buildscript { repositories { maven { url '../../prebuilts/gradle-plugin' } maven { url '../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository' } maven { url '../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/internal' } } dependencies { classpath '' } } ext.supportVersion = '23.0.0' ext.extraVersion = 17 ext.supportRepoOut = '' ext.buildToolsVersion = '22.1.0' ext.buildNumber = Integer.toString(ext.extraVersion) /* * With the build server you are given two env variables. * The OUT_DIR is a temporary directory you can use to put things during the build. * The DIST_DIR is where you want to save things from the build. * * The build server will copy the contents of DIST_DIR to somewhere and make it available. */ if (System.env.DIST_DIR != null && System.env.OUT_DIR != null) { buildDir = new File(System.env.OUT_DIR + '/gradle/frameworks/support/build').getCanonicalFile() project.ext.distDir = new File(System.env.DIST_DIR).getCanonicalFile() // the build server does not pass the build number so we infer it from the last folder of the dist path. ext.buildNumber = project.ext.distDir.getName() } else { buildDir = file('../../out/host/gradle/frameworks/support/build') project.ext.distDir = file('../../out/dist') } ext.supportRepoOut = new File(buildDir, 'support_repo') // Main task called by the build server. task(createArchive) << { } // upload anchor for subprojects to upload their artifacts // to the local repo. task(mainUpload) << { } // repository creation task task createRepository(type: Zip, dependsOn: mainUpload) { from project.ext.supportRepoOut destinationDir project.ext.distDir into 'm2repository' baseName = String.format("sdk-repo-linux-m2repository-%s", project.ext.buildNumber) } createArchive.dependsOn createRepository // prepare repository with older versions task unzipRepo(type: Copy) { from "$rootDir/../../prebuilts/maven_repo/android" into project.ext.supportRepoOut } unzipRepo.doFirst { project.ext.supportRepoOut.deleteDir() project.ext.supportRepoOut.mkdirs() } // anchor for prepare repo. This is post unzip + sourceProp. task(prepareRepo) << { } import import task(createXml) << { def repoArchive = createRepository.archivePath def repoArchiveName = createRepository.archiveName def size = repoArchive.length() def sha1 = getSha1(repoArchive) def xml = "\n\ \n\ \n\ ${project.ext.extraVersion}\n\ \n\ Android\n\ android\n\ Local Maven repository for Support Libraries\n\ m2repository\n\ \n\ \n\ ${size}\n\ ${sha1}\n\ ${repoArchiveName}\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ " Files.write(xml, new File(project.ext.distDir, 'repo-extras.xml'), Charsets.UTF_8) } createArchive.dependsOn createXml task(createSourceProp) << { def sourceProp = "Extra.VendorDisplay=Android\n\ Extra.Path=m2repository\n\ Archive.Arch=ANY\n\ Extra.NameDisplay=Android Support Repository\n\ Archive.Os=ANY\n\ Pkg.Revision=${project.ext.extraVersion}.0.0\n\ Extra.VendorId=android" Files.write(sourceProp, new File(project.ext.supportRepoOut, ''), Charsets.UTF_8) } createSourceProp.dependsOn unzipRepo prepareRepo.dependsOn createSourceProp import import import import java.nio.charset.Charset def getSha1(File inputFile) { HashFunction hashFunction = Hashing.sha1() HashCode hashCode = hashFunction.hashString(inputFile.getAbsolutePath(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")) return hashCode.toString() } subprojects { // Change buildDir first so that all plugins pick up the new value. project.buildDir = project.file("$project.parent.buildDir/../$") apply plugin: 'maven' version = rootProject.ext.supportVersion group = '' repositories { maven { url "${project.parent.projectDir}/../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository" } maven { url "${project.parent.projectDir}/../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/internal" } maven { url "${project.parent.projectDir}/../../prebuilts/maven_repo/android" } } task release(type: Upload) { configuration = configurations.archives repositories { mavenDeployer { repository(url: uri("$rootProject.ext.supportRepoOut")) } } } def deployer = release.repositories.mavenDeployer deployer.pom*.whenConfigured { pom -> pom.dependencies.findAll {dep -> dep.groupId == '' && dep.artifactId != 'support-annotations' }*.type = 'aar' } // before the upload, make sure the repo is ready. release.dependsOn rootProject.tasks.prepareRepo // make the mainupload depend on this one. mainUpload.dependsOn release project.plugins.whenPluginAdded { plugin -> if ("".equals( { = rootProject.buildToolsVersion } } } FileCollection getAndroidPrebuilt(String apiLevel) { files("$rootDir/../../prebuilts/sdk/$apiLevel/android.jar") }