/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "skdiff.h" #include "skdiff_utils.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "SkImageDecoder.h" #include "SkImageEncoder.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkTypes.h" bool are_buffers_equal(SkData* skdata1, SkData* skdata2) { if ((NULL == skdata1) || (NULL == skdata2)) { return false; } if (skdata1->size() != skdata2->size()) { return false; } return (0 == memcmp(skdata1->data(), skdata2->data(), skdata1->size())); } SkData* read_file(const char* file_path) { SkData* data = SkData::NewFromFileName(file_path); if (!data) { SkDebugf("WARNING: could not open file <%s> for reading\n", file_path); } return data; } bool get_bitmap(SkData* fileBits, DiffResource& resource, SkImageDecoder::Mode mode) { SkMemoryStream stream(fileBits->data(), fileBits->size()); SkImageDecoder* codec = SkImageDecoder::Factory(&stream); if (NULL == codec) { SkDebugf("ERROR: no codec found for <%s>\n", resource.fFullPath.c_str()); resource.fStatus = DiffResource::kCouldNotDecode_Status; return false; } // In debug, the DLL will automatically be unloaded when this is deleted, // but that shouldn't be a problem in release mode. SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> ad(codec); stream.rewind(); if (!codec->decode(&stream, &resource.fBitmap, kN32_SkColorType, mode)) { SkDebugf("ERROR: codec failed for basePath <%s>\n", resource.fFullPath.c_str()); resource.fStatus = DiffResource::kCouldNotDecode_Status; return false; } resource.fStatus = DiffResource::kDecoded_Status; return true; } /** Thanks to PNG, we need to force all pixels 100% opaque. */ static void force_all_opaque(const SkBitmap& bitmap) { SkAutoLockPixels lock(bitmap); for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.width(); x++) { *bitmap.getAddr32(x, y) |= (SK_A32_MASK << SK_A32_SHIFT); } } } bool write_bitmap(const SkString& path, const SkBitmap& bitmap) { SkBitmap copy; bitmap.copyTo(©, kN32_SkColorType); force_all_opaque(copy); return SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(path.c_str(), copy, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100); } /// Return a copy of the "input" string, within which we have replaced all instances /// of oldSubstring with newSubstring. /// /// TODO: If we like this, we should move it into the core SkString implementation, /// adding more checks and ample test cases, and paying more attention to efficiency. static SkString replace_all(const SkString &input, const char oldSubstring[], const char newSubstring[]) { SkString output; const char *input_cstr = input.c_str(); const char *first_char = input_cstr; const char *match_char; size_t oldSubstringLen = strlen(oldSubstring); while ((match_char = strstr(first_char, oldSubstring))) { output.append(first_char, (match_char - first_char)); output.append(newSubstring); first_char = match_char + oldSubstringLen; } output.append(first_char); return output; } static SkString filename_to_derived_filename(const SkString& filename, const char *suffix) { SkString diffName (filename); const char* cstring = diffName.c_str(); size_t dotOffset = strrchr(cstring, '.') - cstring; diffName.remove(dotOffset, diffName.size() - dotOffset); diffName.append(suffix); // In case we recursed into subdirectories, replace slashes with something else // so the diffs will all be written into a single flat directory. diffName = replace_all(diffName, PATH_DIV_STR, "_"); return diffName; } SkString filename_to_diff_filename(const SkString& filename) { return filename_to_derived_filename(filename, "-diff.png"); } SkString filename_to_white_filename(const SkString& filename) { return filename_to_derived_filename(filename, "-white.png"); } void create_and_write_diff_image(DiffRecord* drp, DiffMetricProc dmp, const int colorThreshold, const SkString& outputDir, const SkString& filename) { const int w = drp->fBase.fBitmap.width(); const int h = drp->fBase.fBitmap.height(); if (w != drp->fComparison.fBitmap.width() || h != drp->fComparison.fBitmap.height()) { drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kDifferentSizes_Result; } else { drp->fDifference.fBitmap.allocN32Pixels(w, h); drp->fWhite.fBitmap.allocN32Pixels(w, h); SkASSERT(DiffRecord::kUnknown_Result == drp->fResult); compute_diff(drp, dmp, colorThreshold); SkASSERT(DiffRecord::kUnknown_Result != drp->fResult); } if (outputDir.isEmpty()) { drp->fDifference.fStatus = DiffResource::kUnspecified_Status; drp->fWhite.fStatus = DiffResource::kUnspecified_Status; } else { drp->fDifference.fFilename = filename_to_diff_filename(filename); drp->fDifference.fFullPath = outputDir; drp->fDifference.fFullPath.append(drp->fDifference.fFilename); drp->fDifference.fStatus = DiffResource::kSpecified_Status; drp->fWhite.fFilename = filename_to_white_filename(filename); drp->fWhite.fFullPath = outputDir; drp->fWhite.fFullPath.append(drp->fWhite.fFilename); drp->fWhite.fStatus = DiffResource::kSpecified_Status; if (DiffRecord::kDifferentPixels_Result == drp->fResult) { if (write_bitmap(drp->fDifference.fFullPath, drp->fDifference.fBitmap)) { drp->fDifference.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status; } else { drp->fDifference.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status; } if (write_bitmap(drp->fWhite.fFullPath, drp->fWhite.fBitmap)) { drp->fWhite.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status; } else { drp->fWhite.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status; } } } }