDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCaptureImageSetDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCaptureInformationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWebCapturePageSetDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWidgetAnnotationDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapWindowsLaunchActionDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapXObjectDictionary(in))) return ret; return kDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapXObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isXObjectDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapImageDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType1FormDictionary(in))) return ret; return kXObjectDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType0FontDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType1FontDictionary(in))) return ret; return kFontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTrueTypeFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTrueTypeFontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTrueTypeFontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStreamCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStreamCommonDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStreamCommonDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapDctdecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isDctdecodeFilterDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kDctdecodeFilterDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFileTrailerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFileTrailerDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFileTrailerDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEncryptionCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEncryptionCommonDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEncryptionCommonDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCatalogDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCatalogDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCatalogDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPageTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPageTreeNodeDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPageTreeNodeDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPageObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPageObjectDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPageObjectDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapNameDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isNameDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kNameDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapResourceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isResourceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kResourceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapNameTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isNameTreeNodeDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kNameTreeNodeDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapNumberTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isNumberTreeNodeDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kNumberTreeNodeDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFunctionCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFunctionCommonDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFunctionCommonDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType0FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType0FunctionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType0FunctionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType2FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType2FunctionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType2FunctionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType3FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType3FunctionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType3FunctionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFileSpecificationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFileSpecificationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFileSpecificationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMacOsFileInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMacOsFileInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMacOsFileInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapGraphicsStateDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isGraphicsStateDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kGraphicsStateDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapLabColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isLabColorSpaceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kLabColorSpaceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapIccProfileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isIccProfileStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kIccProfileStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType1PatternDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType1PatternDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType1PatternDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType2PatternDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType2PatternDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType2PatternDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType1ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType2ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType3ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType4ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType5ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType6ShadingDictionary(in))) return ret; return kShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType1ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType1ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType1ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType2ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType2ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType2ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType3ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType3ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType3ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType4ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType4ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType4ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType5ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType5ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType5ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType6ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType6ShadingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType6ShadingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isImageDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapSoftMaskImageDictionary(in))) return ret; return kImageDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAlternateImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAlternateImageDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAlternateImageDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType1FormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType1FormDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType1FormDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapGroupAttributesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isGroupAttributesDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kGroupAttributesDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isReferenceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kReferenceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPSXobjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPSXobjectDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPSXobjectDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType1FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType1FontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; SkPdfNativeObjectType ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapMultiMasterFontDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapTrueTypeFontDictionary(in))) return ret; if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType != (ret = mapType3FontDictionary(in))) return ret; return kType1FontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType3FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType3FontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType3FontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEncodingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEncodingDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEncodingDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCIDSystemInfoDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCIDSystemInfoDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCIDSystemInfoDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCIDFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCIDFontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCIDFontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCMapDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCMapDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCMapDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType0FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType0FontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType0FontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFontDescriptorDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFontDescriptorDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFontDescriptorDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCIDFontDescriptorDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCIDFontDescriptorDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCIDFontDescriptorDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType1HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType1HalftoneDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType1HalftoneDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType6HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType6HalftoneDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType6HalftoneDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType10HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType10HalftoneDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType10HalftoneDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType16HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType16HalftoneDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType16HalftoneDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapType5HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isType5HalftoneDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kType5HalftoneDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSoftMaskDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSoftMaskDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSoftMaskDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSoftMaskImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSoftMaskImageDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSoftMaskImageDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTransparencyGroupDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTransparencyGroupDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTransparencyGroupDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapViewerPreferencesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isViewerPreferencesDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kViewerPreferencesDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapOutlineDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isOutlineDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kOutlineDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapOutlineItemDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isOutlineItemDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kOutlineItemDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPageLabelDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPageLabelDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPageLabelDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapThreadDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isThreadDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kThreadDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapBeadDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isBeadDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kBeadDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTransitionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTransitionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTransitionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapBorderStyleDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isBorderStyleDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kBorderStyleDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAppearanceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAppearanceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAppearanceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTextAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTextAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTextAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapALinkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isALinkAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kALinkAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFreeTextAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFreeTextAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFreeTextAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapLineAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isLineAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kLineAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSquareOrCircleAnnotation(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSquareOrCircleAnnotation(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSquareOrCircleAnnotation_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMarkupAnnotationsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMarkupAnnotationsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMarkupAnnotationsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapRubberStampAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isRubberStampAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kRubberStampAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapInkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isInkAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kInkAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPopUpAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPopUpAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPopUpAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSoundAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSoundAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSoundAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMovieAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMovieAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMovieAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWidgetAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWidgetAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWidgetAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAnnotationActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAnnotationActionsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAnnotationActionsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPageObjectActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPageObjectActionsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPageObjectActionsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFormFieldActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFormFieldActionsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFormFieldActionsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapGoToActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isGoToActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kGoToActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapRemoteGoToActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isRemoteGoToActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kRemoteGoToActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapLaunchActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isLaunchActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kLaunchActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWindowsLaunchActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWindowsLaunchActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWindowsLaunchActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapThreadActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isThreadActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kThreadActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapURIActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isURIActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kURIActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapURIDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isURIDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kURIDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSoundActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSoundActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSoundActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMovieActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMovieActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMovieActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapHideActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isHideActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kHideActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapNamedActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isNamedActionsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kNamedActionsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapInteractiveFormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isInteractiveFormDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kInteractiveFormDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapVariableTextFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isVariableTextFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kVariableTextFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapCheckboxFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isCheckboxFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kCheckboxFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapRadioButtonFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isRadioButtonFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kRadioButtonFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTextFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTextFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTextFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapChoiceFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isChoiceFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kChoiceFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSignatureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSignatureDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSignatureDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSubmitFormActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSubmitFormActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSubmitFormActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapResetFormActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isResetFormActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kResetFormActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapImportDataActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isImportDataActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kImportDataActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapJavascriptActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isJavascriptActionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kJavascriptActionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFTrailerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFTrailerDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFTrailerDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFCatalogDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFCatalogDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFCatalogDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapJavascriptDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isJavascriptDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kJavascriptDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFFieldDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFFieldDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapIconFitDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isIconFitDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kIconFitDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFPageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFPageDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFPageDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFTemplateDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFTemplateDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFTemplateDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapFDFFileAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isFDFFileAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kFDFFileAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSoundObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSoundObjectDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSoundObjectDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMovieDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMovieDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMovieDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMovieActivationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMovieActivationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMovieActivationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapDocumentInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isDocumentInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kDocumentInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMetadataStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMetadataStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMetadataStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapComponentsWithMetadataDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isComponentsWithMetadataDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kComponentsWithMetadataDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPagePieceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPagePieceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPagePieceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapApplicationDataDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isApplicationDataDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kApplicationDataDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStructureTreeRootDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStructureTreeRootDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStructureTreeRootDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStructureElementDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStructureElementDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStructureElementDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMarkedContentReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMarkedContentReferenceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMarkedContentReferenceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapObjectReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isObjectReferenceDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kObjectReferenceDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStructureElementAccessDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStructureElementAccessDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStructureElementAccessDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapAttributeObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isAttributeObjectDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kAttributeObjectDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMarkInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMarkInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMarkInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapArtifactsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isArtifactsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kArtifactsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapStandardStructureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isStandardStructureDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kStandardStructureDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapListAttributeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isListAttributeDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kListAttributeDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTableAttributesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTableAttributesDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTableAttributesDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCaptureInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCaptureInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCaptureInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCaptureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCaptureDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCaptureDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCapturePageSetDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCapturePageSetDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCapturePageSetDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCaptureImageSetDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCaptureImageSetDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCaptureImageSetDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSourceInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSourceInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSourceInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapURLAliasDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isURLAliasDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kURLAliasDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCaptureCommandDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCaptureCommandDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCaptureCommandDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapBoxColorInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isBoxColorInformationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kBoxColorInformationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapBoxStyleDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isBoxStyleDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kBoxStyleDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPrinterMarkFormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPrinterMarkFormDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPrinterMarkFormDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapSeparationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isSeparationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kSeparationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapOpiVersionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isOpiVersionDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kOpiVersionDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } SkPdfNativeObjectType