page.title=Building Your First App page.metaDescription=If you're new to Android app development, this where you should begin. This series of lessons shows you how to create a new project, build a simple app, and run it on a device or emulator. trainingnavtop=true startpage=true page.tags=sdk tools helpoutsWidget=true @jd:body
Welcome to Android application development!
This class teaches you how to build your first Android app. You’ll learn how to create an Android project and run a debuggable version of the app. You'll also learn some fundamentals of Android app design, including how to build a simple user interface and handle user input.
Before you start this class, be sure you have your development environment set up. You need to:
Note: Although most of this training class expects that you're using Android Studio, some procedures include alternative instructions for using the SDK tools from the command line instead.
This class uses a tutorial format to create a small Android app that teaches you some fundamental concepts about Android development, so it's important that you follow each step.