excludeFromSuggestions=true page.title=In-app Billing Version Notes @jd:body

The In-app Billing API is versioned, with each version offering additional features to your app. API support is provided by the Google Play Store app. On most devices, the Google Play Store app is updated automatically to support newer versions of the API.

The sections below list the supported versions of the In-app Billing API.

How to check for In-app Billing version

At run time, your app can query the Google Play Store app to determine what version of the API it supports and what features are available.

In-app Billing version 5

February 2015

In-app Billing version 4

Version 4 of the In-app Billing API did not introduce any public functionality.

In-app Billing version 3

February 2013

In-app Billing version 2

May 2012

In-app Billing version 1

March 2011