SkPdfMapper::mapMultiMasterFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* in) const { if (in == NULL || !isMultiMasterFontDictionary(in)) return kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType; return kMultiMasterFontDictionary_SkPdfNativeObjectType; } bool SkPdfMapper::isDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isXObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfXObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfXObjectDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapXObjectDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfXObjectDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfXObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfXObjectDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfXObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfXObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTrueTypeFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "TrueType")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTrueTypeFontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStreamCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStreamCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStreamCommonDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStreamCommonDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStreamCommonDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStreamCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStreamCommonDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStreamCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStreamCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfLzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCcittfaxdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfJbig2DecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isDctdecodeFilterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapDctdecodeFilterDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfDctdecodeFilterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFileTrailerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFileTrailerDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFileTrailerDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFileTrailerDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFileTrailerDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFileTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFileTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEncryptionCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEncryptionCommonDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEncryptionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStandardSecurityHandlerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCatalogDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCatalogDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCatalogDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCatalogDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCatalogDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPageTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPageTreeNodeDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPageTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPageObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPageObjectDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPageObjectDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPageObjectDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPageObjectDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPageObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPageObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isNameDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNameDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfNameDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapNameDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfNameDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNameDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfNameDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfNameDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfNameDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isResourceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfResourceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfResourceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapResourceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfResourceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfResourceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfResourceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfResourceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfResourceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isNameTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapNameTreeNodeDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfNameTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isNumberTreeNodeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapNumberTreeNodeDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfNumberTreeNodeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFunctionCommonDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFunctionCommonDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFunctionCommonDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType0FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType0FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType0FunctionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType0FunctionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType0FunctionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType0FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType0FunctionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType0FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType0FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType2FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType2FunctionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType2FunctionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType2FunctionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType2FunctionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType2FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType2FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType3FunctionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType3FunctionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType3FunctionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType3FunctionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType3FunctionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType3FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType3FunctionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFileSpecificationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFileSpecificationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFileSpecificationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEmbeddedFileParameterDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMacOsFileInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMacOsFileInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMacOsFileInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isGraphicsStateDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapGraphicsStateDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfGraphicsStateDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCalgrayColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCalrgbColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isLabColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapLabColorSpaceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfLabColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isIccProfileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapIccProfileStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfDeviceNColorSpaceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType1PatternDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("PatternType", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isInteger()) return false; if ((ret->intValue() != 1)) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType1PatternDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType1PatternDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType1PatternDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType1PatternDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType1PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType1PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType2PatternDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType2PatternDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType2PatternDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType2PatternDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType2PatternDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType2PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType2PatternDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType1ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType1ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType1ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType1ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType1ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType1ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType1ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType2ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType2ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType2ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType2ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType2ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType2ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType2ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType2ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType3ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType3ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType3ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType3ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType3ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType3ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType3ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType4ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType4ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType4ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType4ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType4ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType4ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType4ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType4ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType4ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType5ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType5ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType5ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType5ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType5ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType5ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType5ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType5ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType5ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType6ShadingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType6ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType6ShadingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType6ShadingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType6ShadingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType6ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType6ShadingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType6ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType6ShadingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Image") && (ret->nameValue2() != "Image")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfImageDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapImageDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfImageDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfImageDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAlternateImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAlternateImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAlternateImageDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAlternateImageDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAlternateImageDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAlternateImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAlternateImageDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAlternateImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAlternateImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType1FormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Form")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1FormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType1FormDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType1FormDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType1FormDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1FormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType1FormDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType1FormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType1FormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isGroupAttributesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapGroupAttributesDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfGroupAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfReferenceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapReferenceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfReferenceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfReferenceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPSXobjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPSXobjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPSXobjectDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPSXobjectDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPSXobjectDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPSXobjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPSXobjectDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPSXobjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPSXobjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType1FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "MMType1") && (ret->nameValue2() != "TrueType") && (ret->nameValue2() != "Type3") && (ret->nameValue2() != "Type1")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType1FontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType1FontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType1FontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType1FontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType1FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType1FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType3FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Type3")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType3FontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType3FontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType3FontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType3FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType3FontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType3FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType3FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEncodingDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncodingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEncodingDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEncodingDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEncodingDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncodingDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEncodingDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEncodingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEncodingDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCIDSystemInfoDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCIDSystemInfoDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCIDSystemInfoDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCIDFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "CIDFontType0") && (ret->nameValue2() != "CIDFontType2")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCIDFontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCIDFontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCIDFontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCIDFontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCIDFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCIDFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCMapDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCMapDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCMapDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCMapDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCMapDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCMapDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCMapDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCMapDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCMapDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType0FontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Type0")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType0FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType0FontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType0FontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType0FontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType0FontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType0FontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType0FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType0FontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFontDescriptorDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Type", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "FontDescriptor")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFontDescriptorDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCIDFontDescriptorDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCIDFontDescriptorDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCIDFontDescriptorDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEmbeddedFontStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType1HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType1HalftoneDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType1HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType6HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType6HalftoneDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType6HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType10HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType10HalftoneDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType10HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType16HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType16HalftoneDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType16HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isType5HalftoneDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapType5HalftoneDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfType5HalftoneDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSoftMaskDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("S", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Alpha") && (ret->nameValue2() != "Luminosity")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoftMaskDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSoftMaskDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSoftMaskDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSoftMaskDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoftMaskDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSoftMaskDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSoftMaskDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSoftMaskDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSoftMaskImageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Image")) return false; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("ColorSpace", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "DeviceGray") && (ret->nameValue2() != "Gray")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSoftMaskImageDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSoftMaskImageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTransparencyGroupDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("S", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "Transparency")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTransparencyGroupDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTransparencyGroupDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isViewerPreferencesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapViewerPreferencesDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfViewerPreferencesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isOutlineDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOutlineDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfOutlineDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapOutlineDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfOutlineDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOutlineDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfOutlineDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfOutlineDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfOutlineDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isOutlineItemDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOutlineItemDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfOutlineItemDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapOutlineItemDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfOutlineItemDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOutlineItemDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfOutlineItemDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfOutlineItemDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfOutlineItemDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPageLabelDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageLabelDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPageLabelDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPageLabelDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPageLabelDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageLabelDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPageLabelDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPageLabelDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPageLabelDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isThreadDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfThreadDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfThreadDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapThreadDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfThreadDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfThreadDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfThreadDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfThreadDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfThreadDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isBeadDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBeadDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfBeadDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapBeadDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfBeadDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBeadDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfBeadDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfBeadDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfBeadDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTransitionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTransitionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTransitionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTransitionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTransitionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTransitionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTransitionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTransitionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTransitionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isBorderStyleDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBorderStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfBorderStyleDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapBorderStyleDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfBorderStyleDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBorderStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfBorderStyleDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfBorderStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfBorderStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAppearanceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAppearanceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAppearanceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAppearanceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAppearanceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAppearanceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAppearanceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAppearanceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAppearanceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTextAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTextAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isALinkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapALinkAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfALinkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFreeTextAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFreeTextAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFreeTextAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isLineAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapLineAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfLineAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSquareOrCircleAnnotation(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotationFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotation** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSquareOrCircleAnnotation(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotation*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotationFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotation** data) const { if (SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotationFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSquareOrCircleAnnotationFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMarkupAnnotationsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMarkupAnnotationsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMarkupAnnotationsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isRubberStampAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapRubberStampAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfRubberStampAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isInkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapInkAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfInkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPopUpAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPopUpAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPopUpAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFileAttachmentAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSoundAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSoundAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSoundAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMovieAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMovieAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMovieAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWidgetAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWidgetAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWidgetAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAnnotationActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAnnotationActionsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAnnotationActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPageObjectActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPageObjectActionsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPageObjectActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFormFieldActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFormFieldActionsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFormFieldActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfDocumentCatalogActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isGoToActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfGoToActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapGoToActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfGoToActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfGoToActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isRemoteGoToActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapRemoteGoToActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfRemoteGoToActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isLaunchActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfLaunchActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapLaunchActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfLaunchActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfLaunchActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWindowsLaunchActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWindowsLaunchActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWindowsLaunchActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isThreadActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfThreadActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfThreadActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapThreadActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfThreadActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfThreadActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfThreadActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfThreadActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfThreadActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isURIActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURIActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfURIActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapURIActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfURIActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURIActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfURIActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfURIActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfURIActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isURIDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURIDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfURIDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapURIDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfURIDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURIDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfURIDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfURIDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfURIDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSoundActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSoundActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSoundActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSoundActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSoundActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSoundActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSoundActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMovieActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMovieActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMovieActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMovieActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMovieActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMovieActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMovieActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isHideActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfHideActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfHideActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapHideActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfHideActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfHideActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfHideActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfHideActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfHideActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isNamedActionsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNamedActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfNamedActionsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapNamedActionsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfNamedActionsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfNamedActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfNamedActionsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfNamedActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfNamedActionsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isInteractiveFormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapInteractiveFormDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfInteractiveFormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isVariableTextFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapVariableTextFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfVariableTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isCheckboxFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapCheckboxFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfCheckboxFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isRadioButtonFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapRadioButtonFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfRadioButtonFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTextFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTextFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTextFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTextFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTextFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTextFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isChoiceFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapChoiceFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfChoiceFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSignatureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSignatureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSignatureDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSignatureDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSignatureDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSignatureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSignatureDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSignatureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSignatureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSubmitFormActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSubmitFormActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSubmitFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isResetFormActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfResetFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfResetFormActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapResetFormActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfResetFormActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfResetFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfResetFormActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfResetFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfResetFormActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isImportDataActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfImportDataActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfImportDataActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapImportDataActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfImportDataActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfImportDataActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfImportDataActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfImportDataActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfImportDataActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isJavascriptActionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapJavascriptActionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfJavascriptActionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFTrailerDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFTrailerDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFTrailerDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFCatalogDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFCatalogDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFCatalogDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfEncryptedEmbeddedFileStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isJavascriptDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJavascriptDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfJavascriptDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapJavascriptDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfJavascriptDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfJavascriptDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfJavascriptDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfJavascriptDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfJavascriptDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFFieldDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFFieldDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFFieldDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFFieldDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFFieldDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFFieldDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isIconFitDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfIconFitDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfIconFitDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapIconFitDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfIconFitDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfIconFitDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfIconFitDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfIconFitDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfIconFitDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFPageDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFPageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFPageDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFPageDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFPageDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFPageDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFPageDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFPageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFPageDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFTemplateDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFTemplateDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFTemplateDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFNamedPageReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isFDFFileAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapFDFFileAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfFDFFileAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSoundObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSoundObjectDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSoundObjectDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSoundObjectDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSoundObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSoundObjectDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSoundObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSoundObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMovieDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMovieDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMovieDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMovieDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMovieDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMovieDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMovieDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMovieActivationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieActivationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMovieActivationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMovieActivationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMovieActivationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMovieActivationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMovieActivationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMovieActivationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMovieActivationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isDocumentInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapDocumentInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfDocumentInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMetadataStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMetadataStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMetadataStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isComponentsWithMetadataDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapComponentsWithMetadataDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfComponentsWithMetadataDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPagePieceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPagePieceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPagePieceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPagePieceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPagePieceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPagePieceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPagePieceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPagePieceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPagePieceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isApplicationDataDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfApplicationDataDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfApplicationDataDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapApplicationDataDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfApplicationDataDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfApplicationDataDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfApplicationDataDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfApplicationDataDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfApplicationDataDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStructureTreeRootDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStructureTreeRootDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStructureTreeRootDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStructureElementDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureElementDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStructureElementDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStructureElementDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStructureElementDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureElementDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStructureElementDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStructureElementDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStructureElementDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMarkedContentReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMarkedContentReferenceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMarkedContentReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isObjectReferenceDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapObjectReferenceDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfObjectReferenceDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStructureElementAccessDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStructureElementAccessDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStructureElementAccessDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isAttributeObjectDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapAttributeObjectDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfAttributeObjectDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMarkInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMarkInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMarkInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMarkInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMarkInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMarkInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMarkInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMarkInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isArtifactsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfArtifactsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfArtifactsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapArtifactsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfArtifactsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfArtifactsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfArtifactsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfArtifactsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfArtifactsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isStandardStructureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStandardStructureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfStandardStructureDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapStandardStructureDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfStandardStructureDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfStandardStructureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfStandardStructureDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfStandardStructureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfStandardStructureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfBlockLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfInlineLevelStructureElementsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isListAttributeDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfListAttributeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfListAttributeDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapListAttributeDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfListAttributeDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfListAttributeDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfListAttributeDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfListAttributeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfListAttributeDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTableAttributesDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTableAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTableAttributesDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTableAttributesDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTableAttributesDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTableAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTableAttributesDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTableAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTableAttributesDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCaptureInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCaptureInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCaptureInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCaptureDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCaptureDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCaptureDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCaptureDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCaptureDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCaptureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCaptureDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCapturePageSetDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCapturePageSetDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCapturePageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCaptureImageSetDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCaptureImageSetDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCaptureImageSetDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSourceInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSourceInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSourceInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSourceInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSourceInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSourceInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSourceInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSourceInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSourceInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isURLAliasDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURLAliasDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfURLAliasDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapURLAliasDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfURLAliasDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfURLAliasDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfURLAliasDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfURLAliasDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfURLAliasDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCaptureCommandDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCaptureCommandDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCaptureCommandDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfWebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isBoxColorInformationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapBoxColorInformationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfBoxColorInformationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isBoxStyleDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBoxStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfBoxStyleDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapBoxStyleDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfBoxStyleDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfBoxStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfBoxStyleDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfBoxStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfBoxStyleDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPrinterMarkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPrinterMarkFormDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPrinterMarkFormDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPrinterMarkFormDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isSeparationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSeparationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfSeparationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapSeparationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfSeparationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfSeparationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfSeparationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfSeparationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfSeparationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfPDF_XOutputIntentDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTrapNetworkAnnotationDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfTrapNetworkAppearanceStreamDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isOpiVersionDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOpiVersionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfOpiVersionDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapOpiVersionDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfOpiVersionDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfOpiVersionDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfOpiVersionDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfOpiVersionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfOpiVersionDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); } bool SkPdfMapper::isMultiMasterFontDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* nativeObj) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* ret = NULL; if (!nativeObj->isDictionary()) return false; ret = nativeObj->get("Subtype", ""); if (ret == NULL || !ret->isName()) return false; if ((ret->nameValue2() != "MMType1")) return false; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionary** data) const { const SkPdfNativeObject* value = dict->get(key); if (value == NULL) { return false; } if (data == NULL) { return true; } if (kNone_SkPdfNativeObjectType == mapMultiMasterFontDictionary(value)) return false; *data = (SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionary*)value; return true; } bool SkPdfMapper::SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPdfNativeObject* dict, const char* key, const char* abr, SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionary** data) const { if (SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, key, data)) return true; if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false; return SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionaryFromDictionary(dict, abr, data); }